The injector system of 4th generation synchrotron radiation accelerators should be optimally designed to produce a good quality beam. In the previous study, we used Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) to optimize the injector system parameters to meet the beam requirements. To ensure that the injector operation parameters optimized by MOGA fall within practical ranges, we conducted an error analysis. The injector, composed of RF cavities and magnets, includes an analysis of potential errors in RF cavity phase and gradient, and magnet strengths across three distinct steps. First, we considered errors that could occur during operation, such as input phases of RF cavities and strengths of cavities and magnets. Second, we considered installation errors, including rotation errors of devices. Lastly, we simulated scenarios where all errors occur simultaneously. The simulation results showed that even when errors occurred, the beam quality remained within our acceptable range. Through this error analysis, we confirmed that the linac operation parameters optimized by MOGA are indeed practical and usable.