4.1. Phenology of Bobgunnia madagascariensis and Euphorbia sepium
The study aimed to characterize the phenology of B. madagascariensis and E. sepium in the Sudano-Guinean zone of Benin. The results showed that B. madagascariensis trees bore leaves from March to November, i.e. for nine months, and E. sepium shrubs from March to October, i.e. for eight months of the year. These results were slightly different from those obtained by other authors in different tropical species. In South Africa, Venter et Witkowski (2019) found that Adansonia digitata trees bear leaves for six months of the year. In Benin, Lawin et al. (2021) reported that Cola millenii K.Schum., carries the leaves throughout the year. The observed difference in the duration of the leafing stage of these species could be related to the genetic characteristics of each species but also to the environment since the studies were conducted in different environments. This idea is reinforced by the work of Azalou-Tingbe et al. (2022) in Benin, which showed that the phenophases of Garcinia kola vary according to phytogeographical districts. Also, the influence of rainfall and temperature on Prunus avium leafing in Tunisia had been reported by Jdaidi et Hasnaoui (2016). Furthermore, in both species studied, leafing stage (leaf emergence) started in March, the month in which the first rains were recorded in the study area during the two years of tree monitoring and data collection. This would explain the leaves emergence and thus the beginning of leafing stage in B. Madagascariensis and E. sepium. Our results are different from those obtained by Azalou-Tingbe et al. (2022) on Garcinia kola Heckel in the Guineo-Congolese zone of Benin. These authors reported that leafing takes place globally from August to December and then from January to March. Comparing to our results, the different could be related to the difference of climatic zones (Adomou et al., 2006), Guineo-Congolese zone in these case against Sudano-Guinean zone of our study area.
Trees of both species lost almost all their leaves between January and February for B. madagascariensis and between December and February for E. sepium. This result, which provides information on the periods of leaflessness, particularly on E. sepium, is very important for the valorization of this species. In fact, the organ of E. sepium that is used in galactogenic preparations by the populations is the leaf. It is therefore important to know at what time of year this organ is available to plan its harvesting and operations allowing its conservation over a long period.
The results also showed the total absence of flowering and fruiting in E. sepium despite they got the fruiting age. Indeed, during the two years of observation, any flower buds, flowers, or fruits on the monitored shrubs were not observed. This result is opposed to those of Riina (2020) and Riina et al. (2021) who observed flowers and fruits in E. sepium. This is because the shrubs monitored for this study are subject to human pressure characterized by leaf removal and severe pruning (abusive cutting) of branches, which could affect their productive phenology (flowering and fruiting). For example, in Burkina Faso, Nacoulma et al. (2017) found that A. africana trees subjected to very severe bark and leaf harvesting intensity did not produce fruit. Similarly, Gaoue and Ticktin (2008) reported that pruning significantly reduced fruit production of Khaya senegalensis, in the Sudanese region of Benin.
B. madagascariensis flowered in May, June, July, August and September and fruited from July to February. Thus, the entire flowering stage of the species takes place in the rainy season. The fruiting stage begins in the rainy season and lasts until the dry season. Similar results were obtained by Lomalisa et al. (2021) in Guarea cedrata (A.Chev.) Pellegr. and Guarea thompsonii Sprague & Hutch. (Meliaceae) in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Diatta et al. (2022) had also obtained similar results in 18 populations of Acacia senegal (L.) Wild., from the distribution area of this species in Africa and Asia. Our results are contrary to those obtained by Sinasson Sanni et al. (2018) in Mimusops andongensis and Mimusops kummel Bruce ex A.DC. in Benin and Jaouadi et al. (2012) in Tunisia on Acacia tortilis subsp. The first authors found that flowering in the species studied starts in the dry season and ends in the rainy season, whereas fruiting took place in the rainy season. The second authors found that the flowering and fruiting phases of this species (Acacia tortilis subsp.) occurred in the dry period. These differences could be due to abiotic factors in the different study environments and/or the genetic characteristics of the species studied.
Within the two species (B. madagascariensis and E. sepium) studied, the trees monitored did not begin their phenophases (leafing, flowering and fruiting) at the same time. These results are similar to those of Lawin et al. (2021) who also reported that monitored C. millenii plants did not start flowering and fruiting at the same time. This would be an expression of genetic variability of the monitored tree individuals. Satake et al. (2022) reported that phenological traits in plant species, namely growth, flowering and fruiting are determined by genotype and environment.
B. madagascariensis and E. sepium showed differences in their phenological stages. For B. madagascariensis, leafing, flowering and fruiting were observed while only leafing was observed on E. sepium. In fact, B. madagascariensis is a species that can reproduce both asexually (Berger and Schaffner, 1995 ; Amri, 2012) and sexually (Thokozani et al., 2011). The second mode of reproduction of the species (sexual reproduction) justifies that it carries out the reproductive phenological stages which include flowering and fruiting, fundamental to produce seeds. In contrast, E. sepium is vegetatively propagated from cuttings (Riina, 2020 ; Biaou et al., 2022). This rarity of the generative phase could be due to the polyploidy that characterizes many vegetatively propagated plants.
