In total, 26 healthy participants (13 females and 13 males, age range: 22.12 ± 1.34 years) were enrolled in this study. Participants were right-hand dominant as assessed using the Edinburg Handedness Questionnaire (88.74 ± 15.63). None of the participants reported a medical history of neurological or psychiatric disorders, or any orthopedic injuries that impaired upper limb sensorimotor function. Participants were instructed to avoid consuming any caffeine or alcohol-containing substances for at least 12 h prior to experiments. Participants were informed about the study’s purpose and provided written informed consent before participation. All procedures were in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the United States Code of Federal Regulations for the protection of human participants. The present study was approved by the Human Ethics Committee of Hiroshima University (No. C-114).
The HAL-SJ (Cyberdyne Inc., Tsukuba, Irabaki, Japan) is a wearable assistive exoskeleton robot that can be attached to the elbow or knee to support flexion and extension joint motions. The Cybernic Voluntary Control mode in HAL-SJ provides assistive forces to facilitate joint movements based on human motion intentions for human motion detected via bioelectrical signals from muscles. In this study, the HAL-SJ was set on the lateral side of each participant’s right arm with two pairs of surface electrodes attached to the muscle belly of the bicep and tricep muscles (Figure 1A). The setting parameters for HAL-SJ were standardized across participants, with an assistive gain of 45% and assistive balance between flexor and extensor motions of zero.
A self-built resistance exoskeleton device was designed to apply constant resistive force on voluntary elbow movements of the right elbow. The resistance exoskeleton device was set on the medial side of the right arm and consisted of a 1º-of-freedom elbow joint with two bars attached to the arm and forearm (Figure 1A). During experiments, the resistance degree imposed by the device was controlled at approximately 95 Nm/rad for all participants.
Task conditions
Participants were seated in an upright position facing an LCD monitor (23 inches; Flexscan EV 2316V, Eizo, Japan) with a participant-monitor distance of 90 cm. Participants placed their right elbow on an elbow-rest and aligned the right arm to the starting posture, in which the arm was in line with the horizontal plane, with a 30º-flexed shoulder and a 40º-flexed elbow (Figure 1B). A chinrest was used to limit head motion. As the present study focused on the information-processing of somatosensory feedback induced by human-robot interactions, participants were required to visually fixate on a cross displayed at the center of a monitor throughout the experiments in order to focus attention on somatosensory feedback while minimizing visual feedback during task performance. Three different loading conditions for right elbow movements were assigned to each participant in a pseudo-randomized order: non-loading condition (NON), resistive loading condition (RES), and robotic assistive loading condition (ROB). In the NON condition, elbow movements were performed without external loading. In the RES condition, a self-built resistance exoskeleton device was used to impose constant resistive force on elbow movements. In the ROB condition, elbow movements were performed using a combined configuration of HAL-SJ and the external exoskeleton device (Figure 1A), which applied assistive and resistive forces on joint motions.
Task procedure
Each session consisted of four consecutive trials in a block paradigm, as follows: Baseline period – Task period – Rest period (Figure 1C). Each task trial commenced with a baseline period, during which participants were required to relax their right arm for 20 s while baseline hemodynamic responses were recorded. We designed a 30-s task period comprising two phases: a 10-s task preparation and a 20-s task execution. The start of the preparation phase was signaled by a verbal command “10 seconds left” from the experimenter, during which participants were instructed to prepare for the upcoming motor task without performing any actual movements or muscle contractions. The execution phase commenced after a beep was presented. Participants were then allocated 20 s to perform cyclic elbow flexion-extension movements with a ROM from approximately 40º to 120º (Figure 1B). Movement frequency was limited to 0.5 to 1 Hz. Participants were encouraged to strive for kinematic consistency in their ROM of flexion-extension movements, referred to as motor performance. The task period ended after two beeps, which cued participants to return their arms to the starting posture and rest until the next trial.
A complete experimental session lasted approximately 4 min, with a 5-min inter-session interval for setting up the new condition. Total experimental duration was 25 min per participant. After completing experimental conditions, participants were required to complete a VAS that examined subjective measures of attentional effort (from “very low degree” to “very high degree”) for each condition. Prior to participation, participants were familiarized with the task by undergoing several practice trials for each condition.
Behavioral data acquisition and exclusion criteria
To measure the absolute angle information of the forearm, a motion sensor (MPU9250; TDK InvenSense, CA, USA) was set up at the right wrist. The device featured 16-bit data outputs in the range of ±2 G for each of the three acceleration axes and ±2,000 dps (degrees per second) for each of the three gyroscopic axes, with a sampling frequency of 500 Hz. A microcontroller (ARM mbed LPC1768; NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven, Netherlands) input the acquired data to a Madgwick filter, calculated the attitude estimation of the absolute angle of the forearm with a sampling frequency of 20 Hz, and sent the absolute angle information to a PC. The ROM for each cyclic elbow movement was determined by subtracting the minimal angle from the maximum angle. The SD of ROM for each trial was generated across all movements. For statistical analysis, kinematic variability in each condition was quantified by calculating the average SD values across trials.
Behavioral performance was recorded using a video recording device (iPhone; Apple Inc., CA, USA). To additionally assess the quality of interaction between voluntary movements of participants and external assistance of the HAL-SJ, the number of jerks during ROB performance was measured for each trial using visual inspection. For statistical analysis, the mean number of jerks across four trials was generated for each participant.
