This section describes instrumentations and methods used to process the observation data. To conduct this study, we had at our disposal an unprecedented set of data from different instruments in this region. Two scintillation receivers at SANAE IV (SAN, geographic coordinates ɸ = 71.7ºS; ℓ = 2.8ºW) and Troll (TRL, ɸ = 72.0ºS; ℓ = 2.5ºE) stations, which are located on the equatorial side and boundary of the quiet auroral oval. NorSat-1 satellite with a very high-resolution sampling data, flying in the evening sector in the field of view of the receivers, which allows us to evaluate the small-scale irregularities. DMSP satellites show the occurrence of particle precipitation and measure drift. Swarm satellites show the electron density variations. All data from the LEO satellites allow us to trace the dynamics of the position and development of PJ/SAID over time (represented in Fig. 4 by thick sections of the flyby trajectories of various LEO satellites). Magnetometers allow us to check the position and direction of PJ/SAID above the stations.
In our study, we used data from three space missions in low Earth orbits: Norsat-1, Swarm and DMSP. The Norwegian microsatellite NorSat-1 (∼16 kg, 23×39×44 cm) was launched on July 14, 2017 from the cosmodrome of Baikonur into a circular sun-synchronous orbit with an inclination of 98, altitude of ∼600 km, and orbital period of 95 min. The satellite has a multi-needle Langmuir Probe (m-NLP) developed at the University of Oslo. It should be noted that the classic Langmuir probe makes measurements over a range of voltages, building a current-voltage characteristic, from which the plasma parameters are calculated. Since the coverage of the entire range takes time, the time resolution of the obtained plasma parameters is usually low, which makes it difficult to study small-scale plasma structures. The m-NLP consists of four cylindrical probes (needles) at different voltage biases within the electron saturation region of the current-voltage characteristic [Hoang et al., 2018]. The absence of the need to cover the voltage range makes it possible to measure the electron current at a much higher frequency, which allows obtaining high-frequency characteristics of the plasma. To determine the electron density Ne in measurements by the system of LPs, at least two cylindrical probes operating at different fixed voltages are used [Jacobsen et al., 2010]. Also, a main feature of the m-NLP approach is that it does not need information about plasma potential and electron temperature to measure electron density. While the absolute electron temperature cannot be derived without knowing the satellite potential in accordance with the Langmuir probe theory, we can estimate the change of temperature with time and latitude [Chernyshov et al., 2020]. The high resolution of m-NLP instrument made it possible to study for the first time the small-scale structure of PJ/SAID in the subauroral region [Sinevich et al., 2021, 2022], as well as to discover a new phenomenon called Stratified Subauroral Ion Drift (SSAID) [Sinevich et al., 2023].
On 22 November 2013, the European Space Agency launched three Swarm satellites into nearly polar orbits. These satellites eventually reached heights of 460 km (Alpha and Charlie) and 510 km (Bravo). The main purpose of the Swarm mission is to carry out accurate multipoint measurements of low-frequency magnetic and electric fields in the ionosphere of the Earth. Two spherical LPs that were placed on the satellites were used to measure the values of electron density and temperature [Knudsen et al. 2017]. Swarm satellite data has also been used to study PJ/SAID (often in conjunction with other satellite data), as well as such new phenomena as STEVE (strong thermal emission velocity enhancement), the physical mechanism of which is closely related to PJ/SAID [e.g., Archer et al., 2019; MacDonald et al., 2018; Sinevich et al., 2022; Nishimura et al., 2019, 2023; Mishin and Streltsov, 2023].
A large number of studies conducted by various scientific teams in different years on the investigation of PJ/SAID are associated with the use of data from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellite series. The DMSP satellites have been collecting weather data for U.S. military operations for over five decades and provide assured, secure global weather and space weather data. The DMSP satellites are polar-orbiting spacecraft at about 835–860 km altitude with 101 min orbital period. Many studies of PJ/SAID are based on data from the DMSP satellites [e.g., Anderson et al., 2001; Khalipov et al., 2016; Puhl-Quinn et al., 2007; Mishin, Puhl-Quinn, 2007; Mishin et al., 2010; Mishin, 2013; He et al., 2014; Horvath and Lovell, 2023b among others]. Also, using the data from these satellites, interesting cases were found when two peaks of PJ/SAID velocities were observed side by side on one satellite pass, that is, the so-called Double peak SAID (DSAID) [He et al., 2016; Wei et al., 2019; Horvath and Lovell, 2017]. Since NorSat-1 and Swarm are not equipped with ion drift measurements, data from the DMSP mission is used to indicate the existence of PJ/SAID explicitly in our work.
