Based on the ecology of the diatom associations in the sites, reconstruction of certain factors such as paleobathymetry, water column stability, and water chemistry can be inferred. Variations in paleobathymetry can be evaluated by studying the specific content of each sample, especially the distribution of diatoms according to their ecological affinity (Nguetsop et al. 2010). The water level of the lakes depends on their water balance: their water supply is regulated by direct precipitation in the lakes and by the amount of water brought from their basins or catchments through drainage. Water loss in lakes is due to evaporation and infiltration. Precipitation depends on rainfall, while evaporation is related to the energy received from the sun. Thus, the hydrological phases defined by the diatom species assemblages from this study revealed four main periods of limnological change in the south and three in the north.
In the south, four major fluctuations in Simbock and Ossa Lake levels were identified: i) a drop in the water level is observed at the beginning of the phase between ca. 530 − 500 cal. BP (150 and 120 cm) ; ii) an increase in the water level between ca. 500 − 450 cal. BP (120 and 70 cm); iii) a drop in the water level is recorded between ca. 450 − 410 cal. BP (70 and 30 cm) and iv) a rise in water level is recorded between ca. 410 cal. BP to present day ( 30 and 10 cm) and marked by the dominance of planktonic diatoms (Fig. 7). Similar evolution of the hydrological levels of these two ecosystems from ca. 500 cal. BP is probably due to the synchronous response of these sites to the displacement of ITCZs (Ngeutsop et al. 2004).
Three major fluctuations have been individualized in the Lake Ngaoundaba (North): i) a high lake level recorded between ca. 1030 − 870 cal. BP (96 and 80 cm); ii) a low lake level recorded between ca. 870 − 570 cal. BP (80 and 50 cm) and iii) a high lake level is observed from ca. 570 − 110 cal. BP (50 to 10 cm) (Fig. 8). Major trends in climate evolution and comparisons with other paleodata from some regional reference sites were done in two main areas, the south (Lake Simbock and Lake Ossa) and the Adamawa (Ngaoundaba Lake) Cameroon.
South -Cameroon (Lakes Simbock and Ossa)
The palynological assemblages retrieved from Lake Simbock and Lake Ossa cores exhibit significant variations, offering a valuable tool for reconstructing the hydrological and climatic history of the region over the past 500 years. Figure 7 illustrates the variations in water level depicted by planktonic and tychoplanktonic diatoms, harmattan dust intensity, and rainfall at Ossa. Additionally, it presents the evolution of water level and vegetation in Paurosa, along with the vegetation evolution in Barombi Mbo (Maley and Brenac 1998) and Bambili (Lézine et al. 2012).
At the base of the Lake Ossa core (ca. 500 − 450 cal. BP), oligotrophic acidophilic tychoplankton prevails, coupled with elevated proportions of benthic and epiphytic diatoms, indicating a decline in lake level. This scenario is marked by a stable, clear, and nutrient-deficient water column. Sediment and diatom analyses during this period highlight a low lake level characterized by high percentages of tychoplanktonic and planktonic diatoms, accompanied by a diatom peak brought by the wind (Nguetsop et al. 1998). Low water levels around the Gulf of Guinea are evident in most lake sites since ca. 400 cal. BP. Palynological data from Cameroon reveal herbaceous savannas at Barombi Mbo Nyabessan (Maley and Brenac 1998; Ngomanda et al. 2009) and a forest opening in Gabon (Ngomanda et al. 2009). Bambili's pollen spectrum from this period indicates a significantly impoverished forest environment, with declines observed in Podocarpus and Schefflera (Lezine et al. 2012). In Sinnda, around 500 cal. BP, the replacement of forest taxa by Poaceae, Cyperaceae, and Pteridophyte spores suggests a significant open environment or water shallowing, potentially indicating the expansion of a belt of rushes. Considering the low temporal and sampling resolution observed at the Lake Ossa site, this phase of low-level is contemporaneous with a lacustrine episode known in some sites as the "Petit Age de Glace" (Little Ice Age), such as Nguéné and Kamalété in Gabon. The temporal shift may be attributed to chronological uncertainties in age patterns between sites (Anchukaitis and Tierney 2013) or other site-specific parameters influencing the recording of hydrological fluctuations and responses of palynological assemblages.
