Glycan binding profiles of lectins on the lectin array:
We used a commercial lectin array comprising 95 lectins for this study (Figure 1b). The 95 different lectins are spotted in duplicates, and the array also contains six positive control spots (indicative of binding to streptavidin) and three negative control spots (that do not show any signal upon incubation with streptavidin). The 95 lectins include 5 microbial lectins, 12 animal lectins, 65 plant lectins, 10 fungal lectins, 2 slime mold lectins, and 1 red algal lectin (Figure 1b), and the broad specificities of these lectins are indicated by the manufacturer, as gleaned from the published literature. We validated this by using biotinylated polyacrylamide probes with or without derivatization with the monosaccharides, mannose, fucose and sialic acid (PAA-Biotin, PAA-Biotin-Mannose, PAA-Biotin-L-Fucose, and PAA-Biotin-Neu5Ac), and saw that some levels of non-specific binding to PAA-Biotin was observed for the lectins, AAL, VVA, RS-Fuc, GHA and BC2LCN (Figure 1c). Binding of PA-IIL, BANLEC, PTL-2, UEA-I, and increased binding of AAL and RS-Fuc were observed when incubating with PAA-biotin-L-fucose (Figure 1c). BANLEC, AMA, Lentil, GRFT, ConA, BC2L-A, MNA-M, PTL-2, PA-IIL, and PSA showed binding to PAA-Biotin-Mannose (Figure 1c). However, other mannose-binding lectins such as NPA, GNA, Orysata, and Calsepa did not show any mannose-specific binding to PAA-Biotin-Mannose (Figure 1c). No specific binding by sialic acid-specific lectins to PAA-Biotin-Sialic acid was observed albeit binding by RCA-120 and non-specific binding by AAL, VVA, RS-Fuc, GHA and BC2LCN was observed (Figure 1c); this might be due to the low affinity of the sialic acid-specific lectins such as SNA and MAA for the monosaccharide Neu5Ac.
We sought to more thoroughly characterize the lectins on this array so that we could have reasonable expectations as to the binding of recombinant Spike glycoprotein or cultured SARS-CoV-2 virus to lectins on this array. We did this by employing glycan array data. Publically available glycan array datasets existed for 68 of these 95 lectins, and the glycan binding specificities of these lectins were also available on Carbogrove [37]. To have a unified analysis of all these lectins, we employed the MotifFinder tool using all available glycan array data for each of the lectins and the same settings of MotifFinder, and generated a lectin model for each of these 68 lectins (Supplementary Data 1). Following this, we generated a list of core and extension sequences of N- and O-glycans expected to be found on mammalian cells (Supplementary Data 2) and used the lectin models obtained in the previous step to generate binding propensities, i.e., predict the binding of each of these 68 lectins to these N- and O-glycans (Supplementary Data 2).
Out of the 68 characterized lectins, 17 lectins showed binding towards the O-glycan core, 32 lectins bound to the N-glycan core, and 18 lectins bound to extension sequences (N-glycan extensions and O-glycan extensions) (Figures S2a, b, c). MPA did not show significant binding to any of the generated glycans (Figure S2a).
