This is an immunohistochemical (IHC) study on 55 resection specimens from 55 CRC cases. KRAS protein was expressed in only 54.5% of cases and H1F1a protein was expressed in 50.9% of the studied cases. However, no significant statistical relationship was founded between KRAS and H1F1a expression and the different clinical, and histopathological parameters including age groups, sex, histological variant, and tumor stages.
However, there was a significant statistical relationship between KRAS expression cases with H1F1a expression as 63.3% of positive H1F1a cases showed positive KRAS expression.
It’s reported that KRAS mutant CRC shows difficulty in management (25). Thus, detection of KRAS mutations is of great importance when treating patients with metastatic CRC. The presence of such mutations means that the patient will not benefit from treatment with anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies; thus, it is considered a contraindication of giving anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies (15).
In the current study, we considered assessing the expression of KRAS protein using IHC. The results showed that 54.5% of cases showed positive expression. These are comparable to the findings of Piton et al (12). and Elsabah et al. (26). They found that KRAS was positive in 33% and 42% of their cases, respectively.
In their study, Elsabah et al (26) reported that 42.3% of their patients showed positive KRAS staining of their cytoplasm. With strong positivity in nearly 27% of them. In addition, they observed a variation in the expression of KRAS according to the histological type of colorectal carcinoma. The mucinous and signet ring types showed negative results on staining. On the other hand, 50% of the adenocarcinoma samples were positive for K-RAS. This was similar to current findings, as KRAS staining was positive in 47.3% of the conventional variants, while 60% in the mucinous type and one out of two cases of signet ring variant.
As for clinical grading of the tumor, 55% and 42.8% of grade 2 and grade 3 showed positive results respectively. This was relatively similar to what was reported by El Sabah et al (26), who found that 50% and 39% of grade 2 and grade 3 showed positive KRAS staining respectively. However, there was no significant difference between both types; p = 0.54 which is similar to Elsabah results; p = 0.683. Moreover, many studies found no significant relationship between KRAS mutation expression and the histological grade (30–33).
It is also of note that immunohistochemical expression of KRAS did not statistically correlate with any of the other parameters in our study. This was consistent with the results of previous studies on KRAS overexpression (29, 30). However, Sammoud et al reported a positive correlation between age and KRAS expression (31).
KRAS expression can be compared to the figures found using molecular techniques, which show that 35–46% of colorectal cancers carry KRAS mutations (32). However, Akkiprik et al. (27) failed to identify a significant relationship between KRAS overexpression and KRAS mutation. They explained this finding by the fact that during IHC stating, the used KRAS antibodies interact and detect all expressed proteins whether mutant or wild types (27). Nevertheless, in previous studies by Akkiprik et al (27) and Okulczyk et al. (29) on metastatic CRC; analysis of Dukes’ staging against KRAS mutation using PCR techniques revealed no significant difference between them.
On the other hand, other studies did not establish a relationship between K-RAS mutations and distant metastasis (28, 30, 33, 34). Moreover, Piton et al (12) inquire about the efficacy of immunohistochemistry compared to the molecular biology tools in the detection of KRAS and BRAF mutations in CRC. They found that IHC staining is of poor sensitivity (27%) and specificity (64%) for KRAS protein detection. However, IHC staining for BRAF detection showed excellent sensitivity and specificity with 100% each. This makes IHC staining a questionable modality for the detection of the K-RAS protein compared to other mutations. However, IHC seems to be a promising tool with less cost compared to molecular modalities. It is reported that molecular testing for KRAS cost up to 13 million dollars annually with 452 dollars per patient. On the other hand, IHC staining costs nearly 50 dollars per antibody test (12, 35).
H1F1a expression was found in 50.9 of cases, with no statistical significant relation with clinical and histopathological parameter. Lee et al (36), and Saka et al (37), studies found HIF1a expression was not related to clinicopathological characteristics or prognosis
Compared to study done by Zhi-Yin et al (38), who found H1F1a expression in 68.4% of cases, they reported that high HIF1a expression is related to advanced TNM stages (P = 0.025). Moreover, HIF1a expression is significantly associated with the possibility of distant metastasis, vascular invasion (P = 0.048), and might also be related to the possibility of lymphatic metastasis (P = 0.041). Depending on this finding they stated that new insights into the role of HIF1a in colon carcinoma and it could potentially work as a biomarker in the prediction of metastasis and poor prognosis.
Another study done by Baba et al (39), demonstrated that HIF1a expression was found in 19% of cases, it was significantly associated with higher colorectal cancer-specific mortality, but they did not find any significant relationship with TNM stage. They suggested that HIF1a is a biomarker with potentially important therapeutic implications.
This discrepancy might be due to different method of scoring HIF1a expression, clone used for staining and different sample sizes.
Alot of experiments is Currently concerning cancer therapy are targeting HIF1a, which is closely associated with tumor angiogenesis, metabolism, and proliferation (40).
A novel HIF1a inhibitor, IDF-11774, is proved to decrease the energy production of colorectal cancer (41). Combination treatment with a specific HIF1a inhibitor was also recommended for drug resistant colorectal cancer (42).
There was a significant statistical relationship between KRAS expression cases with H1F1a expression as 63.3% of positive H1A1a cases showed positive KRAS expression.
Baba et al (39), studied the relation between H1F1a immunohistochemical expression and Sequencing of KRAS by PCR, 41% of positive H1F1a cases showed positive KRAS mutation.
Study done by Kikuchi et al (43), has shown that HIF1a translation is regulated by KRAS and BRAF in colon cancer.
It is important to note that the IHC study is a preliminary test for KRAS and H1F1a proteins detection. Confirmation of KRAS and H1F1a expression needs PCR techniques for gene mutation detection. Yet, the immunohistochemical results of othis study need to be challenged against molecular techniques to verify whether those cases that expressed the protein do carry the mutations or not.
The sample size of the study represents the major limitation. It was relatively small; which makes it difficult to give a representative result. Therefore, this should be considered in the upcoming trials.