Generation of TRIM2/3 double-knockout cell lines
To generate a TRIM3 knockout line, regions encompassing coding exons 1 and 2 were targeted with the guide sequences specified in Extended Data Table 1. These were cloned into hSpCas9-GFP and -RFP plasmids, respectively, using the approach by Ran et al.96. Two million mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs, 129B-13) were transfected with 1.5 μg of each of the Cas9-containing plasmids using the Amaxa™ 4D-Nucleofector™ protocol according to manufacturer’s instructions (Lonza P3 kit, program CG-104 for mESC). Forty-eight hours post-transfection, fluorescence-activated cell sorting was performed to select monoclonal cell lines that were GFP and RFP-positive. These were sorted into 96-well plates, expanded in ES culture medium, and frozen. To screen for TRIM3 deletion, genomic DNA from ~ 1 million cells comprising a single colony was extracted using the Gentra Puregene Cell Kit (Qiagen) according to instructions and used for genotyping PCR and Sanger sequencing. Two clonal cell lines with successful TRIM3 deletion were used to further knock out TRIM2 using a similar approach targeting exons 1 and 2. The deletion of TRIM2 and TRIM3 proteins was further validated using immunoblotting and quantitative MS.
The chromosomal integrity of the clones generated was assessed via low-coverage whole-genome sequencing. Briefly, genomic DNA was extracted from ~ 1 million cells as above and the sample sonicated for 10 cycles (30 sec ON, 30 sec OFF) at 4°C, using a Bioruptor Pico sonication device (Diagenode) to obtain fragments of ~ 200 bp. The fragmentation pattern was assessed via agarose gel electrophoresis, and 0.5-1 μg of fragmented gDNA was used to prepare sequencing libraries using the NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Preparation Kit (New England Biolabs), according to manufacturer’s instructions. Libraries were then quantified using the Qubit fluorometer (ThermoFisher Scientific) and the quality was assessed with a Bioanalyzer using the Agilent High Sensitivity DNA Kit (#5067-4626). Samples were then pooled and sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq-500 platform (75 bp single-end reads). The quality of the sequencing run was assessed using FastQC after removing adapter sequences with TrimGalore ( Sequencing reads were aligned to the mouse reference genome (GRCm38/mm10 assembly) using Bowtie 297 and uniquely mapped reads (MAPQ ≥ 30) were retained for the subsequent steps. A copy number variation analysis (bin size of 100 kb) was performed using a dedicated script (https:// and the results are shown in Extended Data Fig. 7.
Mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation
The cells were differentiated into glutamatergic neurons following the procedure described by Bibel et al.33 with minor modifications. Briefly, the cells were thawed on mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF)-coated T25 flasks (Corning) and maintained using KnockOut™ DMEM medium (Gibco, 10829018), including 15% fetal bovine serum (FBS, Gibco, 10270106), 1% NEAAs (Gibco, 11140035), 1% GlutaMAX (Gibco, 35050061), 1% Pen/Strep (Gibco, 15140122), 0.1 mM β-mercaptoethanol (BME, SigmaAldrich, M6250), and 20 ng/mL leukemia inhibitory factor for a week, in order to remove the feeder layer of fibroblasts before starting cell differentiation. At day 0 of the procedure, the cells were dissociated with TrypLE Express (ThermoFisher Scientific, 12605028) for 5 mins at 37 ºC, and ~ 4 million cells were seeded on non-adherent 10 cm dishes using 15 mL of CA medium containing high-glucose DMEM (Gibco, 41965039), 15% FBS, 1% NEAAs, 1% GlutaMAX, 1% Pen/Strep, 1% sodium pyruvate (Gibco, 11360070), and 0.15 mM BME. The resulting embryoid bodies were maintained for 8 days, with medium change every other day and addition of 5 µM retinoic acid (SigmaAldrich, R2625) from day 4 and onwards, to trigger differentiation towards the neuronal lineage. On day 8, the embryoid bodies were dissociated using trypsin and seeded on wells coated with 0.1 mg/ml poly-D-lysine (SigmaAldrich, P0899) and 2.5 µg/ml laminin (SigmaAldrich, L2020) at a density of 2 x 105 cells per cm2 using N-2 medium consisting of high-glucose DMEM, 1% Pen/Strep, 2% B-27 supplement without vitamin A (Gibco, 12587010) and 1% N-2 supplement (Gibco, 17502048). The cells were maintained for an additional 4 days and considered mature neurons ready for phenotypic characterization, corresponding to day 12 of differentiation.