From ca. 450 cal. BP, diatom assemblages are dominated by planktonic, eutrophic, and alkaliphilic species, indicating a significant change in the lake environment. These assemblages suggest a deep environment characterized by a turbid water column, potentially becoming even more turbid. These conditions globally reflect a relatively high balance; eutrophic conditions may be associated with more erosive rains (abundance of alkaliphilic diatoms), leading to soil leaching and the transport of organic matter to the lake basin. In South-Cameroon, between ca. 500 and 450 cal. BP, a hydromorphous forest occupied a large area in both Dizangué and Yaoundé. The minimal presence of herbaceous elements, particularly Poaceae, implies the absence of a grassland environment. Such a palaeobotanical environment would indicate a humid climatic episode with precipitation likely higher than today. Similar data from Lake Barombi-Mbo (Maley and Brenac 1987; Giresse et al. 1994) around 550 cal. BP indicates a significant lake-level decline associated with deforestation. In the sediment sequences of Lakes Simbock and Ossa, and other neighboring paleoecological sites in Gabon, Cameroon, and Congo, a humid trend marked by forest recolonization is observed. For example, Bambili in West Cameroon shows an increase of up to 40% in taxa characteristic of montane and sub-montane forests, including Scheffera sp, Ilex sp, and Macaranga sp (Lezine et al. 2012). Similarly, pollen diagrams from low-latitude sites in Gabon (Nguéné, Kamalété, and Maridor Lakes) and Congo (Kitina Lake, Mopo Mbai depression) indicate higher percentages of dense forest taxa after ca. 500 cal. BP (Elenga et al., 1996; Ngomanda et al. 2009; Sutra 2013).
Between 70 and 30 cm in sediment depth, exogenously introduced diatom species dominate assemblages, along with elevated percentages of benthic and aerophilic diatoms, indicating a decrease in water level. These data suggest drier climatic conditions, implying a significant change in seasons, possibly marked by pronounced dry seasons due to a southward shift in the mean position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). This shift likely led to alterations in precipitation rate and/or its distribution throughout the year. This phase might coincide with a dry period around 250 cal. BP in the same region (Nguetsop et al. 2004). Despite these drier conditions, most Central African sites experienced forest recolonization during this period, as evidenced by dominant tree species like Alchornia sp. over Poaceae in pollen data from Mopo-Bai (North-Congo Brazzaville) and Bambili (West Cameroon). This highlights the complex and heterogeneous responses of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in intertropical zones during climatic variations.
From ca. 450 cal. BP to the present, pollen data reveal the retreat of arboreal strata and the regeneration of mature forest at the Dizangué and Yaoundé sites, giving way to hygrophytic and the expansion of the lowland Biafran evergreen rainforest that persists today. This period was characterized by a mosaic of swampy grasslands interspersed with local patches of forests, indicating drier climatic conditions than before. This reconstruction aligns with the contemporary distribution of identified aquatic plants in the fossil spectra. Between ca. 230 and 450 cal. BP, a decline in rainfall coincided with a more contrasting seasonal distribution of precipitation. During this extended dry season, the water level decreased, allowing the development of Xyris. Concurrently, the forest, although relatively open with numerous climbers, remained in the lowest zones of the depression with water. The presence of water in Ossa Lake during this interpreted dry period could be explained by the utilization of underground water flow in these low zones. Similar dry and humid phases were documented in a pollen sequence from Kamlaté and Nguené lakes in Gabon (Ngomanda et al. 2007).
In the southern part of Central Africa, human influence is inferred from various environmental changes documented in the sediment sequences of Lakes Simbock and Ossa. Around ca. 500 − 450 cal. BP, evidence of deforestation is apparent, marked by a decline in lake level. This period is associated with a decrease in arboreal vegetation, such as Podocarpus, and an increase in herbaceous elements, particularly Poaceae. These changes in the pollen record suggest human-induced land use changes, with the clearing of trees and conversion of forested areas into open environments or savannas (Quamar and Kar 2022). The simultaneous increase in herbaceous vegetation and the decline in arboreal elements, along with the presence of Poaceae, implies intentional land clearance, possibly through burning (Garcin et al. 2018; Bayon et al. 2019). This practice is often associated with human activities related to agriculture, indicating that the local population likely used fire to clear land for cultivation. The presence of fire-adapted taxa and the decline in arboreal elements point to anthropogenic modifications in the landscape (Eastwood et al. 2018). The fluctuations in water levels and the dominance of planktonic and tychoplanktonic diatoms in certain periods may be linked to human activities affecting the hydrological balance. Changes in land cover and land use practices can influence water runoff, sedimentation, and overall lake dynamics. The shift from low water levels to more eutrophic conditions may reflect human-induced alterations in the local hydrological regime, potentially related to land use changes and agricultural activities (Bayon et al. 2019). These human-induced modifications, as reflected in the pollen and diatom records, also interact with broader climatic and environmental patterns. For example, the expansion of hydromorphous forests in later phases could be a response to changing human activities, including potential land abandonment or altered land use practices (Eastwood et al. 2018).
