Phenotype and Genetic Characterization of mn8
The mn8 mutant was isolated in the course of an EMS-induced mutant screen aiming at the cloning of mutants with defects in kernel development. The mutant was backcrossed to B73 for over three generations to clean the inessential mutational loci, meanwhile it was outcrossed with the inbred line Mo17. The miniature kernel trait: normal kernel trait on the ears of F2 plants segregated in accordance with a ratio of 1:3 (χ2 = 0.013–0.215 < χ20.05 = 3.84; Table S1), indicating that MN8 was a single gene. At maturity, the smaller kernels of mn8 can be clearly distinguished macroscopically from wild-type kernels from the same ear (Fig. 1a). Compared with WT (B73) siblings, mn8 kernels were significantly smaller (Fig. 1b, c). During sectioning of the kernels, both embryo and endosperm were markedly reduced in mn8 kernels compared with B73 (Fig. 1d). When measured, the single kernel weight was significantly reduced than that of the WT (Fig. 1e), and the embryo length was also found to be significantly shorter than that of the WT (Fig. 1j).
Transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate the protein bodies and starch grains. Notably, we found that the immature endosperm of the mn8 mutant contained smaller protein bodies and starch grains than those in the WT (Fig. 1f-i). The starch content as a percentage of kernel weight and the average total protein content per kernel in the mn8 endosperm were significantly lower than those in the WT (Fig. 1k, l). The mn8 mutant seedlings were slight shorter than WT at the 7th day after germination (Additional file 1: Fig. S1a). However, there was no significant difference in plant height at sexual maturity stage between the mn8 mutant and WT (Additional file 1: Fig. S1b, c). We also found that the germination frequency and the number of leaves of mn8 were similar to those of the WT (Additional file 1: Fig. S1d, e). In summary, MN8 is specifically affects maize kernel development.
The mn8 Mutant kernels showed a developmental delay
To examine the developmental aberrations of the mn8 kernels, a detailed characterization of the development of both mn8 and WT kernels was achieved through analysis of cytological sections. At 6 DAP, the size of mn8 endosperm was about one-second of that of the WT (Fig. 2a, e). Both mn8 and WT embryos reached the transition stage, characterized by the formation of a distinct external cell layer, the protoderm, which marks the shift from radial to bilateral symmetry (Fig. 2i, n). At 8 DAP, the difference in endosperm volume between the mn8 and WT became more pronounced than at the early development stage, with the size of the mn8 endosperm being only one-third of that of its WT sibling (Fig. 2b, f). At this stage, WT embryo had reached the coleoptilar stage, characterized by the clear establishment of bilateral symmetry, the formation of the shoot apical meristem (SAM), the root apical meristem (RAM), and a separated scutellum. By contrast, the mn8 embryo still stayed at the transition stage, although they showed a remarkable increase in both the width and length of the embryo proper and suspensor (Fig. 2j, o). At 12 DAP, the degeneration of maternal tissue introduced a gap between the endosperm and the pericarp in mn8 (Fig. 2a, c, g). This gap enlarged during the later development stage of the mutant seed until maturity (Fig. 2d, h). At this period, the mn8 embryo had reached the coleoptilar stage, whereas the WT embryo had reached the late embryogenesis stage and had developed leaf primordia and a vascular system (Fig. 2k, p). The development of the mn8 embryo was delayed but not arrested. At 15 DAP, the mn8 embryo differentiated leaf primordia and a RAM. By 24 DAP, it had developed four to five leaf primordial, a well-formed scutellum, and an embryo axis (Fig. 2l, m, q, r).
