Inner Mongolian grasslands are among the driest regions in the world and face greater drought risks than other biomes do42. In an era of rapidly intensifying droughts in grasslands due to global climate change 43, understanding the contributors to the water use efficiency (WUE) of plant communities is of ecological importance. The leaf stable carbon isotope value of plants can provide insights into how WUE responds to climate change 44,45. For both an individual steppe and the entire Inner Mongolian grassland, our study provides, to our knowledge, the first evidence that community-weighted mean foliar δ13C values vary across environmental gradients.
4.1. Responses of foliar δ13CCWM variations in different steppe types to environmental factors
In this study, we analysed the δ13CCWM values in three steppe types under different moisture conditions and found that as precipitation decreases, the foliar δ13CCWM value gradually increases, increasing from − 26.73‰ in the meadow steppe to -23.81‰ in the desert steppe (Fig. 3; Supplementary Table 1), indicating that plants have greater water use efficiency in arid environments 46. This may be because, compared with C3 plants, the additional C4 carbon fixation in C4 plants enables them to assimilate more 13C; therefore, C4 plants have higher water use efficiency than C3 plants 5,47. As water availability decreases, the proportion of C4 plants increases; hence, there are more in desert steppes than in meadow steppes 48. This pattern may lead to increased foliar δ13CCWM values in arid regions, particularly in the desert steppe 49. Under conditions of limited water resources, an insufficient CO2 supply resulting from reduced stomatal conductance leads to higher δ13C values in forbs 49. This process may further explain the differences in foliar δ13CCWM values among different steppe types.
At the steppe level, our results confirmed the general prevalence of nonsignificant relationships between foliar δ13CCWM values and MAP in the three steppes (Fig. 4a). Following the biomass ratio hypothesis 50, the community-weighted mean foliar δ13C values were determined to a large extent by the δ13C values of the dominant species 32,51. The results at the steppe level may be attributed to the fact that the dominant species in different communities in the same steppe have comparable levels of WUE under long-term similar environmental conditions. Moreover, the responses of plants to precipitation are influenced not only by changes in rainfall amounts but also by the plants’ physiological characteristics and other factors 52. The nonsignificant relationship between foliar δ13CCWM values and MAP may further reveal that plant community-level WUE can maintain a certain degree of stability under mild precipitation fluctuations or drought stress. In contrast to the results at the steppe level, the foliar δ13CCWM values were negatively and significantly associated with MAP across the Inner Mongolia grassland (Fig. 4a), which is in line with our hypothesis and previous empirical evidence 9,13,18,20. The inconsistent results between the two scales may be attributed mainly to the difference in MAP gradient length and the large differences in the WUE of the dominant species among the different steppes (Fig. 4a).
The positive correlation of foliar δ13CCWM values with MAT in the meadow steppe and typical steppe (Fig. 4b) is consistent with previous observations that higher temperatures lead to increased foliar δ13C values 53. Compared with desert steppes, meadow steppes and typical steppes receive more precipitation and have lower temperatures, making plants more susceptible to temperature stress. Low temperatures reduce enzyme activity; subsequently, low levels of photon flux or enzyme production result in reduced photosynthetic rates 18,21. WUE = (Ca-Ci)/1.6ΔW 5,54. In this equation, Ca is the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, Ci is the CO2 concentration in the plant tissue, and ΔW is the water pressure difference inside and outside the leaves. Generally, the entry and exit channels for CO2 and water vapour are stomata, and the higher the Ci is, the more CO2 diffuses from the atmosphere into the interior of the leaf, which means that water vapour can also escape from the stomata and that the WUE will naturally be lower. The photosynthetic rate is the main factor controlling Ci, so a low photosynthetic rate caused by low temperatures leads to an increase in Ci and a corresponding decrease in the δ13C value. In addition, in high-temperature environments (e.g., the desert steppe in this study), plant leaves may close some stomata to reduce water loss, whereas in low-temperature environments (e.g., the meadow steppe in this study), they are more likely to open stomata to increase the photosynthetic rate 55. The increase in the stomatal opening rate caused by low temperatures reduces the air-to-leaf water vapour pressure deficit, resulting in an increase in the leaf internal to ambient partial CO2 pressure (Ci/Ca) ratio and a decrease in the δ13C value 5,18.
