A variety of NEG models focus on different mechanisms to explain agglomeration (Baldwin et al. 2003), even in the absence of any pure external economies. Using Krugman’s (1993) model of metropolitan areas as a benchmark and assuming all other conditions equal, firms that have an incentive to concentrate production at a limited number of locations prefer locations with good access to markets. Yet access to markets will be good precisely where a large number of firms choose to locate. This positive feedback loop drives the formation of urban centers. It also implies that the location of such centers is not wholly determined by the underlying natural geography, that there are typically multiple locational equilibria. To capture this intuition, the formal model has three features. First, location matters because of transportation costs. Second, some immobile production factors provide a form of ‘first nature’ that constrains the possible spatial structure of the economy. Finally, economies of scale in the production of at least some goods provide an incentive for concentration. The existence of the metropolis thus creates a ‘second nature’ that drags the optimal location of firms with it.
Krugman’s initial models “suggest an explanation for the nineteenth-century formation of real-world core-periphery patterns, notably the emergence of the United States’ manufacturing belt and Europe’s ‘hot banana’” (Krugman 2011). Krugman recognizes, however, the increasing importance of technology and information spillovers: “Ever since the beginnings of New Economic Geography, and up until very recently, I and others have had a slightly guilty sense that we were talking about was the past, not the present, and much less the future (Krugman 2011). In sum, the NEG establishes “fundamental determinants” of economic activity (Redding and Venables 2004) based on long-term consequences of agglomeration forces.
The so-called ‘wage equation’ is a market-clearing condition of the basic NEG model in which labor is a unique production factor. I will now present a one-sector generalized form of this equation in which the dependent variable is not wages but marginal costs and thus encompasses many of the ‘wage equations’ previously derived in the literature (Combes et al. 2008, Chap. 12; Bruna 2015). For a firm in region \(\:i\) (\(\:i=1,\dots\:,\:\:R\)) with zero profit, the maximum value of marginal cost (\(\:{m}_{i}\)) the firm can afford to pay depends on its access to markets. Marginal cost is thus proportional to firm’s (region’s) Real Market Potential (\(\:{RMP}_{i}\)) (to use Head and Mayer’s (2006) term) or Market Access (to use Redding and Venables’ (2004) term), as follows:
where, \(\:\sigma\:>1\) is the elasticity of substitution between any pair of varieties of goods in a love-of-variety utility function. \(\:{RMP}_{i}\) is a weighted sum of the market conditions in the other \(\:j\) regions, where \(\:{T}_{ij}\) is the trade cost from firm-or-region \(\:i\) to region\(\:\:j\), and \(\:{E}_{j}\) is total expenditure in \(\:j\). \(\:{S}_{j}\) is called the ‘competition index’ to stress that it measures the level of competition among varieties in \(\:j\) market, given consumers’ characteristic tastes. The NEG’s long-term prediction is that firms and regions with higher Market Potential tend to earn more profit and pay higher remuneration to production factors, resulting in higher regional income per capita.
If trade costs are proxied by physical distances (\(\:{d}_{ij}\)), the explanatory variable of Eq. (1) becomes \(\:{RMP}_{i}=\sum\:_{j}^{R}{{d}_{ij}}^{1-\sigma\:}\frac{{E}_{j}}{{S}_{j}}\). As in some previous literature, marginal cost (\(\:{m}_{i}\)) can be proxied by data on gross value added per capita (\(\:GVApc\)) and total expenditure (\(\:{E}_{j}\)) by data on \(\:GVA\). Harris’ (1954) index of accessibility to markets, in contrast, can be defined as \(\:{HMP}_{i}=\sum\:_{j}^{R}{{d}_{ij}}^{-1}{GVA}_{j}\). Since a \(\:-1\) trade elasticity to distance is an extremely robust empirical finding in the literature on gravity equations (Head and Mayer 2014), the major difference between \(\:{RMP}_{i}\) and \(\:{HMP}_{i}\) lies in \(\:{S}_{j}\), which is not directly measurable in NEG theory. For samples of European regions, Breinlich (2006) and Head and Mayer (2006) obtained similar empirical results using both Harris’ indicator and the more sophisticated procedure of Redding and Venables (2004) to proxy \(\:{S}_{j}\). Bruna (2024a) shows that both approaches capture the core-periphery spatial patterns in the data in a similar way.
Moreover, when calculating Market Potential with areal data, the access of firms to markets also depends on the market size of their own region—that is, on so-called self-potential or Internal Market Potential. Not only does considering this potential in applied work add endogenous information, but the measurement of internal distances (\(\:{d}_{ii}\)) is controversial (Bruna 2024b). This study therefore avoids self-potential and uses External Market Potential, defined as \(\:{EMP}_{i}=\sum\:_{j\ne\:i}^{R-1}{{d}_{ij}}^{-1}{GVA}_{j}\). Taking natural logarithms to Eq. (1) and replacing variables with my proxies, I thus obtain the following estimable cross-sectional equation:
Hanson (2005) and Mion (2004) estimated the first panel data model of the wage equation and discussed the advisability of using the generalized method of moments (GMM) or nonlinear least squares. They also carefully discussed justification of a panel data version of Eq. (2), including time-invariant individual effects, as in Eq. (5) below. Breinlich (2006) justified these fixed effects to capture persistent factors such as institutional quality or climatic or other amenities of a region. Fingleton (2008) assumed that the dependent variable in a time-varying version of Eq. (1) also depends on level of efficiency (\(\:{A}_{it}\))—a useful trick to model complexity by making \(\:{A}_{it}\) depend on past efficiency, the efficiency of neighboring regions (spillovers), and time-invariant regional characteristics.
For the NEG equation and areal data, Fingleton applied the fixed effects estimator and the Kapoor-Kelejian-Prucha (KKP) GMM estimator of random effects models, including serially and spatially autocorrelated disturbances (Fingleton 2008, 2009; Fingleton and Fischer 2010; Gómez-Antonio and Fingleton 2012; Fingleton and Palombi 2013). Amaral et al. (2010) and Wang and Haining (2017) have also used this methodology. Further, Fingleton was a coauthor in Baltagi et al.’s (2014) proposal of a KKP method to estimate a complex spatial econometric dynamic panel data model, proposal that is illustrated with a NEG wage-type equation. Using microdata, Fingleton and Palombi (2013) and Fingleton and Longhi (2013) estimated a fixed effects panel data model for individuals’ wages. Some panel data literature has used the NEG framework to study other topics (e.g., Gómez-Antonio and Fingleton 2012, for public capital; de Sousa and Poncet 2011, for migration). For instrumental variables estimation, Boulhol and de Serres (2010) and Head and Mayer (2011) included time-invariant instruments and time dummies in the first stage regression.
Some of these studies have used samples of European regions (Breinlich 2006; Fingleton and Fischer 2010; Baltagi et al. 2014). Others used data for one European country—Mion (2004) for Italy, Gómez-Antonio and Fingleton (2012) for Spain, three of Fingleton’s studies for the United Kingdom, and Rokicki and Cieślik (2023) for Poland.
Although many of these panel data studies find significant effects of Market Potential on income per capita, their results may be described as an anomaly. As the next section shows, panel data estimates capture short-term effects, so those significant effects are an unexpected result from a theory explaining the historical causes of agglomeration.