The current section discusses the experimental results obtained for the laser-polished Ti6Al4V surfaces for various process parameters. The residual stress induced in the samples is correlated to the melt pool dimensions and the cooling rate. The variation of surface topography and surface hardness is also discussed. A comparative discussion on the residual stresses induced on pure Ti and Ti6Al4V by LP is also included.
3.1 Temperature profile and melt pool depth
The validated numerical model is run for all the process parameters, and the surface transient temperature is exported. The variation of surface temperature against time for the case of constant scan speed and constant laser power is plotted in Fig. 5(a-b). The cooling rate is calculated using the predicted transient temperature profile, from the peak temperature for each process parameter to the recrystallization temperature of Ti6Al4V (1223 K). The lower bound of temperature for cooling rate calculation is chosen as recrystallization temperature as there are no changes in microstructure below the recrystallization temperature[13]. Hence, the cooling rate will not affect residual stress below the recrystallization temperature. Figure 6(a-b) shows the calculated cooling rates from the numerical model data for various process parameters. It is observed that the cooling rate does not have any significant change when there is a variation in laser power at constant scan speed (Fig. 6a).
Moreover, the cooling rate seems to have been significantly affected by the changes in the scan speed when laser power is kept constant (Fig. 6b). It is noted that higher scan speed results in a higher cooling rate and vice-versa. A high scan speed results in lower material interaction time and less energy impingement on the surface, which results in lower peak temperature, as shown in Fig. 5(a-b). A lower peak temperature solidifies faster, giving rise to higher cooling rates.
However, while the scan speed is kept constant, the material interaction time remains the same. The change in laser power affects the peak temperature but does not contribute to cooling rate changes. The linear energy density (laser power/scan speed) is introduced to determine the cumulative effect of laser power and scan speed rather than focusing on their individual effects. When the laser power is varied and scan speed is kept constant, the minimum and maximum linear energy density is calculated as 267 J/m and 400 J/m, respectively. Whereas, when the laser power is kept constant and scan speed is varied, the minimum and maximum linear energy density is calculated as 200 J/m and 1000 J/m, respectively. The changes in scan speed exhibit larger variations in the linear energy density. It is concluded that for the current set of process parameters, the process and cooling rate is much more sensitive to the changes in the scan speed than to the changes in the laser power.
The melt pool depths are calculated for the laser polished samples and Fig. 7(a-b) shows the variation of melt pool depth for the case of constant scan speed and laser power. It can be observed that the melt pool depth increases with an increase in power when the scan speed is kept constant at 0.3 m/s. The calculated melt depth for a minimum power of 80 W is 22.8\(\:\:{\mu\:}\text{m},\) and for a maximum power of 120 W is 41.3 \(\:{\mu\:}\text{m}\). For the case of varying scan speed with constant laser power of 100 W, the melt depth decreases with the increase in scan speed. The calculated melt depth for minimum velocity of 0.1 m/s is 66.9 \(\:{\mu\:}\text{m},\) and for maximum scan speed is 20.1 \(\:{\mu\:}\text{m}\). Higher laser power is associated with higher energy density impinged on the surface, resulting in a deeper melt pool. Higher scan speed is associated with lower material interaction time, leading to a shallow melt pool. Also, when laser power is varied, the range of the variation of the melt pool depth is lower when compared to the range of melt pool depth when scan speed is varied. The range of the variation of melt depth further supports the statement of scan speed being more sensitive than laser power for the current set of process parameters.
Melt pool depth increases with the power as more energy density has impinged on the sample surface, which melts more material, leading to a deeper melt pool. Furthermore, melt pool depth decreases with the increase in scan speed, as shown in Fig. 7(b). At high scan speed, laser interaction time with the sample surface decreases, due to which a shallow and wider melt pool is formed. Melt pool depth varies from 66.9 \(\:{\mu\:}\text{m}\) to 20.1 \(\:{\mu\:}\text{m}\) with respect to the scan speed from 0.1 m/s to 0.5 m/s, respectively.
3.2 Residual stress
The induced residual stress of laser-polished samples for all the process parameters is measured using an XRD machine. The XRD data is processed through the software package STRESS PLUS synced with the equipment. The sample is placed in the XRD machine in such a way that \(\:{\sigma\:}_{xx}\) is the stress along the direction of the laser scan and \(\:{\sigma\:}_{yy}\) is the stress perpendicular to the direction of the laser scan. The stress in the z-direction is considered to be zero, as the penetration depth of the X-ray is very low. The magnitude of shear stress is of order 1, whereas the magnitude of lateral and longitudinal stress is of order 2. Therefore, the plane in which the stress is calculated is considered as principal plane, and \(\:{\sigma\:}_{xx}\:\)become \(\:{\sigma\:}_{11}\) or \(\:{\sigma\:}_{1}\) and \(\:{\sigma\:}_{yy}\:\)become \(\:{\sigma\:}_{22}\) or \(\:{\sigma\:}_{2}\). However, \(\:{\sigma\:}_{1}\) and \(\:{\sigma\:}_{2}\) independently cannot give the essence of the effect of process parameters. Therefore, von Mises stress (\(\:{\sigma\:}_{v}\)) is introduced to get a cumulative effect of \(\:{\sigma\:}_{1}\) and \(\:{\sigma\:}_{2}\) [23] [24] [25] [26]. The von Mises stress is calculated by using the equation,
The standard deviation of von Mises stress, \(\:{\sigma\:}_{v}^{SD}\), is given by [27],
where \(\:{\sigma\:}_{1}^{SD},\:{\sigma\:}_{2}^{SD}\) is the standard deviation of stress in the\(\:\:x\) and y direction, respectively.
