2.1. Study area
We conducted this study in the upper watersheds of the Ubaye valley, located in the vicinity of the Cayolle pass in the north of the Mercantour National Park (Fig. 1). The study site spans approximately 6,500 hectares of high elevation landscapes with relatively gentle slopes, The main parental bedrock is a sandstone, locally known as the “Grès d’Annot”. Up to an elevation of around 2300 m asl, the vegetation is dominated by forests of European larches (Larix decidua Mill.), a pioneering deciduous conifer that forms monospecific stands at this elevation in this region. Above the forested areas, the landscape transitions to high elevation grasslands, sparsely vegetated areas, screes, and rocky outcrops. Scattered individual larch trees are present in these higher areas, particularly in sparsely vegetated zones. The study area experiences a continental climate characteristic of inner alpine valleys with Mediterranean influences. Ecosystems are seasonally-snow covered. This region has features of a greening hotspot, i.e. with a very significant increase of vegetation cover over the last decades (Choler & al., 2021). Recent work indicates that larch expansion is largely contributing to this pronounced greening (Bayle et al., 2024).
The landscape has been shaped by centuries of agro-sylvo-pastoralism. Summer pastures are extensively grazed by sheep herds for approximately three months, from mid-June to mid-September. The high elevation grazed lands are organised into pastoral units - i.e. mountain pastures grazed by different herds and subject to specific grazing rules. The three pastoral units in the area are Cayolle, Sanguinière and Braissette.
2.2. Tree dynamics
During 2022 and 2023, we conducted dendrochronological sampling campaigns across five elevation gradients ranging from 2,000 to 2,700 m asl, in areas named Braissette, Cayolle, Roche trouée, Boucharde and Eschillon (Fig. 1). These gradients extend from dense forest areas at the lower elevations to the highest tree individuals. They were selected for their varying aspects, steepness, and grazing pressures. Notably, the Roche trouée gradient has been excluded from sheep grazing since 1988. To document the colonisation patterns along these gradients, we sampled the oldest trees continuously along the elevation range. This approach allows us to determine the age structure of the larch population and trace the timeline of colonisation.
We collected cores using a Pressler increment borer, taking two cores from each tree and sapling. The first core was taken as close to the ground to precisely determine the age of the tree, while the second was taken at approximately 1 metre in height. This second sample allows us to establish a relationship between the age at ground level and at 1 metre in cases where the first core is missing. Our sampling protocol, which targeted the oldest trees in each location, enabled us to identify the onset of tree establishment (i.e. the year of initial colonisation) (Fig. 1 and 2).
Table 1. Features of the surveyed Larix decidua treeline ecotone sites in the southern French Alps.
The cores were sanded and scanned using a high-resolution scanner. Tree-rings were counted on each core using the CooRecorder software (Maxwell and Larsson, 2021). Tree-ring series were cross-dated using the Cdendro software (Maxwell and Larsson, 2021). Cross-dating was not possible for saplings due to the low number of rings. In cases where the lowest core was missing, we estimated tree age using a linear regression between the number of rings at 0 and 1 m height (Supp. Mat. 2). When increment coring failed to reach the pith, we estimated the number of missing rings using the “DistanceToPith” tool from CooRecorder (Maxwell and Larsson, 2021). This tool estimates the number of missing rings based on the radius to the estimated pith position and the spacing of previous rings. Noteworthy, our sampling protocol may slightly underestimate tree ages, as it was not always possible to core at the root collar level and, in some cases, did not reach the pith.
To visualise the age structure along the colonisation gradient, we first merged the data from the five gradients for a comprehensive analysis. We then applied the quantile-segmented linear regression method to our dataset. This method examines the relationships between different quantiles of a distribution along an explanatory variable, particularly focusing on the connections between the lower and upper quantiles and the variable. It is then particularly useful for identifying the envelope of tree age distribution along the elevation gradient. Given that the age structure appeared to change with elevation, we further refined our analysis by using segmented regressions, dividing elevation range into bins to better capture these changes. Specifically, we split elevation into 20 classes of approximately 30 m each. For each elevation class, we divided the dataset into deciles based on tree age. Finally, we performed quantile-segmented linear regressions to visualise the age structure along the elevation gradient. To conduct this analysis, we used the ‘segmented’ package in R (Muggeo, 2008).