The cleared lysate from cellular experiments or samples from in vitro assays (~ 2-50 µg) were run on a gradient denaturing SDS-PAGE gel (Mini-Protean TGX, BioRad) and transferred to a polyvinylidene difluoride membrane using the Trans-Blot Turbo transfer system according to manufacturer’s instructions (BioRad). The membrane was treated with a blocking buffer containing 5% milk powder and 0.1% Tween (Sigma) dissolved in 1x PBS (10 mM NaH2PO4, pH 7.4, 2.7 mM KCl, 1.5 mM KH2PO4, and 137 mM NaCl) and incubated at room temperature for 30 minutes while shaking. The membrane was then incubated with the primary antibodies listed below, diluted in blocking buffer for ~ 16 hours at 4 °C while mixing. The membranes were washed with 0.1% Tween/1x PBS three times for 5 minutes each at room temperature, and the secondary antibodies (goat anti-mouse-HRP, Abcam 97040 and goat anti-rabbit-HRP, Abcam 97051) diluted in blocking buffer 1:5000 and incubated for ~ 1 hour at room temperature. After similar washes, the membranes were treated with horseradish peroxidase substrate according to manufacturer’s instructions (Merck-Millipore Immobilon Western), and the chemiluminescence signal visualized using a BioRad ChemiDoc system. The following antibodies and dilutions were used in each case: anti-HA-tag antibody (Abcam 9110) 1:4000, anti-α-tubulin (Merck/Sigma-Aldrich T6199) 1:5000, anti-TRIM2 (Merck/Sigma-Aldrich SAB4200206) 1:2000, anti-TRIM3 (Bethyl Laboratories A301-209A) 1:1000, anti-TMEM106B (Biomol A303-439A) 1:2000-1:5000, anti-flag (Sigma A8592) 1:5000, anti-ubiquitin (Santa Cruz P4D1) 1:2000-1:4000, and anti-AviTag (Genscript A00674) 1:3000.
HEK 293-T cell culture
HEK 293-T cells (DSMZ - German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures, ACC: 635) were maintained in T-75 or T-25 cell culture flasks (Nunc EasYFlasks ThermoFisher, no. 156472, 156340) at 37 °C and 5 % CO2, using DMEM + 1g/L D-glucose, L-glutamine, + pyruvate (ThermoFisher, 31885023) and supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated FBS, qualified from Brazil (ThermoFisher, 10270106), 1% PenStrep (ThermoFisher, 15140122), and 1% L-glutamine (ThermoFisher, A2916801). The cells were maintained and seeded according to the manufacturer’s instructions using trypsin-EDTA (ThermoFisher, 25200056). Quantification of cell numbers and viability was achieved using a TC20 automated cell counter (Bio-Rad Laboratories GmbH, DE). Where indicated, deubiquitinase (DUB) inhibition consisted of a treatment for 2.5 hours with a final concentration of 25 µM of PR-619 (Merck/SigmaAldrich #662141).
Mammalian expression plasmids
All plasmids used for mammalian transient transfections were prepared using endotoxin free (EndoFree) MaxiPrep kits (Qiagen no. 12362), and the primers were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich with standard desalting purification. To make GFP-expressing plasmids, the full-length genes encoding human TRIM2 and TRIM3 (NCBI ID: Q9C040 and O75382) were cloned into pcDNA3 containing mEGFP at the N-terminus with point mutations K206A and L221K 98, using the restriction-free cloning method99. A linker encoding 9 amino acids (GGSGGSGGG) separated the mEGFP and TRIM2/3 genes. The plasmids encoding HA-BirA-Rad18 and AviTag-Ubiquitin were kindly provided by Sagar Bhogaraju and have been described previously 13. The latter constitutes an optimized acceptor peptide with high selectivity named (−2)AP-Ub, in which two point mutations were introduced to change the acceptor peptide sequence from GLNDIFEAQKIEWHE to KGNDIFEAQKIEWHE 13. To generate HA-BirA-TRIM2/3 plasmids, similar restriction-free approaches were used. The catalytically dead variants contained the following point mutations introduced using site directed mutagenesis: C23S or C60S (TRIM2), and C22S or C59S (TRIM3)100. We found no significant differences in the expression levels of these mutants, and thus used the C60S and C59S mutations in the proximity labelling approach as the catalytically inactive variants of TRIM2 and TRIM3, respectively (“dead”). Plasmids lacking the BirA gene, including HA-TRIM2WT, HA-TRIM2C60S, and HA-TRIM2C23S/C60S were derived from those above and generated using standard cloning approaches to amplify the regions of interest. The gene for TMEM106B was obtained through Addgene (plasmid #179385, UniProt ID: Q9NUM4). Cloning of 3x flag-tagged TMEM106BWT, TMEM106BK3A/K14A and TMEM106Bmono (C61S/C64S) into pCDNA3.1 was accomplished using similar methods.
