In this study, we observed improvement in robotic technical performance for trainees who received formalized surgical coaching in addition to standard teaching methods at our institution. Greatest improvements were noted in the domains of robotic procedural efficiency and flow. Overall, both faculty coaches and residents found high value in surgical coaching methods and conveyed interest in continuing with such a program should it be sustained. These results are consistent with previous studies examining VBC for trainees [1, 2, 6, 7], but provide new evidence for VBC application in robotic surgery specifically.
Coaching sessions in the study were primarily focused on technical skill goals related to robotic dissection, ergonomics, and efficiency. This finding is consistent with previous qualitative review of video-based coaching sessions for trainees that included mainly laparoscopic case types [18]. This coaching series confirms a similar, and potentially expected technical focus in robotic surgery. Average robotic case experience in the 6 months prior to participation was 8–10 cases for both control and coaching groups, suggesting that most trainees were in the early phase of the robotic learning curve. Amongst novice learners, cognitive load of surgical procedures is typically higher, particularly in minimally invasive or novel techniques []. In this cohort of PGY3-PGY5 residents, focus on robotic technical skills alone likely consumed mental capacity, leaving less for non-technical foci such as operative decision-making, communication, or teamwork. With increased robotic experience, we anticipate that the content of coaching sessions and learning agenda set by resident coachees may shift toward more non-technical domains.
Importantly, resident participants in the study were also highly satisfied with coaching feedback compared to standard methods. Historically, surgical trainees have reported feeling unsatisfied with provision of faculty feedback [, , ], and our program is no exception to this. As we transition from traditional time-based training with emphasis on case requirements to competency-based models, the need for timely and specific feedback only increases. Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) in general surgery have been ideally described as potential touchpoints for formative, real-time feedback [] yet simultaneously criticized for uncertain effect on the current quality of this feedback []. More widespread faculty coach training or dissemination of coaching methodology could help to elevate trainee feedback globally and promote a shift toward growth mindset. In the long-term, coaching has the potential to be incorporated with EPA assessments to accelerate achievement of critical competencies.
With growing evidence to support the utility of coaching at the trainee level, next efforts must focus on scaling and broader application of coaching across residency and fellowship programs. Previous review has outlined personnel, technology support, physical resources, and an organizational process as necessary components for successful video-based coaching implementation []. Additional components such as high-quality cameras with capability for immediate video review and/or automated video editing have been recommended for optimal VBC and video-based assessment programs [9, ]. In our study, we capitalized on a secure robotic platform—Intuitive Hub [16]—for automated video storage and access, which alleviated this burden for participating residents and coaches. Manual download, video transfer and storage are time-consuming and potential security threats. These elements risk long-term sustainability of video-based coaching efforts. For other training groups considering coaching programs, we highly recommend upfront investigation of and potential investment in technology that would streamline this process. While Intuitive Hub is specific to robotic surgery, other platforms such as Proximie or Black Box may provide wider video applications [].
This study has several limitations. Due to the realities of patient care and other clinical obligations as well as variable case coverage between MIS team members from month to month, there were several resident participants who were excluded from the analysis. These residents were unable to complete a 2nd matched robotic case for comparison during the study period which ultimately decreased our final coaching and control group sizes and altered their composition (Table 1). High heterogeneity of included robotic cases also limited additional analyses of robotic performance metrics. Smaller sample size likely impacted some of the non-significant statistical trends observed between control and coaching groups. Another limitation is that this study was performed at an academic surgical program with a high volume of robotic general surgery. Results may be not transferable to other institutions with newer robotic programs or less experienced robotic faculty surgeons.
Finally, the coaching sessions performed in this study were based on faculty training in the Wisconsin Surgical Coaching Framework via the Academy for Surgical Coaching [5, 13]. This model was initially developed to support peer-to-peer surgical coaching amongst practicing surgeons, but more recently has been applied to coaching for surgical trainees. Faculty-to-trainee coaching has a unique, natural power differential due to the training relationship, and the effects of this are only recently being investigated [18]. While ideally our participants felt safe and comfortable in sessions to outline individual goals and areas for improvement, we recognize that trainees may feel unintended pressure to appear competent and confident with faculty. This may have contributed to participant response bias during sessions.
Given the demonstrated benefit of coaching for robotic surgery shown for trainees in this study, our future work aims at broader enrollment of residents in the coaching program with a focus on sustainability. We hope to track active control time and other performance metrics such as console handoffs and path lengths, for example, more longitudinally to determine if improvements are observed within a larger cohort of coached residents. While robotic video technology allowed us to eliminate time for video download and storage, inadequate time overall for coaching sessions is still viewed as a primary barrier to participation long term among faculty and residents alike. One solution to this challenge is intermittent use of protected education or conference time for dedicated coaching sessions, which we plan to investigate further in future versions of the coaching program. Compared to more traditional didactic curricula, this may be particularly helpful for senior residents who seek individual performance improvement in robotic and minimally invasive approaches.