Mice exposed to the ABA model lose weight and develop excessive running wheel activity
We exposed female mice to the ABA model. The ABA protocol consisted of multiple days with a 3h feeding period at dark onset, combined with unlimited access to a running wheel (Fig. 1A). Compared to FR (exposed to food restriction but with no wheel access) and WR (running wheel access and no food restriction) controls, ABA mice lost more body weight (Fig. 1B) while they ate a similar amount of food as FR mice and both groups ate less than WR controls (Fig. 1C). During the 5 days of ABA exposure, increased light phase RWA develops (Fig. 1D). This maladaptive behavior, defined as food anticipatory activity (FAA), occurs the hours before food exposure at dark onset. Overall, ABA and wheel running (WR) animals display similar 24h running distances (Fig. 1.E). ABA mice decrease dark phase running activity, especially when food is available (Fig. 1D), while FAA develops as running shifts to the light phase (Fig. 1F). We found that body weight was positively associated with food intake (Fig.S1A) and negatively with FAA (Fig.S1B). Moreover, the animals displaying the highest RWA activity before ABA starts were more vulnerable to develop FAA and to lose body weight (Fig.S1C-D), similarly to what has been previously found (37). Thus, in the ABA model the combination of reduced food intake and access to a running wheel leads to negative energy balance and produce AN-like symptoms.
ABA exposure leads to increase VTADA neuronal activity
For electrophysiological cell-attached patch-clamp recordings on ex vivo brain slices, we harvested the Pitx3-GFP female brains at ABA5 just before dark onset, i.e. after FAA occurs in ABA animals and before food exposure for ABA and FR groups. (Fig. 2A). ABA exposure did not affect the proportion of spontaneously active VTADA neurons (Fig. 2B), known to display a regular “pace-making” activity (38). However, the firing frequency of the spontaneously active VTADA neurons was increased in ABA-exposed animals compared to WR and FR groups (Fig. 2C-D and S2B). Thus, ABA-exposed animals display an increased frequency of VTADA neuronal activity compared to controls.
We next investigated if this difference in firing frequency was due to changes in cell excitability (i.e. intrinsic electrical properties). Results are presented in Fig. 2E-I and Fig.S2C-E where whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed allowing to access the intracellular compartment of VTADA neurons (Fig. 2E). We found that ABA exposure did not affect the intrinsic properties of VTADA neurons. Input/output curves, resting membrane potential (RMP), membrane resistance (Rmem), rheobase, action potential (AP) threshold were unchanged (Fig. 2F-I and Fig.S2D-E). To summarize, VTADA neurons from ABA-exposed animals display an increased firing frequency compared to control groups, which is not due to alterations of basic membrane properties of VTADA cells.
Reduced inhibitory transmission from local VTA GABA neurons to VTADA neurons in ABA-exposed animals
As intrinsic properties of VTADA cells were unaltered after ABA, the integrity of neuronal inputs they received - influencing neuronal activity by excitation (i.e. glutamatergic transmission) or inhibition (i.e. GABAergic transmission) – was then assessed. Spontaneous glutamatergic excitatory transmission onto VTADA neurons was unaltered in ABA animals (Fig.S3A-B) whereas spontaneous GABAergic inhibitory transmission was reduced following ABA exposure (Fig. 3A-B). Specifically, the frequency of spontaneous inhibitory post-synaptic currents (sIPSC) was decreased in the ABA group whereas the average amplitude of sIPSCs was similar between groups (Fig. 3A-B). The difference in IPSC frequency was not found anymore after application of tetrodotoxin (miniature IPSCs, Fig.S3C-D). In ABA-exposed animals, there was a reduction in GABAergic signals onto VTADA neurons, likely involving a presynaptic but action potential-dependent mechanism. The GABAergic deficits in the ABA condition were specific to the synapse, as we did not observe any alterations of extrasynaptic GABA-A mediated tonic conductances (Fig.S3E-G).