Transient co-transfections, lysis, and pull-down in substrate identification
Three million HEK 293-T cells were seeded in Falcon® 100 mm TC-treated cell culture dishes (Corning no. 353003) and maintained as described above. The following day (~ 16 hours), each dish was supplemented with a final concentration of 100 µM biotin (Sigma-Aldrich no. B4501) and shortly thereafter co-transfected with 5 µg of each of the BirA-containing and AviTag-Ub plasmids, using Fugene HD transfection reagent (Promega no. E2311) according to manufacturer’s instructions. Twenty-four hours post-transfection, the proteasome was inhibited with a final concentration of 0.5 µM Carfilzomib/PR-171 (Selleckchem no. S2853) for 5 hours in the case of TRIM2-treated cells and corresponding controls. For both TRIM2 and TRIM3 treatments, the cells were collected 29 hours post-transfection using plastic cell scrapers after briefly washing with ice-cold 1x PBS. The resulting cell suspension was centrifuged for 5 mins at 3, 000 r.c.f. and 4 °C, and the pellet frozen at - 80 °C until further processing.
To lyse, the cell pellet was thawed on ice for 15 mins and resuspended in 500 µL of ice-cold lysis buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 0.1% SDS, 1% Triton X-100, 500 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.5 mM TCEP, 10 mM N-Ethylmaleimide (NEM, Sigma-Aldrich no. E3876), 1 µg/mL RNAse A (Qiagen), 1 µg/mL DNAse I (Roche), and 1% Complete EDTA-free protease inhibitor cocktail tablet (Sigma-Aldrich no. 11873580001)), followed by a 20 minute incubation at 37 °C to allow DNA and RNA digestion. The cell suspension was then cooled on ice for 10 mins and lysed using a BioRuptor Plus sonicator (Diagenode) equilibrated at 4 °C, using 6 cycles of 30 seconds ON, 30 seconds OFF, with low power setting. The resulting lysate was centrifuged at 13, 000 r.c.f. for 10 mins at 4 °C, and the supernatant used for further analysis. The total protein concentration of each sample (soluble fraction) was determined using the Pierce BCA protein assay kit according to manufacturer’s instructions (ThermoFisher no. 23227) and normalized to the lowest protein concentration using lysis buffer. Twenty microliters of Pierce Streptavidin magnetic beads (ThermoFisher no. 88816) were incubated with 450 µL of each normalized cleared lysate and rotated at 4 °C for 2 hours to allow enrichment of biotinylated ubiquitin moieties. The beads were washed three times for 20 minutes each, with rotation at 4 °C, using 750 µL of wash buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.42, 0.1% SDS, 1% Triton X-100, 500 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.5 mM TCEP, 10 mM NEM, 10 mM of freshly prepared dithiothreitol (DTT), and 1% Complete EDTA-free protease inhibitor cocktail tablet). The bound proteins were eluted using 100 µL of elution buffer consisting of 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.5, 2 % SDS, 200 mM DTT, 3 mM bromophenol blue, 2.15 M glycerol, 25 mM biotin, and boiled for 5 mins at 95 °C. Two biological and two technical replicates were conducted in each case (n=4), with proteasome inhibition in the case of TRIM2, and without in the case of TRIM3, with the exception of the TRIM3-catalytically dead variant, for which three replicates were used instead. The biological and technical replicates did not show differences in variability and were therefore treated equally during data analysis.
Quantitative mass spectrometry in substrate identification
Following elution from the streptavidin beads, the samples were further processed by reducing the disulfide bridges of cysteine-containing proteins with DTT (10 mM dissolved in 50 mM HEPES, pH 8.5 for 30 mins at 56 °C). The reduced cysteines were alkylated with 2-chloroacetamide (20 mM in 50 mM HEPES, pH 8.5) at room temperature and in the dark for 30 mins. The samples were then submitted to the SP3 protocol101 and trypsin was added in a ratio of 1 to 50 (enzyme to protein) for overnight digestion at 37 °C (sequencing grade, Promega no. V5111). The following day, the peptides were recovered using 50 mM HEPES (pH 8.5) by collecting the supernatant from the beads and combining it with a new wash with the same buffer. Peptides were labelled with the TMT10plex isobaric label reagent (ThermoFisher no. 90110) according to the manufacturer’s instructions102. Subsequently, the samples were combined for multiplexing and additional clean-up steps using an OASIS® HLB µElution Plate (Waters no. 186001828BA). Offline high pH reverse phase fractionation was carried out on an Agilent 1200 Infinity high-performance liquid chromatography system, equipped with a Gemini C18 column103 (3 μm, 110 Å, 100 x 1.0 mm, from Phenomenex).
