The results of our investigation on the impact of temperature and nutrition on An. stephensi are presented under 7 distinctive groups: (a) morphometrics of eggs, (b) wing, (c) pupal body mass, (d) transgenerational life-cycle parameters, (e) vector competence, (f) variations in polytene chromosomes, and (g) Linear model. Each of these headings has subheadings that specifically demonstrate the impact of higher temperature stress (HT), lower temperature stress (LT) and nutritional stress (NT).
Egg morphometrics
Morphometric analyses of eggs were carried out from LT, HT and NT lines along with their control lines (see Methods section) to ascertain any significant changes due to stress in the egg length (EL), egg width (EW), egg-float length (EFL), and egg-float width (EFW). The eggs were black, boat-shaped, and blunt at both anterior and posterior ends. The results of LT, HT, NT and their control lines are presented in Tables S1–S3. Their comparative significance data were generated from 10 consecutive generations and are presented in Tables 1 and S4.
LT stress – The results showed that the EL, ER, EFL and EFR of LT strains were significantly larger compared to their corresponding control (unstressed) strains. In LT line, the minimum and maximum EL of LT were 440 and 480 µm (470±4.47 µm), respectively and were significantly larger (p=0.0035) compared to their control (unstressed) lines (450–460 µm, 455±1.66 µm). The range of EW of LT and the control were 150–170 µm (164±2.21 µm) and 130–170 µm (152±4.16 µm), respectively, with a significant difference (p=0.036). The range of EFL of LT and their corresponding control were 220–250 µm (240±3.94 µm) and 210–230 µm (220±2.10 µm), respectively (p=0.038). No significant difference was observed in EFW (p=0.460, NS>0.05). See Tables 1, S1 and S4.
HT stress – The results showed that the EL, EW and EFL of HT lines were significantly smaller than the control (unstressed) lines. The range of minimum and maximum EL of HT and control lines were 380–430 µm (407±5.26 µm) and 450–470 µm (458±2.49 µm), respectively, showing significant differences (p=0.045). The range of EW of HT and control lines were 130–150 µm (140±1.88 µm) and 130–170 µm (152±4.16 µm) with a significance value of p=0.027. The range of EFL of HT and control lines were 200–210 µm (206±1.82 µm) and 220–240 µm (230±2.98 µm) with a significance value of p=0.049 (Tables 1, S2 and S4).
Significant differences were observed in the EL (p=0.0032), EW (p<0.0001) and EFL (p=0.0074) while compared between LT and HT stress lines (Tables 1, S2 and S4).
NT stress – The results indicate that the EL, EW and EFL of NT lines were significantly smaller compared to their control (unstressed) lines. The minimum and maximum range of EL of NT and its corresponding control line were 360 and 390 µm (370±2.981 µm) and 390 and 460 µm (417±6.675 µm), respectively, and showed a significant difference (p=0.012) compared to the control lines. The EW range of NT was 100 and 130 µm (112±3.266 µm) and control lines was 120 and 140 µm (131±1.795 µm), respectively, and showed a significant difference (p=0.044) between them. The EFL of NT and the control lines were 130–160 (145±4.01 µm) and 190–210 µm (206±2.21 µm), respectively, with a significant difference (p=0.045). The ranges of EFW of NT and control were 30–40 and 70–90 µm, respectively, showing a significant difference compared to control lines (p=0.038) (Tables 1, S3 and S4).
Wing morphometrics
The results of wing measurements of LT, HT, and NT, along with their control lines, are presented in Tables 2 and S5–S8.
LT stress – The mosquitoes exposed to lower temperature showed comparatively smaller wing length in males (p=0.038) and wing width in females (p=0.008) than their control (unstressed) lines. The ranges of wing length and width in LT males were 2.701–2.933 mm (2.804±0.032 mm) and 0.602–0.824 (0.719±0.028 mm), respectively. In LT females, ranges of wing length and width were 2.992–3.655 mm (3.325±0.08 mm) and 0.791–0.953 mm (0.879±0.02 mm), respectively (Tables 2, S5 and S8).
