Whole transcriptome differential expression and functional enrichment analyses in lungs of BLM-challenged and IGF1R-deficient mice
To determine the impact of IGF1R deficiency in combination with BLM injury on global lung gene expression, RNA-Seq was performed on lungs of the four experimental groups of mice indicated in Fig. 1A-B, and differential expression was analyzed in three comparisons (Fig. 1B). A threshold of fold discovery rate adjusted p-value (FDR adj. p-value) < 0.05 and Fold Change (FC) ≥ 1.5 / ≤ 0.67 (│log2 FC│ ≥ 0.58) was set to consider differentially expressed genes (DEGs). DEGs are represented in volcano plots in Fig. 1C-E, and differential expression data and description for all DEGs is shown in Tables S1-S3. In the CreERT2 vs. Igf1rfl/fl comparison (“mutation”), down-regulated genes (378) tended to show higher differential expression than up-regulated genes (203) (Fig. 1C and Table S1). In Igf1rfl/fl-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl lungs (“injury”), 989 up- and 811 down-regulated DEGs were detected, with greater changes predominating in up-regulated genes (Fig. 1D and Table S2). Finally, in CreERT2-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl-BLM lungs (“attenuation”), 1005 up- and 1550 down-regulated DEGs were identified, the latter showing much greater expression changes overall. Of note, the number of DEGs elicited by IGF1R deficiency under BLM challenge is 1.4 times greater than those caused by BLM (Fig. 1E and Table S3). A Venn diagram indicating the overlap of DEGs between the three comparisons is shown in Fig. 1F. Interestingly, 952 genes were counter-regulated between the “attenuation” and “injury” comparisons, accounting for more than half of the 1800 genes differentially expressed as a consequence of BLM challenge. Among them, 74 genes were also differentially expressed in CreERT2 mice in basal conditions (“mutation”). Moreover, it should be noted the very consistent overlap observed in genes shared by the “mutation” and “attenuation” comparisons while not differentially expressed in the “injury” comparison. Thus, 179 down-regulated and 50 up-regulated genes match, whereas only 3 genes appeared counter-regulated. Principal component analysis (PCA) graphs and hierarchical clustering heatmaps of RNA-Seq groups are shown and described in Fig. S1. Altogether, these data highlight not only the dependence on IGF1R signaling to mediate BLM-induced acute lung damage but also to maintain basal lung homeostasis.
On the whole, gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was performed using the GO, KEGG and REACTOME databases. Regarding the effect of IGF1R deficiency in basal conditions, functional enrichment of CreERT2 vs. Igf1rfl/fl (“mutation”) differential gene expression identified down-regulated pathways and processes mainly involved in cell cycle regulation, extracellular matrix (ECM) organization, and DNA damage response. Interestingly, the “Regulation of IGF transport and uptake by IGF Binding Proteins” REACTOME term was also observed. All pathways and processes spotted regarding IGF1R deficiency in naïve lungs showed a down-regulation trend (Table S4). As expected, the functional clusters with the most significant transcriptional changes in the “injury” comparison included up-regulated pathways/processes involved in the pathobiology of BLM-induced ALI, including mainly inflammation but also ECM, vascular homeostasis, DNA damage response and cellular senescence/cell cycle arrest. Remarkably, the “Regulation of IGF transport and uptake by IGF Binding Proteins” REACTOME term was also detected in this comparison, as well as several signaling pathways acting downstream of IGF signaling (Table S5). Conversely, the majority of these biological processes and pathways appeared as significant and in the opposite direction (down-regulated) in the “attenuation” comparison. In addition, GSEA detected down-regulated processes/pathways involved in cell cycle regulation, not identified in the “injury” comparison but in notable agreement with the “mutation” comparison. Furthermore, several metabolic processes were significantly dysregulated, mostly down-regulated (ROS, nitric oxide, alpha-amino acid, arginine and proline, alcohol, pyrimidine) but with three up-regulated, namely “Regulation of lipid metabolic process”, “Acetyl-CoA metabolic process” and “Cellular ketone metabolic process” (Table S6).