LC-MS/MS was carried out using an UltiMate 3000 RSLC nano LC system (Dionex) fitted with a trapping cartridge (µ-Precolumn C18 PepMap 100, 5µm, 300 µm i.d. x 5 mm, 100 Å) and an analytical column (nanoEase™ M/Z HSS T3 column 75 µm x 250 mm C18, 1.8 µm, 100 Å, Waters). Trapping was carried out with a constant flow of trapping solution (0.05% trifluoroacetic acid in water) at 30 µL/min into the trapping column for 6 mins. Subsequently, peptides were eluted while running solvent A (0.1% formic acid in water, 3% DMSO) with a constant flow of 0.3 µL/min, with increasing percentage of solvent B (0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile, 3% DMSO). The outlet of the analytical column was coupled directly to an Orbitrap Fusion™ Lumos™ Tribrid™ Mass Spectrometer (ThermoFisher) using the Nanospray Flex™ ion source in positive ion mode.
The peptides were introduced into the instrument via a Pico-Tip Emitter (360 µm OD x 20 µm ID; 10 µm tip, CoAnn Technologies) and an applied spray voltage of 2.4 kV. The capillary temperature was set to 275 °C. Full mass scans were acquired in the range of 375-1500 m/z in profile mode with a resolution of 120, 000. The filling time was set to a maximum of 50 ms with a limitation of 4x105 ions. Data dependent acquisition was performed with the resolution set to 30000, with a fill time of 94 ms and a limitation of 1x105 ions. A normalized collision energy of 38 was applied. MS2 data was acquired in profile mode.
Mass spectrometry data analysis in substrate identification
IsobarQuant and Mascot (v2.2.07) were used to process the acquired data, which was searched against a Uniprot Homo sapiens (UP000005640) proteome database containing common contaminants and reversed sequences104. The following modifications were included in the search parameters: carbamidomethyl (C) and TMT10 (K) as fixed modifications; as well as acetyl (N-term), oxidation (M), and TMT10 (N-term) as variable modifications. The following error tolerances were set: 10 ppm for MS1 scans and 0.02 Da in the case of MS2. In addition, trypsin was set as the protease with a maximum of two missed cleavages allowed, the minimum peptide length was set to seven amino acids, and at least two unique peptides were required for protein identification. The false discovery rate (fdr) at the peptide and protein level was set to 1%.
The raw output files of IsobarQuant (protein.txt) were processed using the R programming language105. Only the proteins which were identified in two out of two technical replicate runs were kept. Raw TMT intensities ('signal_sum' columns) were first cleaned for batch effects using limma106 and further normalized using variance stabilization normalization107. Missing values were imputed with the knn method using the Msnbase package108. Proteins were tested for differential expression using the limma package. The replicate information was added as a factor in the design matrix given as an argument to the ‘lmFit’ function of limma. In addition, imputed values were given a weight of 0.05 in the ‘lmFit’ function. A protein was annotated as a hit when the fdr was less than 5% and the fold-change was at least 100%, while protein candidates had a fdr less than 5% and a fold-change of at least 40%.
Proteins of interest (POI = TRUE, Supplemental Table 2) are highlighted in red in Fig. 2 and fulfilled the following criteria: i) an enrichment in the WT condition relative to catalytically dead of at least 40% with a fdr of 5% or less, ii) identical enrichment and fdr in the WT versus BirA-only comparison, and iii) they were not significantly different in the catalytically dead versus BirA-only conditions. This resulted in a set of 29 (TRIM2) and 15 (TRIM3) candidate proteins that were further considered for analysis.
Whole proteome profiling of mESC-derived neurons and data analysis
Quantitative MS analysis of the proteome corresponding to the three cell lines (WT, DKO1, and DKO2) was accomplished similarly as in the case of HEK 293-T cells (above) with the modifications that follow. The lysis buffer consisted of 50 mM Tris (pH 7.42), 150 mM NaCl, 1% Triton-X, 0.1 % SDS, and 0.5 mM TCEP, supplemented with 2.5 ng/mL of benzonase. The TMT6plex Isobaric Label Reagent (ThermoFisher) was used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The Mus musculus database (UP000000589) was searched and TMT6 (K) or TMT6 (N-term) modifications were included in the search parameters. Only the proteins which were identified in two out of two replicates were further analyzed. A protein was annotated as a hit if the fdr was less than 5% and the fold-change was at least 50% (red circles in Fig. 1c). Proteins that were significantly affected in one of the two WT/DKO comparisons and exhibited a consistent fold change over 20% in the other, are highlighted with a black outline. Proteins considered hits in either of the WT/DKO comparisons and following a consistent trend in both are listed in Fig. 1d with the fold change quantification shown as a heat map (see also Supplemental Table 1).