2.3. Land use history
We sourced livestock data from pastoral surveys conducted by local authorities for three pastoral units, Braissette, Cayolle and Sanguinière. At Braissette and Cayolle, these records are partial and include the years 1950, 1963, 1972, 1995 and 2012. For the Sanguinière mountain pasture, a more extensive dataset allowed for a more detailed reconstruction of sheep numbers. For each year, we retrieved the number of sheep, the surface area of the pastoral unit and the duration of grazing on the mountain pasture. Given the changes in surface area over time, we calculated sheep density per hectare to assess variations in grazing pressure.
The number of inhabitants over the past two centuries was used as a proxy to reconstruct the history of agro-sylvo-pastoral farming. This is relevant as the workforce in traditional pastoralism was closely tied to the environmental pressure exerted by human activities (Mather et al., 1999; Rosenberg, 1988). We used population records from the four towns surrounding the study area: Uvernet-Fours, Entraunes, Saint Dalmas-le-Selvage and Allos (Source: French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies). These data span from the late 18th century to 2021 though data before 1850 are sparse and irregular. Subsequently, data becomes available on a much more consistent basis.
2.4. Grazing pressure
To relate grazing pressure to larch dynamics, we used individual tree location from Bayle et al. (2024) derived from photo-interpretation of very high resolution aerial infrared images. We used estimates of stocking rates obtained from position tracking of sheep (Perron Chambard et al., 2024). Briefly, 4 to 8 sheep per pastoral unit were tracked at a 10-minute frequency throughout the grazing season. From the sheep positions, three distinct behaviours were identified using Hidden Markov Models along the sheep trajectories: (i) moving; (ii) grazing and (iii) resting. The sub-trajectories for each behaviour were then converted into stocking rates through a Brownian Bridge Movement Model (Horne et al., 2007). As a result, for each pixel, we obtained a stocking rate per behaviour type. This monitoring allowed us to map stocking rate at a spatial resolution of 30 metres, expressed as the number of sheep times days spent per hectare. This protocol was applied in summers 2022 and 2023, within the Cayolle and Sanguinière pastoral units. We then merged the data from both mountain pastures and averaged it over the two years.
To assess the impact of sheep presence on trees, we set a minimum density threshold of 10 sheep/day/ha to exclude ungrazed areas and regions with minimal flock usage, where the impact of sheep was considered negligible. In this region, sheep flocks are gathered and penned overnight leading to very high local sheep densities across all three behaviours. To account for this, we applied a maximum density threshold of 250 sheep/day/ha to exclude these areas from the analysis.
We divided the space explored by the flock into two categories: (i) spaces used for moving, likely associated with high trampling rates, and (ii) spaces used for grazing and resting. For this, we analysed the pixels where the moving behaviour constituted at least 50% of the total stocking rate independently. All other pixels were used to analyse the impact of herbivory.
We used the current distribution of trees (2018) to assess the impact of sheep on tree expansion. The tree density data were aggregated on a hectare scale to better represent landscape-level dynamics and avoid very localised station effects. Finally, we compared current tree density across five quantiles of sheep stocking density, independently for both behaviours. Statistical differences between the distributions were evaluated using a Wilcoxon test, allowing for pairwise comparisons between group levels.
2.5. Climatic trends
We conducted a detailed climate analysis based on the following considerations: (i) the snow-free period is critical for tree establishment, (ii) to better understand the climatic drivers of larch expansion, it is essential to use indicators relevant to larch ecophysiology, (iii) a fine temporal resolution is necessary since seedling germination and seedling/sapling mortality are sensitive to sudden events over very short time steps. We used the S2M-reanalysis developed by Météo France for the French Alps, available since 1959 (Durand et al., 2009a, 2009b). This model integrates observed data from a network of weather stations with estimates from numerical weather forecasting models, providing hourly atmospheric data (e.g. precipitation, solar radiation) and snow metrics for 23 massifs of the French Alps across 300 m elevation bands.