IGF1R deficiency counteracts the inflammatory “cytokine storm” transcriptomic profile elicited by BLM and protects against acute bronchiolar injury
The overlap of DEGs between the “injury” and “attenuation” comparisons is shown in the Venn Diagram on Fig. 2A, with a striking number of 952 genes counter-regulated, which are listed in Table S7. Out of the top 50 counter-regulated genes with the smallest FDR adj. p-value in CreERT2-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl-BLM mice, 47 of them (94%) were down-regulated, as shown in the heatmap of Fig. 2B, and thus up-regulated in Igf1rfl/fl-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl mice. Most of them are inflammatory response-related genes, corresponding with a clear “cytokine storm” profile. Among them, the acute inflammatory marker Serum amyloid A3 gene (Saa3) and genes of the CCL (C-C motif) and CXCL (C-X-C motif) chemokine families (Ccl9, Cxcl10 and Cxcl13) are noteworthy. Furthermore, there is a strong presence of genes involved in the interferon anti-viral response. These include some genes codifying for 2’ – 5’ oligoadenylate synthases (Oas1a, Oas1g, Oas2, Oas3 and Oasl2) and other interferon-induced proteins (Ifit1, Ifit2, Ifitm3, Ifi44, Ifi204, Ifi27l2a, Isg15 and Mx1), as well as genes with central roles in the regulation of the interferon response (Irf7, Zbp1 and Usp18). There was also notable presence of genes involved in ECM remodeling (Timp1, Serpina3m, Serpina3n, Mmp12, Lgals3bp and Fn1).
Similar to Fig. 2A, the overlap of DEGs between the "mutation" and "attenuation" comparisons are shown in the Venn Diagram in Fig. 2C, with only 12 shared genes counter-regulated, but with 259 shared down-regulated and 65 up-regulated genes, totaling 324 genes which share direction of change between the two comparisons, genes that are strictly dependent on IGF1R deficiency. These genes are listed in Table S8 and the top 50 with the smallest FDR adj. p-value in CreERT2-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl-BLM mice are shown in the heatmap of Fig. 2D. Here it is particularly striking that several of the genes counter-regulated in the “injury” and “attenuation” comparisons (Cxcl10, Oas1a, Oas1g, Oas3, Oasl2, Ifit1, Ifit3, Ifi44, Ifi204, Isg15, Mx1, Irf7, Zbp1,Timp1, Serpina3n, Mmp12, Lgals3bp) were also down-regulated in CreERT2 vs. Igf1rfl/fl lungs, without the effect of any insult other than SAL instillation. Transcriptional changes of genes with proinflammatory function including Tnf, Il1b, Il6, Cxcl1 and Adgre1, as well as anti-inflammatory Cd209 were previously validated by qPCR, and in case of TNF also by ELISA [23].
According to previous data [23], lung inflammation was highly reduced in CreERT2-BLM compared to Igf1rfl/fl-BLM lungs (Fig. S2A-D) and mRNA expression of the surfactant protein C precursor gene (Sftpc) was significantly reduced in Igf1rfl/fl-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl lungs, while increased in CreERT2-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl-BLM lungs. Furthermore, a similar expression profile was found for the marker of bronchiolar club cells Scgb1a1 (Tables S2 and S3). These results were further investigated by fluorescence immunohistochemistry (see details in Fig. S2). Interestingly, while pro-SPC staining was rare in the bronchioles of Igf1rfl/fl and CreERT2 lungs (Fig. S2I-J), it was greatly increased in Igf1rfl/fl-BLM bronchioles (Fig. S2K), with pro-SPC+ staining in a subpopulation of bronchiolar cells which were not CC10+ cells (Fig. S2O). Cells of this type were recently identified as AT2 proliferating precursors in BLM-challenged lungs [27]. Of note, expression of pro-SPC in bronchioles of CreERT2-BLM mice was restored to basal levels (Fig. S2L). Altogether, these results demonstrate that IGF1R deficiency very efficiently protects epithelial cells against BLM-mediated injury in the alveolar and bronchiolar lung compartments.
