Musca domestica strains and samples
Musca domestica strains with known kdr genotypes were kindly provided by Dr. Jeffrey Scott. The abyss (no 1014, 918, 929 or 600 mutations), ALkdr (1014F mutation), NChis (1014H), Type N (1014F, 918T, 600N), kdr1B (1014F, 929I) and JPSkdr (1014F, 918T) strains were used for initial assay development and as specific allele containing controls for rhPCR assays. The CAR21 strain (no 1014, 918, 929 or 600 mutations) was also used as a kdr negative control. This strain, which was originally obtained from Carolina Biological Supply, has been maintained at the USDA Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology and is recognized as being insecticide-susceptible50. Maintenance and rearing of these strains was conducted as previously described51.
Samples of field strains were collected from eight states by collaborators in Hatch Project S-1076. Samples were collected from livestock facilities using sweep nets. Collected samples were knocked down by freezing and placed into 50 mL tubes (Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA) or 1 pint paper containers (WestRock, Atlanta, Georgia, USA) for overnight shipping on ice blocks and were maintained at -80 oC after arrival. Samples from CA and TX were delayed in shipping and spent more than 24 hours at room temperature causing significant degradation but were tested anyway.
Sample preparation and homogenization
Samples provided by collaborators were stored at -80°C until sorting and identification on ice. Flies were visually identified as M. domestica using morphological characters, and forceps were submerged in 100% ethanol between the handling of each fly. Musca domestica individuals had a mid and hind leg removed if present (if not, any two legs were chosen) with forceps where the femur meets the trochanter. The legs were then placed in a 96-deep well homogenization plate (Omni International, Kennesaw, GA) and the rest of the sample placed in a corresponding 96-well plate in the same well position. The homogenization plate containing the legs was prepared by adding 2.0 mm cubic zirconium beads (BioSpec Products, Bartlesville, OK) to each well using a LabTie bead dispenser (BioSpec Products, Bartlesville, OK), followed by the addition of 200 µL of deionized water. All plates were labeled with the relevant collection information to keep the leg samples for testing linked with the remainder of the sample. Once all samples from a collection event were processed, the 96-well plate containing the remainder of the sample was covered with a foil plate seal (USA Scientific, Ocala, FL) and stored at -80°C in case further testing was required. The homogenization plate containing the legs was then covered with a silicone sealing mat (Omni International, Kennesaw, GA) and stored at -20°C until homogenization. Sample preparation was conducted separately from sample testing.
On the day of assay, homogenization plates containing legs, beads, and deionized water were defrosted in a 22 oC water bath and then homogenized for 2 minutes on a Beadruptor 96 (Omni International, Kennesaw, GA). After homogenization, 96-well plates were spun for 2 min at 805 x g then placed on ice until assay setup.
rhPCR assays
Master mixes for rhPCR were prepared for each allele using the primers (IDTDNA, Coralville, IA) and reaction quantities listed in Tables 2 & 3. The effective concentration of H2 RNAse (IDTDNA, Coralville, IA) was optimized for each allele-specific reaction as recommended by the manufacturer using laboratory strains with known genotypes43,44. Reactions were assembled in 384-well plates using an EpMotion 5750 liquid handling system (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) in a final reaction volume of 10 µL. Eight microliters of each master mix was added by the liquid handling system followed by 2 µL of spun homogenate. Each 96-well plate of homogenates required three 384 well plates for all the assays needed: 1st – 1014L, 1014H, and 1014F; 2nd – 9198M, 918T, 929T, and 929I; and 3rd – 600D and 600N.
Plates were sealed with clear optical covers (Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA), mixed gently on a plate vortex (IKA Works, Inc., Wilmington, NC), spun to remove bubbles and then cycled on a QuantStudio 6 Flex system (Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA) running QuantStudio Real-Time PCR Software V1.3 using standard FAST conditions of 95 oC for 20 sec, then 40 cycles of 95 oC for 3 sec and 60 oC for 20 sec. This was followed by a melt curve phase of 95 oC for 15 sec, 60 oC for 1min, and a ramp step from 60 oC to 95 oC at 0.05 oC /sec with continuous fluorescence recording to assess amplicon melting temperature as an extra check to ensure the specificity of the reaction.