To further assess presynaptic GABA release, a paired-pulse ratio (PPR) protocol was performed consisting of a paired stimulation of a synapse given in a quick succession with 3 different time intervals (Fig. 3E and S3H). Electrical stimulation of synapses resulted in an overall increased PPR in the ABA group (FigS3I) which is in accordance with a scenario in which the probability of GABA release is reduced when compared to the WR group (39). We predicted that local GABA neurons were involved considering their powerful regulatory function onto dopamine neurons. Therefore, the PPR was performed using optogenetic stimulations on midbrain GABA neurons surrounding VTADA cells (Fig. 3D-E). This protocol revealed an increased PPR in the ABA group (Fig. 3F) showing that local midbrain GABA to VTADA synapses displayed reduced probability of GABA release. To further corroborate a deficit in local GABAergic VTA interneurons, whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of VTAGABA neurons were performed (Fig. 3G). VTAGABA neurons from ABA-exposed animals displayed decreased excitability: RMP (Fig. 3H) and rheobase (Fig. 3J) were found decreased and increased respectively whereas Rmem (Fig. 3I) and AP threshold (Fig. 3K) were unchanged. This results in a significantly shifted current-voltage plot (Fig. 3L) as well as a trend of a decreased ability to trigger action potentials with increasing steps of current injections (Fig. 3M). ABA exposure also affects the proportion of spontaneously active VTAGABA neurons (Fig. 3N) and therefore reduces their firing frequency compared to WR controls regardless of the chosen experimental unit, the cell (Fig. 3O) or the animal (Fig.S3J). Thus, inhibitory transmission from local VTAGABA neurons onto VTADA neurons is weaker in the ABA group compared to the WR group.
Chemogenetic inhibition of midbrain GABA neurons exacerbates negative energy balance induced by the ABA model while their activation rescues from starvation
To study the causal involvement of ventral midbrain GABA neurons on running wheel activity and food intake, we chemogenetically targeted these neurons. Adeno-associated viruses with Cre-dependent DREADDs (either excitatory hM3Dq or inhibitory hM4Di) were injected in the VTA of vesicular GABA transporter (VGAT)-cre mice, (Fig. 4A and S4A-C).
We first tested whether this GABAergic network regulates food intake and RWAin an ad libitum situation (Fig. 4B). Different doses of CNO were randomly administered every day. Inhibition of midbrain GABA neurons led, for most of the doses used, to decreased food intake (Fig. 4C) as well as increased RWA (Fig. 4D) within the 3h following CNO administration. This led to a mild but significant decrease in body weight expressed as relative body weight within these 3h and compared to the saline injection day (Fig. 4E). In contrast, activating midbrain GABA neurons led to increased food intake and decreased RWA resulting in a significant increase in body weight (Fig. 4F-H) when doses of 0.1-0.25mg/kg were used. However, when midbrain GABA neurons are activated at the highest CNO dose tested, running is drastically suppressed and food intake mildly increased suggesting the induction of motor-based side effects. Based on these results, we identified the optimal CNO doses for both chemogenetic inhibition (0.5 mg/kg) and activation (0.25 mg/kg). Importantly, with these doses, we found no alterations in motor coordination nor in DREADD-Gi animals (Fig.S4D) neither in DREADD-Gq animals (Fig.S4E). Moreover, CNO had no effect in control animals that express the control fluorophore, regardless of the tested dose. To summarize, midbrain GABA neurons are involved in energy balance regulation by acting on both feeding and exercise in an ad libitum situation.
We next chemogenetically targeted ventral midbrain GABA neurons in ABA-exposed animals (Fig. 5A-B). As shown in Fig. 5C-F, animals expressing the inhibitory DREADD-Gi and the control group were exposed to ABA and injected with 0.5 mg/kg CNO every day 5h before food exposure (when most of the animals start expressing FAA). Inhibiting midbrain GABA neurons increased the ABA-induced body weight loss (Fig. 5C), compared to ABA-controls. There were no changes in daily food intake or total RWA (Fig. 5D and S5C). However, light phase RWA and FAA were increased in the DREADD-Gi group (Fig. 5E and S5A). Thus, inhibition of midbrain GABA neurons accelerated the development of FAA leading to an increased vulnerability to the ABA model (Fig. 5C and 5F).
In Fig. 5G-J, activation of midbrain GABA neurons with 0.25 mg/kg CNO twice a day was protective against body weight loss (Fig. 5G). Daily measurements of food intake or total RWA did not reveal any differences (Fig. 5H and S5D) but FAA was drastically suppressed (Fig. 5I and S5B). These data suggest that excessive running that develops along ABA exposure can be suppressed by increasing midbrain GABA neuronal activity, resulting in a better survival to the ABA model (Fig. 5G and J). Thus, restoring the excitability of midbrain GABA neurons via chemogenetic activation reduced body weight loss by decreasing running wheel activity. Conversely, chemogenetic inhibition increased vulnerability to the ABA model by increasing FAA.