2.1 Study area of Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony is a federal state in north-west Germany with a total area of about 47.710 km² and is characterized by an exceptionally diverse landscape, ranging from marine areas to extensive heathland and wooded low mountain ranges. Almost 60% of the federal state is in agricultural use, nearly 22% is forested and the remaining area is primarily comprised of settlements, industry and traffic related infrastructure (Federal Statistical Office 2023). Many municipalities in Lower Saxony have merged to handle their administrative tasks, resulting in a total of 430 local administrative units (LAU). Based on common natural features (e.g., climate, geology, biosphere) the natural regions of Lower Saxony were firstly introduced in the early 1980s and then revised in 2010 (v. Drachenfels 2010). For evaluations within the wildlife survey programme this official classification was adopted and grouped into 12 different regions based on their importance for different wildlife species (Figure 1, see www.wildtiermanagement.com/naturraeume). The (1) Ems-Weser-Marsh is characterized by salt vegetation of the mudflats, the sandy dune vegetation of the islands as well as the meadows and pastured of the diked marshes. The dyke hinterland of (2) the Elbe Lowlands is predominantly used as grassland. The areas of the glacial valley have a slightly higher proportion of arable land, with beech-oak forests and pedunculate oak-hornbeam forests. Dunes in this area are overgrown with pine trees. The (3) East Frisian-Oldenburg Geest is characterized by its richly structured and diverse landscape. Its original vegetation of raised bogs and woodland has largely been replaced by arable land and grassland. Meadows and pastures of the (4) Staader Geest are mainly used for dairy farming and cattle breeding, while the arable land is oftentimes cultivated with cereals. Former heaths and moors used to characterise the landscape of the (5) Ems-Hunte Geest, but have been converted into grassland, arable land and pine forests. This also characterises the (6) Duemmer Geest Lowlands, which in contrast to the former region has a higher diversity of landscape features. The (7) Lueneburg Heath and Altmark are both known for their vast heath areas, which have continued to decline due to cultivation (i.e., arable land, cattle pastures and reforestation with pine) since the mid of the 19th century. Glacial valleys dominate the (8) Weser-Aller-Lowlands with different landscapes: near-natural raised bogs, arable and grassland, but also pine forests on the sandy soils and deciduous forests on the better soils. The (9) Lower-Saxony Boerden are characterised by fertile loess soils with extensive arable land, but also small-scale waterlogged sites and elevations with near-natural deciduous forests. Small-scale mosaic of forests, settlements and agricultural land characterises the (10) Lower Weser Uplands, while its typical for the (11) Weser Leine Uplands that loess-covered, arable basins are oftentimes alternating with steeply rising, wooded mountain ranges. The (12) Harz is the highest mountain range of Lower Saxony (971 m above sea level). Typical for this region are beech and spruce forests, numerous rock formations and near-natural raised bogs, but also mountain meadows, old dammed ponds and other evidences of a long history of mining.
The right to hunt in Germany is tied to land ownership, thus hunters are either landowners or tenants who lease the hunting rights in a specific area. However, for reasons of wildlife biology, legislation requires a minimum size (contiguous, huntable area of 0.75 km²) for hunting districts, so that many hunting districts exceed property boundaries. Furthermore, boundaries can change more or less frequently due to changes in land ownership or consolidations. In Lower Saxony, hunting is allowed across approximately 84.4% of the federal state (40,274 km², with pacified areas included), with a varying amount of hunting districts with an average size of 4.7 km².
2.2 Official monitoring programmes and study species
For both species examined in this study, the reported evidence is verified and confirmed by experts using criteria based on the project “Status and Conservation of the Alpine Lynx Population” (SCALP). The SCALP criteria (Molinari-Jobin et al. 2012) were adopted in a modified form as national monitoring standards for large carnivores in Germany (Reinhardt et al. 2015): This scheme covers confirmed hard facts (C1, e.g., georeferenced pictures, captured or dead found animals, genetics), records confirmed by a trained expert (C2, e.g., prey remains, tracks) and unconfirmed records (C3, e.g., too old or badly documented signs and direct observations without proper documentation). Despite potentially containing false-positive observations, the C3 records are of particular value to indicate range expansion or further monitoring needs (Molinari-Jobin et al. 2021). This opportunistic sampling design is complemented by systematic surveys (camera trap studies, scat transects) to better understand local species dynamics if needed. However, opportunistic surveys are prone to false-negative sampling errors, thus, we cannot infer the species’ absence if no signs were actively reported in a given area. Therefore, areas without reported signs are referred as areas with a ‘pseudo’-absence.
2.2.1 Eurasian lynx
Between 2000 and 2006, 24 (9 male, 15 female) zoo born lynx have been released into the Harz Mountains (Figure 1) in central Germany (Anders and Middelhoff 2021). The Ministries for Agriculture and Conservation of Lower Saxony accompanied by the Hunting Association of Lower Saxony were executors of the reintroduction project. The practical work was carried out by the Harz National Park, who is also responsible for the monitoring of lynx in Lower Saxony and Saxony Anhalt since 2000. The majority of the lynx observations come from hunters, foresters and the general public who report chance sightings, possible lynx tracks, scats and prey or images from camera traps. Since 2020 people can report information via an online platform, which also provides a cartographic overview of the reports from all monitoring years.