Enrichment analysis
The gene symbols of protein candidates were used as input for the webserver program Enrichr109. In cases of ambiguity in the protein identity (i.e., HSPA1B|HSPA1A), only the first annotation was retained.
Live confocal imaging and immunofluorescence
HEK 293-T cells cultured in glass-bottom dishes (Greiner Bio-One) were transfected one day after passaging with 0.5-2 µg of plasmid DNA containing GFP-TRIM2/TRIM3, using Fugene HD (Promega) according to manufacturer’s instructions for ~ 24 hours. The medium was changed to FluoroBright™ DMEM (Gibco, A1896701) the following day prior to imaging. To test microtubule co-localization, the cells were further incubated with 1 µM sirTubulin (Spirochrome) dissolved in FluoroBright™ DMEM for at least 30 mins before imaging. In the case of lysosomal staining after TMEM106B transfection, a similar procedure was applied for culturing and transfection. The lysosomal maker LysoRed (Abcam #112137) was used according to manufacturer’s instructions and incubated for ~ 45 mins 48 h post transfection. Rather than washing with HHBS, the cells were incubated with FluoroBright™ DMEM as above. To quantify the size distribution of lysosomes, 2D images collected at a resolution of 2048 x 2048 pixels (184 x 184 µm2) were processed in Fiji/ImageJ110. The Otsu threshold was applied automatically, and the images converted to binary with the watershed transformation to separate lysosomes in close proximity. The area of each of the resulting ~ 2500 particles was analyzed, excluding those smaller than 0.1 µm2, larger than 100 µm2, as well as those with a circularity lower than 0.8. An equal number of particles, selected in an unbiased manner from five images containing in total > 100 cells were quantified and plotted as a histogram for each condition. Particles with an area above 2.2 µm2 were binned together to highlight the increase in size resulting from TMEM106B overexpression.
To perform fluorescent immunostaining of flag-tagged TMEM106B variants, similar procedures for culturing and transfection were applied. The following steps occurred at room temperature using 1x PBS as the buffer solution unless otherwise noted. The cells were fixed for 10 mins with 4% paraformaldehyde (Thermo #28908). The fixative was washed 3 times, and the cells permeabilized for 15 mins using 0.25 % Triton X-100 (Sigma-Aldrich #T8787). After similar washes, the samples were blocked with 1 % BSA (Sigma-Aldrich #A7906) and 22.5 mg/mL glycine (Sigma-Aldrich #50046) for 30 minutes. The cells were washed once, and incubated with the primary anti-flag antibody (Sigma-Aldrich #F1804) diluted 1:1000 in 1% BSA over ~ 16 h at 4 °C. The following day, the samples were washed three times, and the secondary antibody (Alexa-488 conjugate, Abcam #150113) was incubated for 1 h, diluted 1:1000 in 1% BSA and protected from light. The cells were counterstained with a mounting solution containing DAPI (ROTI®Mount FluorCare from Carl-Roth). In all cases, the samples were imaged using a Leica SP8 confocal microscope system with a 63x/1.4 numerical aperture oil objective using lasers at wavelengths of 405, 488, 552, and/or 638 nm.
Recombinant protein expression and purification
The genes encoding human TRIM2 and ubiquitin (NCBI gene IDs: Q9C040, P0CG48) were cloned into the expression plasmid pETM11 (generated at EMBL); while the genes encoding human TRIM3 and UBE2D3 (IDs: O75382, P61077) were cloned into pET28-MHL (Addgene, plasmid #26096). Human TMEM106B1-95 and its variants (ID: Q9NUM4), as well as TRIM2RBCC (residues 8-318) and TRIM2RB (8-157) were cloned into pETM41 (EMBL), while TRIM2FIL-NHL (residues 318-744) was cloned into pETM22 (EMBL), and mouse UBA1 (ID: Q02053) into pET28. The vectors produced encoded N-terminal poly-histidine (his6) affinity tags used for purification with Ni-NTA Sepharose columns that could be removed by proteolytic cleavage with TEV or 3C proteases, save in the case of UBA1. pETM41 and pETM22 contained additional maltose-binding protein and thioredoxin solubility tags, respectively. Cloning involved standard restriction free methods99. To create a stable E2~Ub conjugate, the point mutations C85S and S22A were introduced in UBE2D3111,112. All plasmids were transformed into strain BL21 (λDE3) of Escherichia coli (E. coli) for recombinant expression. Protein production was induced with 0.2 mM isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) over ~ 16 h at 20 °C, at optical densities (600 nm) of 0.6 to 1.5. The cells were grown in Lysogeny broth (LB) or Terrific broth (TB), while isotopically labeled proteins used for NMR spectroscopy were produced in M9 minimal media supplemented with 2 g/L 13C6-D-glucose and/or 0.5 g/L 15NH4Cl