The Special Sensor Ultraviolet Spectrographic (SSUSI) instrument [Paxton et al., 1992] measures ultraviolet (UV) emissions in five different wavelengths and these instruments are flown on board the DMSP satellites. SSUSI is mounted on the nadir-looking panel of the satellite. The multicolour images from SSUSI cover the visible Earth disk from horizon to horizon and the anti-sunward limb up to an altitude of approximately 520 km. The SSUSI on board the DMSP satellites provide nearly hourly, 3000 km wide high-resolution (10km×10km) UV snapshots of auroral emissions. These UV data have been converted to average energies and energy fluxes of precipitating electrons. Thus, using SSUSI it is possible to determine the boundaries of auroral precipitation and thereby clearly understand where the boundary between the auroral and subauroral zones is in the ionosphere. As is known from various works (for example by Galperin [2002]), PJ/SAID is located inside the main ionospheric trough in the subauroral region and equatorward of the soft electron precipitation boundary, therefore, it is important to know these boundaries for a more accurate determination of the location of PJ/SAID.
The auroral energy flux derived from SSUSI images taken onboard DMSP is organised in Altitude Adjusted Corrected Geomagnetic (AACGM) coordinates for the nightside (18:00–06:00 MLT) of the southern hemisphere [Luan et al., 2018]. Therefore, the AACGM coordinate system is used everywhere in this study for uniformity. The AACGM coordinates [Shepherd, 2014] are an extension of corrected geomagnetic (CGM) coordinates that more accurately represent the actual magnetic field. In the AACGM coordinates, points along a given magnetic field line are given the same coordinates and thus better reflect the magnetic conjugacy.
Figure 5a, b shows position of the PJ/SAID at ~ 20:56:30 UT at geomagnetic latitudes from − 58.1° to -57.5° and at 18 MLT according to DMSP F-18 data. Despite the gap in the data, which is probably associated with instrument overscale, inside the electron density dip, which lies within the geomagnetic latitudes between − 58.5° and − 57.4°, an increase in the horizontal westward drift velocity of ions up to 2400 m/s is noticeable. According to Fig. 5b, the increase in the ion temperature by approximately twice the average level does not spatially coincide with the peak of the vertical and horizontal drift velocities and is located more poleward by approximately 2° in latitude. This may be due to a significantly lower spatial frequency of ion and electron temperature measurements (~ 0.25 Hz) than the spatial frequency of drift velocity measurements (1 Hz) on the DMSP satellite. The horizontal drift velocity of ions above 1000 m/s, coinciding with the electron density drop in the subauroral region of the ionosphere in the evening and midnight MLT sectors, indicates explicitly the presence of PJ/SAID in the considered region of the geomagnetic latitudes [Anderson et al., 1991]. As already mentioned, the position of this PJ/SAID is marked in Figs. 1–2, 4 with thick sections of the fly-by lines.
Figure 5c illustrates PJ/SAID detected from the high-frequency electron density and electron temperature data measured by the m-NLP onboard NorSat-1 satellite. As can be seen from Fig. 5c in an interval of the geomagnetic latitudes from − 53.5° to -54.2°, there is an electron density dip that spatially coincides with an increase in electron temperature value and fluctuations. Since NorSat-1 is not equipped with an ion drift velocity instrument, we cannot directly determine that the PJ/SAID is present in the considered time interval, however, the well-known properties of PJ/SAID (increase in temperature and decrease in ion density) indicate the presence of a PJ/SAID. In addition, thanks to DMSP F-18 horizontal ion drift velocity data it is already known that PJ/SAID existed at 20:56 UT at 18 MLT. According to the fact that average PJ/SAID spans over ~ 6 MLT [Karlsson et al., 1998] we conclude that PJ/SAID also existed at 21:20 UT at 00 MLT where NorSat-1 took measurements. Location inside the electron density decrease that coincides with an elevation in electron temperature at the subauroral latitudes in the evening and midnight MLT sector is characteristic of PJ/SAID [Anderson et al., 1991]. Besides that, the increase in fluctuations of the electron density and electron temperature are also characteristic of PJ/SAID [Sinevich et al., 2021, 2022; Mishin and Blaunstein, 2008]. Thus, we conclude that the considered electron density dip coinciding with an electron temperature increase detected from NorSat-1 data is PJ/SAID. Similarly, we conclude that PJ/SAID is present during the Swarm B and Swarm C passages since the Swarm Spherical LPs electron density and electron temperature data at 19:50, 20:48 and 22:20 UT show similar behaviour to the NorSat-1 data (Swarm satellites data are not shown in the figures).
