Our study consists of two main phases. First, we examined the distinct characteristics of individual EC algorithms. While investigating the strengths and weaknesses of each method, we developed a new approach to integrate their results (integrated EC, hereafter called ‘iEC’), which demonstrated significantly improved accuracy of EC mapping through a multi-step validation process. In the second phase, we utilized this iEC to comprehensively examine the human brain in terms of i) global patterns of unconstrained signal flows, ii) retrieval of signal flow hierarchy, and iii) the state-dependent reorganization of this hierarchical structure.
To develop our iEC framework, we first selected representative EC algorithms using a taxonomy created based on predefined methodological criteria (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. 1; see Methods ‘2. Effective connectivity algorithms’ for more details). Specifically, we divided existing EC algorithms into two principal categories: the Graphical model and the Dynamical system. Within each category, we applied specific criteria to ensure i) detection of cyclic connections, ii) scalability and iii) mathematical uniqueness. This process led us to identify three distinct methods, each from a unique algorithmic family: Fast Adjacency Skewness (FASK in the BayesNet family)41, Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR in the lag-based family)74 and regression Dynamic Causal Modeling (rDCM in the broader DCM family)36. The chosen algorithms were then integrated to construct the iEC. To this end, we computed a weighted sum of individual EC results (i.e., iEC=𝛽1×ECrDCM+𝛽2×ECVAR+𝛽3×ECFASK; Fig. 1b), in which the β value for each algorithm was optimized to yield the iEC such that it shows the highest correlation with the target connectivity metrics (explained in the next section). To prevent overfitting, we optimized the weights in a cross-validated manner, employing Bayesian optimization75 (see Methods ‘2.4 Integrated EC framework’).
1. Three-step validation of EC algorithms
To comprehensively evaluate the accuracy of individual algorithms and iEC, we employed a multi-step validation, including i) whole-brain simulation using synthetic directed networks, and empirical data comparison using ii) non-human primate and iii) human brain networks (Fig. 1c). The details are as follows.
1.1 Validation using synthetic networks
To maximize biological plausibility, a group-averaged structural connectivity (SC) from empirical human diffusion MRI data was used as an initial template for synthetic network generation (Fig. 2a). Upon this SC template, we induced directionality by randomly rearranging their connections while preserving each node’s outdegree. Then, the Hopf model, a well-established tool for simulating oscillatory neural dynamics76, was employed to generate brain signals based on these synthetic networks. The signals were then fed into each EC algorithm (i.e., FASK, VAR, and rDCM). The outcomes were compared to the ground truth target matrix (i.e., directed synthetic network) using two representative graph-theoretical metrics: edge strength (i.e. connectome-wise EC magnitude) and weighted degree centrality.
The inferred ECs from all individual algorithms demonstrated significant correlations with the synthetic networks, as measured by edge strength (Fig. 2b; rmedian for rDCM, VAR, and FASK (Schaefer/MMP) = 0.61,0.73,0.74/0.37,0.44,0.54, respectively; pFDR<0.001) and degree distribution (Fig. 2c; rmedian for rDCM, VAR, and FASK (indegree/outdegree) = 0.38,0.37,0.42/0.42,0.43,0.53 when using MMP; all pFDR<0.001; see Supplementary Fig. 2 for results from the Schaefer atlas). The accuracies also highlighted unique differences among these algorithms, with FASK outperforming the others in all simulations, particularly in a more complex network that have a higher number of nodes (i.e., MMP-360). Notably, the iEC framework successfully integrated individual algorithms, showing a markedly higher correlation with the ground truths across all metrics and parcellation schemes (rmedian=0.83/0.64 for edge strength correlation of Schaefer/MMP; rmedian=0.45/0.57 for degree correlation of Schaefer/MMP; all p < 0.001; we further investigated the details of the β value optimization in Supplementary Fig. 3).
1.2 Validation using macaque tract-tracing and fMRI data
After initial validation through simulation, we broadened our assessment to include real-world scenarios, employing a tract-tracing10 and resting-state fMRI (PRIME DE77) from the macaque brain (Fig. 2d). We applied the individual EC algorithms to the resting-state fMRI data from 19 anesthetized macaques, parcellated using the M132 atlas13. These individual results were then integrated to construct the iEC using the same cross-validation strategy as in the simulation analysis. To evaluate the performance of EC mapping, we compared EC with the “Fraction of Labeled Neurons (FLN)”, an established tract-tracing measure developed in the macaque research community13. Specifically, FLN refers to the proportion of neurons that are histologically labeled after tracer injections, which indicates the directed connectivity strength between the injected and target regions (see Methods ‘1.1 Macaque tract-tracing data’ for details).