Differential mRNA expression of IGF/Insulin signaling pathway genes in lungs of IGF1R-deficient mice and following BLM challenge
Screening for specific DEGs of the IGF/Insulin family revealed significant changes of different components on the three comparisons examined (Fig. 3). In the absence of BLM challenge (“mutation” comparison), CreERT2 mice showed notable down-regulation of Igf1 and Stc2. On the contrary, Igfbp6 and Irs2 were up-regulated. (Fig. 3A). Remarkably, several IGF/insulin signaling components were dysregulated upon BLM challenge (“injury” comparison). Thus, four of the six IGFBP genes were differentially expressed, with Igfbp3, Igfbp5 and Igfbp6 down-regulated and Igfbp4 up-regulated. Interestingly, the Pappalysin 1 gene (Pappa), a metalloproteinase with IGFBP proteolytic activity, exhibited a high increase in expression, whereas the Stanniocalcin 1 gene (Sct1), a PAPPA 1 and 2 inhibitor, was down-regulated (Fig. 3B). In contrast, IGF1R deficiency in CreERT2-BLM mice counter-regulated most of these IGF system genes, exhibiting up-regulation of Igfbp3, Igfbp5, Igfbp6, Insr and Irs1 and down-regulation of Igf1, Igfbp4, Ig2fbp2, Pappa2, Igf2r and Ide. (Fig. 3C).
It should be noted that differential expression analysis did not show a significant decrease in Igf1r normalized counts in either CreERT2 vs. Igf1rfl/fl or CreERT2-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl-BLM lungs. However, assessment of read coverage along the Igf1r transcribed region and exon-specific FPKM quantification showed that both CreERT2 samples presented similar levels of reads throughout the entire Igf1r mRNA sequence compared to both Igf1rfl/fl samples, but a very diminished amount of reads mapping to exon 3, corresponding to the floxed Igf1r gene region where TMX-induced Cre-mediated deletion occurs (Fig. S3A-B). Inspection of the exon junctions detected by the same analysis corroborated that in CreERT2 mice an effective alternative splicing occurs between exon 2 and exon 4 of the Igf1r consensus mRNA, generating “full length” mRNAs with an efficient deletion of exon 3 (Fig. S3A). However, translation of these mutant mRNAs in CreERT2 mice could only generate a putative non-functional truncated α chain polypeptide (see details in Fig. S4). Besides, a large reduction in IGF1R protein expression was previously confirmed in the lungs of CreERT2 and CreERT2-BLM mice [23, 28].
Transcriptomic analysis of lungs from BLM-challenged IGF1R-deficient mice corroborates previous findings and uncovers novel biological functions of IGF1R
In order to gain knowledge on the altered molecular mechanisms mediated by IGF1R deficiency in lungs from BLM challenged mice, intensive data mining based on functional annotations in databases (MGI, GO, KEGG, REACTOME, GeneCards and UniProt) was performed in the RNA-seq “attenuation” comparison. DEGs in CreERT2-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl-BLM lungs were functionally grouped and represented as up- and down-regulated genes in the reported functional categories. The most relevant functional categories, ordered according to the number of genes involved from highest to lowest were: inflammation, metabolism, cell cycle, mitochondrial homeostasis, ECM organization, vascular homeostasis, DNA damage response, autophagy, IGF signaling and epigenetics. All of them, with the exception of epigenetics comprised genes mostly down-regulated (Fig. 4). Expression data and description of the genes featured in each functional group are shown in Tables S9-S18, respectively. In sum, these results reinforce the concept that IGF1R deficiency causes a generalized inhibition of transcription in the lung in the context of a BLM challenge, affecting multiple biological functions.
IGF1R depletion strongly affects expression of DNA damage-related genes and protects against BLM-mediated cell cycle arrest, nuclear impairment and ROS
Since BLM induces DNA damage in the lung and GSEA identified DNA damage response-related pathways and processes in the three RNA-Seq comparisons (Tables S4-S6), we decided to explore the effect of IGF1R deficiency on DNA damage-related functions in depth. Overall, data mining analysis in CreERT2-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl-BLM lungs showed 138 DEGs with DNA damage-related functions (Fig. 4 and Table S15). Among them stand several genes with key functions in DNA damage responses, including DNA repair, genomic stability maintenance and cell cycle arrest (Fig. 5A). Remarkably, the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1 (commonly known as p21) gene (Cdkn1a), a well recognized marker of cell cycle arrest [29], showed greatly reduced expression (6.0 times) in CreERT2-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl-BLM lungs. In view of these data, we decided to evaluate p21 protein expression by Western blot and IHC. Thus, Western blot analysis on lung extracts showed a significant increase of p21 protein expression after BLM injury both in Igf1rfl/fl-BLM and CreERT2-BLM lungs compared to controls. Although there was not a statistically significant difference between genotypes, a tendency to decreased p21 protein was observed in CreERT2-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl-BLM lungs (Fig. 5B-C). IHQ for p21 in bronchiolar epithelial cells showed a similar profile. Quantification of p21+ bronchiolar cells revealed an increase in both genotypes of BLM-treated mouse lungs compared to controls, and, in addition, a significant decrease in CreERT2-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl-BLM lungs (Fig. 5D-E).
