Single molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH) reveals correlation between Fos ecRNA and mRNA on a single cell level
Previous studies show that the direct binding of Fos-1 ecRNA to DNMT3A inhibits DNA methylation activity, results in hypomethylation of the Fos gene, and is required for the formation of long-term fear memories in rats (1). To further understand how Fos ecRNA modulates de novo DNA methylation, we sought to gain insights into the distribution of ecRNAs and their response to KCl-mediated neuronal activation by performing single molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization (smFISH), a technique that allows visualization of individual ecRNA and mRNA transcripts on a single cell level. Using this tool, we investigated whether the number of RNA transcripts of interest changed in response to neuronal activation. Additionally, we investigated whether ecRNA and mRNA expression are correlated across individual neurons. Primary cortical neurons were depolarized with potassium chloride (KCl, 25mM) for 1 hr prior to fixation, permeabilization, and hybridization with fluorescently labeled smFISH probes. We designed custom probe sets to selectively target and mark individual Fos mRNA transcripts, as well as Fos ecRNA (Fig. 1 A.-B.). To determine whether ecRNA and mRNA levels are correlated at the single-cell level, we multiplexed probe sets targeting Fos mRNA and Fos ecRNA. These experiments revealed a significant correlation of Fos ecRNA and Fos mRNA transcript numbers on a single cell level (Fig. 1 C.), with higher mRNA levels found in cells with more ecRNA foci.
As shown in Fig. 1 D.-F., the number of Fos ecRNA transcripts increased in response to KCl-mediated neuronal depolarization. It is possible that this effect is stronger than represented in our analysis due to overlapping signal in neurons with high transcript abundance (which would potentially cause overlapping or nearby spots to be counted together). Interestingly, we detected only a few, but very discrete puncta per cell with the ecRNA probe set. Larger high-intensity foci are typically associated with active transcription sites as they indicate an accumulation of transcripts. We observed this phenomenon frequently in the quantification of Fos mRNA signal, where active transcription is expected in response to depolarization. However, for ecRNAs, we found such high-intensity puncta to occur much more frequently in both treatment groups, suggesting an accumulation of transcripts at these sites. Notably, we also observed that KCl treatment only increased Fos mRNA counts in cells where Fos ecRNA was present, and neurons with ecRNA signal exhibited more Fos mRNA puncta in both vehicle and KCl-stimulated neurons. Taken together, these findings indicate that ecRNAs contribute to transcriptional regulation of their target genes not only on a cell population level but also on a single cell level.
DNMT3A_CD tetramer interface mutants are differentially responsive to inhibition of enzymatic activity by Fos-1 ecRNA and inhibition does not require a DNA-Fos ecRNA complex
Work from our lab has provided insights into the mechanisms of RNA-mediated inhibition of DNMT3A using a wide-range of biologically significant RNA sequences (2). However, the surface on DNMT3A that binds regulatory RNAs and how regulatory RNAs restrict DNMT3A function to a specific locus remain uncharacterized. To probe whether inhibition of DNMT3A by Fos ecRNA requires the formation of an ecRNA-DNA complex, we monitored the fluorescence anisotropy of a 5′ 6-FAM-labeled Fos-1 ecRNA (5’-GGGGACACGCCCUCUGUUCCCUUAU-3’) as well as a 5′ 6-FAM-labeled 18-mer RNA designed to form a complex with the human Fos gene body (NCBI Gene ID 2353, 3’- 500 nucleotide duplex) (Fig. S1 A.) (Fig. 2 A.). We employed this segment of the Fos gene due to its proximity to the sites of Fos ecRNA synthesis (1). Increasing concentrations of Fos DNA (10 or 30 nM) increases the fluorescence anisotropy of the 5′ 6-FAM-labeled 18-mer RNA (Fig. 2 A. ■) but not of 5′ 6-FAM-labeled Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. 