Meteorological data are interpolated based on elevation, slope steepness (up to a maximum slope of 40°), slope aspect and an orographic mask with a 20km radius. The slope and mask data are extracted from a 30 m digital elevation model to account shadow effects due to terrain relief. We extracted meteorological data at our dendrochronological sampling points, corresponding to 81 pixels of 250 m each. From the S2M time series, we calculated yearly climatic indices: snow melt-out day (SMOD); snow fall day (SF); heat wave index (HWI); cold wave index (CWI); and cumulative rainfall (RR). The SMOD is defined as the first day of the year when snowpack depth falls below 10 cm, and SF is the first day late in the season when snowpack exceeds 10 cm. This threshold was chosen as it aligns with the average error of the model. These metrics allowed us to calculate the length of the snow-free period for each year, which is critical for the germination and survival of seedlings. All climate indicators were calculated during this snow-free period.
We also calculated two thermal indices: HWI and CWI, using the method of Russo et al. (2014). These indices are more informative than an average trend analysis, as they consider extreme events at a yearly resolution, which we considered the most relevant for influencing germination and seedling survival. To compute HWI, we first calculated mean daily air temperature as follows:
where Tmin and Tmax represent the minimum and maximum daily temperature, respectively.
We then computed the quantiles of Tmean for each day of the year, centred on a moving window of 15 days over the reference climate period 1991-2020. Afterward, we compared the Tmean value of each day of each year to the corresponding quantiles for the same day within the reference period. We defined a heatwave as a sequence of at least three consecutive days where Tmean exceeded the 8th decile. Finally, we computed the cumulative length of HWI per year (Fig. 5A). The definition for a cold wave is the same, but in this case, Tmean is below the 20th percentile of daily maxima.
Next, we calculated the RR (cumulative rainfall) during the snow-free period for each year (Fig. 5C).
Our objective is to integrate temperature and water-related drivers (i.e. SMOD, HWI, CWI, RR) into a function that represents the suitability of the climatic context for tree establishment (Fig. 5E). To achieve this objective, we first computed a standardised anomaly for each annual indicator relative to the 1991-2020 reference period as follows:
In this process, we applied prior knowledge about each variable. For HWI, we assumed that at this elevation, high temperatures favour tree establishment (Liu and El-Kassaby, 2015; Loranger et al., 2016). Therefore, the Max value was assigned to the longest cumulative HWI. For CWI, in high-elevation ecosystems, given that cold events are frequently associated with frost episodes, the Max value was assigned to the shortest cumulative CWI. Early snowmelt has been shown to positively affect treeline tree survival (Barbeito et al., 2012; Moir et al., 1999), so the max value for SMOD was assigned to the earliest SMOD. For RR, early tree establishment is limited by moisture availability, as drought can cause seedling damage and mortality (Loranger et al., 2016; Plesa et al., 2018). Therefore, the Max value has been assigned to the highest RR.
Next, we multiplied the standardised annual value of all the indices to construct a climate suitability function. The closer the function’s value is to 1, the more suitable the climate is for tree establishment, and conversely lower values indicate less suitable conditions. This methodology was applied independently to the 81 pixels. For each year, the median and the first and third quartiles were calculated.
The location of the climatic treeline was calculated according to the method proposed by Körner and Paulsen (2004). They define the treeline based on three criteria: (i) tree growth requires a minimum growing season length of 94 days; (ii) all days of the season must have a daily mean temperature >0.9 °C; and (iii) the mean temperature over the growing season must exceed 6.4°C. Using the air temperature provided by the S2M re-analysis, We estimated the average temperature every 25 m of elevation by applying a constant environmental lapse rate (ERL), which reflects the temperature decrease with elevation. We used an ERL of 0.56°C per 100m, consistent with the mean value observed in the Alps from late spring and summer (Rolland, 2003). Finally, we plotted the season's average temperature as a function of elevation to identify the elevation at which the 6.4°C threshold was crossed (Supp. Mat. 3). We applied an uncertainty of ± 0.05°C to this thermal threshold to determine the position of the treeline. We estimated the elevation of the climatic treeline for two distinct periods: 1961-1990 and 1991-2020.