Adamawa (Lake Ngaoundaba)
The palynological assemblages along the studied sequence (AZ) exhibit substantial variations, providing insights into the climatic history of Adamawa over the past 1000 years. Figure 8 illustrates variations in water level from planktonic and tychoplanktonic diatoms, water stability at Ngaoundaba, changes in vegetation at Gbali (Sutra 2013) and Mbalang (Nguetsop et al. 2011), and the evolution of the water level in Lake Chad (Maley 2001). Throughout the Holocene, variations in monsoon activity, as detailed by studies such as Shanahan et al. (2006) and Itambi et al. (2010), have influenced alternating wet and dry periods in tropical Africa, impacting water budgets (Nguetsop et al. 2004). In Adamawa, a savannah-forest developed in response to climate from ca. 1030 to 870 cal. BP. The lacustrine domain is presently contracting due to sediment accumulation, possibly exacerbated by high precipitation. Notably, the presence of intraclasts as mud at 90 cm depth ca. 970 cal. BP in Ngaoundaba Lake indicates plant cover during this period. Dominant acidophilic and oligotrophic tychoplanktonic diatoms suggest relatively high, stable, and low turbidity water levels, indicative of a more intense monsoon flow linked to the northward shift of the mean position of the ITCZ (Nguetsop et al. 2004).
Between ca. 700 − 500 cal. BP, planktonic and tychoplanktonic diatoms decrease, accompanied by benthic and aerophilic diatoms, indicating a drop in lake levels and water transparency. The abundance of aerophilic diatoms suggests a strengthening dry season, enabling the development of these species in edge areas during reduced lake areas. This period corresponds to the "Medieval Warming" recorded at various African sites, marked by sudden drops in water levels in Lake Chad (Maley 2004), Lake Mbalang (Nguetsop et al. 2011), and the Paurosa Marsh (Kom et al. 2018). Palynological data from other Central African sites also indicate changes, such as herbaceous savannas at Mbalang and Gbali (Nguetsop et al. 2011; Sutra 2013) and forest openings in Gabon (Ngomanda et al. 2009). The decrease in Marine Surface Temperatures (MST), as explained by Fontaine et al. (1998), is identified as a pivotal factor influencing the reduction in monsoon flow near the Gulf of Guinea during this period, highlighting the intricate dynamics between oceanic conditions and atmospheric processes.
From 740 cal. BP, high abundances of acidophilic and oligotrophic tychoplanktonics and planktonics were observed, sometimes associated with high epiphytic species (60–70 cm). Waters mixed, likely due to winds, as indicated by high percentages of planktonic species. Around 380 cal. BP, diatoms recorded a low lake level associated with a decrease in water stability. Similar trends were recorded at nearby sites (Gbali, Paurosa, Mbalang) (Nguetsop et al. 2011; Kom et al. 2018). Pollen data indicate an increase in aquatic herbaceous taxa at the expense of forest taxa in Nguéné and Kamalété (Ngomanda et al. 2009). From 170 yrs BP, a eutrophic water body was overgrown at the top, with a decrease in water trophy associated with the appearance of peat patches in potentially more acidic conditions. In woodlands, more frequent Syzygium suggests drier climatic conditions, consistent with pollen sequences from Lake Assom (Ngos et al., 2003) and Lake Fonjak (N’nanga et al. 2019) in the Adamawa Plateau, North-Cameroon. These data reflect a relatively low water balance associated with climate degradation, potentially driven by a decrease in length of rainy seasons, harsh dry seasons (high evaporation), and/or reduced rainfall rates. The magnitude of the decrease in water level varied across sites. This low lake level would be contemporary with a lacustrine episode highlighted in some sites, such as Nguéné and Kamalété in Gabon, referred to as the "Petit Age de Glace" (Little Ice Age). In the Adamawa and the Northern part of Central Africa, from 1030 to ca. 870 cal. BP, the climate was humid in a pioneer forest. From ca. 870 to 570 cal. BP, the conditions were dry, affected by deforestation leading to savannah. From 570 cal. BP to the present day, the climate has been humid and dry, dominated by savannah and some Biafran evergreen rain forest (Fig. 9b).
The sediment sequence from Ngaoundaba Lake in the northern part of Central Africa provides valuable insights into the region's environmental history. Over the past 1000 years, variations in pollen, spore, and algae assemblages reflect significant climatic and ecological changes. Notably, ca. 800 cal. BP, at a depth of 70 cm, the pollen record indicates a sharp decline in Podocarpus and other arboreal vegetation, signaling deforestation. This decline coincides with an increase in herbaceous vegetation, as seen in elevated representation of Asteraceae and notable percentage increases in Poaceae. Algae and spore data further support this shift in local vegetation dynamics (Quamar and Kar 2022). The observed changes in the pollen, spore, and algae assemblages strongly suggest anthropogenic impacts on the environment (Garcin et al. 2018; Bayon et al. 2019). Human activities, such as deforestation likely accompanied by burning practices, emerge as key drivers behind these shifts. This alteration in the vegetation composition aligns with the patterns observed in the sediment records from Lake Ngaoundaba. Together, these findings underscore the intricate relationship between human influence and environmental changes in the northern part of Central Africa over the past millennium.