Map-based cloning of mn8
The Mn8 mutation was induced by EMS, prompting us to performed map-based cloning to identify the mutation locus responsible for the mutant phenotypes. In the first step, mn8 in the B73 genetic background was outcrossed with the Mo17 inbred line. The heterozygous F1 progeny was self-pollinated to create a mapping population. The mn8 locus was mapped to a 10-Mb interval on chromosome 10. Additional markers were used to narrow down the interval to 10 Mb, and markers CHR_10_87 Mb and CHR_10_97 Mb were defined as flanking markers for subsequent fine mapping. A population of 1,500 mutants was genotyped using the flanking markers, and a total of 62 genetic recombination events were identified. To increase marker density within this interval, 14 additional markers were developed, and the 62 recombinants were subsequently genotyped with these markers. The number of recombinants dropped considerably closer to 10-88.74 Mb and 10-89.01 Mb: there was 1 recombinant for 10-88.68 Mb, 1 for 10-89.1 Mb, and none for both 10-88.74 Mb and 10-89.01 Mb (Fig. 3a). These results revealed that the mutation was located between 10-88.68 Mb and 10-89.1 Mb, an interval that contained six predicted genes. A comparison of the nucleotide sequences of these candidate genes between the WT and mn8 plants revealed that only Zm00001d024813 contained a mutation expected to cause a loss of gene function. In mn8, a C to T conversion occurred at 2,972 bp downstream of the start codon, resulting in the amino acid Glu transitioning to a stop codon (Fig. 3b).
To confirm that the mutation in Zm00001d024813 accounted for the mn8 phenotype, we employed the CRISPR/Cas9 system to generate additional independent alleles. We constructed a pCAMBIA-derived CRISP-Cas9 binary vector containing gRNA expression cassettes targeting the 2nd exon of Zm00001d024813. Among 6 independent transformation events, several types of mutation were detected, and we select a T insertion mutant (mn8C1) for further genetic analysis. In mn8C1, the protein encoded by the mutated gene, Mn8C1, was predicted to be truncated because the T-insertion caused a frameshift, which introduced a premature stop codon. The phenotypes of the mn8C1 kernels exhibited similar defects to those of the mn8 (Fig. 3c). The mutants mn8C1, used in further work, were backcrossed to B73 to eliminate the CRISPR-Cas9 transgene. Ears of self-pollinated heterozygous mn8C1 segregated mutant kernels at the radio of 1:3 (mutant: WT) (Fig. 3d, Table S2). The kernels exhibiting the mn8-like phenotype were confirmed to be homozygous mutants of Zm00001d024813, as determined by genotyping with gene-specific primers. Allelic crosses between heterozygous mn8/+ and mn8C1/+ heterozygous produced ears that segregated kernels with normal and small kernels in the expected 3:1 ratio (Fig. 3e, Table S3), indicating that mn8 and mn8C1 are allelic. Taken together, these data provide evidence that the mutation in Zm00001d024813 is indeed responsible for the mutant phenotype observed in mn8.
Mn8 encodes an EMF1-like protein
Sequence analysis revealed that Mn8 contains 4 exons and 3 introns. The mature transcript of Mn8 features a 3,261-bp coding sequence that encodes an unknown protein, Zm00001d024813, comprising 1,086 amino acids. Homology analysis indicated that Mn8 exhibits the highest similarity with the Arabidopsis protein EMF1 (AT5G11530), with 36% identity and 50.48% similarity. In addition to MN8, there are three other homologous genes in maize that have been identified with predicted translation similarity to AtEMF1 through a BLASTp search of the NCBI non-redundant protein database. Here, we name MN8 as EMF1a, and the other three as EMF1b, EMF1c, and EMF1d, respectively. Protein sequence similarity analysis revealed that EMF1b shares 72% similarity with EMF1a, while EMF1c and EMF1d share 44% and 38%, respectively (Additional file 1: Fig. S2a). Protein sequence alignment showed that EMF1c and EMF1d were significantly shorter than EMF1a and appeared to be more like fragments of EMF1a (Additional file 1: Fig. S2b). EMF1a possessed a nuclear localization signal peptide (NLS) and an LXXLL motif, whereas EMF1b lacked the NLS motif, and both EMF1c and EMF1d lacked the LXXLL motif (Additional file 1: Fig. S2b). Despite their high similarity, the absence of important regions may lead to differences in their regulatory functions in maize.