4.2. Climatic parameters and phenological behaviour of Bobgunnia madagascariensis and Euphorbia sepium
The phenology of B. madagascariensis as well as that of E. sepium is dependent on climatic parameters and soil moisture. Indeed, the results of the study showed that rainfall, minimum temperature, and relative humidity are positively correlated with the leafing of the two species.
Thus, the emergence and production of leaves in trees are linked to the increase in precipitation combined with the drop in temperature and the increase in the relative humidity of the air. Mahaman et al. (2007) obtained in their study on the phenology of 28 ligneous species of the "W" National Park of Niger, that the phase of leafing is under the close dependence of the climatic conditions, of the humidity of the air especially in zone tropical. Also, Jdaidi and Hasnaoui (2016) indicated that the increase in precipitation was favorable to leafing of Prunus avium. These results not only allow to know the periods of availability of leaves in B. madagascariensis and E. sepium in the Sudano-Guinean zone of Benin but also to predict, in a context of climate change, the duration and intensity of the leafing stage. of both species. In fact, the possible reduction in the duration of the rainy season combined with the rise in temperature would reduce the duration of leafing.
Flowering and fruiting of B. madagascariensis are influenced by temperature. This study showed a positive and significant correlation between minimum temperature and flowering in B. madagascariensis. The low temperatures are favorable to the flowering of the species. Fruiting is negatively correlated with maximum temperature. High temperatures are unfavorable to the production of fruits in the species and a continuous rise in temperature during the fruiting period would compromise its regeneration since one of the ways of propagation of the species is sexual reproduction (Thokozani et al., 2011). Lawin et al. (2021) and Ávila et al. (2022) reported that flowering and fruiting of C. millenii and flowering of Mauritiella armata were positively correlated with maximum temperature. Sène et al. (2020) reported also that increased temperature and humidity induced flowering of Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich.) Hochst. These results are contrary to ours which showed a negative effect of high temperatures on the fruiting of B. madagascariensis. The results of the study then indicate that temperature, as well as the physiology of plant species, are important indicators to be considered in models for predicting reproductive phenology (flowering and fruiting) and therefore the production of B. madagascariensis. Barrett et Brown (2021) had mentioned that temperature was the factor most affecting flowering and fruit and pod production of several species (Dichrostachys cinerea L.) Wight & Arn., Senegalia burkei (Benth.) Kyal. & Boatwr., Vachellia robusta subsp. Robusta) of the botanical family Fabaceae or Leguminosae like B. madagascariensis.
Although rainfall is considered as the main factor regulating plant phenology in the dry tropics, the results of this study did not show a significant correlation between rainfall and reproductive phenology (flowering and fruiting) of B. madagascariensis. This suggests that the numbers of flowers and fruits produced do not necessarily increase with increasing precipitation. Our results are similar to those of Bao et al. (2022), obtained in the desert species Nitraria tangutorum concerning its fruiting. Polansky et Boesch (2013) obtained in Ivory Coast, significant and negative correlations between precipitation and the total proportion of individuals showing fruits in 39 of the 44 species studied, also suggesting that the variability of fruit abundance was not associated with precipitation. Similar observations were made by Seghieri et al. (2009) in several tropical species including P. biglobosa, Pericopsis laxiflora (Benth.) Harms, Isoberlinia doka Craib & Stapf and Isoberlinia tomentuosa (Harms) Craib & Stapf. However, Lima et al. (2021) reported contrary results on different tropical species (Bauhinia cheilantha (Bong.) Steud., Piptadenia stipulacea (Benth.) Ducke), demonstrating that precipitation was the climatic factor most likely to affect flowering and fruiting tropical woody species.
Soil humidity at 5 cm and at the root level significantly influenced the leafing of E. sepium and the leafing and fruiting stages of B. madagascariensis. However, the flowering of the latter remains unaffected by soil humidity at 5 cm and humidity at the root level. These results, which give more information about these two species, the phenological stages most sensitive to a lack of water in the soil, provide guidance on the measures to be taken in dry conditions. The effects of soil moisture on plant phenology were also reported by Luo et al. (2021) who indicated that soil moisture is a determining factor in plant growth.
4.3. Implications for development
The continuous harvesting of organs of Bobgunnia madagascariensis and Euphorbia sepium, whose phenology and propagation techniques remain poorly known and poorly controlled respectively, constitutes a major threat to national biodiversity. This study has deepened and provided more detailed knowledge on the phenology and diversity of these two species, which are two of the most promising galactogenic plant species for improving milk production in cows in Benin (Imorou et al., 2021 ; Agani et al., 2022 ; Atchouké et al., 2022). Indeed, the study on phenology made it possible to identify the phenological stages of these two species, knowledge that is essential for their better use and conservation. The results thus obtained provide guidance to breeders, agro-pastorals and promoters of livestock farms on the precise periods of availability and therefore of collection of the organs of these species, particularly the leaves of E. sepium used in galactogenic recipes. They also provide information on the period of availability of the fruits of B. madagascariensis which represent seeds for domestication and the establishment of a garden of galactogenic plants for exploitation and improvement of milk production in cows.