HT stress – The mosquitoes subjected to high temperature showed significantly smaller in wing size than their control (unstressed) counterparts. In HT males, the wing length and width ranges were 2.391–3.021 mm (2.665±0.0787 mm) and 0.501–0.617 mm (0.546±0.016 mm), respectively. In HT females, the range of wing length and width were 2.413–3.135 mm (2.827±0.082 mm) and 0.612–0.712 mm (0.657±0.016 mm), respectively. Differences were also observed in the length and width of LT-stressed males (p=0.012 and 0.018) and females (p=0.011 and 0.031), respectively, compared to their control lines (Tables 2, S6 and S8).
When compared between male and female wings of HT and LT lines, significant difference was observed in the wing length of males (p=0.0149) (see Table 2).
NT stress – The mosquitoes reared with low nutrition had significantly smaller wing sizes compared to control mosquitoes. In NT males, the range of wing length is 2.401–2.501 mm (2.4226±0.011 mm) and width 0.406–0.567 mm (0.445±0.017 mm), whereas in NT females, the range of wing length is 2.225–2.595 mm (2.431±0.044 mm) and width 0.507–0.616 mm (0.557±0.016 mm), respectively. Compared with the control males and females, the wing length of NT males was significantly smaller (p=0.0001), and in NT females, the wing length and width were observed to be smaller (p=0.04 and 0.049) (Tables 2, S7 and S8).
Pupal body mass
The average body mass of female pupae of LT, HT, and NT stress lines was analysed (see Materials and methods) and the results are presented in Tables 3 and S9 (see Figure 2A–C). The pupal body mass of LT, HT and NT stress lines were 57.45±0.32, 52.03±0.22 and 50.59±1.17 mg, respectively. Significant differences were observed while compared the values between LT and NT lines with their corresponding control (unstressed) lines (p=0.025 and 0.0004). However, significant differences were also observed in the pupal body mass when compared between LT and HT lines (p<0.0001) (see Table 3).
LT, HT and NT stress on transgenerational life-cycle parameters
Baseline assays – The results of baseline assays of LT, HT and NT stress lines are presented in Figure 3A–C and Tables S10–S12. Based on baseline results the following optimal levels were chosen for 3 sets of stress experiments. (i) 48 h at 4°C was considered as optimal duration time of eggs hatching for LT stress experiment, (ii) 35.5°C as optimal temperature for HT stress experiment, and (iii) 33 mg as optimal amount of larval diet for NT stress experiment, respectively (see the Methods section). The results of baseline data of LT, HT and NT are presented in Tables S10–S12.
During the stress experiments, the parameters like fecundity, percent egg hatchability, number of larvae and pupae, sex ratio (male: female), and longevity of adults (lifespan) were recorded for 8 generations along with their control lines. The comparative life-cycle data of LT, HT and NT stress lines of the G0 generation is presented in Table S13. Results of life-cycle data (for both experimental and control) of LT lines are presented in Tables S14 and S15, HT lines in Tables S16 and S17 and NT lines in Tables S18 and S19. Significant values of LT, HT and NT stress lines are presented in Table S20.
LT stress – Based on the baseline result, all the life stages (i.e., eggs to adults) were exposed to lower temperature (at 4°C and 18±1°C) in the G1 generation (see the Materials section) and the experiment was continued up to 8 generations. The results of LT stress and control lines are presented in Figure 3A and Tables S14 and S15. The LT-stressed lines took a longer time from egg to adult emergence (~25 days). The lowest number of eggs (fecundity) was 213 observed in the 1st generation, and the highest was 327 in the 7th generation (M=262.625±16.299). The lowest and highest numbers of larvae were 172 observed in the 1st generation and 266 in the 7th generation (M=213.375±13.901). The lowest and highest numbers of pupae were 130 and 243 (M=176.125±17.279), and adults were 90 and 203 in the 1st and 7th generations (M=140.75±17.092), respectively. The adult survived for ~30 days (for control, 40 days).
