Capelin biological data
Capelin was sampled during the annual Iceland-East Greenland-Jan Mayen autumn acoustic survey. Data from 2000 to 2021 was used for this study (Table S1). The autumn scientific surveys have been conducted to estimate the mature and juvenile component of the stock to assess an interim total allowable catch for capelin. The targeted area of the survey has been adapted over time in response to the observed shift in the late feeding distribution from the north of Iceland to the shelf areas of east-Greenland. Nowadays, the survey area extends along the east Greenland shelf break from 63°N to 75°30’N, over the Denmark Strait and along the shelf break north of the Westfjords peninsula and North Iceland, east to the 12°W meridian (Fig. 1). Since 2010, the survey has been conducted in September to avoid ice-cover along the east coast of Greenland as opposed to October and November in the past (Table S1).
During each survey, pelagic trawls were conducted in targeted schools throughout the survey area based on acoustic registrations. At each trawling station, a sample of 100 randomly sampled capelin were collected. For each fish, total length (TL; 1–5 mm; from the tip of the snout to the upper lobe of the pinched caudal fin) and total weight (W; 0.1 g) were recorded. The sex and maturity stage were classified based on established methods (Forberg 1983), and otoliths were extracted for age determination. Due to the small gonad size, it is not possible to distinguish macroscopically the sex of immature individuals. However, these data constitute a significant part of the dataset (51%) and were considered an essential component to study length-at-maturity (L50). Therefore, we split the immature individuals based on the sex ratio estimated by each year. Additionally, any outlying observations were removed based on the length-weight relationship, and 4-year-old individuals were also omitted due to their low number. Data from 2002 was also excluded because of missing age information.
The analysis was restricted to when acoustic registration data from the surveys were available. The acoustic backscattering energy is measured in Nautical Area Scattering Coefficient (NASC) or sA (Maclennan et al. 2002). Based on an established target strength and length relationship for this capelin stock (Vilhjálmsson 1994) and length data from the samples, the backscattering energy was converted to population abundance (numbers of fish) within a defined spatial grid of 0.25° x 0.5° latitude and longitude by year creating a spatial temporal time series (Fig. 1). Since the schooling behavior of capelin can introduce bias in trawl sampling, individual trawl samples which may represent different quantities, were weighted with abundance in the given spatial grid and year to make them representative of the populations (Gjøsaeter 2000). First, annual proportions were generated by spatial grid, sex, age, maturity, length, and weights bins. Length and weight were binned into 0.5 cm and 0.5 g bins respectively. The abundance within each spatial and temporal grid was then proportionally allocated to make the sample representative of the true population. Morphological characteristics of capelin are known to differ by sex (Berg et al. 2021), therefore the patterns in life history parameters were examined by sex.
Temporal trends in life history parameters
Long-term changes in length-at-age, weight-at-age, body condition, length-at-maturity (L50), age-at-maturity (A50) and growth rate were investigated. A linear regression model was applied to study the long-term trend in length- and weight-at-age, and comparison among the ages were tested using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).
A relative condition factor (Kn) was calculated by dividing the observed weight with expected weight (Le Cren 1951). The expected weight was calculated using the length-weight relationship (W = a × Lb), and the final length-weight formula (W = 4.7 × 104 × L3.85, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.96) was derived using all data combined.
Maturity ogives, defined by the size and age at which 50% of the sampled fish were mature, were used to examine long term changes in maturation between sexes. These parameters measure the reproduction potential of a stock. The L50 and A50 were estimated for all year classes using a generalized linear model (GLM) with a binomial error distribution and a logit link (Magallanes 2020).
where Y is the percentage of mature individuals, a is intercept, b is slope and L is total length (cm).
In addition to plotting time trends, the data were split into two time periods 2000–2009 (Period 1) and 2010–2021 (Period 2) to summarize changes in the above life history characteristics. The years were split in such a manner to capture the shift in the spatial distribution of the stock from north of Iceland to east Greenland shelf (Fig. 1). Further, to assess whether any changes occurred in growth rate of capelin, the von Bertalanffy growth function (von Bertalanffy 1938) was used to compare the somatic growth between the two periods,
where La is the length-at-age, L0 is the length-at-birth, k is the growth coefficient parameter and L∞ is the asymptotic length. The von Bertalanffy growth model was fitted using the AquaticLifeHistory R package (Smart 2016). Capelin larvae length after hatching (L0) was estimated to be 4 mm (Vilhjálmsson 1994).
Abiotic and biotic drivers of change
To further explore whether any abiotic and biotic drivers contributed towards the variability in length- and weight-at-age, the following selected set of abiotic predictors were considered, sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, and net primary production (NPP). Temperature and salinity were extracted from E.U. Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) Global Ocean Reanalysis and Simulations product (Jean-Michel et al. 2021). NPP was obtained from the CMEMS Global Ocean Biogeochemistry Hindcast (Perruche 2018). The environmental variables were averaged within 0.25° x 0.5° latitude and longitude by year and merged with the spatial temporal capelin data. Additionally, abundance in numbers of fish was compiled for each of the spatial grid cells by year as a biotic indicator of change to study density dependent effects.
A Random Forest (RF) model (Breiman 2001) was fitted using the R package randomForest (Liaw and Wiener 2002) on data spanning from 2000 to 2019. RF is a popular non-parametric machine learning technique applied to study the nonlinear response of organisms to changes in the environment (Beukhof et al. 2019b). It is appealing because it is independent of data distribution assumptions, can handle spatial autocorrelation, and is known for its high predictive power (Cutler et al. 2007). Independent models were constructed for length- and weight-at-age as response variables. Due to confounding effects in the data introduced by the shift in the geographical distribution of capelin which consequently influenced the timing of the survey and area coverage, the model formulation considered the response within each period separately by fitting two independent models for the time periods, resulting in four final models. Temperature and salinity were correlated (variance inflation factor > 5), and only temperature was retained as it is known to be a main driver of change for ectotherms (Zuo et al. 2012). The explanatory variables in the final models were abundance, temperature and NPP, with age as a factor to study capelin response at different life-stages. The goodness-of-fit of the models was measured using r squared. The variable importance was measured using the change in mean squared error (MSE) using the package ‘randomForestExplainer’ (Paluszynska et al. 2020). The partial response plots by age were analyzed to visualize the relationship between length- and weight-at-age and environmental variables.
All analysis was conducted using the R statistical software (R Core Team 2022).