The discovery of abundant clusters of roots through the soil profile in a grove of Kingia australis shows that the occasional clumps of lateral roots previously reported on the caudexes of this species (Fig. 5D, Lamont 1981a) are, in fact, far more abundant in the soil. They are now shown to be discrete root clusters, an order of magnitude larger than the other three root-cluster types currently recognized, other than compound proteoid roots (Table 2). They terminate lateral roots ultimately arising from the primary prop roots embedded in the persistent leafbases of this grasstree. In describing their appearance, comparison with staghorn coral is obvious (Fig. 2). The term ‘coralloid’ has already been pre-empted by the root clusters of cycads, although it is less apt as the rootlets of coralloid roots bifurcate (Lamont 1982) that real coral does not. We therefore propose that they be called staghorn-coralloid roots.
The absence of longitudinal rows of rootlets distinguishes these root clusters from proteoid roots. There is no basal swelling of the rootlets as in dauciform roots. They do not form a soil-surface mat as in capillaroid roots. Having two sizes of root division is also unique, although sometimes daughter proteoid root may arise within the confines of a parent proteoid root (Lamont 1983a). At an average width of 2.9 mm (secondary parent) and 1.2 mm (rootlets), the roots are coarser than other root-cluster types. What groups them are a) their discrete morphology located along otherwise bare laterals, b) presence of crowded rootlets, c) presence of a dense cover of root hairs, and c) lack of endogenous microbial symbionts. Table 2 makes it clear that similar, non-symbiotic clusters of roots densely covered in root hairs are widespread throughout the world’s nutrient-impoverished soils, especially if they are also waterlogged as is the case with some habitats of Kingia.
These root clusters support the emerging rule that, as roots become thinner, they become hairier, individually shorter, their length per unit total root mass increases (by definition), and their surface area rises exponentially with almost negligible increase in root volume or mass (Table 1, Fig. 5). Contact with the rhizosphere increases markedly and can be expected to enhance root function on three fronts: a) exudation of organic and phenolic acids, sugar derivatives, and enzymes, b) enhanced activity of beneficial microbes, and c) absorption of water and nutrients mobilized by these processes (Lamont 2003, Lambers et al. 2006). Even so, the rootlets of staghorn-coralloid roots are not as fine as those listed in Table 2 and it is therefore doubtful that they are as metabolically efficient. Nevertheless, their unique features and location in the soil profile may give them adaptive advantages yet to be explored.
The abundance of root clusters in wetlands (sedges, restios, Viminaria, Hakea sulcata) needs further consideration, and may reflect the unsuitable conditions for symbiotic microbes in waterlogged soils and/or ease with which root hairs can form at the soil surface. Lamont (1976) showed how proteoid root production of Hakeas is enhanced in waterlogged soils (low redox potential) despite severe reduction in growth of the rest of the root system. That Kingia has a waterlogged ancestry is indicated by the abundance of aerenchyma in the primary prop roots (Fig. 5D), even among upland plants, only ceasing on reaching the root clusters.
It is intriguing that staghorn-coralloid roots are not preferentially located in the high-humus part of the soil profile as with other root-cluster types (Lamont 2003) but peak at a depth of 50-70 cm (Fig. 3). This is consistent with the lateral spread of parent roots through the profile of this species (Lamont 1981a). So, the prior question might be why do the parent roots concentrate in this region? First the primary roots have a direct downward path as they emerge from the caudex from which they later spread and then they stop production as they near the water table or bedrock, as here. Second, they may not need a microbial stimulus to promote their initiation, unlike proteoid roots (Lamont et al. 2015), or root nodules or mycorrhizas, that obliges these roots to form in the microbially-rich humus layers.
Third, the B horizon may be almost as good, or a better, source of exchangeable nutrients, such as P or K, in these highly leached soils than the A horizon (see Table 3 in Lamont 2003 for support). Pate et al. (2001) showed how organic acids exuded by proteoid roots chelate Fe and Al phosphates in the A horizon where they are carried to, and then deposited in, the B horizon. This is the reason why these lateritic soils are so orange in the B horizon, as are the embedded roots (Fig. 2). So, it is possible that this horizon is a rich source of insoluble nutrients that can be accessed by the well-established solubilizing powers of root clusters via organic acids and phosphatases (Lambers et al. 2006). The rhizosphere soil of current season roots averaged a pH of 6.2 compared with 6.7 around old roots, i.e., the rhizosphere of active roots is three times more acidic than moribund roots, giving support for this possibility. Earlier work showed that these clusters (undefined at the time) are highly efficient at absorbing P-labelled HPO42- injected between the leaf bases where it is translocated throughout the plant (Lamont 1981b).
Unlike proteoid and dauciform roots, but like root nodules, staghorn-coralloid roots appear to be not just terminal to the parent lateral but also perennial. That a new cluster may develop from within the previous season’s cluster is clear (Fig. 2E). Multiple clumps of rootlets cohering into a massive structure were sometimes observed. Whether the old rootlets remain metabolically active is unclear. Their root hairs whither and the mucigel-colloid mix turns a powdery grey (Fig. 2B). But these roots have been exposed to the air so that clusters not so exposed might remain functional. At this depth in the profile, the soil is more likely to remain moist throughout the year and adds to possible reasons for their preferential formation in the B horizon and explains their perenniality.