This study was a descriptive cross-sectional -study, which was conducted from 5th May to 21th August 2024 at a tertiary care hospital in Zanjan. The study population is newborns admitted to the NICU department of Ayatollah Mousavi hospital in Zanjan, in 2024.
A number of 65 neonates with a gestational age of 41 − 35 weeks and prolonged PROM and 65 neonates with premature rupture of membranes lasting less than 18 hours were selected through random sampling and included in the study. Immediately after delivery, gender, birth weight, respiratory rate, heart rate, Apgar score are recorded in the fifth minute. In addition, the demographic characteristics of the mother (age, Gravidity, and type of delivery) were retrieved and recorded. Newborns with a gestational age less and more than 37 weeks were considered preterm and term respectively.
Common neonatal morbidities investigated in this study include: early neonatal infection(EOI), low Apgar score at fifth minute, and the need for resuscitation in the delivery room. Moreover, the outcome of the babies was recorded in terms of ((discharge)) or ((death)).
All Newborn in the delivery room first undergo the initial steps of resuscitation, which include tactile stimulation, warming and drying. (7) Newborns with a heart rate above 100 and spontaneous breathing may also undergo CPAP.
If after stimulation, if no respirations are observed and the heart rate remains less than 100 beats per minute, positive pressure ventilation (PPV) should be initiated through an appropriately sized face mask, which is considered as ((basic resuscitation)). If 60 seconds after positive pressure ventilation(PPV) with corrective steps, the newborn’s heart rate remains below 60 beats per minute, the baby should be intubated. If the heart rate remains below 60 beats per minute, chest compressions are started at the same time as ventilation and oxygen saturation is increased to 100%, which is called ((advanced resuscitation)). (7,8)
Within 12 hours after birth, a blood sample was taken from the newborn’s heel and sent for laboratory evaluations such as CBC (complete blood count), CRP (C-reactive protein) and blood sugar. Blood culture is considered the gold gold standard for definite diagnosis of EOS.(1,10)
The clinical manifestations of sepsis are non-specific and include lethargy, respiratory distress, apnea, convulsions, need for mechanical ventilation, abdominal distention, hypotension, meningitis, arthritis, kidney problems, oxygen therapy, jaundice, not feeding well, worsening general condition, and poor feeding. The most important laboratory signs of infection include leukocytosis (white blood cell count above 14,000), leukopenia (white blood cell count below 4,000), thrombocytopenia (blood platelets below 150,000), and C-reactive protein above 6 mg/dL. Neonates who presented with clinical manifestations of EOI in 3–7 days after birth and required continuous resuscitation were considered as ((early neonatal infection)) cases. (9,10,11)
The value of Apgar score Is expressed as an integer number from zero to ten, which was calculated with the help of Apgar scoring system. Apgar score less than 7 is considered abnormal. (6)
Sample size:
Using the information of Yan et al.'s study (12) and using the formula to determine the sample size of quantitative groups and considering the first error of 5% and the study power of 80%, the number of samples required to conduct this study was calculated to be 65 neonates in each group classified by PROM. Considering that various variables measured in this research, the Apgar data of the 5th minute of the mentioned study was used to determine the sample size.
Inclusion criteria:
hospitalized babies born to pregnant mothers with a gestational age of 34–41 weeks and have no congenital anomalies.
Exclusion criteria: Neonates with gestational age of less than 34 weeks, stillbirth, congenital anomalies and hereditary diseases, multiple births, pre-eclampsia, intraventricular hemorrhage, lack of personal consent of the parents.
• Gestational age: Discrete variable (independent)
• Birth weight: Continuous variable (background)
• Neonatal resuscitation in the delivery room: Ordinal variable (dependent)
• Apgar score at 5th minute: Discrete variable (dependent)
• Early onset neonatal infection: Nominal quality (dependent)
• Delivery type: Nominal variable (independent)
• Neonatal in-hospital death: Nominal variable (dependent)
• Premature rupture of membranes: Nominal variable (independent)
• Gender of the newborn: nominal variable (background)
• Maternal age: continuous variable (background)
• Gravidity: Discrete variable (background)
Collection of data:
Through random sampling a total number of 130 newborns consisting of 65 newborns with PROM longer than 18 hours and 65 newborns with PROM less than 18 hours was selected and included in the study. The information related to the variables was extracted from the patients’ files and recorded in a checklist.
Analysis of data:
After collecting the relevant information, it was entered into SPSS software (26th version) for comparison and statistical analysis.
Ethical considerations:
Parents’ informed consent was obtained Prior to start of the study. They were also given the necessary explanations about the goals of the study and were assured that the information about their patients will remain anonymous and confidential. Moreover, no cost was imposed on them during the study. All stages of the study were approved by the ethics committee of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences. (IR.ZUMS.REC.1403.043)