as sole carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. Following expression, the cells were centrifuged at 3000 r.c.f. at 4 °C, and the pellet frozen at -20 °C until further processing. The cells were then thawed and resuspended in lysis buffer (20 mM Na2HPO4, 500 mM NaCl, 40 mM imidazole, pH 7.4), supplemented with 1 mg/mL lysozyme, 25 ng of benzonase, 0.5 mM TCEP, and 1x cOmplete™ Mini EDTA-free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (Roche), followed by incubation at room temperature for ~ 30 mins. The cells were lysed using a homogenizer equilibrated at 4 °C, and the cleared supernatant applied to a Ni-NTA column (HisTrap HP, Cytvia) to allow binding. After washing with ~ 20 column volumes, the his-tagged proteins were eluted with 20 mM Na2HPO4 (pH 7.4), 500-1000 mM NaCl, and 250-500 mM imidazole. The appropriate fractions were pooled and dialyzed against 50 mM Tris (pH 7.5), 250 mM NaCl, and 1 mM DTT over ~ 16 h at 4 °C, with addition of 1-2 mg of his-tagged TEV or 3C proteases. A second Ni-NTA chromatography step was performed to separate the cleaved protein, and a final size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) step was included in all cases using HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 75 or 200 columns (Cytvia). In the case of proteins prepared for ubiquitination assays, the SEC buffer consisted of 50 mM HEPES (pH 7.5), and 150 mM NaCl. TRIM2 and TMEM106B preparations included 0.5 mM DTT and 10% glycerol additionally. For NMR spectroscopic studies, the SEC buffer consisted of 20 mM sodium phosphate (pH 6.5), 100 mM NaCl, and 0.5 mM TCEP.
In vitro ubiquitination assays
Proteins stocks obtained as described above were diluted with reaction buffer (50 mM HEPES, 150 mM NaCl, pH 7.5) to the following final concentration ranges: 150-450 μM ubiquitin, 50-70 μM E2, 0.8-1.3 μM E1, 0.7-1 μM TRIM2 or TRIM3, and 5-80 μM TMEM106B1-95. The reaction was started with the addition of a final concentration of 5 mM ATP-MgCl2, followed by a 30-minute incubation at 37 °C. The reaction was quenched subsequently with a final concentration of 50 mM EDTA diluted in reaction buffer, and the resulting mixture analyzed by denaturing SDS-PAGE or immunoblotting.
Identification of ubiquitination sites
The assayed samples derived from in vitro experiments were applied to SDS-PAGE gels and visualized by Coomassie blue staining. The corresponding regions of interest were excised from the gel, cut into small pieces (~ 1 mm x 1 mm), and transferred to 0.5 ml Eppendorf tubes. In all following steps, each buffer was exchanged by two consecutive 15-minute incubations of the gel pieces with 200 µL of acetonitrile (ACN), followed by ACN removal. Proteins were reduced by the addition of 200 µL of aqueous solution consisting of 10 mM DTT and 100 mM ammonium bicarbonate (AmBiC, Sigma Aldrich, A6141), then incubated at 56°C for 30 min. Proteins were alkylated by the addition of 200 µL of aqueous solution of 55 mM chloroacetamide (CAA, Merck/Sigma-Aldrich, C0267), 100 mM AmBiC, and incubated for 20 min in the dark. A 0.1 µg/µL stock solution of trypsin (Promega, V511A) in trypsin resuspension buffer (Promega, V542A) was diluted with ice-cold 50 mM AmBiC aqueous solution to achieve a final concentration of 1 ng/µL. 50 µL thereof were added to gel pieces, which were incubated first for 30 min on ice and then overnight at 37 °C. Gel pieces were sonicated for 15 min, centrifuged briefly to collect them, and the supernatant was transferred into a glass vial for injection (VDS Optilab, 93908556). The remaining gel pieces were washed with 50 µL of an aqueous solution of 50% ACN and 1% formic acid and sonicated for 15 min. The combined supernatants were dried in a vacuum concentrator and reconstituted in 10 µL of an aqueous solution of 0.1% (v/v) formic acid.
Peptides were analyzed by LC-MS/MS using a similar strategy as described above. The following gradient program was used: from 4 to 8% solvent B in 6 min, 8 to 23% for a further 41 min, 23 to 38% in 5 mins, followed by an increase of B to 80% for 4 min, and a re-equilibration to 2% solvent B for 4 min. The Orbitrap Fusion Lumos was operated in positive ion mode with a spray voltage of 2.4 kV and capillary temperature of 275 °C. Full scan MS spectra with a mass range of 375–1200 m/z were acquired in profile mode using a resolution of 120, 000, a maximum injection time of 50 ms, and an AGC target of 2x105. Precursors were isolated using the quadrupole with a window of 1.2 m/z. For fragmentation, HCD was used with a fixed collision energy of 34%. MS2 spectra were acquired using the Orbitrap with a resolution of 15, 000. The maximum injection time was set to 54 ms and the AGC target to 2x106.