The quantitative comparison showed that both rDCM and FASK could recover the FLN matrix with a significant accuracy (rmedian=0.44 and 0.43, respectively; all p < 0.001). Corroborating a previous finding from our simulation analysis, the iEC framework outperformed these individual algorithms (rmedian=0.53, p < 0.001), further highlighting the strength and efficacy of our integration approach (Fig. 2e). Notably, visual inspection of iEC results (“Integrated EC” matrix in Fig. 2d) indicated that positive connections (red color-coded) are both stronger and more prevalent, while negative connections (blue color-coded) across the brain areas are generally weak and sparse. Previous studies suggested that these connection polarities from fMRI may reflect intricately mixed excitatory and inhibitory effects78,79, potentially aligned with feedforward (FF) and feedback (FB) signal pathways68. Indeed, while a dominant portion of FF connections have been previously found to target excitatory neurons (thus exerting positive and amplifying influences to target regions)80, FB connections were associated with both excitatory and inhibitory pathways81–83, although the later, ‘suppressive’ effect has traditionally been considered a major characteristic of FB. To assess whether these distinct patterns can be also captured in our macro-scale analysis, we profiled the iEC with respect to SLN (Fraction of Supragranular Labeled Neurons), a marker to quantitatively index the level of FF and FB connectivity84 (see Methods ‘1.1 Macaque tract-tracing data’). Interestingly, when we categorized iECs into FF or FB by applying 0.5 threshold to their SLN value (range: 0–1; FF: SLN > 0.5; FB: SLN < 0.5), the majority of iECs corresponding to the FF pathway were positive, while those corresponding to FB showed a relatively balanced ratio of positive and negative connections (Fig. 2f), mirroring previous reports on signal influences exerted by FF/FB pathways.
1.3 Validation using human fMRI
Finally, we evaluated the EC algorithms using human resting-state fMRI (from HCP 440-subjects discovery/replication data; see Methods 2.4 Integrated EC framework). As an established ground truth is absent in the human brain, we devised a new evaluation method termed “EC-to-FC recovery” (Fig. 2g). In this approach, the EC inferred by each algorithm was fed into the Hopf model, serving as a virtual backbone of directed connectivity to generate brain signals. This in turn allowed the reconstruction of a simulated FC matrix. We compared this recovered FC with an empirical FC derived from actual fMRI signals (thus ‘EC-to-FC recovery’). The rationale underpinning this approach is that if the inferred EC effectively captures the true underlying net-influence structure of brain network organization, the FC simulated from this EC should reasonably emulate its empirical FC counterpart.
Consistent with our previous validation, testing on the human brain also revealed the effectiveness of our iEC framework, which showed the highest correlation with empirical data (Fig. 2h; rmedian=0.75, p < 0.001 at the individual level, and rmedian=0.81, p < 0.001 at the group level based on MMP-360; see Supplementary Fig. 4a for the result from Schaefer-100). Notably, regarding the performance of individual algorithms, contrary to the findings of previous analyses, FASK showed the lowest accuracy in this setup (EC-to-FC recovery; Fig. 2h). This finding suggests that high EC-identification performance alone (Fig. 2b, e) does not guarantee the effective EC-to-FC recovery, and that more complex interactions among various factors related to the connectivity may be involved (see Supplementary Fig. 4b for more details about this issue, where we performed a post-hoc analysis scrutinizing the contribution of each algorithm on the EC inference along their connectome properties).
2. Investigation of iEC profiles and signal flow hierarchy in the human brain
2.1 Profiling of the human whole-brain iEC
Having validated our iEC framework, we now focus on the profiling of the human whole-brain EC architecture using a group-level iEC matrix derived from resting-state fMRI of 220 healthy young adults (i.e., discovery dataset).
Organizing the connectivity matrix according to the Yeo-Krienen atlas85 revealed a distinct connectome organization (Fig. 3a): connections within modules were predominantly positive, while those between modules mainly fell into the negative range, which may reflect a nature of functional interactions in terms of network integration and segregation. Furthermore, in line with previous electrophysiological recording and retrograde tract-tracing experiments86,87, the ECs in the human brain exhibited a heavy-tailed distribution of connectivity strength (tail index = 1.45; the tail index < 2 indicates heavy-tailedness of a distribution88), indicating the presence of infrequent yet strong positive connections (Fig. 3b). In contrast, the negative connections showed an opposite pattern, characterized by weak strength but with a considerable proportion in the entire network (40%).
Next, we examined the directionality of iEC with respect to two network measures: weighted degree distribution and intrinsic signal flow. In the analysis of weighted degree distribution, we calculated the ratio of connection polarity (i.e., negative vs. positive) for both out- and in-degree ECs (Supplementary Fig. 5a). This revealed a discernible dominance of positive outdegree ratios within the sensory cortices, contrasted by a prominent presence of negative outdegree ratios in the heteromodal areas. More specifically, when we categorized them based on hierarchically ordered functional networks85, the proportion of signed connectivity showed a similar trend with the macaque tract-tracing result (Fig. 3c): a disproportionately large amount of positive ECs from early sensory areas and a balanced presence of positive and negative ECs from heteromodal areas, which may represent the influence of FF and FB pathways, respectively89.
