This is a secondary analysis of a double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled, phase II, parallel-group pilot clinical trial. The trial enrolled 40 community-dwelling older adults with early-stage ADRD and divided them equally into two groups: active and sham tDCS (both n = 20) (Figure 1). An allocation sequence was generated using a randomization list formulated by a statistician uninvolved in the trial’s clinical aspects and based on the order of study enrollment. Randomization ensured balance between the two groups in terms of age, race, sex, and dementia severity. The parent trial was registered at (blinded for review). Further details are available in the original study (blinded for review). Ethical approval was obtained from the participating university (blinded for review).
Individuals aged 50 to 90 with early-stage ADRD were eligible for inclusion in the study if they (1) reported chronic pain over the past three months averaging ≥ 3 on a 0-10 NRS, (2) had a caregiver who interacted with them for at least 10 hours a week, (3) could speak and read English, and (4) had no plans to change their medication regimens during the trial. A study physician confirmed the diagnosis of early-stage ADRD using the Clinical Dementia Rating (0.5 to 1.0), Mini-Mental Status Exam (16 to 23), or the telephone version of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (16 to 26). The participants were excluded if they had medical conditions that could affect outcome interpretation, pose safety risks during assessments or tDCS procedures, or prevent protocol completion. The exclusion criteria were (1) any history of significant neurological issues (brain surgery, tumor, seizure, stroke, or intracranial metal); (2) alcohol or substance use disorders; (3) severely reduced cognitive function (Mini-Mental Status Exam score ≤ 15); and (4) hospitalization for neuropsychiatric conditions in the past year.
The eligible participants and their caregivers were scheduled for a baseline visit 3 to 7 days before the tDCS intervention. During the visit, we obtained written informed consent, assessed clinical pain and pain-related cortical responses, and provided training on home-based tDCS use. Following this, the participants were randomly divided into active or sham groups. After the 5-day intervention period, we evaluated post-intervention outcomes and collected the tDCS devices.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The protocol has been registered at (blind for review). Ethical approval was obtained from the participating university (blind for review). Informed and written consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Active tDCS. The home-based tDCS device was a “Soterix 1×1 tDCS mini-CT Stimulator” (Soterix Medical Inc., NY) equipped with headgear and 5×7-cm saline-soaked surface sponge electrodes. The device was administered daily for 20 min per session. A constant 2-mA current was applied, representing a standard intensity reported for its analgesic effects and previously employed in our and other studies.16,23-25 The anode was positioned over the primary motor cortex of the left hemisphere and the cathode over the right supraorbital area, considering that this method potentially alters brain activity in a non-invasive, painless, and safe manner.26 The sponge electrodes were attached to the custom headgear, which was fixed onto the participant’s head to ensure simple and foolproof electrode preparation.27 Strictly after having received a unique unlock code from the research team, participants or caregivers administered each stimulation session. Once suitable contact quality had been achieved, they could only operate the on/off button and were unable to alter the device settings. The tDCS device sensed contact between the scalp and SnapPad® and indicated whether it was poor, moderate, or good. After 20 min, the device automatically switched off, and study staff instructed participants to remove and dispose of the sponges and store the equipment securely for the subsequent session. Consistency and supervision were maintained by having participants use the device at a predetermined time each weekday while seated quietly in a chair.
Sham tDCS. For sham stimulation, the setup mirrored that of the active one; however, the stimulator was only activated for 30 s at the beginning and end of the session to replicate the sensory experience of active tDCS without delivering a sustained current, effectively concealing whether the stimulation was active or sham. This method has been validated as reliable and indistinguishable from active tDCS.28,29 All participants were informed that they may or may not feel any sensations during the intervention. The information and instructions presented on the device were identical for both the active and sham conditions.
The collected demographic information included age, gender, body mass index (BMI; kg/m2), race, marital status, and education. The pain was assessed using the NRS for self-reported pain and the mobilization–observation–behavior–intensity–dementia (MOBID-2) scale for pain intensity rating of observed pain behavior. We utilized pain measurements taken at baseline, immediately after the 5-day intervention completion, and at one- and three-month follow-ups.
For the NRS, the participants were asked to choose a number between 0 and 100 to reflect their pain intensity, with 100 indicating maximum pain. The NRS demonstrates good reliability and validity for pain assessment in dementia patients, maintaining high internal consistency with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.80. It is also shown to accurately capture self-reported pain in individuals with mild to moderate dementia.30
The MOBID-2 scale, a validated tool effective in detecting changes in pain among individuals with ADRD, was used with caregivers. The MOBID-2 has a reported Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of ≥ .8, indicating strong reliability for detecting pain changes in individuals with ADRD.31,32 The scale has two parts: the first part assesses nociceptive, musculoskeletal pain through five actively guided movements, during which the raters (i.e., caregivers) are encouraged to look for pain behavior; the second part, consisting of five items, evaluates pain from the head, skin, and internal organs using an NRS from 0 to 10. After these assessments, the raters compiled the results to give an overall pain score on an NRS from 0 to 10, which was used for the analyses.
Statistical analysis
Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the study participants. The Chi-square or Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables and the t-test for continuous variables were used to compare participant characteristics between the groups. Our main goal was to use multi-group LTA to investigate if the changes in both self-reported pain and caregiver-observed pain behaviors over time differed between the active and sham groups. The LTA was performed with Mplus version 8.8. Supplemental Table 1 includes the Mplus syntax.
Latent Transition Analysis (LTA). LTA is a type of structural equation model used to model transitions from one latent status to another over time.20 LTA yields three sets of parameters: 1) a matrix of conditional (status-specific) item-response probabilities for each of the indicators in the measurement model at each point in time (“ρ” parameters), 2) a vector of latent status probabilities at Time 1 (“δ” parameters) describing the time-specific prevalence of each latent status, and 3) matrices of transition probabilities (“τ” parameters) representing the probability of membership in a status at timepoint t dependent upon membership in a latent status at timepoint t−1.
In multi-group LTA, latent status probabilities (δ’s) and transition (τ’s) probabilities are expressed as a function of a grouping variable, enabling between-group comparisons of the prevalence of the latent statuses and incidence of transitions over time.33 In the context of clinical trials, this approach allows researchers to statistically assess intervention effects.33 Theoretically, LTA parameters potentially vary between groups. For consistency in interpretation, constraining each element of the matrix of ρ parameters at Time 1 to be equal to the corresponding element at subsequent times is advisable to ensure that status definitions at each time point remain consistent, thereby ensuring measurement invariance.34 This facilitates intergroup comparisons of both latent status and transition probabilities.34
Main Statistical Analysis. Latent statuses were based on the participants’ responses to the NRS and MOBID-2 instruments. We initially estimated a series of unconditional LTA models with increasing numbers of latent statuses and selected the optimal model using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), sample-size adjusted BIC (SABIC), log-likelihood (LL), and entropy.35 Where fit statistics yielded contradictory information, we checked for interpretability and clinical meaningfulness. After determining the optimal LTA model, we fitted a multi-group LTA model using the intervention condition as a grouping variable. We imposed measurement invariance to maintain consistent meanings of latent statuses across groups and time points. All analyses were conducted with all available data points using the Full Information Maximum Likelihood estimation,36 which can account for indicator-level and longitudinal-level missingness.