Lectin binding to N-core and N-extension sequences: The generated heat map of the binding propensities for N-glycan core sequences (portrayed on the rows) showed that some lectins (portrayed on the columns) exhibit high binding towards N-glycans such as MNA-M, MNA-G, Banlec, AAL, CAA, VFA, DSA, AMA, ABA, and UDA whereas other lectins like Jacalin, SBA, SJA, WFA, EEL, GAL-7, and MOA exhibit less binding towards N-glycans (Figure 2a). Lectins binding to the N-glycan core were grouped in three clusters - lectins predicted to bind to the high mannose-containing glycans, lectins predicted to bind to complex type N-glycans, and lectins predicted to bind to both mannose-containing glycans as well as complex type glycans. Using a binding propensity cutoff of 0.1, we could classify the lectins into three discrete groups (Figure 2b). ASA, Banlec, BC2L-A, UDA, VFA, SNA-II, PA-IIL, LEA, and LTL bound to only high/oligo-mannose N-glycan cores (Man 3-5 tGlcNAc, Man 5-6 unsubstituted, and Man 7-9 unsubstituted binding lectins); lectins like PHA-L, DSA, RPA, TL, and PHA-E bound to only complex-type N-glycan cores (bi-antennary N-glycans with tGlcNAc, tri-antennary N-glycans with tGlcNAc, and tetra antennary N-glycans with tGlcNAc); the lectins, LcHA, BC2LCN, ConA, GNA, NPA, ORYSATA, AMA, HHA, MNA-G, MNA-M, LBA, CA, CAA, ABA, BSL/GS-II, and WGA bound to both high/oligo-mannose and complex-type N-glycan cores (Figures 2b, 2c). Using the binding propensities, we also determined the effect of branching and core-fucosylation. PHA-E was predicted to bind only to complex-type N-glycans with or without bisecting GlcNAc branch, besides binding to extension sequences (with higher binding propensities) (Figure 2c, Figure S2a). RPA displayed increased binding propensity for N-glycan cores with a bisecting GlcNAc branch. LcHA, ConA, ORYSATA, NPA, HHA, LBA, ABA, GS-II, and TL showed decreased binding propensity for N-glycan cores with a bisecting GlcNAc branch (Figure 2c). PSA and BC2LCN were predicted to bind only to core-fucosylated complex-type N-glycan cores, and were not predicted to bind to any extension sequences (Figure 2c, Figure S2a). AAL and LcHA displayed increased binding propensities for some core-fucosylated N-glycans. Most lectins, with the exception of BC2LCN, DSA, GNA, LcHA, LEA, PHA-L, PSA, RPA, SNA-II, and VFA, were also predicted to bind to N-extension sequences (Figures S2a,b).
Lectin binding to O-core and O-extensions:The generated heat map of the binding propensities for O-glycan core sequences identified Jacalin, SBA, ACG, HAA, WFA, DBA, BPA, PNA, PA-IL, CNL, ACL, AAA, and WGA as lectins with high binding propensities for O-glycan cores (Figure 3a). Many of these lectins were predicted to bind more than one type of O-core. The exceptions were CSA and VVA, which were predicted to bind only the Tn antigen; UEA-II, predicted to only bind the O-glycan core-4; and MOA, predicted to bind only the O-glycan core-8. Conversely, all cores were predicted to be bound by more than one lectin, with the exception of sialylated Tn antigen which was predicted to be bound only by WGA. The predicted binding of lectins to the various types of O-glycan cores is shown in Figure 3b. With the exception of CSA and VVA, all these lectins were also predicted to bind to O-extension sequences (Figures S2a,c).
Lectins binding to Spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2:
We performed lectin array analysis of recombinant SARS-Related Coronavirus 2, Wuhan-Hu-1 HexaPro Spike Glycoprotein Ectodomain expressed and purified from BEI NR-53587 pαH Vector transfected HEK-293F cultures (Figures 4a, b, c). As controls, we used BSA (which is not glycosylated) and PBS, and we noted a low-level non-specific signal only for the VVA lectin spots in the former array (Figure 4c). High-intensity fluorescence signals were observed for many of the lectin spots in the arrays incubated with varying amounts (5 to 50 µg) of Spike glycoprotein (Figure 4c), indicative of the presence of glycosylation on Spike and optimal assay conditions.