Power spectrograms of the discrete Fourier transform of electron density and electron temperature are presented in Fig. 5d and Fig. 5e respectively. The spectrogram in Fig. 5d shows that fluctuations of electron density are present inside the PJ/SAID (an increase in spectral power at frequencies up to ~ 50 Hz which corresponds to a spatial size of plasma irregularities of several hundreds of meters) yet do not exceed the background level. On the contrary, the spectrogram in Fig. 5e illustrates a significant rise in fluctuations of electron temperature inside the PJ/SAID relative to the background level. The spectral power of electron temperature rises at frequencies up to 300–400 Hz which corresponds to the spatial size of plasma irregularities of several dozens of meters. Thus, we can conclude that PJ/SAID includes fluctuations and plasma irregularities of various scales, which can significantly affect radio communication, radio wave propagation, and GNSS positioning accuracy. This emphasises the relevance and importance of this study.
Together with the high-speed flow (that is usually above 1 km/s for PJ/SAID), such irregularities can lead to rapid fluctuations in the phase and amplitude measurements observed by receivers on the ground. To check how strong the influence of plasma structuring in PJ/SAID can be, we used data from two GNSS Ionospheric Scintillation and TEC Monitor (GISTM) receivers. The station SANAE IV has a NovAtel GSV4004B receiver, operated by the South African National Space Agency (SANSA). In December 2017, a NovAtel GPStation-6 receiver was installed at the Norwegian research station Troll as a part of Troll Ionospheric Observatory managed by the University of Oslo. GISTM receiver records signals from the GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo satellites, and it outputs raw observational data every second, including 50 Hz phase and amplitude measurements and 1 Hz TEC measurements. The raw phase measurements detrended with a 6th-order Butterworth high-pass filter with a 0.1 Hz cutoff frequency. NovAtel GSV4004B receiver records signals only from GPS satellites. We consider two scintillation indices: S4 defined as the normalized variance of the signal intensity [Yeh & Liu, 1982] and is an indicator for small-scale irregularities at and below the Fresnel radius, and σϕ - the standard deviation of the measured phase (e.g., more in Rino, 1979) which is a proxy of plasma structuring on large and small scales. We focus also on the lock time parameter that indicates how long the receiver follows the satellite and has been locked to the carrier phase on the signal. The thin ionospheric layer approach and the AACGM system were used to recalculate the coordinates of ionospheric piercing points (IPPs) at 350 km [Li et al., 2018]. We chose an altitude of 350 km since PJ/SAID is most pronounced in the F region of the ionosphere. For both receivers, we used 1 Hz data (for the scintillation indices) from the L1 signal type (to comply with data resolution from SANAE IV) and thresholds of 10° elevation angle to collect more data that can cover regions located equatorward of the auroral oval.
The cut-off elevation mask to a GNSS satellite (elevation angle) is an essential parameter for studying the ionosphere. The receiver starts to track the satellite radio signal after the satellite rises above the horizon at a certain angle. Usually, the cut-off elevation mask value is set between 10° and 30° for ionospheric research. The advantages of using lower elevation angles are the following: 1) Lower cut-off angle would provide better spatial data coverage which is important because in this work we are considering the Antarctic region, where GNSS satellites are visible only from a certain angle due to the low inclination of the orbits of GNSS satellites. 2) Even at elevation angles larger than 30°, the multipath effects (due to signal propagation along several paths due to scattering and reflections in a medium with inhomogeneities) can result in phase slips and pseudorange distortions due to the signal interference [Chernyshov et al 2020b]. Therefore, in this study, we choose the cut-off angle of 10°. The Antarctic region is a less noisy area (lack of buildings, trees, etc), which makes it possible to consider lower cut-off elevation angles.
In addition, data from magnetometers at SANAE IV and Neumayer (ɸ = 70.7ºS; ℓ = 8.3ºW) stations were used to infer the ionospheric current system (Fig. 6). Neumayer data is available on the SuperMAG database. The baselines were subtracted from the measurements of the magnetic fields.