Significant differences were observed in the number of eggs (M=306.063, p=0.0001, F=4.34), larvae (M=269, p<0.0001, F=5.09), pupae (M=249.125, p<0.0001, F=7.41) and adults (M=230.375, p<0.0001, F=7.53) when compared with the mean values of their corresponding control lines over 8 generations (p>0.05 indicates NS). See Table S20.
Further, in gonotrophic cycles of LT adult females, oviposition time (egg maturation) was prolonged (4 days) and the frequency of blood meal uptake was 3 times with decreasing temperature compared to their control strains (3 days and 4 times). The developmental time (duration) of egg-to-adult stages of LT and control lines using mean over 8 generations is shown in Figure 4A. The longevity of LT adults (in days) is shown in Figure 5A. The male-to-female ratio of LT was 1.54:1 (vs. control, 1.4:1; see Tables S14 and S15).
HT stress – Based on the baseline assay, all the life stages, i.e., eggs to adults were exposed to higher temperature (35.5°C) and continued up to 8 generations (see the Methods section). The results of HT-stressed and control lines are presented in Figure 3B and Tables S16 and S17. The HT-stressed lines developed faster from egg to adult emergence (~7.5 days). The lowest and the highest fecundity were 192 and 240 (M=218.25±6.23) observed in the 2nd and 7th generations, larvae were 141 and 210 (M=164.75±9.07) in the 5th and 8th generations, pupae were 129 and 195 (M=153.25±8.51) in the 2nd and 8th generations and adults were 95 and 159 (M=128.125±7.825) in the 2nd and 6th generations, respectively. The adult survived for ~25 d (vs. 40 days for control).
Significant differences were observed in eggs (p=0.0001, F=5.08, M=282.312), larvae (p<0.0001, F=3.8, M=242.5), pupae (p<0.0001, F=3.14, M=234.87) and adults (p<0.0001, F=2.77, M=221.37) of HT lines compared to the control lines (Table S20).
In the gonotrophic cycle of the HT line, the oviposition time (egg maturation) was shortened (1.5 days) and the frequency of blood meal was 2 times with increasing temperature compared to their control lines (3 days and 4 times). The developmental time (duration) from eggs to adults of HT lines using mean value over 8 generations are shown in Figure 4B. The longevity of HT adults (in days) is shown in Figure 5B. The male-to-female ratio of HT was 1.44:1 (vs. control, 1.49:1; see Tables S16 and S17).
Significant differences were also observed in eggs, larvae, pupae and adults while compared between HT and LT stress lines and the results are presented in Table 4.
NT stress –Based on the baseline assay, all the life stages, i.e., larvae and adults were exposed to nutrient-deficient condition (33 mg larval food) and continued up to 8 generations (see the Methods section).
The life-cycle data of NT and control lines of 8 generations are presented in Figure 3C and Tables S18 and S19. The NT-stressed lines developed faster from egg to adult emergence (~11 days). The adult survived for ~5 days (vs. 40 days for the control). The lowest and the highest numbers of NT eggs (fecundity) were observed at 79 and 129 in the 1st and 6th generations, respectively (Table S18). The mean number of fecundities of NT was 105.125±6.807 (SD=19.253). For control lines, fecundity was 329.38±3.25 (SD=9.101) (Table S19). The lowest and the highest numbers of NT larvae were 52 and 85 in the 2nd and 6th generations, respectively [M=69.5±4.238 (SD=11.988)]. For control lines, the number of larvae was 310.5±3.789 (SD=10.72). Similarly, the lowest and the highest numbers of pupae were 45 and 74 in the 1st and 7th generations, respectively (M=60.875±3.856; SD=10.907), and for the control lines, it was M=308.63±3.6593 (SD=10.35). The lowest and highest numbers for NT adults were 39 and 62 in the 1st and 7th generations, respectively (M=50±3.251; SD=9.196). For control adults, it was 307.13±3.6618 (SD=10.357) (Tables S18 and S19). Moreover, in the gonotrophic cycle of NT female adults, the oviposition time was shortened (~1.5 days) and the frequency of blood meal was only for 2 times under NT-stressed conditions compared to their control strains (3 days and 4 times). The developmental time (duration) of eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults of NT lines using mean over 8 generations is shown in Figure 4C, and the longevity (in days) is given in Figure 5C. The male-to-female ratio of NT was 1.04:1 (vs. control, 1.42:1). See Tables S18 and S19.