Figure 4d shows an individual dot plot containing the average values of four replicates of 10 µg Spike glycoprotein assayed on the lectin array. We found that Banlec, PHA-L, PTL-2, PHA-E, PSA, TL, Lentil, MNA-M, NPA, HHA, GS-II, and GNA were the top lectins with the highest binding intensities to Spike glycoprotein, and there were many lectins with binding intensities exceeding that of the positive control in the lectin array (Figure 4e, Supplementary Data 2). These lectins were also found to display high intensities (more than positive control on average and >100% at least in two replicates) in the assays performed with different concentrations of Spike glycoprotein (Figure 4c, Supplementary Data 2). The top glycan motif (among the different N- and O-glycans expected in mammalian cells) predicted to be bound by each of these lectins is represented in Figure 5, and includes high/oligo-mannose or hybrid N-glycans (predicted to be bound by lectins, ConA, AMA, Banlec, BC2LA, GNA, HHA, NPA, and MNA-M) or complex-type N-glycans (predicted to be bound by lectins such as LcHA, ASA, RS-Fuc, GS-II, ORYSATA, PHA-E, AMA, PSA, PHA-L), as well as O-glycans and extension sequences (predicted to be bound by lectins such as ACL and SBA). The binding propensities of these lectins to the comprehensive list of N- and O-glycans in mammalian cells, as well as the lectin models with all predicted glycan motifs, are provided (Supplementary Data 1, 2). Lectins that did not bind to the Spike glycoprotein included PPL, BPA, PA-IL, SNA-II, SJA, UEA-II, Jacalin, SSA, and VFA, and the lectins, PNA, ECA, GAL1, UEA I, PWA, VVA-M, DISCOIDIN I, LAL, GAL2, PSL1A, SHA, VRA, LBA bound with low intensity (Supplementary Data 2).
Lectins binding to N-core glycans:We analyzed the binding of the Spike glycoprotein by the lectins predicted to bind to N-glycan core sequences (Figure 4f). We found that the lectins, AAL, AMA, ASA, BANLEC, BC2L-A, CA, CAA, ConA, DSA, GNA, GS-II, HHA, LcHA, UDA, MNA-G, MNA-M, NPA, ORYSATA, PHA-E, PHA-L, PSA, TL, and WGA showed >50% normalized percent fluorescence intensity to Spike glycoprotein (Figure 4f). This included lectins with high binding propensities for high/oligo-mannose N-glycan cores such as ASA, BANLEC, BC2L-A, and UDA, as well as lectins with high binding propensities for complex-type N-glycan cores such as PHA-L, DSA, TL, and PHA-E, and lectins with high binding propensities for both high/oligo-mannose and complex-type N-glycan cores such as ConA, GNA, NPA, ORYSATA, AMA, HHA, MNA-G, MNA-M, CA, CAA, GS-II, LcHA, and WGA (Figure. 2c, 4f). The lectins ABA, BC2LCN, LBA, LEA, LTL/Lotus, RPA, SNA-II, and VFA showed low or negligible binding to Spike glycoprotein (Figure 4f). Considering the predicted binding of PSA only to the core fucosylated complex-type N-glycan (Figure 2c, Figure S2a), our lectin array results indicate the presence of core-fucosylation on the Spike glycoprotein (Figure 4f). Further, the absence of binding to RPA (Figure 4f), which is predicted to bind only to a bisecting GlcNAc branch or tri- or tetra-antennary complex-type N-glycan cores (Figure 2c, Figure S2a), indicates the presence of biantennary N-glycan cores on the Spike glycoprotein. The high binding to PHA-E (Figure 4f), which is also predicted to bind to a bisecting GlcNAc branch (Figure 2c, Figure S2a) might be explained by the presence of extension sequences on the Spike glycoprotein that are bound by PHA-E.
Lectins binding to O-core glycans: We analyzed the binding of the Spike glycoprotein by the lectins predicted to bind to O-glycan core sequences (Figures 3b, 4g). We found that ACG, ACL, MOA, SBA, and WGA bound with high binding intensities to Spike glycoprotein whereas AAA, BPA, CNL, CSA, DBA, HAA, Jacalin, PA-IL, PNA, UEA-II, VVA, and WFA bound with relatively low intensities (Figure 4g). Considering that all these lectins also bind to extension sequences (Figure S2a), this does not necessarily indicate the presence of O-glycans on the Spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2.