2 A. ■), indicating that Fos-1 ecRNA does not form a complex with this portion of the Fos gene. We previously used computational modeling and mutational mapping to implicate the tetramer interface of DNMT3A as a potential surface on DNMT3A for interactions with p53 (3), and in a similar manner, we employed a hybrid docking algorithm of template-based modeling and free docking to predict a surface on DNMT3A for interactions with Fos-1 ecRNA (34). Fos-1 ecRNA displays comparable binding to the full-length and catalytic domain of DNMT3A (1). In addition, the full-length and catalytic domain of DNMT3A display similar kinetic parameters (kcat, KmDNA, KmAdoMet), as well as modulation by distinct partner proteins (8, 32, 35, 36). Based on these observations, we initially relied on the use of the catalytic domain of DNMT3A with subsequent experiments involving the full-length enzyme. We first sought to confirm that the previously reported inhibition by Fos-1 ecRNA is specific to DNMT3A, and that this inhibition is not limited to the Fos-1 gene as a substrate, as suggested by Fos-1 ecRNA not forming a complex with Fos DNA (Fig. 2 A.). For this, we assessed Fos-1 ecRNA inhibition on Poly dI-dC as a substrate, a commonly used DNA substrate for the study of DNA-modifying enzymes due to the large number of potential methylation sites (19), (37-40). Consistent with previous findings, we found that reactions initiated by a mixture of Fos-1 ecRNA (5’-GGGGACACGCCCUCUGUUCCCUUAU-3’) and Poly dI-dC as a DNA substrate (Fig. 2 B. ■) displayed roughly a 50% decrease in DNMT3A_CD activity compared to reactions consisting of Poly dI-dC only (Fig. 2 B. ■) (1). Additionally, this decrease in DNA methylation by Fos-1 ecRNA was observed in reactions consisting of DNMT3A_CD (Fig. S1 B. ■) and DNMT1 (Fig. S1 B. ■) but not M. HhaI (Fig. S1 B. ■), a bacterial CpG methyltransferase. No inhibition to DNMT3A activity was observed in similar reactions involving a mixture of Fos-1 ecRNA and Poly dI-dC that was treated with RNase prior to assaying for methylation activity (Fig. 2 B. ■) or a mixture of Poly dI-dC and a non-specific RNA (5’-CGACCGCCUACUGAAAGAGGGC-3’) previously employed as a material for nanoparticle construction (Fig. 2 B. ■) (47). Furthermore, we observed that Fos-2 ecRNA (5’-GUCUGUGCACCGUGUGCAUAUACAG-3’) (Fig. S1 C. ■) is a more potent inhibitor of DNMT3A_CD activity compared to Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. S1 C. ■). Given previous work by Savell et al. showing that modulation of DNMT3A activity by Fos-1 ecRNA is essential for neuronal DNA methylation dynamics, we focused on this RNA molecule for further biochemical characterization of the interactions with DNMT3A (1).
We previously used alanine scanning to identify residues on the DNMT3A tetramer interface that largely contribute to the formation of higher order complexes and docking-based modeling of protein-protein interfaces to predict a surface on DNMT3A for interactions with p53 (3), (41). In a similar manner, previous studies have relied on a hybrid docking algorithm of template-based modeling and free docking (HDOCK server) to predict protein surfaces for protein-RNA interactions (34), (42-44). Using the monomeric form of DNMT3A (PDB: 5YX2; residues 628-914) and the Fos-1 ecRNA sequence, we relied on this approach to predict a surface on DNMT3A for interactions with Fos-1 ecRNA (34), (45). Computational models generated in the HDOCK server were used to predict the DNMT3A tetramer interface as a likely surface for DNMT3A- Fos-1 ecRNA interactions (Fig. S2). Based on these predictions, we assessed Fos-1 ecRNA inhibition of DNMT3A activity in a