To further explore the impact of this connection topology on signal propagation across the cortex, we employed a linear dynamical system analysis that examines ‘unconstrained signal flow’ from predefined seed areas16 (Fig. 3d; see Methods ‘5.2 Signal flow analysis’). This analysis revealed that positive signals predominantly originate from hierarchically lower cortical areas, whereas negative signals are almost exclusively sent from the high-order to low-level regions. Moreover, each of unimodal and heteromodal areas showed strong positive signals within their module, suggesting highly specialized functional subsystems (Fig. 3e). In sum, our findings suggest that the iEC has the potential to recapitulate the principle of signal flows across areas of varying hierarchical levels (see Supplementary Fig. 6 for reproducibility in the replication dataset).
2.2 Retrieving signal flow hierarchy from iEC
The iEC analyses conducted so far have provided converging evidence indicating distinct signatures of directed functional connectivity that reflect hierarchical organization, including i) a significant relationship between iEC patterns and FF/FB connectivity in the macaque brain (Fig. 2f), ii) a different proportion of positive/negative signaling along the sensory-association axis in the human brain (Figs. 3c and 3d), and iii) the observation that the majority of negative signal flows occurred in the heteromodal-to-unimodal pathways (Fig. 3e). These findings collectively motivated a systematic evaluation to assess whether iEC can provide any useful information to determine hierarchical levels of the cortical areas in the human brain.
To address this question, we employed an established modeling framework84,90, originally designed to quantify the hierarchical levels of cortical areas and examined their presumed top-down and bottom-up connectivity topologies. Traditionally, this framework has been reserved for macaque studies due to the necessity of histological data (e.g., SLN values), through which the feedforward and feedback properties of the connections could be inferred. However, as our findings (Fig. 4a) also provide insights into inferring the hierarchical levels of cortical areas, we used the group-level iEC matrix as a substitute for SLN to reconstruct a signal flow hierarchy map of the human brain using this framework (see Methods ‘5.3 Hierarchy estimation’).
The mapping of this signal flow hierarchy revealed a distinct and organized structure (Fig. 4b): primary sensory and motor areas occupy the lowest tiers, while paralimbic cortices, such as the anterior cingulate, insular, and parahippocampal regions, are positioned at the highest levels of cortical hierarchy. This pattern was partly comparable yet still distinct enough from a well-known functional gradient15, a dimension-reduced topographic map of (undirected) FC representing a sensory-association axis28 (Fig. 4c). Indeed, there was a significant spatial correlation between our EC-based hierarchy and the functional gradient map (r = 0.34, p < 0.001). Yet, the paralimbic regions exhibited higher values exclusively in the EC-derived hierarchy map. This emphasis on the paralimbic regions aligns with Mesulam’s initial proposition71, in which these areas have been conceptualized as a ‘neural bridge’ linking the neocortex and hypothalamus (which directly monitors the internal milieu) (Fig. 4d).
The validity of our EC-based hierarchy map was further supported by the post-hoc analysis involving cyto- and myelo-architecture (Supplementary Fig. 7a). For the cytoarchitecture, we used Campbell's atlas91,92, a historical neuroanatomy resource for microscopic cellular observation. When the brain areas in this atlas were sorted based on our EC hierarchical values, the pattern closely matched a known hierarchy stream: primary sensory areas at the base, followed by unimodal and heteromodal association areas and ending with paralimbic areas at the top. A significant correlation with myeloarchitecture (by Nieuwenhuys’ atlas depicting a cortical myelin level12) was also found (r = 0.42, p < 0.001), underscoring the relationship between the signal flow hierarchy and its anatomical substrates (myelin degree), which has been previously reported to reflect the structural hierarchy of the brain.93.
Most importantly, our validation drew upon the seminal ‘Structural Model’ theory94,95, which posits that FF/FB connections depend on the laminar structure of the connected areas. According to this model, FB connections typically originate from areas with simpler laminar structures (‘agranular’ or ‘dysgranular’) and target areas with more elaborate laminar structures (‘eulaminate’ or ‘koniocortex’), and vice versa for the FF connections (i.e., more elaborate to simpler laminar targeting). Inspired by this theory, we tested our hierarchy map by examining its whole-brain profile across different cortical types (Fig. 4e). This analysis revealed a highly significant alignment (GLM t = 5.14, p < 0.001), with a progressive increase in hierarchy corresponding to decrease of granular layers (see Supplementary Fig. 7b for the result when measured based on the functional gradient).