To further explore the identity of lectins capable of binding to the O-glycans, if any, on the recombinant Spike glycoprotein expressed from HEK293 cells, we subjected the Spike glycoprotein to beta-elimination for the removal of O-glycans, and then performed lectin array assays (Figures S3a, b). No change in mass was observed upon beta-elimination (Figure S3a), indicative of a low degree of modification, if any, with O-glycans. No significant inhibition was found (considering a threshold of >5-fold change and p-value <0.1 in at least two replicates in a paired t-test) for any of the possible top-binding O-glycan-binding lectins (ABL, ACL, LSL-N, RCA60, and SBA (Figure S3c). Further, similar levels of reduction in binding (as observed for these O-glycan-binding lectins) were also observed for some N-glycan-binding lectins (Figure S3c), perhaps due to the peeling of N-glycans during the β-elimination reaction.
Monosaccharide competition assays: We performed lectin array assays of the Spike glycoprotein in the presence of the monosaccharides, 500 mM mannose, 100 mM L-fucose, and 100 mM Neu5Ac, to assess competitive inhibition, if any, of lectin binding by these monosaccharides (Figure 6a, Figures S4a, b). We found that the binding of the lectins, PA-IIL, RS-Fuc and AAL, was inhibited by 100 mM L-fucose (considering a threshold of >5-fold change and p-value <0.1 in at least two replicates in a paired t-test) (Figure 6b), thus validating the L-fucose specific binding of these lectins to the glycans on the Spike glycoprotein. No significant inhibition was observed in the binding of any of the mannose and sialic acid binding lectins upon incubation with 500 mM mannose and 100 mM sialic acid, respectively (considering a threshold of >5-fold change and p-value <0.1 in at least two replicates in a paired t-test), although the N-glycan binding lectins, GS-II and PSA, did show a modest degree of inhibition upon D-mannose competition (Figures S4c, d). It is possible that these and other mannose and sialic acid binding lectins have low binding affinities for the monosaccharide, which consequently is unable to competitively inhibit binding to the more complex glycan motifs on the Spike glycoprotein.
Lectins binding to the cultured SARS-CoV-2:
We performed lectin array analysis of SARS-CoV-2 virions propagated in Vero E6 cells (Figures S1a, b), enriched using centrifugal membrane filters and either PEG or a Dynabeads™ Intact Virus Enrichment kit (Figures S1c, d), inactivated by heat and UV [45], and biotinylated with biotin-NHS. Enrichment was confirmed by RT-PCR for E-gene (HEX channel) and Orf1ab gene (FAM channel). (Figure S1c, d) by significant differences in the Ct values for the RT-PCR performed with the un-enriched virus and the enriched virus (Figure S1c, d and Supplementary Data 2). For controls for the lectin array, we subjected culture supernatants of uninfected Vero E6 cells to the same enrichment procedures mentioned above. We detected no fluorescence for any of the lectin spots in these controls (Figures 7a, b). High-intensity fluorescence signals were observed for many of the lectin spots in the arrays incubated with SARS-CoV-2 virus enriched either by PEG or by the Dynabeads™ Intact Virus Enrichment kit, indicative of the presence of glycosylation on the SARS-CoV-2 virions (Figures 1a, b).
Figure 7c shows an individual dot plot containing the average values of three replicates each of SARS-CoV-2 enriched either by PEG or by the Dynabeads™ Intact Virus Enrichment kit and assayed on the lectin array. We found many lectins with binding intensities exceeding that of the positive control in the lectin array and these included RCA120, BANLEC, NPA, PTL-2, PA-IIL, AMA, PHA-P, GNA, TL, STL, ASA, CPA, AAL, SBA, MAA, and ConA in the case of SARS-CoV-2 virions enriched by PEG, and BANLEC, GNA, RCA120, AMA, and NPA in the case of SARS-CoV-2 virions enriched by the Dynabeads™ Intact Virus Enrichment kit (Figure 7c). The top glycan motif (among the different N- and O-glycans expected in mammalian cells) predicted to be bound by each of these lectins is represented in Figure 5, and includes high/oligo-mannose or hybrid N-glycans (predicted to be bound by ConA, AMA, BANLEC, GNA, and NPA) or complex-type N-glycans (predicted to be bound by ASA, AMA, RCA-120, PTL-2, PA-IIL, PHA-P, TL, STL, AAL, and MAA), as well as O-glycans and extension sequences (SBA). The glycan motif bound by CPA is unknown; it is reported to haemagglutinate rabbit erythrocytes with inhibition by fetuin, and GalNAc [48,49].