To verify the participant’s compliance with task instructions during the experiment, their behaviors were evaluated visually and electromyographically. To monitor the muscular activity of arm muscles, bipolar surface electrodes with an inter-electrode distance of 10 mm were placed over the muscle belly of the right bicep and tricep muscles. A reference electrode was attached to the left wrist. EMG signals were acquired with a band-pass filter from 10 to 500 Hz at a sampling rate of 1 kHz using an EMG system (EMG Master; Mediarea Support Business Union, Okayama, Japan). The processed EMG tracings were visually inspected to detect muscle contractions. One individual participant data with more than two trials containing incorrect behavior (i.e., marked body movements, lack of attention, noticeable muscle activity during non-execution periods) in any condition were excluded from subsequent data processing and statistical analyses. As a result, there was a total of remaining 18 participants analyzed (10 females and 8 males, age range: 22.11 ± 1.49 years).
fNIRS data acquisition
A multi-channel fNIRS system (FOIRE-3000; Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) was employed to measure cortical hemodynamic activity during experiments with a sampling rate of 7.69 Hz. Specifically, the measured changes in light absorption recorded at three wavelengths (780, 805, and 830 nm) via semiconductor laser diodes were transformed into corresponding concentration changes in oxy-Hb, deoxy-Hb, and total hemoglobin (total-Hb) using the modified Lambert-Beer law [61]. These values were measured using the unit of molar concentration multiplied by length (mM×mm). Given that changes in oxy-Hb signal are the most sensitive indicator of changes in regional cortical blood flow and have the highest signal-to-noise ratio [45,46], the analysis and discussion in this study focused primarily on changes in oxy-Hb concentration.
Optodes were fixed to each participant’s scalp using a customized head cap with a 30-probe layout (14 sources and 16 detectors) (Figure 3A). Optical probes comprised 42 long-separation channels (with a 3-cm source-detector distance), covering cerebral cortical regions including the rmPFC, dlPFC, PM, M1, and S1 (Figure 3B). As the fNIRS signal is derived from both regional cortical blood flow and scalp blood flow [62], oxy-Hb data from four short-separation channels (with a 1.5-cm source-detector distance) were included in the analysis in order to separate cortex-derived hemodynamic responses from global physiological changes in the scalp. To remove the effects of scalp blood flow on signals, each long channel was regressed with the closest short channel. Probes were placed according to the international 10-20 electroencephalogram electrode system, with the midline central point of the scalp (Cz) positioned beneath the 12th channel. To obtain channel-related anatomical information, a 3D digitizer (FASTRAK, Polhemus, Colchester, Vermont, USA) was used to record the 3-dimensional position of each optical probe and four reference landmarks including nasion, Cz, left auricular, and right auricular points. Channel locations were estimated from coordinates of optodes and reference points using the Montreal Neurological Institute standard space coordinates. To anatomically label fNIRS channels, probabilistic mapping between each fNIRS channel and its corresponding BA was performed using the open-source software package NIRS-SPM (BISP Lab, Daejeon, Korea) implemented in MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, Massachusetts, USA). The channel sets for ROIs were selected based on BAs and anatomical locations of cortical areas for each participant (Table 1). To investigate neural signals in subregions of the rmPFC, channels within BA 10 were classified into two subdivisions along the ventral-dorsal axis: the ventral rmPFC, located in the ventral-middle part of BA 10 adjacent to BA 11 (orbital prefrontal cortex); and the dorsal rmPFC, positioned in the dorsal-middle part of BA 10 adjacent to BA 9 (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex).
fNIRS signals were first processed based on moving standard deviation and spline interpolation methods to detect and reduce motion artifacts. A band-pass filter with a 0.01–0.1 Hz cutoff frequency range was then applied to remove concomitant systemic responses from the signal. The oxy-Hb time-series in each channel were corrected to baseline values, determined as the mean over 2 s prior to the onset of the task period. Subsequently, the oxy-Hb time-series were averaged across trials and ROI-wise channels to generate ROI time-series for each condition. Based on the ROI time-series, mean oxy-Hb changes were used as an index of cortical activation and were calculated separately for each task phase, namely the preparation phase (0 to 10 s) and execution phase (15 to 35 s), with the task onset set at 0 s. The time window for the execution phase was defined based on the temporal characteristics of blood oxygenation hemodynamic responses.
Based on a report by Schroeter et al. [47], we employed effect size as an index of cortical activation due to its robustness to differential path-length factors. For each channel, the effect size in each execution period was calculated as the difference between the mean oxy-Hb changes in the execution window (15 to 35 s) and baseline window (-5 to 5 s), divided by the SDs of the baseline window. For statistical analysis, the effect sizes were averaged across trials and ROI-wise channels to generate the average effect sizes for each condition.
fNIRS data were analyzed using NIRS-SPM [48]. Wavelet-minimum description length (Wavelet-MDL) detrending algorithm was applied to the data to exclude trends related to breathing, cardiovascular responses, and other experimental noise [63]. The mass univariate method based on the general linear model in NIRS-SPM was used to create a model of theoretical responses according to task design. Three comparisons were investigated: ROB versus RES, ROB versus NON, and RES versus NON. The general linear model method compared the theoretical model with actual hemodynamic responses to calculate t-statistics for each channel. Group-level t-statistic maps were generated to determine execution-related activation for each comparison at a p-value less than 0.0167 (0.05/3) by Bonferroni correction. Alignment of analysis results based on hemodynamic responses, effect sizes, and t-statistic maps would provide evidence of cortical activity.
Statistical analysis
One-way repeated-measures ANOVA tests were used to examine the effect of condition (ROB, RES, and NON) on indices of cortical activation (mean oxy-Hb changes and average effect size) for each ROI. Bonferroni post-hoc tests were applied for multiple comparisons. To examine the association between cortical activity and task performance, Pearson’s correlation analysis was performed for execution-related oxy-Hb responses in rmPFC subregions and kinematic variability. SPSS statistical package version 19.0 (IBM, Co. Ltd, New York, USA) was used for statistical analysis. P-values less than or equal to 0.05 were considered statistically significant.