The data acquired were analyzed using FragPipe version 21.1 and MSFragger 4.0113 using the E. coli protein sequence database (UniProt: UP000000625, 4402 entries, February 2022) that includes common contaminants, along with the sequences for human TRIM2/3 and TMEM106B. The following modifications were considered: carbamidomethyl (protein C-terminus, fixed), acetyl (protein N-terminus, variable), oxidation (methionine, variable), as well as Gly-Gly (lysine, variable). The mass error tolerance was set to 20 ppm for MS1 as well as MS2 spectra. A maximum of 3 missed cleavages were allowed. The minimum peptide length was seven amino acids. A false discovery rate below 0.01 was applied at the peptide and protein level.
NMR spectroscopy
NMR experiments were collected on Bruker Avance III 600, 700 MHz, and Bruker Avance III HD 1 GHz spectrometers equipped with a room temperature probe (700 MHz) or cryoprobes (600 and 1000 MHz). The experiments were collected at 298 K (25 °C) with samples containing 10% D2O as a locking agent. The NMR sample buffer consisted of 20 mM sodium phosphate (pH 6.5), 100 mM NaCl, and 0.5 mM TCEP, supplemented with Zn+2 (i.e., 100-800 µM of ZnCl2 or ZnSO4) in the case of samples derived from chemical synthesis. Isotopically 15N/13C-labelled samples of TMEM106B1-95 were obtained as described above from recombinant expression in E. coli and concentrated to 100-600 µM using Amicon Ultra-15 3 kDa MWCO centrifugal filters (Sigma-Aldrich), calculated according to the predicted extinction coefficient of TMEM106B1-95 at 280 nm. An unlabelled synthetic peptide spanning residues 54-92 (TMEM106B54-92) was purchased from ProteoGenix SAS (Schiltigheim, France) in lyophilized form at 95% purity, and resuspended in NMR sample buffer to a concentration of 0.6 mM supplemented with fivefold excess of Zn+2. Chemical shift assignments were obtained using either standard 1H-13C-15N correlation experiments114 with apodization weighted sampling to reduce data collection times (Simon & Köstler, 2019) in the case of isotopically labelled TMEM106B1-95, or homonuclear 2D 1H,1H-COSY, TOCSY and NOESY, along with 1H-13C/15N-HSQC spectra at natural abundance in the case of TMEM106B54-92. These have been deposited under BMRB accession codes 52589 and 34953, respectively. The raw data were processed and analyzed using NMRpipe115, NMRFAM-Sparky116, CARA (, and NMRView117.
To test binding, samples containing equal quantities of 15N-labelled TMEM106B1-95 were diluted either with buffer or TRIM2 variants prepared in the same conditions. The RBCC (residues 8-318) or FIL-NHL (318-744) regions of TRIM2 were added in a 5-fold molar excess, while full-length TRIM2 was added in a 1:1 ratio. Line broadening observed in 1H-15N HSQC experiments resulting from binding was quantified from the height of well-resolved amide peaks, comparing the two types of samples. The errors were estimated from the signal-to-noise ratio in each spectrum. In the case of TMEM106Bmono, we did not assign the amide chemical shifts and the comparison with the WT variant was performed for all well-resolved peaks that could be quantified in both sample types. To test EDTA-mediated denaturation, 15N-labelled TMEM106B1-95 was treated with a final concentration of 5 mM EDTA and heated to 45 °C for 2 h, before lowering the temperature to 25 °C for data collection. Zinc binding was assessed with a sample containing a mixture of monomeric and dimeric species, before and after supplementation with equimolar (100 µM) amounts of ZnCl2. The addition of a final concentration of 10 mM DTT was used to observe changes in TMEM106B conformation under reducing conditions.
Structural ensemble calculations with CYANA
Both TMEM106B1-95 and TMEM106B54-92 gave rise to similar chemical shifts corresponding to the structured region (amino acids ~ 57-71). The remaining residues show random coil chemical shifts and only intra-residual and sequential NOEs. To reduce signal overlap resulting from the disordered regions, we thus focused on the shorter peptide. Distance restraints were obtained from 2D 1H,1H-NOESY spectra (mixing time 150 ms). The NOE cross-peaks were assigned automatically during structure calculation using the noeassign function of CYANA 3.98.15118, while those expected based on the Alphafold-Multimer model (i.e., intermolecular) were assigned manually to validate the prediction. Symmetry restraints were applied to the CA atoms of all residues in each of the two monomeric chains. The tetrahedral conformation of the Zn-(SCys)4 cluster was maintained using Zn-S and S-S upper and lower distance restraints of 2.25-2.35 Å and 3.75–3.85 Å, respectively. Dihedral angles were obtained from TALOS+119. All restraints were used to calculate a structure ensemble using CYANA version 3.98.15118. The resulting 20 models with lowest energy (i.e., using the target function) have been deposited under PDB accession code 9GI8. While residues 57 to 71 superimpose very well with a main chain RMSD of 0.1 Å, the remainder of the peptide is unstructured. See also Extended Data Table 2 for the structural statistics.