Overall, we found better lectin binding for SARS-CoV-2 enriched by PEG, with 16 lectins displaying fluorescence intensities exceeding that of the positive control spots in SARS-CoV-2 enriched by PEG compared to only five lectins for SARS-CoV-2 enriched by the Dynabeads™ Intact Virus Enrichment kit (Figure 7c, d). Interestingly, the glycan binding profiles of these lectins are also quite distinct. The five lectins binding to SARS-CoV-2 enriched by the Dynabead kit mainly bind to high/oligo-mannose or hybrid N-glycan cores, with the exception of RCA-120, whose top glycan motif is a galactose terminating biantennary N-glycan (Figure 5).
Lectins binding to N-core glycans:We analyzed the binding of the SARS-CoV-2 by the lectins predicted to bind to N-glycan core sequences (Figure 7e). We found that the lectins, AAL, AMA, ASA, BANLEC, ConA, DSA, GNA, HHA, LcHA, NPA, ORYSATA, PA-IIL, PHA-E, PHA-L, TL, and UDA showed significant binding to SARS-CoV-2 virions enriched by PEG (Figure 7e). The lectins ABA, BC2L-A, BC2LCN, CA, CAA, GS-II, LBA, LEA, Lotus, MNA-G, MNA-M, PSA, RPA, SNA-II, VFA, and WGA showed low or negligible binding to SARS-CoV-2 virions enriched by PEG or the Dynabeads™ Intact Virus Enrichment kit (Figure 7e). The absence of binding to PSA is suggestive of the absence of core-fucosylation on the SARS-CoV-2 virions propagated in Vero E6 cells (Figure 7e).
Lectins binding to O-core glycans: We analyzed the binding of the SARS-CoV-2 virions by the lectins predicted to bind to O-glycan core sequences (Figure 7f). We found that only CSA, DBA, MOA, SBA, and WFA bound with high (>50% normalized %RFU) binding intensities to SARS-CoV-2 virions enriched by PEG (Figure 7f). Considering that all these lectins also bind to extension sequences (Figure S2a), this does not necessarily indicate the presence of O-glycans on SARS-CoV-2.
Lectins binding to recombinant Spike glycoprotein vs. SARS-CoV-2 virions: We found four additional lectins, viz., PA-IIL, STL, MAA, and CPA, that bound SARS-CoV-2 enriched by PEG with high intensity but did not bind to the Spike glycoprotein with average intensities exceeding those of the positive control spots (Figures 4e, 7d). We noticed that PA-IIL and MAA showed >100% normalized percent fluorescence intensity in the Spike glycoprotein assay in one replicate and two replicates, respectively, although the average normalized percent fluorescence intensity was <100% (Supplementary Data 2). Lectins that bound with high intensity to the Spike glycoprotein but did not bind to SARS-CoV-2 enriched by PEG with intensities exceeding those of the positive control spots include AAL, ABL, ACL, BC2L-A, CA, CALSEPA, GAL3, GRFT, GS-II, HHA, LcHA, Lentil, LSL-N, MNA-M, ORYSATA, PALa, PHA-E, PHA-L, PSA, RCA60, and RS-Fuc. The differential binding by these lectins might be explained by different levels of variously linked fucose (perhaps, a higher abundance of core-fucosylation (α1,6-fucose), and α1,2-fucose in the Spike glycoprotein expressed from HEK293F cells, and a higher abundance of α1,3/4-fucose in the SARS-CoV-2 virions propagated from Vero E6 cells) and α2,3-Neu5Ac (in SARS-CoV-2 virions propagated from Vero E6 cells).