3.1. Characterization of the carbon materials
3.1.1. Boehm titrations and pHPZC
The pHPZC value of AC (2.25) is in agreement with the one (i.e. 3.7) measured by Clark et al. (Clark, H.M. et al. 2012) for an activated carbon prepared by H3PO4 activation of coffee residues at 350°C.
The pHPZC of AC increased after silica coating (2.6). For such low values (pHPZC < 4.5, (Kosmulski M. 2002), amphoteric silanol groups are deprotonated and the net surface charge is negative over a wide pH range. The low pHPZC values for all carbon materials are generally associated to the presence of acidic carboxylic functional groups.
The pHPZC values were confirmed by the acidic character of activated carbons surface measured by Boehm titration‘s method. Table 1 indicates the amounts of carboxylic, phenolic, lactonic and acidic groups present on as-prepared carbonaceous surfaces. The AC-Silica and AC- Lignin-Silica surface present the highest amount of acidic groups. The increase in the content of oxygenated groups after the Si coating is mainly due to the formation of additional carboxylic groups.
According to Jaouadi et al. (Jaouadi, M et al. 2021) the increase of the content of oxygenated groups after the Si coating is mainly due to the formation of additional carboxylic groups that are beneficial for the hydrophilicity and wettability of carbonaceous surfaces, the AC-Silica and AC-lignin-Silica can be used as electrodes for electrochemical devices especially for supercapacitors.
AC has a small quantity of phenolic groups, which confirms that after preparation of activated carbon from olive wastes (olive stone) the phenolic groups were removed. The study of Monetta et al. (Monetta P et al. 2012) confirmed that olive wastes when applied, as a soil amendment produce a high increase in polyphenol levels, so preparing an activated carbon from olive stones will remove phenolic compounds.
Table 1
pHPZC, total surface acid groups of the carbon materials (mmol/g : determined by Boehm titrations).
| pHPZC | Carboxylic | Phenolic | Lactonic | Acidic |
AC | 2.25 | 0.06 | 0.07 | 0.06 | 0.19 |
AC-Silica | 2.6 | 1.3 | 0.8 | 0.6 | 2.08 |
AC-Lignin | 2.2 | 0.08 | 0.1 | 0.02 | 0.2 |
AC-Lignin-Silica | 2.4 | 1.6 | 1 | 0.04 | 2.63 |
3.1.2. FTIR analyses
FTIR spectra of AC, AC-Silica, AC-Lignin and AC-Lignin-Silica are shown in Fig. 1. For all the samples, the stretching vibrations of -OH groups (υOH), observed around 3500 cm− 1, are attributed to the adsorbed residual water on carbons and are related to the hydrogen bond formed by the association of O-H, and the peak at 3290 cm− 1 were verified to be the hydroxyl association belongs to carboxylic acid. For AC-Silica-Lignin and AC-Lignin the high intensity of this υOH band could be related to the high amount of phenolic groups in this material. For both samples, the band at 1700 cm− 1 (υC=O) is assigned to the C = O stretching vibrations of ketones, aldehydes, lactones or carboxyl groups (Strelko V. 2002). The broad band at 1000–1300 cm− 1 (maxima at 1190–1200 cm− 1) has been assigned to C-O stretching in acids, alcohols, phenols, ethers and/or esters groups (Jaouadi M et al.2021). This band is particularly more intense for AC-Si. The strong C-O-C stretching bands (υC−O−C) were also observed from 1100 to 1200 cm− 1 for AC-Silica, indicating the presence of aromatic ether or ester bond. The presence of Si in AC-Si composites is confirmed by the weak band located at 955 cm− 1, ascribed to Si-O-H asymmetry stretching and bending vibration, and bands at 1090 and 650 cm− 1 corresponding to Si-O-Si asymmetric and symmetric stretching, respectively (Jaouadi, M et al. 2021).
The peak at 1030 cm− 1 appeared in the AC-Silica-Lignin and AC-Lignin was ascribed to the C-OH and C–O-C stretching of the side groups and glycosidic bonds, respectively [18]. The intensity at 1461 cm–1 in both carbon materials modified by lignin was attributed to the methoxy C–H bending and C–C stretching in the aromatic skeleton ( Shi Z et al.2019). It can be found that the characteristic peaks corresponding to lignin appeared in AC-Lignin and AC-Silica-Lignin, these phenomena confirmed the reaction between lignin and carbon materials.
Lignin contains phenolic component and the presence of several functional groups (OH, COOH, and C = O), lignin has the potential to be valorized for bio-composites and antioxidant materials (Umme M. A et al. 2021). These are useful in the agroindustry as additives, coating agents, adsorbents, plant growth stimulators for food production, packaging materials, and fertilizers (Maurice N.C et al. 2020). Therefore, carbon materials modified by lignin probably play the same role of lignin.
