Using 16S rRNA metabarcode sequencing, we characterized the bacterial composition of the tissues (SL, HL, SGs, and MG) of four tick species (Am. gemma, Rh. pulchellus, Hy. dromedarii, and Hy. rufipes) collected from camels in northern Kenya. The phylogenetic analysis of ASV sequences with reference sequences showed that, unlike the V3-V4 region, the V1-V2 16S rRNA sequences could clearly distinguish R. africae from the other rickettsial species, as well as Coxiella endosymbionts from the C. burnetii pathogen.
We identified Coxiella endosymbionts (CEs) predominantly in Rh. pulchellus and Am. gemma, while Francisella endosymbionts (FEs) were primarily found in Hyalomma ticks. These endosymbionts produce B vitamins, which are crucial for cell growth and energy metabolism and compensate for nutrient deficiencies in blood meals35. Similarly, CEs were previously identified as the predominant endosymbionts associated with Rh. sanguineus, Rh. turanicus and Rh. Microplus61,62. We found that CEs and FEs were most highly concentrated in the SGs, followed by the MG, and less abundant in HL and SL samples.
Our findings are congruent with the fact that CEs are predominantly concentrated in SGs of Am. americanum, suggesting that they play a significant role in blood-sucking during which they interact with other microbes63. Other observations suggest that CEs may aid tick feeding and infestation by promoting the expression of DA-P36 proteins, which help inhibit blood-meal host immune responses. These proteins, identified in the SGs of Rh. microplus in the presence of CEs64, play a crucial role in inhibiting T-lymphocyte proliferation, disrupting the host immune response to tick infestation65-67. Moreover, a high prevalence of R. africae linked with a low prevalence of CEs was previously reported in Am. gemma34, and in Rh. sanguineus, Dermacentor andersoni, and Dermacentor variabilis61,68,69. Buysse et al.70 hypothesized that CEs might protect ticks against TBPs. However, the ability of CEs to block R. africae transmission needs further investigation.
The presence of CEs in the HL is likely due to their role in recycling metabolites to synthesize essential compounds like B vitamins71. Rickettsia africae was highly abundant in the HL of Am. gemma. The ability of Amblyomma species to transmit R. africae is well known, and its high abundance in the HL supports the competency of Am. gemma to transmit this pathogen22. The transmissibility of other bacteria from ticks to camels, which were highly concentrated in the HL, needs to be investigated. To date, most studies have focused on whole-tick microbiome analysis. However, our study provides a comprehensive approach to better understand the interactions between TBPs and endosymbionts within specific tissue environments.
Francisella endosymbionts (FEs) were found in high abundance in Hyalomma ticks, with lower levels in Am. gemma and Rh. pulchellus. The obligatory symbiotic relationship between FEs and Hyalomma spp. was previously shown by Azagi et al.72. Consistent with the findings of Ravi et al.73, Elbir et al.74, and Perveen et al.39, this study reports the highest prevalence of FEs in Hy. dromedarii. We observed the highest concentrations of FEs in the SGs of the two Hyalomma species. These results concur with those from previous studies72,75, which showed that FEs exhibited predominant localization in the SGs of Hyalomma spp. The high occurrence of FEs in the SGs suggests that their potential role in supplying B vitamins could be important for cell growth and potentially saliva production35,76. The colonization of SGs by FEs also suggests that FEs might play a key role in horizontal transmission of microbes to vertebrate hosts. Furthermore, FEs may interact with various pathogens inside the SGs, potentially facilitating pathogen transmission77. We hypothesize that FEs may play a key role in modulating microbiomes and optimizing conditions for effective saliva production during blood-feeding. However, additional studies are needed to understand the interactions between FEs and pathogens transmitted by Hyalomma spp.