Size exclusion chromatography – multi-angle light scattering (SEC-MALS)
TMEM106B1-95 WT and C61S/C64S were prepared as described above for NMR experiments. A volume of 50 µL was injected onto a Superdex 200 Increase 5/150 GL gel-filtration column (Cytiva) on an Agilent 1260 Infinity II HPLC system (Agilent), at protein concentrations of 1 mg/mL (~ 0.3 mg/mL at the apex of the peak). The run was performed at room temperature and with a flow rate of 0.3 mL/min. The column was coupled to a MALS detector (MiniDAWN and Optilab, Wyatt Technology). Data were analyzed using the Astra 8.2.0 software (Wyatt Technology). The standard protein refractive index increment (dn/dc) value of 0.1850 was applied for molar mass determination. To determine metal-binding properties, a final concentration of 5 mM EDTA was added, and the sample heated to 45 °C for 2 h and cooled to room temperature before measurement. The negative controls consisted of samples that were heated in the absence of EDTA in the same manner or treated with EDTA only.
The amino acid sequence of human TMEM106B (residues 1-95) was used as input to predict a homodimer. The predictions of 25 structural models were performed with the AlphaFold2 (release version 2.3.2) multimer pipeline (model_preset=multimer) using the multimer_v3 parameter set and the UniRef30 database version 2023_0269. The maximum template release date was set to the future. Default values were used for db_preset (full_dbs) and num_recycle (20), and all models were selected for Amber relaxation. Shown in Fig. 4d are the top 5 ranked relaxed models, after main chain alignment.
X-ray crystallography
We reconstituted a stable, non-hydrolyzable E2~Ub conjugate, utilizing human proteins obtained from recombinant expression in E. coli according to established approaches111,112. Briefly, the E2~Ub conjugate was produced over ~ 24 hours at 37 °C after addition of 5 mM ATP-MgCl2 to a solution containing 200 µM of UBE2D3S22A/C85S, 400 µM of his-tagged ubiquitin, and 2 µM UBA1, in a buffer consisting of 50 mM HEPES (pH 7.5) and 150 mM NaCl. The reaction products were applied onto a Ni-NTA column and eluted as above to remove any unreacted E2. Subsequently, the (his)6 tag was cleaved with TEV protease as described previously, and a second Ni-NTA step applied to remove all tagged proteins. The flow-through fraction was concentrated and applied onto a HiLoad 16/60 Superdex 75 gel filtration column (Cytvia) equilibrated with 50 mM HEPES (pH 7.5), 150 mM NaCl, and 1 mM TCEP. TRIM2RB (residues 8-157) was purified as described above and mixed in a 1:1.5 molar ratio with the conjugate to give a final protein concentration of ~ 28 mg/mL. The complex was further mixed in a 1:1 volume ratio with a crystallization solution consisting of 0.1 M bis-tris propane (pH 7.5), 0.2 M sodium formate, and 20% (w/v) polyethylene glycol 3350 (PACT screen, Molecular dimensions). Crystals grew at 20 °C using sitting drop vapour diffusion, and they were cryo-protected with 25% glycerol before flash-freezing and storage in liquid nitrogen. Residues corresponding to the B-box (~ 115-157) did not appear in the electron density. The data were acquired at the ESRF beamline MASSIF-3120 at 100 K using single wavelength X-ray diffraction and processed using XDS for data reduction and scaling121, Phenix for phasing and refinement122, and Coot for model building123. Phasing was performed using molecular replacement with the TRIM2 RING domain structure (PDB: 8A38), along with ubiquitin (PDB: 1UBQ) as search models. The structure has been deposited under accession number 8AMS and the structure statistics are presented in Extended Data Table 3.
Accession codes
The NMR-derived structure of TMEM106B54-92 has the PDB accession number 9GI8. The X-ray derived structure of the ternary TRIM2·E2·Ub complex has been deposited at the PDB with accession number 8AMS. The chemical shifts of TMEM106B1-95 and TMEM106B54-92 can be found at the BMRB with codes 52589 and 34953, respectively. The mass spectrometry proteomics data have been deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium via the PRIDE124 partner repository with the dataset identifier PXD055297.