The study was executed according to the following steps as follows:
Written approval
· An Approval from the Research Ethics Committee in AL-Zarqa Governmental Hospital, Jordan was obtained.
· Approval from the authors of the tools to use in present research was obtained.
· All the staff nurses (137) in AL-Zarqa Governmental Hospital inpatient medical and surgical units were invited to participate in the research, sent thru official hospital organizational email by their respected head nurses with the inclusion of the informed consent.
· A list of 119 staff nurses from medical and surgical units consented to participate in the research that were sent by their respected head nurses.
· 106 staff nurses randomly selected from the consented participants’ list.
2. Contents Validity
All tools used were tested for content validity by five experts in medical- surgical nursing, Faculty of nursing- University of Alexandria to assure the content validity, clarity of items, comprehensiveness, appropriate translation and necessary modifications were introduced.
1. Reliability
Reliability of the tools were testing using the Cronbach's Alpha test was (0.92) to measure its internal consistency to evaluate how well the tools consistently measure what they were designed to measure.
2. Pilot study:
A pilot study was carried out on 10% of the subjects (N=11) nurses to test the clarity, feasibility, and applicability of the tools. The necessary modifications were done accordingly. Nurses included in the pilot study were excluded from the total number of study subjects.
3. Program development
The educational program on enhancing nurse’s performance about pain assessment and management in medical and surgical department in collaboration with pain management team and education department were developed based on review of literature (International Association for the Study of Pain, 2020; Wood, 2019; Gosselin, 2014 and Ferrell, 2014).
Objectives of educational program to:
A. Knowledge and understanding
1. Explain the complex, multidimensional and individual-specific nature of pain.
2. Define terminology for describing pain and associated conditions
3. Describe the impact of pain on society
4. Identify and understanding role of nurse during pain
5. Explain how cultural, institutional, societal and regulatory influences affect assessment and management of pain
B. Skills and practice
1. Assessment of the pain
2. Assess patient preferences and values to determine pain-related goals and priorities
3. Use valid and reliable tools for measuring pain and associated symptoms to assess and reassess related outcomes as appropriate for the clinical context and population.
4. Describe patient, provider and system factors that can facilitate or interfere with effective pain assessment and management
5. Identify the potential of pain
6. Describe patient behavior during pain occurrence
7. Apply pharmacological and non-pharmacological for pain
8. Assess Patient response to pain management
9. Describe and assess for any possibility of side effect of pain management or the pain itself.
10. Demonstrate empathic and compassionate communication during pain assessment
11. Demonstrate the inclusion of patient and others, as appropriate, in the education and shared decision-making process for pain care.
12. Explain how health promotion and self-management strategies are important to the management of pain.
13. Develop a pain treatment plan based on benefits and risks of available treatments.
14. Monitor effects of pain management approaches to adjust the plan of care as needed.
To fulfill the study aim, the actual study carried out in four phases:
Assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation phase
Phases 1: Assessment phase:
· The study participants were interviewed individually; the researcher introduced himself, explained the aim of the study and obtained the verbal informed consent from studied subjects.
· Initial assessment of each study participants was carried out before beginning of the educational program using tools I and II to assess the existing nurses’ knowledge and practices regarding pain assessment and management (pre-test) as the following:
- Coordinate with the hospital administrator to utilize the conference room as the venue for the per-test questionnaires.
- For the purpose of observing the nurses’ practice, the researcher got approval from all medical and surgical unit directors and head nurses to observe the studied nurses’ practice regarding pain assessment and management for those who agreed to participate in the study with approximately 5 staff per day for 21 days.
Phases II: Planning Phase:
· Based on initial assessment the educational program on enhancing nurse’s performance about pain assessment and management in medical and surgical department in collaboration with pain management team and education department were developed based on review of literature (International Association for the Study of Pain, 2020; Wood, 2019; Gosselin, 2014 and Ferrell, 2014). The program was divided to theoretical and practical sessions, one hour each session.
· The sessions were covered two groups per day; each group attended one theoretical and one practical session.
· Each group consists of 11 nurses.
· The sessions were done five times per week to cover all nurses in the study (106). With total of 10 theoretical sessions and 10 practical sessions for each participant in the study.
Phases III: Implementation phase:
· The training sessions were implemented within their mandatory 2-hour education sessions, a total of 22 nurses per day were divided into two groups. Each group consists of 11 nurses.
· The training sessions were done five times per week covering morning shift.
· The education sessions of the program were covering one-hour theoretical and one-hour practical sessions.
· The duration of each session was 60 minutes.
· Each session started with the objectives of the session.
· The theoretical sessions; were conducted through group discussion using a very simple language, using power point suits the level of nurses. Sessions of nurses' education were carried out to provide them with new knowledge.
The duration of each group session was last 60 minutes to cover: Introduction of pain assessment and management, types of pain, pain assessment skills and pain management methods and pain reassessment.
· The practical sessions; were provided using demonstration techniques by using real materials, instruments, case scenario and informative workshop. Sessions of nurses' training were carried out to provide them with new skills and practices. The duration of each group session was last 60 minutes to cover: subjective assessment on management, objective assessment and intervention and reassessment.
Phases IV: Program evaluation:
· To evaluate program expected outcome. Post testing of nurses' knowledge and performance about pain assessment and management post educational program immediately and after one month from the end of the program using all the study tools were done.
· The appropriate statistical tests were used to analyze the obtained data. For statistical analysis and tabulation, the Statistical Package for Social Science SPSS will be utilized.
· Comparison between the findings of pre and posttest were carried out using appropriate statistical analysis (t test) in order to determine the difference in mean score and measure the impact of using an educational program on nurses' knowledge and practice about pain assessment and management.
4. Ethical Considerations:
· Informed consent was obtained from the nurses who participated in the study
· Witness consent was obtained from administrative personnel at the selected setting, then from the head nurse for nurse’s observation after explaining the aim of the study in Jordan.
· Confidentiality of the collected data was assured throughout the study. The subjects were assured that their participation is voluntary, and they had the right to withdraw from the study at any time.
5. Data processing and Statistical Analysis
After the data were collected, they were coded and transferred into special design formats, so as to be suitable for computer feeding. Following data entry, checking and verification processes were carried out to avoid errors during data entry. Data was computed and statistically analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences "SPSS" software version 20.
A. Descriptive statistics
• Quantitative data were described using range (minimum and maximum), means and standard deviation. Significance of the obtained results was judged at the 5% level.
B. Analytical statistics
v McNemar and Marginal Homogeneity Test: Used to analyze the significance between the different stages
v Paired t-test: For normally distributed quantitative variables, to compare between two periods
v ANOVA with repeated measures were used for normally distributed quantitative variables, to compare between more than two periods or stages
v Friedman test: used for abnormally distributed quantitative variables, to compare between more than two periods or stages
C. Graphical presentations
- Graphs were done for data visualization of study and control findings using Microsoft Excel.