The as-received sample of Ti6Al4V has a compressive residual stress of 321 \(\:\pm\:\) 13.8 MPa. It is known that high thermal gradients and non-uniform cooling during the laser polishing of Ti6Al4V result in tensile residual stresses. Similar observations are also made in the current experiments where laser polishing has induced tensile stresses. For the case of constant speed of 0.3 m/s, the residual stress measured for the laser power of 80 W, 90 W, 100 W, 110 W and 120 W is 511\(\:\pm\:\)60.9 MPa, 556\(\:\pm\:\)62.2 MPa, 541\(\:\pm\:\)54.7 MPa, 537\(\:\pm\:\)58.5 MPa, and 553\(\:\pm\:\)61.1 MPa, respectively. The measurements are also plotted in Fig. 8(a). It is observed that there is no significant change in the residual stress with the variation of laser power. It has been noted from Fig. 6(a) that the cooling rate remains constant with the variation of laser power. It is concluded that the residual stress extensively depends on the cooling rate, increasing with the cooling rate [28] [29]. Hence, no significant changes in induced residual stress are observed due to insignificant variations in cooling rates.
For the case of constant laser power of 100 W and varying scan speed of 0.1 m/s, 0.2 m/s, 0.3 m/s, 0.4 m/s and 0.5 m/s, the measured residual stresses are 372\(\:\pm\:\)39.7 MPa, 473\(\:\pm\:\)33.7 MPa, 541\(\:\pm\:\)54.7MPa, 523\(\:\pm\:\)57 MPa, and 533\(\:\pm\:\)55.5 MPa, respectively. It is observed that the induced residual stress increases with the increase in the scan speed, and the trend is plotted in Fig. 8 (b). As the cooling rate increases with the increase in the scan speed (Fig. 6b), the induced residual stress shows similar behavior.
Further, the comparative residual stress analysis for pure Ti and Ti6Al4V can be seen in Fig. 8(a-b). For pure Ti, similar to Ti6Al4V, induced the residual stress has no significant variation with change in power when scan speed is kept constant. When laser power is kept constant, the induced residual stress increases with increased scan speed. The trend of induced residual stress in pure Ti is similar to the one observed in Ti6Al4V. However, for all the process parameters, the tensile residual stress induced in pure Ti is lower than the Ti6Al4V. The phase transformation of pure Ti is at a constant temperature; however, for Ti6Al4V, the transformation happens over a range of temperatures. The range of temperature for the solidification in Ti6Al4V arises due to alloying elements, all of which have different thermal properties. During solidification, different alloying elements solidify at different temperatures. The elements solidifying earlier hinder grain growth, which is still molten. The hindrance forms larger grain boundaries, which act as a source of stress concentration. Hence, for Ti6Al4V, the induced residual stress is higher than those induced in pure Ti.
3.2 Surface roughness and hardness
Figure 9 shows the variation in surface topography and \(\:{S}_{a}\) of laser processed sample with laser power ranging from 80W to 120W by keeping the scan speed constant at 0.3m/s and with scan speed ranging from 0.1m/s to 0.5m/s by keeping the power constant at 100W. The magnitude of surface roughness at different power 80 W, 90 W, 100 W, 110 W and 120 W are 0.08\(\:\:{\mu\:}\)m, 0.09\(\:\:{\mu\:}\)m, 0.09\(\:\:{\mu\:}\)m, 0.10\(\:\:{\mu\:}\)m, and 0.11 \(\:{\mu\:}\)m, respectively. Similarly, variations of surface roughness with different scan speeds of 0.1 m/s, 0.2 m/s, 0.3 m/s, 0.4 m/s and 0.5 m/s are 0.04\(\:\:{\mu\:}\)m, 0.06\(\:\:{\mu\:}\)m, 0.09\(\:\:{\mu\:}\)m, 0.11\(\:\:{\mu\:}\)m, and 0.12 \(\:{\mu\:}\)m, respectively. The average surface roughness of the as-received Ti6Al4V sample is 0.14 \(\:{\mu\:}\)m. After LP, the surface roughness is reduced significantly compared to the bare sample. The optimised parameter for laser polishing is 0.1 m/s scan speed with 100 W laser power, resulting in \(\:{S}_{a}\) of 0.04\(\:\:{\mu\:}\text{m}\) which is a reduction of ~ 71%. The process parameter also reflects the lowest induced residual stress among all the process parameters. Hence, the induced residual stress is minimised while resulting in the lowest \(\:{S}_{a}\) value. The optimised parameter has a linear energy density of 1000 J/m, the highest of the process parameters for the current work. Higher energy density results in a larger melting zone and hydrodynamics flows, which enhances the redistribution of the surface material and improves the surface finish.
The hardness of the as-received Ti6Al4V sample is measured as ~ 427 VHN. Figure 10 shows the variation of the surface hardness of laser polished Ti6Al4V with process parameters at constant scan speed and laser power, respectively. It is observed that the micro-hardness of the laser processed sample is less than the bare sample but is maintained with the variation of process parameters.