subset of alanine substitutions to residues at the DNMT3A tetramer interface, which vary in their oligomeric state (R729A, E733A, R736A, R771A) (41). Interestingly, substitutions to these residues at the tetramer interface of DNMT3A are frequently observed in AML or UCEC patients (TCGA) (49). We observed that although the extent of Fos-1 ecRNA inhibition varied across the substitutions examined (Fig. 2 C., (■) DNMT3A_CDR736A, (■) DNMT3A_CDR729A and (■) DNMT3A_CDE733A), DNMT3A_CDR771A (Fig. 2 C. ■) was the only substitution that displayed no inhibition. We then sought to assess whether the lack of Fos-1 ecRNA inhibition of DNMT3A_CDR771A is due to the inability of DNMT3A_CDR771A to bind Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. 2 D.) by monitoring the fluorescence anisotropy of DNMT3A complexes on DNA, an approach previously employed to monitor interactions at the DNMT3A tetramer interface (3). The addition of Fos-1 ecRNA resulted in a corresponding increase to the initial anisotropy of DNA-bound DNMT3A_CDWT (Fig. 2 D. ■), DNMT3A_CDR736A (Fig. 2 D. ■), DNMT3A_CDR729A (Fig. 2 D. ■) but not of DNMT3A_CDR771A (Fig. 2 D. ■) or DNA only (Fig. 2 D. ■). Thus, showing that the addition of Fos-1 ecRNA to DNA-bound DNMT3A_CDR771A does not lead to the formation of higher order complexes on DNA (Fig. 2 D. ■) and that Fos-1 ecRNA inhibition (Fig. 2 C.) does not stem from disrupting DNA-bound DNMT3A (Fig. 2 D. WT ■, R736A ■, R736A ■). The tetramer interface of DNMT3A is well characterized as is the regulation of DNMT3A activity by a wide range of regulatory proteins with distinct functional outcomes (3-5). Our results suggest that modulation of DNMT3A activity by RNA also occurs through direct interactions with the tetramer interface of DNMT3A and does not rely on the formation of a DNA-Fos ecRNA complex (Fig. 6 A.).
The oligomeric state of DNMT3A_CD affects the mechanism of allosteric inhibition by Fos-1 ecRNA
Studies aiming to probe the mechanism of DNMT1 inhibition by asCEBPA suggest that this short non-coding RNA (23 nucleotides) is a mixed inhibitor of DNMT1; thus, inhibition may occur through the direct binding of asCEBPA to DNMT1 or to the DNMT1–hemimethylated DNA complex (19). Similarly, mechanism of inhibition studies involving DNMT3A and CHD RNA support non-competitive or mixed type models (2). We previously showed that the oligomeric state of DNMT3A tetramer interface mutants affects processive catalysis and modulation by distinct partner proteins (3), (4), (47). Given that DNMT3A_CD tetramer interface mutants are differentially responsive to Fos-1 ecRNA inhibition relative to DNMT3A_CDWT (Fig. 2 B.), we sought to assess whether the altered oligomeric state of DNMT3A_CD tetramer interface mutants influences the mechanism of inhibition by Fos-1 ecRNA. In addition, we sought to examine whether Fos-1 ecRNA-mediated inhibition of DNMT3A_CD derives from direct Fos-1 ecRNA competition with substrate DNA binding to the active site of DNMT3A_CD. For this approach, we carried out methylation assays with varying DNA concentrations and saturating RNA (Fig. S1 C.) using a dimeric DNMT3A_CD tetramer interface mutant (R729A) that is responsive to Fos-1 ecRNA inhibition (Fig. 2 B.). While the addition of Fos-1 ecRNA to DNMT3A_CDWT led to a reduced VMAX but did not affect KM (Fig. 3 A. and B. ■), the addition of Fos-1 ecRNA led to reduced KM and VMAX in reactions consisting of DNMT3A_CDR729A (Fig. 3 C. and D. ■). Thus, the inhibition data for DNMT3A_CDWT (Fig. 3 A. and B. ■) best fits a noncompetitive model while the results for DNMT3A_CDR729A (Fig. 3 C. and D. ■) are more consistent with an uncompetitive model. Our results show the oligomeric state of DNMT3A affects inhibition by Fos-1 ecRNA and exclude any mechanism that invokes competition with substrate DNA. Therefore, our data supports an allosteric mechanism of inhibition (Figure 3).
