Antifouling paints have been employed as a strategy to protect and prevent the establishment of biofouling communities on hard surfaces immersed in seawater [1]. They are used in artificial structures, such as aquaculture tanks, vessels, submarine pipelines, and oil rigs [2]. These paints are used to preserve such structures and maintain navigability in the case of vessels [3].
Anti-fouling compounds include various organic and inorganic substances and many of them are potentially harmful to aquatic ecosystems, as they are planned and designed to be toxic to the aquatic biota and normally leach from the painted surfaces to the water column [4]. Regions with an intensive presence or flow of vessels, such as ports, shipyards, hull zones, and marinas, are often susceptible to contamination by this type of chemical substance [5]. In addition, physical, chemical, and biological processes contribute to the transfer of these substances from water to sediments and biota [3–5], as they are often associated with organic matter or mud particles. On the other hand, other processes may cause the resuspension of particles from the bottom and the consequent remobilization of chemicals back to the water column, such as bioturbation, dredging, and storms [6, 7]. Antifouling paints leached from vessels to water column or sediments can be subject to a range of processes, such as biodegradation, bioturbation, sorption onto particulate matter, photolysis, and volatilization, all of which can interfere with the fate and effects of anti-fouling biocides after they are released from painted surfaces [7, 8].
The first generation of antifouling paints began to be used in the mid-20th century and contained oxides of copper and zinc as their active principles [9, 10]. These paints were considered inefficient and their active principles were substituted by a second generation of biocides [1, 9, 11] which were represented mainly by organotin (OT) compounds, especially tributyltin (TBT) and/or triphenyltin (TPhT). These new paints rapidly became widely used in vessels worldwide during the 1980s. OT-based coatings were extremely efficient but highly toxic, being capable of causing adverse effects on non-target species. This caused them to be banished from the composition of antifouling paints by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) [3]. In September 2008, the traffic of vessels traffic covered with OT paints was definitively banned [1, 12], at least for those countries that complied with international treaties. As a consequence, the third generation of antifouling paints was released in the market [3, 13], consisting of paints containing a range of chemicals, either alone or in combination, in their formulation. Up to four antifouling compounds can be used for the same commercial product [1, 13]. These compounds belong to different chemical classes and include non-metallic compounds such as Chlorothalonil, Dichlofluanid, Diuron, Irgarol 1051, Sea-Nine 211, Pyridine (TPBP and TCMS), Thiram, and TCMTB, as well as metallic or organometallic compounds such as Maneb, Zineb, Ziram, zinc pyrithione, copper pyrithione, copper thiocyanate, copper naphthenate, and copper oxide [1, 14]. Irgarol and Diuron are further phased out of antifouling paints because of their persistence and toxicity [15–17].
Dichlofluanid (N-[dichloro(fluoro)methyl]sulfanyl-N′-(dimethylsulfamoyl) aniline) is a third-generation antifouling biocide that is primarily used as a fungicide to control diseases on fruits and ornamental plants [1, 18] and to function as a wood preservative [19], and it has recently been used as an antifouling agent. Dichlofluanid has been detected in surface sediment samples collected in the field [20, 21]. This compound is an organochlorine with low solubility (0.006 mg/L) and a Kow of 3.7, and these properties provide dichlofluanid a high affinity for sediment particles and particulate matter [1, 4, 5]. It has a short half-life in aqueous mean (i.e., < 24 h) and water-sediment systems (between 1.2 and 3 h) [20], and after being released into the water, Dichlofluanid tends to rapidly degrade to N,N-dimethylaminosulfanilide (DMSA), which is not easily biodegradable in water/sediment systems [22] but abiotically may generate other byproducts, such as dichlorofluormethane and N,N-dimethylsulfamide (N,N-DMS) [14, 23–25]. Particularly, N,N-DMS is a persistent and mobile organic compound (PMOC) and may remain for longer periods in sediments [22, 26–27]. The degradation of dichlofluanid is influenced by the quantity of organic matter, pH, incidence of light, and microbial activity [28]. Dichlofluanid is an extremely toxic compound, whereas DMSA is less toxic in aquatic environments [20]. According to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency [29], there is very little data on the toxicity of N,N-DMS, and other transformation products from dichlofluanid.
Studies conducted in different regions, such as Europe and Asia, showed that environmental concentrations of dichlofluanid in sediments could range from < 1.6 ng/g to 800 ng/g [30–34]. In water, the concentrations found ranged from < 4 ng/L to 600 ng/L in Central America, North America, Asia, and Europe [20, 30, 31, 35–39]. In Brazil, sediment concentrations of 16 ng/g were found in Santos Bay, and in Espirito Santo Bay, concentrations ranging from < 0.7 to 6.5 ng/g [40–42]. However, there is still a need to determine the toxic levels of dichlofluanid in marine organisms, as this information is critical for the estimation of risk and hazard assessments and the establishment of regulations for this compound.
To evaluate the ecotoxicological risks associated with dichlofluanid, tests with aqueous solutions and spiked sediments are necessary because both water and sediment are critical environmental compartments. The water column is the first medium to receive antifouling compounds leached from painted surfaces, while the sediments can accumulate contaminants over time [43]. Moreover, sediments may have variable quantities of organic matter (OM), and this factor is worth studying because OM is capable of binding, adsorbing, and regulating the bioavailability of organic compounds due to its affinity for hydrophobic compounds [44, 45]. The interactions between organic compounds and OM include processes such as ion exchange, covalent binding, hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic adsorption and partitioning, and charge transfer [46–49], which can greatly influence the toxicity and bioavailability of organic compounds in marine organisms [50].
Toxicity tests have been routinely employed to determine and/or assess the effects of xenobiotics in the marine environment [1, 51]. However, only a few studies have assessed the toxicity of dichlofluanid in marine organisms [1]. This study aimed to assess the toxicity of dichlofluanid to marine organisms at different concentrations, including realistic environmental concentrations. In particular, we aimed to assess the toxicity of dichlofluanid in aqueous solutions and sediments and to evaluate the influence of OM on the toxicity of dichlofluanid.