The relationships between foliar δ13C values and soil factors vary among the different steppe types and are influenced by the interactions among soil, vegetation, and climate factors. We found that the foliar δ13CCWM values were positively related to the soil pH in the meadow steppe, typical steppe and Inner Mongolian grassland (Figs. 5a-b). Similar to our results, 56 reported a significant positive correlation between foliar δ13C values and soil pH. This is because, in soils with higher pH values, roots are generally healthier and have greater absorption capabilities, which aids plants in more effectively absorbing water and nutrients. Consequently, this leads to higher δ13C values in the leaves 57. The correlation between STN and foliar δ13CCWM values in our study is consistent with the significant negative correlation found by a previous study on these two variables of major species in the Xilin River Basin 58. When the soil nitrogen supply is sufficient, plants can maintain relatively high photosynthetic efficiency and growth rates without significantly closing their stomata to conserve water. Open stomata facilitate the uptake of CO2 but also increase transpiration losses, reducing the WUE. Consequently, a lower WUE is associated with lower foliar δ13C values 59. The foliar δ13CCWM values in the meadow steppe and Inner Mongolian grassland decrease with increasing SOC content (Fig. 5d). The negative correlation pattern observed could be explained by the following two factors. First, in soils with a relatively high SOC content, there is a relatively high proportion of fresh carbon, which has relatively little isotopic discrimination within plants. Consequently, this results in lower δ13C values in plant leaves 60. Second, under barren soil conditions, the proportion of microbially derived organic matter increases with the SOC content, whereas in fertile soils, the proportion of plant-derived organic matter increases with the SOC content. Compared with plant-sourced organic matter, microbially sourced organic matter typically has a higher δ13C content 61. In the fertile soils of the meadow steppe, an increase in the proportion of plant-derived organic matter may lead to a decrease in foliar δ13C values as the SOC content increases 19. We observed that in the desert steppe, the foliar δ13CCWM values were positively correlated with soil moisture, whereas across the whole Inner Mongolian steppe ecosystem, the foliar δ13CCWM values were negatively correlated with soil moisture (Fig. 5f). This contrasting pattern may be attributed to differences in species composition across the different types of grasslands. C4 plants are often considered dominant competitors in arid regions 62, with their foliar δ13C values increasing as soil moisture availability increases 63. However, in the whole Inner Mongolian grassland, the species composition is dominated by C3 plants, whose foliar δ13C values decrease with increasing soil moisture availability 63. These findings indicate that C3 and C4 plants respond differently to soil moisture conditions and that the relationship between foliar δ13CCWM values and soil moisture varies among different steppe types. We also found that the foliar δ13CCWM values are influenced by the soil bulk density and soil clay content (Figs. 5b and e). The clay content and bulk density affect the ability of soil to retain carbon (C), water, and nutrients, thus affecting the δ13C values in plant leaves 64,65.
4.2 Effects of LFTCWM on foliar δ13CCWM variations in different steppe types
The foliar δ13C value, as a physiological trait that reflects a plant's intrinsic WUE, is related to and has trade-offs with other leaf functional traits 66. At the community level, we found a generally positive relationship between foliar δ13CCWM values and acquisitive plant functional traits and a negative relationship between foliar δ13CCWM values and conservative plant functional traits (Fig. 6), which contrasts with theoretical predictions and previous findings 20,24,67. According to the global LES, species at the quick return end of the LES should theoretically have high leaf nutrient concentrations and high photosynthesis rates 26,28; therefore, the CO2 in the plant tissue should be quickly consumed, which would result in a decrease in the leaf internal to ambient partial CO2 pressure (Ci/Ca) ratio and a decrease in the δ13C value 5,18. Therefore, theoretically, species with high SLA values, high LNC values and low LDMC values should have low foliar δ13C values. At the species level, 24 tested the relationships between LES leaf traits and δ13C values across 15 Mediterranean rangeland species in southern France and reported that these species exhibit resource-acquisitive strategies (high SLA and leaf N, P and K) and low leaf δ13C values. At the plant functional type (PFT) level, 20 investigated the foliar δ13C values of different PFTs on the eastern Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau and reported that the foliar δ13C values of C3 plants increased with increasing LDMC and Narea and decreasing Nmass, whereas the foliar δ13C values of C4 plants were not significantly correlated with these leaf functional traits. Since the δ13C value is a proxy for intrinsic WUE (iWUE), communities with high foliar δ13CCWM values presented more nutrient and carbon resource-acquisitive strategies, revealing carbon‒nitrogen‒water coupling in dominant species in Inner Mongolian grasslands 68.