Active monitoring with camera traps takes place primarily in areas with lynx reproduction. Lynx can be distinguished individually based on their fur pattern (Weingarth et al. 2012). Camera traps (systematically on forest roads or opportunistically, for example on prey remains) as well as genetic monitoring (saliva, scats or hair samples) are used for the identification of individual lynx. Besides that, the genetic monitoring is an important measure of the genetic diversity of the population (Mueller et al. 2022).
In the monitoring year 2010/11 for the first time five out of 25 grid cells of the 100 km² grid cell of the EU-reference grid 10 km were outside the Harz Mountains (Anders and Middelhoff 2021). Until the monitoring year 2022/23, the number of cells of the EU monitoring grid occupied by the Harz lynx population has increased to 88. 58 (66%) of them do not touch the Harz Mountains. Most of the latter are located west and south of this area. Inside the Harz Mountains, the first evidence of lynx reproduction has been detected in 2002 (Anders and Middelhoff 2021). In each of the following years, lynx offspring were recorded. Since 2010/2011 the first reproduction outside the Harz Mountains was documented. In the meantime, reproduction has also taken place in four more areas outside the Harz in distances of 30 to 70 km from the population centre although the Harz Mountains are surrounded by major roads and landscapes with low forest cover percentages.
2.2.2 Grey wolf
Since December 2011, the Lower Saxony Hunting Association (Landesjägerschaft Niedersachsen e.V.) has been responsible for the official monitoring of wild wolves in Lower Saxony, as part of a cooperation agreement with the federal state government. This monitoring is largely passive, relying heavily on camera trap images captured by hunters, where wolves appear as bycatch. Online entry of reports is possible since 2017. This passive monitoring is supplemented by active measures in areas with high likelihood of wolf presence. Wolves often utilize the anthropogenic network of forest roads for energy-efficient movement, particularly in wooded regions (Bojarska et al. 2020). Targeted use of camera traps and genetic monitoring through scat collection on these forest roads provide crucial information about the territorial status of wolf populations.
Conflict-prone livestock depredations also yield valuable insights. As livestock owners usually tend to their animals daily, any instances of predation are quickly discovered. These incidents, through genetic sampling of saliva found on preyed livestock, contribute significant information about the local wolf occurrences. Although wildlife kills can also provide valuable data, their detection is less frequent due to their remote locations and the advanced state of decomposition often observed upon discovery, making them less suitable for genetic analysis.
Starting with 138 wolf reports in the first monitoring year of 2011/12 (May 1, 2011 - April 30, 2012), the number of wolf reports has steadily increased, reaching 6,356 reports in the 2021/22 monitoring year. Over this period, a total of 29,230 datapoints have been collected. These data have been documented and evaluated according to the SCALP criteria: 41.12% as C1-confirmations, 2.84% as C2-indications, and 50.73% as C3-indications. The remaining 5.31% were either false reports or could not be evaluated due to insufficient information.
The growth in reporting corresponds to the increase in confirmed wolf territories. In the 2011/12 monitoring year, the first resident wolf pair was confirmed in the central Lueneburg Heath (Figure 1). Initially, wolves predominantly settled in nature-rich areas with high habitat suitability (Planillo et al. 2024). Subsequently, they expanded into less suitable habitats in adjacent areas and intensively used cultural landscapes farther from the core areas. By the end of the 2022/23 monitoring year, the total number of territories in Lower Saxony had reached 54, consisting of 39 reproducing packs, 14 pairs, and 1 territorial single female wolf.
2.3 Wildlife survey Lower Saxony
In 1991, the Lower Saxony Hunting Association, supported by funds of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, established the "Lower Saxony Wildlife Survey" to gain obtain information on selected, huntable wild animals, providing area wide information throughout the whole federal state. As part of the wildlife survey, participants have since been asked to answer a wide range of questions related to hunting and wildlife in their hunting districts every year. Questions on the occurrence of wolves have been incorporated into the wildlife survey starting with the hunting year 2013/14, and for the lynx three years later, in 2016/17 (Table 1), with the following four reply categories: “yes, regularly”, “yes, sporadically”, “no”, “not specified”. Overall participation of hunting districts (total number ranging between 9,366 to 9,474, depending on merging and de-merging processes of districts) is relatively stable over the years, with about 80.9% on average during the past decade. However, also considering the amount of “not specified”-replies or the ones that entirely ignored the aforementioned question (“ignored”), the number of hunting districts providing explicit information on species occurrences of the two carnivores is slightly lower, averaging 68.8% for wolves since 2013/14 and 63.6% for lynx since 2016/17.
