In this study, we have determined the changing of HBV genetic diversity in Tanzania with the occurrence of new hepatitis genotypes. Among the 21 chronic hepatitis B-infected patients attending the Bugando Medical Centre, 16 (76.2%) had HBV/A (all being HBV/A1), 4 (19%) had HBV/D (all being HBV/D4), and 1 (4.8%) had HBV/G. The identification and report of HBV/G is believed to be the first report in Tanzania, to the best of our knowledge. Additionally, 19% (4/21) of the patients had HBV escape mutations, which were distributed as follows: one patient had T123V and Y134N; two patients had P120T; and one patient had T123A. Although antiretroviral drug resistance-associated mutations were not observed, a significant increase in the proportion of HBV escape mutations among HBV/A and HBV/D with reference to previous study was observed, threatening the future efficacy of serological diagnostic techniques and the HBV vaccine in the country.
In this current study, three types of HBV genotypes were identified (HBV/A, HBV/D, and HBV/G), with the predominance of HBV/A and HBV/A1 as previously reported in Tanzania [14]. This observation shows that, HBV/A and HBV/A1 are predominant in Tanzania over time since 2017. This observation shows that HBV/A and HBV/A1 are predominant in Tanzania over time since 2017. Similarly, predominance of HBV/A1 has been reported elsewhere [29, 30]. Moreover, the predominance of HBV/A1 in this study supports the assumption that Tanzania is a part of the geographic origin of HBV/A1, as it has been previously supported [14].
Although not significantly (p-value of 0.6921), the proportion of HBV/D observed in the current study was higher (19% = 4/21) than what had been reported (12.3% = 95/772) by a previous study in Tanzania [14]. The difference could be attributed to differences in sample sizes and study populations. The effect of the sample size is similar to what has been explained in HBV/A above. Contrary to the previous study, which used blood donors, this study used the chronic hepatitis B population. HBV/D is likely to dominate in the chronic infection state since it has a high tendency for chronicity development compared to HBV/A, which dominates more in the acute and early stages of the infection [31]. In this index study, we also observed a predominance of serotype adw2 by 66.7% (14/21). The predominance of serotype Adw2 has been reported in Uganda [32], Ethiopia[33], and globally [34].
We also identified HBV/G in our study for the first time. This patient (TZ_HBV 06) was genotyped HBV/A by using the HIV Stanford database [21] and GenoPheno2hbv 2.0 [22]. However, TZ-HBV 06 was genotyped HBV/G based on the NCBI HBV genotyping tool [23] and hepatitis B database (HBVdb) tool [24]. Contrary to the HIV/HBV Stanford database and GenoPheno2hbv, NCBI genotyping and HBVdb tools use single parallel rather than serial multiple alignment input. For example, the NCBI genotyping tool uses cumulative scores of BLAST pairwise alignments between overlapping segments of a query sequence and a reference sequence for each virus for resolving the inconclusive hepatitis B genotype [35]. Genotyping methods relying upon multiple alignments of a query sequence and the reference sequences suffer the impossibility of an automatic viral sequence alignment due to viral genome variability [35]. These non-automatic multiple alignment methods can draw the wrong HBV genotype. This patient with HBV/G had high HBV-DNA levels of about 5.5 x 105 IU/mL, ALT levels of 225 uL, and an APRI score of about 4.3. The high HBV-DNA levels and remarkable markers of inflammatory liver diseases observed in this patient with HBV/G could be attributed to impaired anti-viral interferon mechanisms due to the inability of HBeAg secretion due to the to the presence of a double stop codon in the HBV/G. This phenomenon not only allows the establishment of persistent HBV infection but also creates a conducive environment for unchecked high viral replication, resulting in chronically elevated liver inflammation [36, 37]. Another contribution to high levels of HBV-DNA and elevated liver inflammatory markers could be due to the to the increased replication rate of the virus. This phenomenon is attributed to a 36-nucleotide insertion that leads to upregulation of core protein expression [38, 39] which is essential for HBV/G replication [40]. HBV/G is being reported for the first time in Africa, particularly in northern-western Tanzania. Since the description of HBV/G in San Francisco, California, in the United States of America (USA) [41] and in France [42] to its’ full recognition as a separate hepatitis B genotype in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and in Lyon, France [43], this genotype has never been described elsewhere in Africa before this current study.
Observation of HBV/G in Tanzania can be due to either of the two possibilities. First, although the geographic origin of HBV/G has been unclear since its discovery [44], the possible Africa geographic origin has been proposed [45] due to its similarity with HBV/E, which is endemic in Africa, particularly West Africa [46]. HBV/E has also been reported in other African countries, including the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya [30] and Tanzania [14, 30]. Another possible explanation for the occurrence of HBV/G in Tanzania could be due to inter-continental interaction through human migration searching for new opportunities, such as mining activities. The patient with HBV/G in this study was diagnosed a few years after starting to work with North-Mara Barrick Mining in the Mara region. The diagnosis followed after the patient attended a nearby health facility complaining of generalized malaise, loss of appetite, and yellowish coloration of the eyes. The North-Mara Barrick Mining Company has workers originating from different parts of the world, including the America and Europe continents. This creates an inter-population social interaction with the potential for sexual behavior interaction, resulting in the transmission of the American genotype (HBV/G) from America and Europe into Tanzania. If this circumstance is true, then the HBV/G will be regarded as a migration HBV genotype.
