Within the framework of DFT and TD-DFT, the time-independent and the time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations are numerically solved, respectively [22]. The single-layer 2D materials is exposed to a linearly- and a single circularly-polarized MIR laser field, which are polarized along the in-plane and out-of-plane configurations. The time-dependent Kohn-Sham equation is expressed as
In the above equation, \(\:{\psi\:}_{n,\varvec{k}}\) is a Bloch state, n is a band index, and k is a point in the BZ. The time-dependent Kohn-Sham potential is determined in the following form
The first term includes the kinetic energy operator and the laser-matter interaction, which is described in the velocity gauge, with m being the effective mass of electron, C denotes the speed of light, and \(\:e\) is the elementary charge. \(\:{V}_{ion}\left(\varvec{r},t\right)\) represents the ionic potential, \(\:{V}_{H}\left(\varvec{r},t\right)\) represents the Hartree potential, \(\:{V}_{xc}\left(\varvec{r},t\right)\) is the exchange-correlation potential. \(\:{n(\varvec{r},t)=\sum\:_{i}\left|{\psi\:}_{n,\varvec{k}}\left(\varvec{r},t\right)\right|}^{2}\) denotes the time-dependent electron density.
\(\:\varvec{A}\left(t\right)\) is the laser vector potential acting on the electrons and is written in the following form:
$${\mathbf{A}}(t)=\frac{{\sqrt {{I_0}} C}}{\omega }f(t)\left[ {\frac{1}{{\sqrt {1+{\varepsilon ^2}} }}cos({\omega _1}t)\widehat {{{{\mathbf{e}}_x}}}+\frac{\varepsilon }{{\sqrt {1+{\varepsilon ^2}} }}sin({\omega _\varvec{2}}t)\widehat {{{{\mathbf{e}}_y}}}} \right]$$
Where \({I_0}\) is the peak intensity of pump laser, \({\omega _1}\) and \({\omega _2}=2{\omega _1}\) are the laser frequencies, \(f(t)\) is the laser pulse envelope,\(\varepsilon\) represents the ellipticity parameter, \({e_x}\) and \({e_y}\) denote two mutually perpendicular real unit vectors. For the linearly-polarized laser, ellipticity parameter is set to be zero and for the circularly-polarized laser, it is set to be unit. The laser pulse envelope is a sin-square profile and the carrier-envelope phase is taken to be zero (φ = 0). The electric field E(t) relates to the A(t) by \({\mathbf{E}}(t)= - \frac{1}{c}\frac{\partial }{{\partial t}}{\mathbf{A}}(t)\).
The high-order harmonic spectrum is obtained from the time-dependent electronic current density through a Fourier transform [23–27]
$$\operatorname{HHG} (\omega )={\left| {\operatorname{FT} \left[ {\frac{\partial }{{\partial t}}\int\limits_{\Omega } {{\mathbf{J}}({\mathbf{r}},t){d^3}r} } \right]} \right|^2}$$
Here \(\Omega\) is the unit cell volume. The time-dependent electronic current density \({\mathbf{J}}({\mathbf{r}},t)\) can be obtained as [28]
$${\mathbf{J}}({\mathbf{r}},t)= - e\sum\limits_{i} {\operatorname{Re} \left[ {\Psi _{i}^{*}({\mathbf{r}},t)\left( { - i\hbar \nabla +\frac{e}{c}{\mathbf{A}}(t)} \right){\Psi _i}({\mathbf{r}},t)} \right]}$$
The number of excited electrons \({\operatorname{N} _{exc}}\) per unit cell is defined by the projections of the time-evolved wave functions (\({\psi _{n,{\mathbf{k}}}}(t)\)) on the basis of the ground-state wave functions (\({\psi _{m,{\mathbf{k}}}}(0)\)), which can be written as [29]
$${\operatorname{N} _{exc}}={\operatorname{N} _e} - {\int\limits_{{BZ}} {\sum\limits_{{n,m}}^{{occ}} {{f_{n,{\mathbf{k}}}}\left| {\left\langle {{\psi _{n,{\mathbf{k}}}}(t)|{\psi _{m,{\mathbf{k}}}}(0)} \right\rangle } \right|} } ^2}\operatorname{d} {\mathbf{k}}$$
in which \({\operatorname{N} _e}\) is the total number of electrons in the system and \({f_{n,k}}\) is the occupation of the Kohn-Sham orbitals on the nth band at point k. All calculations are performed using the real-space grid-based code, Octopus, which has been successfully developed to describe strong-field phenomena in solids [30, 31].
The real-space cell is sampled along the three directions by a uniform grid spacing of 0.4 a.u. and 31×31 Monkhorst-Pack k-point grid is used to sample the 2D Brilluion zone (BZ). During propagation we added a complex absorbing potential (CAP) with a \(\:{sin}^{2}\left(z\right)\) shape of width 5 a.u. on the edges of the computational parallelepiped box and CAP height η=-1 a.u. to avoid spurious reflection of electrons at the boundaries [32]. The time-dependent Kohn-Sham equations are solved using the approximate enforced time-reversal symmetry (AETRS) scheme. In the calculations, the self-interaction corrected local-density approximation (SIC-LDA) which introduced by Perdew and Zunger for the electronic exchange-correlation [32], and Hartwigsen-Geodecker-Hutter (HGH) pseudopotentials for core-electron potentials are employed [33]. Atomic units are used in this paper unless otherwise specified.