We identified Proteus mirabilis in all tick species and tissues; it was most abundant in Hyalomma spp., particularly in Hy. dromedarii. This bacterium, recognized as an opportunistic pathogen, was previously identified in Dermacentor andersoni78. Proteus mirabilis has also been identified in Amblyomma spp. and Rhipicephalus spp. in Kenya79. Proteus mirabilis has been associated with urinary tract infection in humans and animals80,81 and detected in camels with conjunctivitis infections82. Our findings revealed high abundances of P. mirabilis across all tick tissues, particularly in the HL, SL, and MG, with the lowest abundances in the SGs. The high abundance in the MG could be due to the symbiotic relationship between the ticks and P. mirabilis, which is reflected by hemolytic activity, contributing to efficient blood digestion in the MG83. Given the circulation of P. mirabilis in all tissues and the high concentration in the HL, further investigations are needed to confirm the transmission of this bacterium by Hyalomma species.
We identified Acinetobacter spp., Pseudomonas spp., and Corynebacterium spp. among all the tick species. While some studies suggest that these bacteria might be contaminants84, others indicate that they could be environmental bacteria acquired by ticks and maintained throughout the tick life cycle85-87. Notably, Mohmed et al.88 reported the presence of these bacteria in camel blood. Along with our finding of these bacteria in different tick tissues, we suggest that these bacteria circulate between camel blood and ticks. These three bacterial genera were also identified at tick bite sites89. They are likely to influence pathogen transmission by modulating inflammation and the host’s response to tick bites90. Interestingly, we noticed an inverse correlation between the abundance of R. africae and Pseudomonas spp. in Am. gemma, which requires further investigation.
According to the alpha diversity analysis, Rh. pulchellus had a greater bacterial composition and diversity than did the other tick species, and its MGs had more diverse bacteria than did the other organs. This could be due to its diverse range of host animals22, including humans91; Rh. pulchellus questing ticks opportunistically attach to hosts as they pass by. Generally, as we observed for the other tick species, the bacterial diversity of their MGs were lowest. In ixodid ticks in particular, the bacterial diversity of MG was reduced after a blood meal41,92. This bacterial reduction could be due to bacterial digestion within tick digestive cells through endocytosis94 or the influence of tick immunity on bacterial populations in tick MG, facilitated by antimicrobial peptides and reactive oxygen species95,97. Remarkably, we identified higher abundances of Pseudomonas in the MG of Rh. pulchellus than in other organs. Pseudomonas species have been found to detoxify phytotoxins such as terpene. For instance, Pseudomonas in the mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) was found to be rich in genes encoding terpene-degrading enzymes, which are frequently detected in the gut metagenome97-99. The high abundance of Pseudomonas in Rh. pulchellus may suggest a detoxification mechanism for the tick while it is questing on plants.
In general, we found greater bacterial diversity and richness in the SL and HL than in the MG and SGs in the Am. gemma, Hy. dromedarii, and Hy. rufipes. Similarly, greater diversity was observed in the SL than in the MG of Dermacentor silvarum15. According to Itoh et al.99, symbiotic bacteria in insects generally exhibit tissue tropism and are localized in symbiotic organs. These bacteria can range from extracellular, within the body cavity, to intracellular, within specialized cells. Beta diversity analysis (PCoA) indicated that the SL and HL shared similar bacterial compositions, as did the SGs and MG. This is largely explained by the fact that we identified many extracellular genera concentrated in the SL and HL, while intracellular bacteria such as Coxiella, Francisella, and Rickettsia were found mainly in the SGs and MG. Nonetheless, extracellular bacteria, including Acinetobacter, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, and Sphingobacterium, were found mainly in the MG of Rh. pulchellus, indicating that if the gut lumen harbors such extracellular bacteria, the bacteria must be capable of surviving the heme-filled lumen, the toxic reactive oxygen species from neutrophils and macrophages, and proteases in blood meals4. Narasimhan et al.100 identified a similar complement of extracellular bacteria in the gut of questing Ixodes scapularis tick nymphs. The most detoxifying symbiosis, referred to as 'gut symbiosis', involves bacteria that are extracellularly localized in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract in various insects, such as Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas99. Understanding the mechanisms by which endosymbionts are distributed in different tick tissues could reveal new strategies for tick control.