Table 1: Data structure comparison of the different monitoring approaches in Lower Saxony
Wildlife survey Lower Saxony
Official Monitoring
C. lupus
L. lynx
C. lupus
L. lynx
Starting Year
Monitoring Year
01.04. – 31.03.
01.05. – 30.04.
Temporal resolution
exact date
Reporting type
questionnaire on species occurrence (regular, sporadic, no)
opportunistic reports, classified according to SCALP-criteria
Spatial resolution
hunting district
Data type
presence only
Spatial extent
Lower Saxony
Lower Saxony
2.3 Data analyses
Data cleaning and analyses were performed with R version 4.3.2 (R Core Team 2023). To compare the different monitoring approaches, the spatial resolution had to be generalized to the highest common spatial resolution available. To protect the privacy of the hunting district owners and tenants, this is the level of the LAUs. Thus, individual responses participants evaluating the occurrence of lynx and wolves in their hunting districts were aggregated by LAU. Specifically, each of the reply categories is expressed as percentage of the hunting districts providing explicit information on species occurrences (regular, sporadic or no) within the specific LAU. Point data from the official monitoring programmes of wolf and lynx were allocated to the LAU they were reported in, using the R-package “sf” (Pebesma et al. 2023). Although the monitoring year for both carnivores starts at May 1 and lasts until April 30 of the following year, points were assigned to the hunting year (April 1 to March 31 of the following year) to match the temporal resolution of the wildlife survey. The number of records was then also aggregated on this level and is expressed as absolute counts per LAU as well as density value (number of the three different records per 1 km²), accounting for the different LAU sizes. The ratio between hard/confirmed facts (C1+C2) and unconfirmed records (C3) was calculated by dividing the sum of the C1 and C2 facts by the amount of C3 records, to see if there is a proportional shift of the different categories.
General agreement of the official monitoring with the wildlife survey was first assessed in an exploratory way to identify potential cut-off values for further classification (Table 2) and investigation. For both species, we checked the number of reported records (hard/confirmed facts (C1+C2), unconfirmed records (C3) and the sum of all three) from a LAU coinciding with a given reply from participants within that LAU. Non-replies or no specific information was categorized as “not available”, so that four reply categories were looked upon. Cut-off values to classify reported signs (total signs per LAU) into one of the three occurrence categories (regular, sporadic, no) were derived with the median values as a measure of central tendency of the amount of reported signs corresponding to the wildlife survey replies denoting regular and sporadic occurrence. To map spatial patterns of agreement, the wildlife survey data was also classified (Table 2), so that each LAU also had a single occurrence state based on the relative shares of replies within its boundaries. For a regular occurrence, more than 50% of the annual replies from participants providing explicit information on predator occurrence needed to report that they regularly spot signs of the respective carnivore in their hunting district. On the contrary, 80% (median) of the annual replies had to state “no occurrence” to be counted as such, while everything else is accounted as “sporadic occurrence”. Analogous to this, a simplified classification scheme was also applied, in which only presence/absence was categorized based on the median of total reports corresponding to the related wildlife survey reply category (Table 2). The consistency of this classification schemes was assessed with two interrater reliability metrics: (1) Overall accuracy, as a measure of the proportion of corresponding categories, and (2) Cohen’s Kappa, which adjusts the accuracy by accounting for the possibility of a correct classification match by random chance, provided by the R-package “caret”’ (Kuhn et al. 2023). For both metrics, a value of zero equals no agreement, while a value of one indicates a perfect match. Kappa values within 0.3 and 0.5 indicate for example a reasonable agreement (Kuhn and Johnson 2013).
Table 2: Cut-off values for the three-class and two-class classification approach for both monitoring approaches.
Lynx (Lynx lynx)
Wolves (Canis lupus)
wildlife survey
wildlife survey
three-class scheme
Regular occurrence
> 50 % replies
>= 3 signs
> 50 % replies
>= 26 signs
Sporadic occurrence
everything between
>= 1 < 3 signs
everything between
>= 6 < 26 signs
No occurrence
> 80 % replies
< 1
> 80 % replies
< 6
two-class scheme
>= 1 signs
>= 11 signs
No Occurrence
> 80 % replies
< 1 signs
> 80 % replies
< 11 signs
Not available or
overall response equals zero
Additionally, the ratio of agreement between the wildlife survey data and the official monitoring programmes was calculated by dividing the occurrence score of the wildlife survey with the occurrence score calculated for the official monitoring programmes and taking its logarithm of ten, so that zero indicates an agreement, a negative value indicates a higher occurrence score according to the official monitoring programme and a positive value is indicative for a higher occurrence score according to the wildlife survey data. In this context, the mean absolute deviation can be interpreted as the agreement variability between the two approaches and a mean absolute deviation lower than 0.18 (which equals a difference of one class), is interpreted as indicative for a good concordance.
Temporal agreement was assessed for each LAU with the two-class scoring scheme (presence/absence) by simply counting the number of years of agreement and the amount of years of disagreement until the next agreement was reached.