This is arguably not only a paper about sample "mistreatment" but also represents a "real-world" scenario seen in hundreds of research labs around the world where samples (not limited to blood but other biofluids and tissues) are kept as parts of historical research cohorts under less-than-ideal conditions outside formal biobanks with their protocols and governance structures. Times have changed and there is greater awareness of the importance of quality biobanking. Most DNA quality studies have simulated storage conditions and handling. Studies on DNA quality have examined the impact of storage conditions and repeated freeze-thaw cycles. Shao et al. 23 found that repeated freeze-thawing negatively affects DNA stability, leading to degradation, especially after multiple cycles. Similarly, Safarikova et al. 24 assessed the effect of different storage conditions on DNA integrity, concentration, and purity. Both studies emphasize that preserving DNA under optimal conditions is essential for maintaining its integrity and quality, crucial for subsequent analyses like PCR or sequencing.
This study was undertaken to determine the fate of 7500 blood cell samples stored at -20°C for seven to 21 years under less-than-optimal conditions. We investigated the feasibility, quantity, and quality of DNA extraction from these samples. As the capillary blood cell samples were stored adjacent to their corresponding plasma samples, they had been mistreated through an unknown number of freeze-thaw cycles as study analyses have progressed in DiPiS. The concern was that the samples would be too damaged from this mistreatment and that the samples would have to be discarded, prompting investigation of whether they were fit for future analyses. Genomic DNA was isolated from 1012 blood cell samples stored for 7 to 21 years using QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kits.
The results from our study are unique from previous findings as we investigate mistreated samples stored long-term. Previous studies have investigated DNA isolated from blood samples stored for up to a few months in the freezer 4–6, at different temperatures 13, or the quality of DNA stored for a long time under controlled forms in a biobank 25. Hara et. al. investigated storage conditions of forensic blood samples and blood stains, and concluded that storage below − 20°C was required to prevent DNA degradation during long-term (20-year) storage 26. We found that it is possible to isolate satisfactory quality DNA from samples mistreated through repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
The median A260/280 ratios were ~ 1.8 across all years of collection, suggesting high DNA purity regardless of the duration of storage. We did not measure the A260/230 ratio, so we could not evaluate the presence of other organic residues. However, any organic residues would likely represent artifacts resulting from the inadequate removal of organic chemicals used in the extraction chemistry and not directly associated with the sample itself.
DNA was successfully isolated, relative to the acceptability criteria of ≥ 20 ng/µL, from almost all 978 (96.6%) samples, as 29 (2.9) had a concentration of 10–19 ng/µL and only 5 (0.5%) had a concentration below 10 ng/µL. The A260/280 ratio was satisfactory (1.7–1.9) for 785/1012 (77.6%) samples, indicating that a majority of samples are of satisfactory quality. However, other studies 27,28 classify DNA with a ratio between 1.7 and 2.0 as pure. Applying the wider ratio range to this study, only 16 (1.6%) would have an unacceptably high ratio, as many of the samples with a ratio greater than 1.9 had a ratio between 1.9 and 2.0 (Supporting Fig. 1). Samples stored for 16 years were notable for having the lowest median ratio, samples stored for 21, 12, and 8 years were similar, and samples stored for 7 years had the highest median ratio. Twelve-year-old samples most commonly had a satisfactory ratio, and there seemed to be a trend of decreasing number of samples with a high ratio with increasing sample age. However, applying a ratio of up to 2.0 as pure, only 7 samples stored for 7 years had a ratio > 2.0. A high ratio (> 1.9) can be caused by RNA contamination 29, which is very likely here, as the QIAmp Mini spin columns co-purify RNA if it is present. RNase can be added during isolation to remove RNA 16. Furthermore, the choice of solvent can also affect the DNA absorption 29, and we used an elution buffer with a pH of 9.0 30, which increases the A260/280 ratio by 0.2–0.3 compared to the “true” A260/280 ratio 29. Overall, 152 (15.0%) had a ratio below 1.7, which might indicate the presence of protein or other contaminants, since these absorb strongly around 280 nm 29. As there was no distinct pattern related to sample year, the low ratio in some samples could be due to sample volume, quality, or isolation method. To further investigate what causes low ratio, the 260/230 ratio could be analyzed, or other isolation methods could be tested.
DNA fragmentation is important to assess, as intact DNA fragments are required for high-quality sequencing. Long fragments are more likely to overlap and contain sequences of interest, depending on the project aims, while short fragments are more likely to disrupt the sequence of interest 31. Different kinds of sequencing require different quality and concentration parameters. For example, sequences > 10 kbp can be generated from long-read sequencing 32, but to apply this method (e.g., long-read sequencing from Pacific Biosciences), the DNA must have a A260/280 ratio of 1.8-2.0 and a fragment size around 50 kbp 33. For short-read sequencing, such as next-generation sequencing, the DNA is amplified and fragmented into smaller pieces around 250–800 bp and then sequenced in parallel. For some specific regions of interest, shorter fragment length DNA can be used. In this study, we were most interested in the possibility of isolating DNA with an intact region of interest rather than how long the fragments are, since the region of interest can be amplified 32. As most of our samples were pure (based on A260/280 ratio) and of satisfactory quality (based on DIN), it is very likely that they can be used in further sequencing analyses. These samples need to be further analyzed for specific regions of interest and in different downstream applications.
