Here, we propose a waveguide design method of combining the longitudinal bending with the transverse cross section construction, i.e., three-dimensional geometry, to address the above issues. The red curve in Fig. 1(a) is the measured transmission spectrum of one waveguide we proposed and fabricated (Methods) which exhibits excellent single-mode property in contrast to the conventional rectangular-core integrated nonlinear waveguide. Rib waveguides with silica cladding are used to achieve less guiding modes as well as lower propagation losses, compared to rectangular-core waveguides with the same width and total thickness [42]. Figure 1 (b) shows the shows the scanning electron microscope image of the cross section of a proposed 1.9-μm-wide single-mode Si3N4 rib nonlinear integrated waveguide. The key technique to achieve single-mode operation is bending the waveguide to cut off higher-order modes. Figure 1 (c) shows the schematic diagram of the proposed waveguide. W, R, H1 and H2 are the rib width, radius, height, and slab thickness, respectively. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we use the Si3N4 integrated platform as an example to realize single-mode dispersion-engineered nonlinear waveguides. Figure 1(d) presents the simulated effective refractive index (neff) of different modes as a function of waveguide radius at 1550 nm wavelength. In the simulation, the rib Si3N4 nonlinear waveguide was 1.9-μm wide with H1 = 300 nm and H2 = 500 nm. The blue and red lines correspond to the fundamental transverse-electric (TE) and transverse-magnetic (TM) modes. As can be seen in Fig. 1(d), this rib Si3N4 nonlinear waveguide supports three modes when it is straight. When the radius decreases to less than 1150 μm, the high-order mode TE10 (the green line) is cut off. Hence, we obtain a single-mode-per-polarization spiral rib Si3N4 nonlinear waveguide with proper bend arrangement in principle. With a larger nonlinear coefficient than TM00 mode, TE00 mode is considered for FWM. The TE00 mode dispersion at 1550 nm can be anomalous despite waveguide bend and tuned by changing the rib width (Fig. E1(a)). Moreover, the proposed single-mode rib Si3N4 nonlinear integrated waveguide exhibits good fabrication tolerance on second- and fourth-order dispersion considering typical thickness variations (+/- 3 nm) and width uncertainties (+/- 10 nm) in fabrication (Fig. E1(c) and (d)). Moreover, figure 1(e) shows the traces of optical frequency-domain reflectometry (OFDR) of two TE00-mode-coupled 1.9-μm-wide spiral rib Si3N4 nonlinear integrated waveguides with
lengths of 18 cm (yellow, WG 1) and 56 cm (blue, WG 2). Although the slab widths of WG 1 and WG 2 are different, they are sufficiently large so that TE00 mode is not affected by the slab sidewall (Supplementary). The measured propagation loss of WG 1 is 0.6 dB/m, which is the lowest among all the high-confinement passive integrated photonic waveguides. For WG 2, the propagation loss is about 2.5 dB/m and varies along the waveguide length. The local small optical scattering of WG 2 is more frequent than WG 1. The insets in Fig. 1(e) are optical microscope images of WG 1 and 2, respectively, where one can see that WG 2 suffers from residual nanoparticles of which WG 1 is almost free. The propagation loss difference between WG 1 and 2 is mainly owing to the fabrication variations which we are trying to improve. We fabricated six 56-cm-long single-mode rib Si3N4 nonlinear integrated waveguides and WG 2 is the only one without big defects on the OFDR traces. The yield of 18-cm-long rib waveguides is 4/20, mainly limited by the misalignment of the dual-layer tapers and minor defects.