DNMT3L restores inhibition of DNMT3A_CDR771A by Fos-1 ecRNA
DNMT3L, the inactive homolog of DNMT3A, serves as a stimulatory factor of de novo methylation by DNMT3A and is essential for the establishment of appropriate methylation patterns of maternally imprinted genes (33). Furthermore, tetramerization of DNMT3A dimer mutants with DNMT3L restores processive catalysis (41), (47). Based on this evidence, we sought to examine whether formation of DNMT3A_CDR771A-DNMT3L heterotetramers restores inhibition of enzymatic activity by Fos-1 ecRNA as DNMT3L provides a well-studied model system for how partner proteins regulate the activity of DNMT3A mutants with altered oligomeric states (Fig. 2 C. and D.). Initial reactions show Fos-1 ecRNA decreases the DNA methylation activity of DNMT3A_CDWT-DNMT3L heterotetramers (Fig. S3 ■) compared to similar reactions that did not include Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. S3 ■). Surprisingly, although DNMT3A_CD R771A homodimers are unresponsive to the modulatory effect of Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. 4 A. ■ and ■), we found that Fos-1 ecRNA inhibits the activity of DNMT3A_CDR771A-DNMT3L heterotetramers (Fig. 4 A. ■ and ■). We then assessed whether the observed inhibition (Fig. 4 A. ■ and ■) is due to DNMT3A_CDR771A-DNMT3L heterotetramers binding Fos-1 ecRNA by monitoring the fluorescence anisotropy of DNA-bound (GCbox30) DNMT3A_CDR771A homodimers or DNMT3A_CDR771A-DNMT3L heterotetramers with increasing levels of Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. 4 B.). While the addition of Fos-1 ecRNA consistently did not result in a detectable change to the initial anisotropy value of DNMT3A_CDR771A homodimers (Fig. 2 D. ■ and Fig. 4 B. ■), the titration of Fos-1 ecRNA led to a corresponding increase to the initial anisotropy value of DNA-bound of DNMT3A_CDR771A-DNMT3L heterotetramers (Fig. 4 B. ■). To better model the cellular dynamics between DNMT3A mutants, regulatory proteins and RNAs, we examined whether Fos-1 ecRNA inhibition of DNMT3A_CDR771A-DNMT3L heterotetramers in equilibrium reactions (Fig. 4 A.) persists in actively catalyzing protein complexes (Fig. 4 C. and D.). We show that the addition of Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. 4 C. ■) disrupts the activity of DNMT3A_CDR771A-DNMT3L on DNA (Fig. 4 C. ■). We also found that when challenged by the addition of DNMT3L, reactions consisting of DNMT3A_CDR771A initiated by the addition of a pre-mixture of Fos-1 ecRNA and Poly dI-dC (Fig. 4 D. ■) are less catalytically active than similar reactions lacking Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. 4 D. ■). In sum, our findings indicate that the formation of DNMT3A_CDR771A heterotetramers with DNMT3L restores the ability of Fos-1 ecRNA to inhibit the methylation activity of DNMT3A_CDR771A.
Modulation of DNMT3A_FLWT activity by Fos-1 ecRNA is dominant in the presence of histone H3 tails and DNMT3L
In addition to modulating cellular activity of DNMT3A (1), (2), distinct classes of non-coding RNAs contribute to epigenetic gene regulation by directly and indirectly modulating the enzymatic activities of histone modifying enzymes (48-51). Based on this evidence, there is growing interest in understanding the role regulatory non-coding RNAs play in epigenetic control (11), (48). However, much less is known about the crosstalk between non-coding RNAs, regulatory proteins and histone tails in the modulation of epigenetic enzymes. In the context of this crosstalk, we have shown that some regulatory proteins play a dominant role over histone N-terminal tails in the simultaneous modulation of DNMT3A (32). Given that DNMT3A activity is modulated through the direct interactions with non-coding RNAs, histone N-Terminal tails, and a wide range of regulatory proteins, we sought to expand on our findings by assessing the modulation of DNMT3A activity by Fos-1 ecRNA in the presence of histone tails, DNMT3L and using the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2B (CDKN2B or p15) gene promoter incorporated into a plasmid lacking any CpG sites (p15-pCpGL) (1-8). We used the p15-pCpGL as a substrate in both nucleosome free and p15-pCpGL assembled into polynucleosomes as p15-pCpGL is a well-established target of DNMT3A that has been previously characterized biochemically (4). We relied on the use of DNMT3L as it provides a suitable model to study the simultaneous modulation of DNMT3A due to its well-characterized interactions with DNMT3A and predicted shared binding surface with Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. 