On comparative phylogenetic analysis, all of the HBV/A isolates obtained in this study clustered randomly with previous isolates obtained from other regions of Tanzania, showing high diversity. However, as it is for other previous isolates, most of the isolates of this study did not mix up with other isolates from outside Tanzania. These findings support Tanzania to be part of the geographic origin of HBV/A1 [14], which further fortifies the hypothesis of the East African origin of HBV/A1 [29, 47, 48]. On the other hand, all of the HBV/D isolates obtained in this study clustered with previous isolates obtained from the Northern and Lake Zones of Tanzania and did not mix up with HBV/D isolates from outside the country. The fact that the HBV/D strains observed in this study did not mix up with other HBV/D strains from other East African countries, including Kenya [49, 50], Uganda [32], Rwanda [30] and Sudan [51] suggests that the observed HBV/D subtype in this study might be new and originating solely from Tanzania. This observation was also reported by the previous study in Tanzania and suggested that the previous identified genotype could be the new HBV/D clade originating in Tanzania [14]. The HBV/G isolate obtained from this study clustered with HBV/A isolates in both comparative and non-comparative phylogenetic analyses. This could be due to the fact that the NCBI HBV genotyping tool [23] and hepatitis B database (HBVdb) tool [24] that were able to pick and differentiate the HBV/G from HBV/A could not perform phylogenetic analysis and therefore were not used for phylogenetic analysis. On the other hand, the phylogenetic analysis tools used were the Methodes et Algorthmes pour la Bio-Informatique LIRMM (MABL-LIRMM) [25], and HIV/HBV Stanford database [21], which uses serial rather than parallel multiple alignment approaches. The Interactive Tree of Life (iTOL) tool [27, 28], which was used for annotation, received the already constructed phylogenetic tree in a format of Nexus text tree format created by using the HIV/HBV Stanford database [21].
In this index study, we found an HBV escape mutation of 12.5% (2/16) in HBV/A, 50% (2/4) in HBV/D, and 0% (0/1) in HBV/G, for an overall of 19% (4/21) in the whole study. Although the overall HBV escape mutation proportion increase in this study was non-significantly higher, a significant high proportion increase of escape mutation was observed in HBV/A (p-value < 0.005) and HBV/D (p-value < 0.005) compared to what had been reported previously in Tanzania in 2017 [14]. The difference could be due to the fact that the previous study population consisted of blood donors who were likely to be young and in their early stages of HBV infection, whereas the current study population is composed of chronic HBV-infected patients who are likely to have a long-standing duration of infection. The differences in study population can be further supported by several studies that have shown that HBV escape mutations can increase over time [16, 17] and with patients’ ages [18]. The proportion of HBV escape mutation (12.5%) in HBV/A was slightly lower than that of 14.9% (38/255) reported in the previous study conducted elsewhere in Europe [52]. Contrary to the previous study in Europe, which was composed of anti-HBV drug-experienced patients, all of the patients with HBV/A in the current study were not on anti-HBV drugs. Anti-HBV antiretroviral drugs have been shown to select and increase the occurrence of HBV escape mutations among patients receiving antiretroviral therapy [53]. The same previous study in Europe reported 25.3% (145/573) in HBV/D [52], which was lower than that of 50% (2/4) reported by our current study. The difference could be attributed to differences in sample size. The sample size in the previous study in Europe for HBV/D was 573, while in the current study for HBV/D it was 4. However, both the previous study in Europe and the current study in Tanzania showed HBV/D to have a higher proportion (25.3% and 50%) of HBV escape mutations than HBV/A (14.8% and 12.5%) respectively. Although the current study has identified and reported new escape mutations (P120T, T123A, and Y134N) in Tanzania, these mutations have been identified by the previous study in Europe, which involved chronically infected patients similar to the current study [52], contrary to the previous study in blood donors in Tanzania in 2017 [14]. However, contrary to the previous study in Europe, which involved chronically HBV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy [52], most patients (75% = ¾) in the current study were not on antiretroviral treatment. This observation could be indicating that the HBV escape mutation observed in this current study is mostly not due to antiretroviral drug pressure selection. The possible explanations for the occurrence of these HBV escape mutations in this current study could be due to natural selection related to the inherent viral factors, immune selection pressure related to the infected patients, or environmental factors related to direct acquisition of an escape variant during the course of viral transmission. Based on inherent viral factors, HBV/D is believed to have a higher frequency of developing mutations, which are the precore A1896 mutation and the basal core promoter A1762T/G1764A mutation, than HBV/A [31]. This virological implication difference between HBV/D and HBV/A is not well documented in other types of mutations, such as escape mutations. Moreover, this concept cannot be implicated in our findings, as each of the HBV/A and HBV/D contributed equally among those patients with HBV escape mutations. Although the immunological selection pressure analysis needed more investigations, which were out of scope of this current study, the liver inflammatory markers signified by ALT were not significantly elevated and only taken at once, making immunological assessment difficult. Therefore, the environment factor related to direct acquisition of the escape variants stands in the lead to explain the possible source of the variants in this current study.