The discrepancies between the results of our study and those of previous studies may be attributed to the unique species composition of the Inner Mongolian grasslands. This region is characterized by a mix of C3 and C4 plants, predominantly composed of tall and dense Stipa spp. and tussock grasses. These plants possess high LDMC values and small SLA values, with generally lower foliar δ13C values (compared with those of C4 plants) 69. Therefore, at the community level, owing to the main influence of these dominant species, the foliar δ13C value is negatively correlated with LDMC and positively correlated with SLA (Figs. 6a and e), which is consistent with the results reported for Stipa tenacissima leaves in semiarid Mediterranean steppes 16. The plant leaf nitrogen content can influence the transport of CO2 by altering the stomatal density in leaves, thereby leading to variations in foliar δ13C values 70. Our results revealed that the foliar δ13CCWM value was positively correlated with LNCCWM (Fig. 6b). The relationship we obtained between these two traits is essentially consistent with the results of previous studies 71. However, these findings are inconsistent with findings from studies in high-elevation areas, where low atmospheric pressure and temperature modify how nitrogen relates to photosynthetic capacity, thereby altering the δ13C–N relationship 66. The primary reason for the positive correlation is that a relatively high leaf nitrogen content enhances the carboxylation capacity of plants, which reduces the CO2 concentration at the site of carbon fixation, thereby lowering the Ci/Ca ratio and subsequently increasing the δ13C value 72. The foliar δ13C value has been reported to be positively correlated 73, negatively correlated 66, and not significantly correlated 74 with LPC. Our findings revealed a positive relationship between foliar δ13CCWM values and LPCCWM (Fig. 6c). This relationship is attributed to the impact of leaf phosphorus on photosynthetic capacity through its influence on rubisco 75. Compared with studies focusing on LNC and LPC, research exploring the relationship between the foliar δ13C value and leaf carbon content is limited. However, studies have shown that the foliar δ13C value is negatively correlated with ash content; generally, a relatively high ash content corresponds to a relatively low carbon content 66. Our findings from the typical steppe are consistent with this observation (Fig. 6f). We also observed that, across the Inner Mongolian grasslands, thicker leaves presented higher δ13C values and that these leaves are associated with increased leaf mesophyll thickness and nitrogen content 76.
4.3 Direct and Indirect Effects of Abiotic and Biotic Attributes on δ13CCWM values and AGB
In the meadow steppe, our SEM confirmed that the most important determinant of foliar δ13CCWM values was the direct positive effect of MAT, which was further reinforced via its indirect positive effects on soil factors (Supplementary Fig. 5). Analogous results revealed that variations in foliar δ13C values are influenced primarily by climatic factors 12,13. In addition, MAT is also the most important determinant of AGB; MAT directly negatively affects AGB, and this effect is further strengthened through indirect negative effects on soil factors. Strangely, MAP only weakly affects foliar δ13CCWM values and AGB indirectly through soil factors; thus, our study highlights the dependence of foliar δ13CCWM values and AGB on temperature rather than precipitation in Inner Mongolian meadow steppes. Typical steppe is in the transition zone between meadow steppe and desert steppe and features intermediate temperature and precipitation values 37. Compared with the values observed in the meadow steppe, the δ13CCWM values in the typical steppe were less affected by climate factors and gradually increased with soil factors and leaf traits (Fig. 7). In addition, δ13CCWM values and AGB were negatively correlated in both the linear regression model and SEM (Figs. 7–8), which may indicate a trade-off between WUE and productivity in typical grasslands. Our results are in line with the trade-off between long-term WUE and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) found in the typical steppe zone of the Inner Mongolia Plateau 77. This result may be because the leaf intercellular CO2 concentration is generally unsaturated for carbon assimilation, and any increase in Ci will increase the NUE of photosynthesis but will also increase transpiration. Therefore, plants cannot simultaneously maximize the NUE and the WUE. Our results further emphasize the need to consider the relationship between AGB and plant WUE when evaluating the carbon balance and water cycles within grassland ecosystems. Using an SEM, we examined the relative contributions of LFTCWM and environmental factors to foliar δ13CCWM variations in the desert steppe (Fig. 8). The results revealed that the LFTCWM PC1 was the most important determinant of foliar δ13CCWM values. This may be because plant leaf traits are more sensitive to environmental changes in the desert steppe than in the meadow and typical steppe ecosystems 78,79. Additionally, in desert steppe ecosystems, plants employ a range of strategies to adapt to the arid conditions 80–83, thereby increasing their WUE. Thus, variations in foliar δ13CCWM values are more significantly regulated by LFTCWM.
In addition, we noted that the regulation of foliar δ13CCWM values changes with environmental factors and that leaf traits vary among different steppe types. The foliar δ13CCWM variations within meadow and typical steppes are predominantly influenced by climate and soil factors. This is mainly because climate factors can influence elements such as soil nutrients and moisture levels. Under conditions of ample soil moisture, the stomatal openness of plants increases, facilitating greater exchange of CO2 with the atmosphere, influencing the proportion of 12C, which subsequently affects the foliar δ13C value. Furthermore, soil nutrients, particularly nitrogen, can influence plant photosynthesis and thus modulate changes in foliar δ13C values 84,85. Climate change is changing the spatial distribution and characteristics of vegetation (Higgins et al, 2023). Our results may provide certain predictions for changes in meadow and typical steppes against the background of climate change; that is, if drought continues in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia in the future, plants with high WUE (as indicated by high foliar δ13C values) may replace plants with low WUE. However, in the Inner Mongolian desert steppe, foliar δ13CCWM values appear to be insensitive to both climate and soil factors (Figs. 4–5), whereas leaf traits have a much greater direct impact on foliar δ13C values. Under long-term drought stress, desert steppe plants may have adapted to the drought environment through the adjustment of traits, reducing their sensitivity to environmental factors such as climate and soil. Variations in foliar δ13C values are not only influenced by physiological differences among leaves 86 but also controlled phylogenetically 10. Therefore, the influence of leaf traits on foliar δ13CCWM changes may exceed that of external environmental factors.