Another side, oxygen-containing functional groups found in carbon material surfaces play a vital role in the adsorption. Notably, the peaks of the -OH, -COOH groups displayed the adsorption of heavy metal ions due to the possible formation of complexes with them (Zawadzki J.1989).
3.1.3. Porosity characterization
Figure 2 shows the N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms (at 77 K) of AC, AC-Silica, AC-Lignin and AC-Silica-Lignin. The isotherms of AC, AC-Silica exhibit an IV–type profile that reflects the existence of micro- and mesopores. The isotherms of AC-Lignin and AC-Silica-Lignin are type I and typical of mainly microporous activated carbons. In the AC-Lignin and AC-Silica-Lignin composites the volume has sharply decreased compared to AC and AC-Silica (Table 2).
The BET specific surface area (Table 3) was decreased after lignin reaction with AC and AC-Silica (from 957.26 to 642.5 and from 902 to 375. 12 m2.g− 1, respectively) because the pores were either collapsed or blocked after strong reaction with lignin. The AC-Silica-Lignin composite showed a low specific surface, which indicated that free pores of activated carbon were occupied by silica upon modification and pores of AC-Silica, was also covered by lignin upon reaction. Probably the component of lignocellulosic precursors found in lignin primarily responsible for the microporosity of activated carbons (Suhas, P.J.M et al. 2007).
According to Wang et al. (Wang X et al.2018) lignin has been considered as the substrate of adsorbents because of its low price and easy modification, most importantly, its ability to accelerate the adsorption rate of heavy metal ions (Wang X at al.2021). The prepared activated carbon can be used as adsorbents or as electrodes for energy storage. The mesoporous structure is expected to improve the electrochemical performance by enhancing the ionic mobility, while micropores are more efficient for the charge accumulation. In the same way, the wettability of the electrode may be affected by the size of electrolyte ions in regards to the pore size of the surface (Chmiola J et al. 2006).
Table 2
Porosity characteristics of AC, AC-Lignin, AC-Silica and AC-Silica-Lignin.
Samples | Surface area SBET (m2.g− 1) | Pore volume Vtot (cm³.g− 1) | Micropore area (m2.g− 1) | Mesopore area (m2.g− 1) | External area (m2.g− 1) | Micropore volume Vm (cm³.g− 1) |
AC | 957.26 | 0.59 | 601.36 | 355.64 | 355.89 | 0.27 |
AC-lignin | 642.5 | 0.11 | 565.35 | 77.15 | 77.16 | 0.28 |
AC-Silica | 902 | 0.57 | 550.27 | 351.73 | 351.83 | 0.25 |
AC-Silica-Lignin | 375.12 | 0.24 | 304.99 | 70.13 | 70.13 | 0.15 |
AC-Silica, AC-Lignin and AC-Silica-Lignin.
3.1.4 TGA-DTA analyses
The thermal stability of electrode materials is a significant parameter. Hence, TGA/TDA measurements were carried out for AC, AC-Silica, AC-Lignin and AC-Silica-Lignin powders as presented in Fig. 3. The weight losses carbon materials are mainly embodied in the temperature range over 120°C and attributed to the decomposition of carbon frameworks (Zawadzki J. 1989). The weight losses of AC, AC-Silica, AC-Lignin and AC-Silica-Lignin are established in three stages; when the temperature is below 150°C, the weight loss of ~ 20% is caused by the desorption of water. From 150 to 500°C, the loss is about ~ 10% and results from the decomposition of oxygenated functional groups. From 500 to 1100°C, the weight loss is about 13, 20, 20 and 14% for AC, AC-Silica, AC-Lignin and AC-Silica-Lignin, respectively. This weight loss corresponds to the decomposition of the organic compounds. It is noticed that DTA curves of AC, AC-Silica samples present very similar decomposition profiles. The endothermic transition at 120°C, due to water vaporization, is followed by an exothermal transition at 450°C. For AC-Lignin and AC-Lignin-Silica, the exothermal transition at 450° was disappeared after reaction with lignin.
The DTA curves of carbon materials modified by lignin (AC-Lignin and AC-Lignin-Silica) analyzed in this work, shows an endothermic peak between 400 and 1000°C, which may be assigned to decarboxylation reactions (Jaouadi M. 2020). Lignin has special features such as thermal stability and can be used a compost.Industrial lignin is currently not fully utilized. A large amount of industrial lignin is discarded as waste or burned only as a low-value fuel.
In short, the addition of lignin in AC and in AC-Silica enhanced the overall thermal stability of the adsorbents, and confirmed that lignin was successfully grafted onto the carbon materials (AC and AC-Silica). On the other hand, carbon materials modified by lignin can be consumed as a fuel. The main advantage of coating of lignin into carbon surfaces is to reduce the high ash fractions and to increase the energetic density. Hence, Tunisia and other emerging countries, lacking sources of classic fossil fuels can base energy policy on economic and sustainable alternatives like agropellets.
Several authors described the thermal degradation as a progressive decomposition of their cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin (Ouatmane A et al.2000).