To further explore the evolutionary relationships among ZmEMF1s, a phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the full-length protein sequences of ZmEMF1a and its homologous from other plant species (Additional file 1: Fig. S3a). The phylogenetic tree revealed that ZmEMF1a and EMF1/CCP1 (EMF1-like protein in rice) were highly conserved in monocots and evolutionarily related to Arabidopsis EMF1. To better understand the role of ZmEMF1a in endosperm development, we analyzed its tissue expression patterns using published RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data [55]. We found that ZmEMF1a was constitutively expressed in different tissues, but with higher expression in endosperm and seeds (Additional file 1: Fig. S3b). Subsequently, we collected seeds at different days after pollination (DAP) and examined the expression of ZmEMF1a by reverse transcription-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR), which showed that its expression peaked at 10 to 14 DAP (Additional file 1: Fig. S3b). These results suggest that ZmEMF1a may play an important role in maize kernel development.
ZmEMF1a interacts with PRC1 and PRC2 components
In Arabidopsis, AtEMF1 can interact with both PRC1 RING-finger proteins and the PRC2 component MSI in vitro [4, 41]. To explore the possibility of interactions between ZmEMF1a and putative PcG proteins in maize, we performed a yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) assay. Employing a candidate-gene approach, we discovered that ZmEMF1a directly interacted with ZmRING1 and ZmMSI1 in yeast cells (Fig. 4a). To verify the interaction between ZmEMF1a and PRC components, split-luciferase complementation (LUC) imaging assays were used and confirmed the interactions between ZmEMF1a and both ZmRING1 and ZmMSI1, but not with ZmLHP1 or ZmFIE1 (Fig. 4b). We also analyzed the subnuclear localizations of ZmEMF1a, ZmRING1 and ZmMSI1 in maize protoplasts and Nicotiana benthamiana (N. benthamiana) leaves. The results showed that all proteins localized to the nucleus (Additional file 1: Fig. S4a, b), using AHL22-RFP as a nuclear marker [56]. This indicated that the interactions occurred in the nucleus. In addition, we performed the bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay to test these interactions in N. benthamiana. We observed the green fluorescent signal in the nucleus when ZmEMF1a was transiently expressed with ZmRING1 or ZmMSI1, but not when ZmEMF1a was expressed with ZmFIE1 (Fig. 4c).
The C to T point mutation in ZmEMF1a led to premature termination of protein translation, which in turn affected the kernel development in maize. To further explore the important role played by the C-terminal domain of EMF1a, we constructed vectors for subcellular localization and Y2H assays of EMF1a-N and EMF1a-C, respectively. The nuclear localization of the different domains was observed in the nuclei of the infiltrated N. benthamiana leaves. The results showed that GFP-EMF1a signal was concentrated in one spot within the nucleus. The GFP-EMF1a-N fusion protein was targeted mainly to the nucleolus, while GFP-EMF1a-C signal was indistinguishable from that of the GFP-EMF1a, indicating that the C-terminal domain is responsible for the subnuclear pattern of EMF1a (Fig. 4d). Y2H experiments demonstrated that both RING1 and MSI1 interacted with the N-terminal domain of EMF1a, but not with the C-terminal domain (Fig. 4e).
ZmEMF1a knockout leads to a genome-wide reduction in H2Aub and H3K27me3 modification
In eukaryotes, PcG proteins play important roles in maintaining gene silencing, which is involved in cellular and developmental processes [2, 3]. The major protein complex, PRC2, possesses H3K27 tri-methyltransferase activity, while PRC1 has histone H2A E3 ubiquitin ligase activity [5, 9]. In Arabidopsis, EMF1 plays a crucial role in H3K27me3 deposition; loss of EMF1 function results in a genome-wide reduction of H3K27me3, but does not affect the H2Aub modification compared to the WT [57]. H2AK119ub in mammals and H2AK121ub in Arabidopsis are observed within the consensus sequence PKKT [4, 5]. One of the maize H2A isoforms shows high similarity with both human H2A and Arabidopsis H2A and conserves the monoubiquitination PKKT sequence (Fig. S5a). Immunoblotting analysis with a commercial antibody revealed that H2Aub and H3K27me3 antibodies recognize target-sized bands in maize endosperms (Fig. S5b).