Finally, we again performed the unconstrained signal flow mapping on iEC, yet this time with the cortical areas sorted out by Mesulam’s cortical zones. This analysis revealed that the pattern we have previously hypothesized in terms of FF (i.e., largely excitatory) and FB signaling (balanced excitatory and inhibitory influences) are well captured in our EC-based cortical hierarchy (Fig. 4f). Indeed, both primary sensory and unimodal association areas mostly emit positive signals, while the heteromodal regions show a balance between positive and negative signal flows, and this pattern even converts in the paralimbic region to the one with negative signals exclusively detected.
2.3. State-dependent reorganization of signal flow hierarchy
Although the hierarchy map we derived from resting state fMRI provides compelling evidence for biological validity, it is still derived from only a single specific brain state, which occurs without explicit environmental engagement. The next logical question was therefore if this hierarchical organization remains preserved (as a backbone of default functional dynamics) even when the brain transitions to other functional states, or if it is reorganized to optimize neuronal information processing in response to contextual changes (i.e., state-dependent functional reconfiguration). To address this question, we analyzed two additional neuroimaging datasets, each representing a major (non-resting) brain state: one from fMRI scans conducted during movie watching (‘Forrest Gump’) and another during the experience of tonic pain induced by oral capsaicin delivery (see Methods ‘1. Data acquisition’). The former captures an externally focused state, where attention is directed towards visual and auditory stimuli (i.e., primarily exteroceptive), while the latter represents a more internally focused state, where awareness is concentrated on sustained painful sensation within mouth (i.e., more interoceptive). Both the group-level iEC matrix and signal flow hierarchy were constructed using the same procedure as in the previous analyses (see Supplementary Fig. 8 for iEC results).
When directly correlating the spatial patterns of hierarchy maps across different states, we found that both movie-watching and tonic pain states exhibit trends similar to the resting state (Fig. 5a; r = 0.46/0.64, respectively; both p < 0.001), suggesting the stability of overall functional hierarchy across different brain states. Despite this globally shared pattern, each state also displayed its idiosyncratic hierarchical changes. To explore this within the framework of Mesulam’s cortical organization (Fig. 4d) — which uniquely stratifies cortical areas based on their role in processing the external environment versus the internal milieu — we assessed the hierarchical levels of four cortical zones: primary sensory, unimodal and heteromodal association, and paralimbic areas. Firstly, the signal flow hierarchy in the resting state, consistent with our previous analysis (Figs. 4e-g), demonstrated a monotonically increasing hierarchy across these cortical zones (Fig. 5b, orange).
Compared to this, however, during the movie-watching state (Fig. 5b, pale green), the primary sensory and unimodal association areas showed an elevated hierarchy, while the heteromodal association and paralimbic areas exhibited an opposite pattern, overall suggesting a signature of ‘flattened cortical hierarchy’. This is consistent with a recent finding reported in a naturalistic fMRI study96. This hierarchy change was explained by the subsequent signal flow analysis (Fig. 5c left), which demonstrated 1) an overall decrease of positive signals from the primary sensory areas, 2) another decrease of negative signals from paralimbic areas, and 3) an increase of negative signals in the unimodal association areas (i.e., higher-order visual cortices), collectively resulting in less differentiated hierarchical levels throughout the whole brain (‘hierarchical flattening’). Notably, the latter observation, an increase of negative signals from the higher-order visual areas, was found to mostly target auditory regions, potentially suggesting a competing modulatory effect of shared attentional resources97 and/or multisensory integration98. This state-dependent reorganization during movie-watching therefore suggests a shift in cognitive load towards externally oriented processes, as indicative of altered FF/FB signaling along sensory and attention pathways99–101.
In contrast, the tonic pain condition led to a brain state with a steeper hierarchical gap between the paralimbic and non-paralimbic areas (Fig. 5b, pale purple). Again, the signal flow mapping provided a parsimonious account for this change, demonstrating a decreased negative signal emission from the heteromodal association areas (particularly from the angular gyrus; Fig. 5c right), which may cause their hierarchy levels to diminish (thus resulting in a larger disparity between the paralimbic and non-paralimbic areas). This also indicates a state-dependent hierarchical shift, but different from a movie-watching condition, the brain appears to focus on mostly top-down effects of interoceptive areas by rendering the negative signals to be emitted primarily from the paralimbic system. This may suggest the prioritization of an allostatic control to cope with a potential danger from sustained pain102,103.
We finally note that there is also a state-general component across all three brain conditions: strong negative signal flows from ‘paralimbic/heteromodal to unimodal’ regions (especially from the cingulate and orbitofrontal areas; Fig. 5a), highlighting the importance of their state-invariant modulatory effect. In sum, these results suggest that while the global pattern of signal flow hierarchy may be relatively preserved across different states, the degree of hierarchy and its functional dynamics can be significantly adjusted to more efficiently respond to the given (either external or internal) environmental changes.