To evaluate the effect of BLM treatment on DNA damage and ROS detoxification in the context of IGF1R deficiency, primary MEFs were used. With this goal, Igf1rfl/fl and Igf1r−/− MEFs treated with 20 µM BLM for 2 h were immunostained against Phospho-H2AX (γ-H2AX) as a marker of DNA damage after 48 h (Fig. 5F). Quantification of γH2AX+ foci per nucleus did not show significant differences. However, nuclear morphology assessment showed lower nuclear perimeter as well as higher nuclear circularity in Igf1r−/− MEFs (Fig. 5G). In addition, frequencies of nuclei with distinct nuclear abnormalities changed in Igf1r−/− MEFS (Fig. 5H). Since p21 also contributes to the induction of cellular senescence in the long term, we determined p21 expression levels in untreated or BLM-treated MEFs by Western blot 7 days post-treatment. Although non-treated MEFs did not show differences between genotypes, BLM induced a significant increase in p21 content in Igf1rfl/fl, an increase that was not observed in Igf1r−/− MEFs (Fig. 5I-J). However, when we looked for a reduction in SA-β-gal staining in CreERT2 BLM-treated MEFs respect to Igf1rfl/fl, we did not find differences (data not shown). Subsequently, ROS detoxification capacity was assessed by treating primary MEFs with increasing concentrations of H2O2 using a ROS-sensitive probe as an indicator. Of note, ROS levels were found significantly reduced in Igf1r−/− MEFs when compared to Igf1rfl/fl controls (Fig. S5). Taken together, these data suggest that IGF1R deficiency could protect MEFs from BLM-mediated DNA damage, nuclear impairment, cell cycle arrest and ROS.
IGF1R deficiency elicits transcriptomic changes in the lungs that suggest a metabolic shift from glycolysis- to fatty acid-derived energy supply after the BLM-mediated ALI, and Igf1r−/− MEFs exhibit decreased mitochondrial respiration
A substantial number DEGs in CreERT2-BLM vs. Igf1rfl/fl-BLM lungs were involved in central metabolic processes (Fig. 4 and Table S10). On GSEA data for this RNA-seq comparison, “Regulation of lipid metabolic process”, “Acetyl-CoA metabolic process” and “Cellular ketone metabolic process” stand out as GO terms with an up-regulation tendency (Table S6). More specifically, several genes encoding for enzymes involved in acetate conversion to Acetyl-CoA (Acss1, Acss3), fatty acid beta-oxidation (Acaa2) and ketogenesis (Hmgcs2) highlight as up-regulated genes (Fig. 6A). Conversely, many of the enzymes of the glycolysis pathway exhibited decreased expression (Hk2, Hk3, Gapdh, Pkm, Pgam1, Eno1), with the exception of the muscle-specific phosphofructokinase (Pfkm), which was up-regulated. Furthermore, the GLUT1 constitutive glucose transporter gene (Slc2a1) was down-regulated, whereas the insulin-inducible GLUT4 gene (Slc2a4) was up-regulated. Of note, Pdk1 and Pdk2, which encode pyruvate dehydrogenase kinases 1 and 2, enzymes that inactivate pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), were up-regulated. A schematic representation of these transcriptional changes is shown in Fig. 6B.
Next, we decided to evaluate the real-time mitochondrial respiration profile of primary Igf1rfl/fl and Igf1r− l− MEFs in either presence (standard Seahorse mito-stress test conditions) or absence of pyruvate. Thus, using the Seahorse mitochondrial stress test, oxygen consumption rate (OCR) was measured under basal conditions and after addition of electron transport chain modulators (Fig. 6C). A significant decrease in basal and ATP production-linked mitochondrial respiration was observed in Igf1r−/− MEFs, both in presence or absence of pyruvate. Additionally, the presence of pyruvate significantly decreased these two parameters in Igf1r−/− but not Igf1rfl/fl MEFs (Fig. 6D-E). No statistically significant differences were found in non-mitochondrial respiration, proton leak, reserve respiratory capacity or maximal respiration across all conditions, although the latter showed a similar trend to basal and ATP-linked respiration (see details in Fig. S6).