To investigate whether the ZmEMF1a mutation affects H3K27me3 and H2Aub modifications, we performed Western blotting on nuclear proteins isolated from both WT and mn8 endosperms at 12 DAP using anti-H3K27me3 and anti-H2Aub antibodies. Unexpectedly, although we observed a significant decrease in H3K27me3 levels in mn8 compared to the WT, as previously described in emf1-2 mutant of Arabidopsis, we also found markedly reduced levels of H2Aub in mn8 (Fig. 5a). In contrast, no difference was detected in emf1-2 compared to the WT in previous studies [57]. To further characterize the modification levels of H3K27me3 and H2Aub in the genome, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) to map the genome-wide localization of H3K27me3 and H2Aub marks in both WT and mn8 endosperm at 12 DAP. We obtained 66 to 125 million raw reads from each library, over 97% of these reads aligned to the B73 genome, and the Pearson correlation coefficients were high (Additional file 1: Fig. S6a), indicating a high mapping quality. After peak-calling, we found that the peak-marked genes showed a high degree of overlap between the two repetitions (Additional file 1: Fig. S6b). We then assessed two biological replicates for further analysis. Widespread localization of H2Aub marks has been reported in Arabidopsis and animals, the impact of this modification in maize is not yet fully understood. Distribution analysis of H3K27me3 and H2Aub peaks showed that the preferred location of H3K27me3 was intergenic regions, followed by transposable element (TE) regions. However, about 44% H2Aub peaks were usually located in the first exon of genes, and 29% H2Aub peaks located in TE regions (Fig. 5b). When analyzed the average genomic modification levels of H2Aub and H3K27me3, we also found reduced levels of H2Aub and H3K27me3 in mn8, which is consistent with the result of western blot (Fig. 5c, d).
A metagene plot of H2Aub coverage at H2Aub-marked genes showed a significant reduce of H2Aub in mn8 compared with WT (Fig. 5e). We next analyzed the coverage at H2Aub/H3K27me3 and only-H2Aub genes separately, and the results showed that both H2Aub/H3K27me3 and only-H2Aub genes with reduced levels of H2Aub in mn8 compared to WT (Fig. 5e). We found reduced levels of H3K27me3 in mn8 at H3K27me3/H2AK121ub-marked and only-H3K27me3 genes, as previously reported in Arabidopsis (Fig. 5f) [57]. Peak length analysis showed that H2Aub peaks were significantly shorter than H3K27me3 peaks, covering on average 0.7 kb and 2.3 kb, respectively (Fig. 5g). In addition to this, we found that only 21% of the H2Aub-marked genes were overlapped with H3K27me3-marked genes (Fig. 5h), and the H2Aub levels of H3K27me3/H2Aub-marked genes were higher than that of only-H2Aub-marked genes (Fig. 5i, j). These results showed that both H2Aub and H3K27me3 levels were significantly decreased in mn8 compared to WT in maize, which suggests that EMF1 regulates the expression of maize kernel development-related genes by modulating H2Aub and H3K27me3 modifications..
The level of H2Aub is negatively correlated with gene expression
Previous research revealed that H3K27me3 is a repressive in Arabidopsis, while H2Aub is positively correlated with gene expression [11, 58]. To determine the relationship between H3K27me3 and H2Aub modifications and gene transcription, we performed RNA-seq on WT and mn8 endosperm at 12 DAP, using the same tissue as that used in the ChIP-seq experiments (Additional file 1: Fig. S7a, b). From the RNA-seq analysis, we identified 5,604 significantly differentially expressed genes (DEGs) based on a differential expression threshold (P-value < 0.05 and absolute fold change > 1.0). In the mn8 mutant, significantly more genes were up-regulated than down-regulated (Fig. 6a), which strongly suggests that EMF1a functions in gene repression. We then divided all the protein-coding genes into three classes based on their expression level: low, medium and high expression (Fig. 6b), and analyzed the deposition of H3K27me3 and H2Aub. The results showed that the levels of H3K27me3 and H2Aub modifications gradually decrease as gene expression levels increase (Fig. 6c, d). The plots of the H3K27me3 and H2Aub abundance across these three classes revealed that both modifications were highly enriched around genes with low expression and less enriched around those with high expression (Fig. 6e, f).