Significant differences were observed in eggs (M=217.25, F=4.47, p<0.0001), larvae (M=190, F=1.25, p<0.0001), pupae (M=184.75, F=1.11, p<0.0001) and adults (M=178.563, F=1.27, p<0.0001) of NT lines compared to their corresponding control lines (Table S20).
In NT-stressed lines, the sex ratio (M:F), number of male and female adults, number of survived adults till day 5, and the frequency of blood meal taken by adult females are presented in Table 5.
Vectorial competence
The results of 3 experimental lines, i.e., LT, HT, NT, along with the control line of An. stephensi fed with P. falciparum-infected blood (see the Methods section) are presented in Figure 6 and Table 6. The positive midguts and percent oocysts rate were calculated from 3 stressed and control lines. It was observed that the oocyst rate was significantly higher in HT lines (Median=16; SEM=18.32±2.67), LT lines (Median=5; SEM=26.31±3.3) and NT lines (Median=4; SEM=28.44±3.35) compared to the control line (Median=1; SEM=19.81±1.94), respectively. The non-parametric Mann–Whitney test between the HT and the control lines showed a significant difference (p<0.0001). However, differences were non-significant in LT (p<0.06) and NT (p<0.08) lines compared to the control line. However, the variations in the prevalence of infection were observed among the stress lines of LT (71.4%), HT (85.1%) and NT (63.9%) compared to the control line (55.8%) (Figure 6).
Chromosomal inversion
At the 8th generation, the inversion study of polytene chromosome reveals that 11 out of 40 gravid females from the NT stress line showed chromosomal inversions. Inversion break points were observed on the 3L arm at 2 locations, i.e., 39A–39C and 42A–44C (Figures 7 and S1). Approximately 15 similar type double inversions were observed in the same NT line and the inversion rate was ~27.5%. No inversions were observed in the polytene chromosomes of LT and HT lines (Table 7).
Linear model
In this study, 2 sets of linear models were developed from the 4 variables (number of eggs, pupae, larvae, and adult) under different conditions (high temperature, low temperature, and nutrition stress). The first set corresponds to the specific conditions, while the second represents the respective control groups. Further, the equations are compared with their control groups to identify the generations required for optimal adaptation in the corresponding stress condition.
The values obtained from this comparison of linear models reveal the number of generations required to adapt to the given stressors. Considering the adult stage, it will take 21 generations for LT, 144 generations for HT and 4354 generations for NT lines, respectively to gain the normal stage (Table 8). A strong correlation was observed in LT stress followed by HT stress compared to control conditions. Also, a weak correlation between low nutrition and control lines was found in stressed individuals. An interesting observation is that the number of generations required to adapt in LT stress conditions is lower than in the case of HT-stressed conditions (Figures 8 and S2). This suggests that the LT-stressed mosquitoes exhibit a higher adaptability rate, and the NT-stressed mosquitoes exhibit a larger number of generations required to adapt, indicating the lowest adaptability rate (Table 8).
Correlation analysis demonstrated a notable positive correlation under LT stress, suggesting a high adaptability potential. Equating models from specific stress conditions with their respective controls illuminated the generations required for optimal adaptation, providing insights into mosquito resilience to environmental stressors.