We assessed coaches' accuracy in perceiving repetition velocity loss as they observed trainees performing three sets of two exercises at three different loads. The average accuracy error was 2.6 repetitions across all velocity loss thresholds, loads, views, and bar tracking strategies. Accuracy improved when coaches perceived a higher velocity loss threshold, observed exercises with heavier loads, and adopted a bar tracking strategy. These findings were consistent across both points of view, with mental fatigue and the order of repeated tasks having negligible impact.
Coaches' accuracy improved when perceiving repetitions corresponding to a 40% velocity loss compared to 20% velocity loss. The main reason resides in the repetition-velocity loss profile, which typically develops in a progressive manner during RT exercises. As a set progresses, velocity decreases are greater between consecutive repetitions around higher velocity loss thresholds (e.g., \(\:\ge\:\)40%) compared to lower ones (e.g., \(\:\le\:\)20%) [19]. Coaches were likely able to perceive this more pronounced decrease in movement velocity, leading to improved accuracy. This reason may also explain the improvement in accuracy under heavier loads, where the velocity loss per additional repetition is even more substantial due to the lower number of repetitions that can be performed in a set [20]. Interpreting the marginal average accuracy errors helps contextualize the practical implications of these findings. When observing trainees performing exercises loaded with 45% 1RM, coaches may misjudge a 20% and 40% velocity loss by approximately 5 and 3 repetitions, respectively. These errors are reduced with heavier loads, where errors of 4 and 2 repetitions are expected for 65% 1RM, and 2 and less than 1 repetition for 85% 1RM, respectively. This suggests that a case-by-case judgment would be required when considering the use of perceived velocity loss as an alternative to velocity tracking technology for implementing the VBT method in RT practice. For instance, while an error of 1 repetition is likely negligible in sets loaded with 85% 1RM and targeting a 40% velocity loss—where a total of 8 repetitions is expected—an error of 4 repetitions could be meaningful in sets loaded with 65% 1RM and targeting a 20% velocity loss, where only 6 repetitions are expected. Therefore, coaches must determine whether their error rates are acceptable based on their overall RT goals.
We found that using a bar tracking strategy significantly improved accuracy rates, reducing the absolute error by approximately 2 repetitions. We speculate that coaches may have better detected key information regarding bar or weight plates’ position, displacement, and velocity, leading to enhanced accuracy. Notably, coaches were not given any instructions about which strategy to use before the study, nor did they receive feedback during the experimental tasks. Most coaches alternated between no-bar and bar tracking strategies randomly, without a systematic pattern across exercises, velocity loss thresholds, loads, or views (Fig. 2). It is likely that accuracy would have improved even further if the coaches had received clear instructions to consistently use the bar tracking strategy and had practiced it during the familiarization videos. The analysis of random effects (Table 3), examining the within-coach relationship between the intercept (i.e., no-bar tracking strategy estimate) and the slope (i.e., bar vs. no-bar tracking strategy difference), supports this assumption [21]. The negative correlation coefficient (ρ = −0.41) between intercept and slope suggests that coaches who were less accurate with the no-bar tracking strategy (i.e., higher intercept) showed greater improvement when switching to a bar tracking strategy (i.e., larger negative slope). Collectively, these findings are encouraging, as they indicate that with clear instructions and training, an optimal strategy for perceiving velocity loss can be learned and refined.
To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to assess coaches' accuracy in perceiving trainees' velocity loss. Although no previous studies have directly investigated this, our findings can be compared to research examining similar tasks, such as how accurately trainees perceive their own velocity loss or how coaches estimate the number of repetitions left before task failure (i.e., repetitions in reserve). For instance, Dello Iacono et al assessed trainees' accuracy in detecting velocity loss at 20% and 40% thresholds during the barbell bench press exercise, similarly to our study [13]. They reported an average absolute error of 1 repetition across all conditions, compared to the larger error of 2.6 repetitions observed in our study, suggesting that trainees may be more accurate than coaches at detecting velocity loss. However, our study found that coaches' accuracy improved with heavier loads, whereas Dello Iacono et al reported a decline in trainees' accuracy under the same conditions. Additionally, we found that coaches were more accurate at the 40% velocity loss threshold, while Dello Iacono et al found no significant effect of velocity threshold on trainees' accuracy [13]. This strengthens our recommendation for a case-by-case judgment when considering the use of perceived velocity loss as an alternative to velocity tracking technology. Another relevant comparison is with Emanuel et al, who examined coaches' accuracy in estimating repetitions from failure [22]. Like our study, they found that coaches' accuracy improved with heavier loads. Emanuel et al also explored the role of coaching experience and found that it had no significant impact on accuracy. Unfortunately, we were unable to evaluate the effect of experience with velocity-based training due to our small sample size and discuss this further along with other limitations of our study.
This study has several limitations worthy of discussion. First, coaches usually watch trainees perform exercises live rather than on a screen. Future research should explore how well coaches can perceive repetition velocity loss in RT settings rather than relying on video recordings. Second, the calculation method for absolute error when the velocity threshold was not exceeded may underestimate the true error. If a coach incorrectly judged the threshold to be reached near the end of a set, the resulting error might appear small due to the few remaining repetitions, even though the trainee could have performed more. This calculation approach doesn't account for how many additional repetitions could have been completed before exceeding the velocity threshold. However, since trainees terminated the set voluntarily the true extent of the error remains unknown. Third, we were unable to examine the effects of VBT experience on accuracy rates due to the small sample size. However, it is important to note that coaches with experience in VBT may not necessarily have an advantage over those without such experience. Typical VBT practice relies heavily on tracking devices that provide immediate augmented feedback. This can limit opportunities for coaches to refine their observational skills, potentially diminishing the benefits of VBT experience in accurately perceiving velocity loss during RT. The findings of Emanuel et al regarding the trivial effect of experience on accuracy, further support this notion [22]. Finally, the videos included only two exercises, with coaches asked to perceive velocity loss at 20% and 40%. Therefore, it remains unclear whether our findings can be generalized to other exercises and velocity loss thresholds.