To further confirm the inhibitory effect of H2Aub on gene expression, We classified H2Aub-marked genes into five categories based on their modification levels. We then determined the mean expression levels of genes within each category, and the result showed that genes not marked by H2Aub had a higher expression level compared to those that were H2Aub-marked. Moreover, as the levels of H2Aub modification increased, the levels of gene expression correspondingly decreased (Fig. 6g, h). H3K27me3 is a repressive mark, and most of the genes marked only by H3K27me3 (only-H3K27me3-marked) were not expressed or showed very low expression levels (Fig. 6i). In the case of H2Aub-marked genes, about 60% showed either no or low expression (Fig. 6i). At the genome-wide level, genes marked by H2Aub or H3K27me3 (H2Aub-marked or H3K27me3-marked) showed significantly lower expression levels than all the expressed genes. Moreover, genes marked by both H2Aub and H3K27me3 (H2Aub/H3K27me3-marked) exhibited lower expression than those marked only by H2Aub (only-H2Aub-marked), but this difference was not observed in only-H3K27me3-marked genes. This suggests that the repressive effect of H2Aub is weaker than that of H3K27me3 (Fig. 6j).
ZmEMF1a is required for the expression of genes related to kernel development
The absence of the EMF1a gene results in the upregulation of a large number of genes. Through Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis, it was observed that these up-regulated genes are associated with various biological processes, including response to hormones like abscisic acid, auxin, and brassinosteroid, reproductive process, transcription factor activity, and seed development (Fig. 7a). Considering the established roles of H3K27me3 and H2Aub in the repression of transcription, we conducted an analysis to assess the enrichment of these modifications among genes that were up-regulated in mn8. Our findings showed that the levels of H3K27me3 were significantly reduced in the up-regulated genes of mn8 when compared to their WT counterparts (Fig. 7b). In contrast, the levels of H2Aub among these up-regulated genes exhibited minimal variance between mn8 and WT. These observations suggest that the mutation of EMF1a is primarily responsible for the up-regulation of genes, attributable to the diminished levels of H3K27me3 modification (Fig. 7b). Moreover, EMF1a mutation also increased the expression of cell division-related genes, such as DA1, BB1, BB2, MADS8, MADS14 and bZIP75. In addition, GSK2, a homologous gene of BIN2, down-regulation of GSK2 expression levels resulted in long and heavy grains, was also up-regulated in mn8. ES22, encoding a MADS-type transcription factor, negatively regulated starch accumulation, was significantly up-regulated in mn8 (Fig. 7c). Five of these negative regulators were analyzed using RT-qPCR, and the results were consistent with the RNA-seq analysis of the WT and mn8 transcriptomes (Fig. 7d). We utilized the ChIP-seq Genome Browser to view H2AK121ub and H3K27me3 occupancy of selected genes, and we found that the level of H3K27me3 modification of ZmDA1 was significantly higher in the WT than in the mn8, and similar reduction of H2K27me3 levels in MADS8, MADS14 and ES22 were found (Fig. 7g, h; Additional file 1: Fig. S9a, b). In mn8 mutants, H2Aub levels in the BB1 locus were significantly reduced, suggesting that EMF1a is required for H2Aub labeling in the BB1 region (Fig. 7i). In addition this, we further confirmed the modification levels of the selected genes by ChIP-qPCR analysis (Fig. 7e, f), consistent with their increased transcriptional levels. Taken together, EMF1a is important to maintain the enrichment of H2Aub and H3K27me3 during cell proliferation, which is essential for maize kernel development.