Supporting Fig. 2 shows that the DIN is not solely determined by fragment size, since some samples of size > 50 000 bp had a DIN below 7. Thus, other quality parameters, such as concentration and A260/280 ratio, should also be considered for individual samples. Nevertheless, we observed a pattern of decreased DIN with fragment size below 30,000 bp. As all groups had a median DIN greater than 7, many samples in our cohort contain high molecular weight DNA. Fragment size was significantly different across the years, but the difference in size between newer and older samples was not so great to assume that isolating DNA from newer samples produces DNA with longer fragments. Most samples with a fragment size between 40,000 and 60,000 bp were observed in samples stored for 12 years. However, 17 samples from the TapeStation were excluded prior to analysis due to an error with the analyzed chip, resulting in fewer results from samples stored for 16 and 21 years. Therefore, comparing the number of samples of a specific fragment size based on year may be misleading. Additional samples from each sample group need to be analyzed to further explore this association.
The DNA yield was expected to decrease for older samples and as the samples had been heavily mistreated. However, we did not observe a decrease in DNA yield over time, in contrast to Chen et al. 13. Even though the sample volumes differed due to clots and dried-in samples were diluted using PBS, which may introduce some error, it is interesting to note that the lowest DNA concentrations were found in samples stored for 21, 16, and 12 years (Fig. 1A and Table 1a). This could indicate that isolating DNA from older samples carries a greater risk of a low DNA concentration. Overall, assuming blood samples are stored within the desired temperature range at stable conditions, DNA can be extracted from study samples after prolonged storage at -20°.
The age of a study participant may influence the number of white blood cells available in the sample 9,34. However, that applies more to adults and later life and is not relevant for the present study. With age progression, the quantity of isolated DNA can decline due to a reduction in the number of leukocytes and lymphocytes 35. The samples in the present study included only samples from children aged 2–15 years, and we therefore expect no influence on the quantity of DNA according to age.
One limitation of this study was the limited and varied sample volumes. QIAamp DNA Mini Blood Kits from Qiagen were the most cost effective and flexible method for this study, as the equipment was already available to us. Other methods of DNA isolation, such as manually extracting DNA using a salting out method 1 or using phenol/chloroform extraction 36, are more time consuming when isolating DNA from a large number of samples and require much larger sample volumes. The Qiagen kit may not be the best to use if samples are very clotted. A similar study 25 found that the Quick-DNA Miniprep Plus Kit (Zymo Research, Irvine, CA) was most time efficient and produced the highest DNA yields when testing four different kits for extracting DNA from old blood samples, although the Qiagen DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit resulted in highest quality DNA. These results for only ten samples cannot be fully applied to our study, but it shows how the choice of method affects the outcome. Another limitation is that we did not perform TapeStation measurements to assess DNA integrity for all 1012 samples. However, the large subset of 270 samples provides confidence in the DNA integrity of the entire cohort of isolated DNA from long-term stored blood cell samples. A more comprehensive analysis would include electrophoresis, fluorometry, quantitative PCR, or a long-range PCR. Automated techniques such as TapeStation represent a form of automated electrophoresis where the software compares the result from the sample to a genomic DNA ladder and presents sizes and quantifications as charts and numbers. The advantages of using such a method are that both preparation and analysis are less time consuming and require a much smaller sample volume 37–39.
The strength of this project is that the samples were obtained as part of the DiPiS study, in which sample and data collection were performed according to protocol. The quality of the samples in this study prior to freezing was unknown, unlike samples in similar studies. In the DiPiS study, many of the samples were taken at home by the families and not by trained personnel, sent by post to the laboratory and potentially mishandled during storage. To our best knowledge, no other study has investigated DNA isolation from heavily mishandled samples that have been stored for long periods. Another study evaluating the effects of repeated freezing and thawing peripheral blood on DNA yield and integrity detected decrease in yield but no degradation of DNA 40. Removing plasma from the blood samples in the DiPiS study did not remove any of the pelleted cells, and it is unknown if removing the plasma has a positive or a negative effect on the sample during long-term storage. Future studies will involve testing these samples by genotyping and comparing the results with previous SNP genotyping and Next Generation Sequencing from before storage.
This study critically addresses the question that many research labs have: “can I perform modern analyses like Next Generation Sequencing on my historical, old sample cohorts?” The answer is, largely, yes.
This study suggests that it is possible to isolate DNA of satisfactory quantity and quality after long-term storage and mistreatment through freeze-thaw cycles of blood cell samples stored separately from their corresponding plasma in capillary tubes at − 20°. Despite the limitations of this study, we found no evidence that DNA integrity worsened by mistreating the samples and with increasing sample age. Whole blood samples and blood cell samples in long-term storage under less-than-optimal conditions can be used in downstream analyses.