Mindfulness requires individuals to intensely focus on their sensations and feelings in the present moment, without interpretation or judgment [1]. Meditation is a cognitive enhancement method that facilitates brain remodeling [2]. Mindfulness meditation usually combines meditation with the practice of mindfulness, which entails full attention to the present moment and the acceptance of thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment [3].
Mindfulness meditation can be categorized into two types: open mindfulness meditation and focused mindfulness meditation [4, 5]. Open mindfulness meditation involves a broader observation of things around oneself, the body, and the mind (e.g., thoughts, feelings, memories) with an open and vairagya (non-attachment) approach [4]. On the other hand, focused mindfulness meditation involves concentrating on a specific object (e.g., breathing, repeated spells, or imaginary images) [5].
Both open and focused mindfulness meditation offer valuable benefits. However, compared with open mindfulness meditation, focused mindfulness meditation provides a clear and tangible point of focus (e.g., breathing). Thus, focused mindfulness can make it easier for the beginners to understand and practice as they have a specific anchor to return to when the mind wanders during mindfulness practices [4, 6]. Studies have shown that focused mindfulness meditation can enhance focused attention more effectively than open mindfulness meditation [6]. Moreover, staying focused on the present moment allows individuals to observe their thoughts and emotions without immediate judgment, leading to reduced reactivity and increased resilience in the face of stress [7]. Recent studies have demonstrated that focused mindfulness meditation improves emotional regulation, including the reduction of negative emotions and enhancements in physical and mental health [8].
As mindfulness meditation receives increasing attention, brief focused mindfulness meditation is gradually obtaining public acceptance. Brief focused mindfulness meditation is a shorter meditation practice, typically lasting from a few minutes to ten minutes [9]. Such practice allows individuals to quickly reap the benefits of meditation amidst their busy daily lives, promoting relaxation of the mind and body, reducing stress, and enhancing concentration. Research has shown that even a brief mindfulness meditation practice can positively impact mood regulation and cognitive functioning [10]. Therefore, our study would primarily investigate the effects of brief and focused mindfulness meditation in young adults.
As the scientific community increasingly strives to quantify the effects of mindfulness meditation, various methods have been employed to establish neural association in mindfulness meditation. One such technique is Electroencephalography (EEG), which records physiological electrical brain activity and provides measurements of large-scale neural network synchronization. EEG is used to analyze brain activity in specific meditative states [11]. EEG data is usually analyzed in different frequency bands, namely theta, alpha, beta, and gamma waves, with frequency bands of 4–7 Hz, 8–13 Hz, 14–30 Hz, and 31–80 Hz respectively.
Traditional approach of EEG analysis is usually hard to empirically elucidate the nonlinear, multidimensional, and complex system-level endogenous electrophysiological activity that likely characterizes the intricate brain states during mindfulness meditation [12]. Deep learning (DL) is a type of machine learning that utilizes computational methods to learn intrinsic patterns or characteristics from samples. Recently, several researchers have applied deep learning to EEG data from mindfulness meditation [13–16] by Support Vector Machine (SVM) and a spectral feature-based Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to classify the mindfulness meditation expertise of focused breathing practitioners. Sharma et al. [17] used Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to distinguish between meditators and non-meditators.
Three models of deep learning might be applied in classification of EEG data features: the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). MLP is a type of feedforward neural network consisting of an input layer, hidden layers, and an output layer. It utilizes the backpropagation algorithm for network parameter training. Due to its simple structure and ease of training, MLP was widely employed in early studies on the classification of brain electroencephalogram (EEG) signals [18]. However, MLP exhibits limited capabilities in handling time-series signals and fails to effectively extract temporal dynamic features from EEG signals. LSTM is a type of recurrent neural network, incorporates memory units and gate mechanisms in its hidden layers [19], making it more suitable for processing time-series data. In EEG signal classification tasks, LSTM performs well [20] because EEG signals inherently possess temporal dependencies, and can capture long-term temporal relationship. CNN employs convolutional and pooling layers to extract local and spatial features from input signals [21]. In processing EEG signals, CNN can learn spatial characteristics between different channels [22] but exhibits weaker capabilities in modeling temporal dynamic information.
Previous EEG studies not only identified a number of mindfulness meditation-related EEG frequencies in theta and alpha wave activity [23], but also showed that mindfulness meditation is longitudinally associated with increased theta and alpha band power of the EEG [24, 25]. After the intervention of mindfulness, the alpha and theta wave power of the patient's brain area increased. The change in power fluctuation was more obvious on the left side of the brain area than on the right side, and the brain waves on both sides showed asymmetric changes. Furthermore, different types of mindfulness meditation practices are associated with unique frequency patterns [26].
Additional studies have shown that alpha and theta wave power in the brain tends to increase during mindfulness meditation compared to the resting state [27]. This simultaneous increase in alpha and theta waves may suggest a relaxed state of alertness, which is beneficial for mental health [11]. When compared to a resting state, mindfulness meditation activates activity in the frontal lobes, promoting relaxation and reducing an individual's anxiety, heart rate, and stress levels [27]. Previous research has also indicated that reduced blood flow to the superior temporal lobe, cingulate, and prefrontal lobes is associated with increased alpha wave power. This suggests that the brain consumes less energy, inducing a more relaxed state and leading to increased positive emotions and feelings of calm [26, 28].
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a major organizing component of emotional experience, and highly cognitive neural states affect the ANS [29]. Heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), and respiratory rate (RR) are commonly used as biomarkers of the ANS [30]. Mindfulness meditation has different physiological effects on heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, skin conductance, and alpha oscillations. This suggests that mindfulness meditation induces a state of physiological stillness [31].
Previous research has explored the concussive changes of overall mindfulness meditation, whereas the potential mechanisms of focused mindfulness meditation training still need further exploration. Additionally, machine learning could be used to classify the EEG data features to illustrate more electrophysiological properties of the brain instead of traditional EEG analysis [32]. Our objective was to investigate EEG data characteristics during distinct states of focused mindfulness meditation compared to resting states utilizing deep learning techniques. We additionally conducted a comparative analysis of EEG signals and physiological parameters between the baseline resting state and the focused mindfulness meditation state. Ultimately, we examined the relationship between the power spectral density of EEG signals during focused mindfulness meditation and specific electrophysiological indices (such as heart rate and blood pressure) during the states of focused mindfulness meditation.