Apart from the single-mode waveguide property, we investigated how the hyper-dispersion engineering ultimately extends the bandwidth of FWM-based parametric process. Fig. 2(a) depicts the theoretical CE spectra of a 1-m-long nonlinear integrated waveguide pumped by a CW 35-dBm wave at 1550 nm. In the calculation, the 2nd-order dispersion was –1 ps2/km at 1550 nm, the effective nonlinear coefficient was 0.7 (Wm)-1 and the waveguide loss was 1 dB/m. The maximum CE reaches 10 dB and corresponds to a maximum parametric gain of about 10 dB for signal wave [43]. The parametric gain spectrum is similar to the CE spectral curve in this case. The black-dash line is for β4 = 0 in which case the amplification bandwidth is 270 nm. The red, yellow, green and blue solid lines are for the cases of β4 = 0.3 fs4/μm, 0.4 fs4/μm, 0.6 fs4/μm and 1.2 fs4/μm, respectively. As shown by Fig. 1(e), the amplification bandwidth increases to 542 nm for β4 = 0.3 fs4/μm since the fourth-order dispersion leads to new phase-matching wavelengths [12]. When the balance among the nonlinear shift, second- and fourth-order dispersion is achieved with β4 = 0.6 fs4/μm, two flat gain regimes are obtained and the amplification bandwidth reaches 385 nm, i.e., 43% bandwidth increase compared to the case of β4 = 0. Hence, fourth-order dispersion plays a vital role in realizing ultra-wideband parametric devices. Furthermore, we characterized the ultra-broadband FWM in WG 2 using CW pump-probe approaches based on the experimental diagram shown by Fig. 2(b) (Method). The on-chip pump power was 34 dBm, considering the coupling loss. The inset in Fig. 2(b) is an output optical spectrum of WG 2 with the residual pump mitigated by a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) coupler, where the signal, pump and idler wavelengths are 1415 nm, 1551.1 nm and 1716 nm, respectively. Ultra-wideband flat parametric fluorescence (PF) during FWM is also observed, as can been seen in Fig. 2(b), which may find applications in metrology [44][45] and quantum optics [10]. Figure 2 (c) and (d) depict the measured (blue) on-off parametric gain and on-chip CE spectra, respectively. On-off gain is used here since it can mitigate the impact of wavelength-dependent coupling loss of the tapers on the measurements. The solid lines are theoretically fitted spectra with β2 = -2.2 ps2/km and β4 = 1.9 fs4/μm at 1551 nm. The measured and theoretical curves are in good agreement with small discrepancies which may be due to the wavelength-dependent loss of the waveguide. The on-chip waveguide loss in the L band is about 1 dB, indicating that we achieve 1-dB on-chip net CW parametric gain. Besides, we obtain a maximum on-chip efficient CE of -3.4 dB at 1500 nm wavelength, as shown in Fig. 3 (d). According to the gain and CE spectra in Fig. 2 (c) and (d), we realize a FWM bandwidth of 330 nm, i.e., the widest among all reported CW optical amplifiers to date. Since there were not enough lasers to cover the full FWM bandwidth during the measurements, we recorded the pure PF spectrum indicating the parametric gain profile and checked how the PF spectral shape changes with the dispersion by adjusting the pump wavelength (Supplementary). Moreover, the fitted second- and fourth-order dispersion agrees with the waveguide design, as we can see from Fig. E1 (c) and (d), and this verifies that the Si3N4 nonlinear integrated platform is well tolerant to fabrication uncertainties.Application. Furthermore, we applied the Si3N4-chip-based ultra-broadband efficient FWM to all-optical high-speed wavelength conversion (WC) for communications. Figure 3(a) shows the experimental setup where intensity and coherent modulation are both included (Methods). We used 10-Gbit/s non-return-to-zero (NRZ) intensity modulation to check the WC impairments to the idler quality. Figure 3(b) presents the bit-error rate (BER) of back-to-back (B2B) 1441 nm (blue solid), 1680 nm (yellow solid) signals and 1441 nm idler (purple dotted), respectively. The B2B BER difference between 1441 nm and 1680 nm signals are due to the wavelength-dependent responsivity of the intensity receiver. As can be seen in Fig. 3(b), the idler suffers negligible penalty compared to the 1441 nm B2B signal, which indicates the proposed CMOS-compatible single-mode Si3N4 nonlinear integrated waveguide is promising in all-optical signal processing. In addition, we implemented the all-optical wavelength conversion of single-polarization 32-GBaud 16-quadrature-amplitude-modulation (16-QAM) signals with a net rate over 100 Gbit/s, based on the 56-cm-long single-mode Si3N4 integrated nonlinear waveguide. Figure 3 (c) and (d) show the constellation diagrams of B2B 1670 nm signal and converted 1448 nm idler, respectively. This is the first time that more-than-200-nm-wide single-wavelength 100-Gbit/s-beyond all-optical WC without the amplification of signal/idler wave is realized. As the 32-GBaud 16-QAM is the dominant modulation format of current optical fiber communication systems connecting the continents on Earth, the Si3N4-chip-based high-efficiency WC demonstrated has a bright future in all-optically reconfiguring global WDM optical networks, unlocking C&L-beyond transmission bands of optical fibres [46][47] and increasing the capacity and flexibility of optical neuromorphic computing for artificial intelligence [4].