2), (Fig. S2) (6), (33), (41), (47). Additionally, we used the H3K4me0 peptide (10 mer), a potent activator of the enzymatic activity of DNMT3A, to detect any changes to the activation of DNMT3A by H3K4me0 in the presence of Fos-1 ecRNA (52). Experiments involving peptides derived from the human H3 tail were carried out using the full-length DNMT3A (DNMT3A_FLWT) which contains the Atrx-Dnmt3-Dnmt3l (ADD) domain necessary to bind histone tails, in addition to displaying similar kinetic parameters as the DNMT3A catalytic domain (8), (35). Although our results indicate that Fos-1 ecRNA and histone N-Terminal tails bind a distinct surface on DNMT3A (Fig. 2 and Fig. S2) (6-8), we assessed whether DNMT3A simultaneously accommodates Fos-1 ecRNA and histone H3 tails by monitoring the fluorescence anisotropy of DNMT3A bound to FAM-labeled H3K4me0 peptide (residues 1-21; Fig. 5 A.; Fig. S4). While the addition of non-specific RNA did not lead to detectable changes in anisotropy of DNMT3A_FLWT- FAM-labeled H3K4me0 peptide at maximum anisotropy (Fig. 5 A. ■), the addition of Fos-1 ecRNA led to an increase to the initial anisotropy values of DNMT3A_FLWT- FAM-labeled H3K4me0 peptide (Fig. 5 A. ■). Thus, Fos-1 ecRNA can access DNMT3A in complex with histone H3 tails. Based on this finding, we then determined the functional consequences of a DNMT3A_FLWT-H3K4me0 peptide- Fos-1 ecRNA complex on DNMT3A_FLWT activity (Fig. 5 B.). Initial controls show that while the presence of Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. 5 B. ■) reduces the activity of a DNMT3A_FLWT on of p15 (nucleosome free) as a DNA substrate, formation of DNMT3A_FLWT-H3K4me0 peptide complexes activates the enzymatic activity of DNMT3A (Fig. 5 B. ■), as previously reported (52). Interestingly, the activation of DNMT3A_FLWT activity by H3K4me0 peptide (Fig. 5 B. ■) was disrupted in reactions initiated by a pre-mixture of Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. 5 B. ■) with p15 (Nucleosome free). Thus, modulation of DNMT3A_FLWT methylation activity by Fos-1 ecRNA is dominant in DNMT3A_FLWT-Fos-1 ecRNA -H3 tail complexes. To better approximate the simultaneous modulation of DNMT3A activity within cells, we then assessed the functional outcomes of DNMT3A_FLWT-Fos-1 ecRNA -H3 tail complexes using p15 assembled into polynucleosomes consisting of histone core proteins extracted from HeLa cells (Fig. 5 C.). We show that while 1 μM of Fos-1 ecRNA sufficiently inhibits the enzymatic activity of DNMT3A_FLWT on p15 DNA (14 μM; Nucleosome free) (Fig. 5 B.; Fig. S5 A.), inhibition of DNMT3A_FLWT with p15 assembled into polynucleosomes (14 μM) as a substrate requires an excess concentration of Fos-1 (Fig. 5 C. ■) ecRNAs (Fig. S5 A. and B.). Furthermore, reactions initiated by a pre-mixture of 30 μM Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. 5 C. ■) with p15 assembled into polynucleosomes resulted in decreased activity compared to that of DNMT3A_FLWT-DNMT3L complexes using a similar substrate and protein concentrations (Fig. 5 C. ■). However, the enzymatic activity of DNMT3A_FLWT-DNMT3L heterotetramers in the presence of Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. 5 C. ■) was higher than that of similar reactions consisting of DNMT3A_FLWT homotetramers and Fos-1 ecRNA (Fig. 5 C. ■) with p15 assembled into polynucleosomes as a substrate. Using a biologically significant substrate, we show that modulation of DNMT3A methylation activity by regulatory RNAs is dominant in DNMT3A- histone H3 tails-regulatory protein-RNA complexes (Fig. 6 B.).