The presence of an allele in an organism was made using two metrics. First, the Ct of a curve had to be within 3 cycles of the known positive controls for the allele in question and at least two cycles above the Ct of the known negative controls. As a second factor, the melting temperature (Tm) of the resulting amplicon had to be ± 0.4 oC of the Tm of the known positive control. A sample that did not meet both metrics above was considered negative for the specific allele. A detailed version of the protocol for this assay has been deposited in the data repository.
PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing of sodium channel mutations
Reactions for PCR amplification of regions containing kdr mutations used a combination of previously published and novel primers (Table 2). All reactions were conducted in 25 µL volumes using 1 µL of fly homogenate or DNA with final concentrations of 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.2 µM dNTPs, 0.4 µM forward and reverse primers, and 0.04 U/µl of Platinum Taq (Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA). Reactions to amplify the 1014 containing region were conducted on an Eppendorf Mastercycler (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) with the following conditions: 94 oC for 2 min 40 cycles of 94 oC for 30 sec, 60 oC for 25 sec and 72 oC for 30 sec; and 72 oC for 5 min. Reactions for the 918/929 and 600 kdr containing regions were amplified on the same equipment but with the following conditions: 94 oC for 2 min; 40 cycles of 94 oC for 30 sec, 55 oC for 30 sec and 72 oC for 1 min; and then 72 oC for 5 min. Select amplicons were verified on 2% agarose gels. ExoSAP purification and Sanger sequencing were conducted by PsomagenUSA (Rockville, MD). Visualization of rhPCR amplicons for Fig. 2 used 10 µl of PCR reaction with 1.1 µL of 10X Blue Juice. A 100 base pair ladder (Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA) was included and the samples were electrophoresed at 102 V for 1 hr and then visualized on an iBright imaging system (Thermo Fisher, Waltham, MA).
Nanopore sequencing of kdr amplicons and sodium channel coding region
Nanopore sequencing was conducted according to the manufacturer provided protocol using R10 chemistry and Native Barcoding Kit V14 (SQK-NBD114.96; Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Oxford, England). The protocol version used was: NBA_9170_v114_revL_15Sep2022 updated 02/10/2023 and a marked up version is included in the data repository. Samples for sequencing kdr amplicons were prepared from unpurified PCR products by combining 0.34 µL of the 1014 amplicon PCR, 0.27 µL of the 918/929 amplicon PCR, and 0.27 µL of the 600 amplicon PCR with 11.37 µL of nuclease free water. Samples for VGSC sequencing used 12.25 µL of the unpurified VGSC PCR and were placed into a 96-well plate and end prepped using NEBNext Ultra II End Repair/dA-Tailing Module (New England BioLabs Inc, Ipswich, MA) per the protocol. Each sample was then affixed with a unique barcode and all barcoded samples were then combined, cleaned with 80% ethanol and then final sequencing adapters were ligated per the ONT protocol. The adapted, barcoded library was washed with standard fragment buffer, eluted in 15 µL of elution buffer and quantified on a Nanodrop 8000 spectrophotometer. Fifty femtomoles of eluted DNA was mixed with sequencing buffer, loading beads, and elution buffer before being loaded onto a prepared R10 flow cell. Sequencing was managed on a GridION x5 device by the MinKNOW software (version 23.07.12) and electrical signals were converted to basecalls by Guppy (version 7.1.4). Initial read quality control was managed by the MinKNOW software with a minimum quality score of 10. Reads at or above this threshold were binned into barcode specific folders as fastq files. Barcodes were not removed from raw reads to allow subsequent filtering at higher stringency. Two sequencing runs were conducted with 36 kdr amplicon samples in the first run and 32 kdr amplicon samples in the second run. Raw reads are available as aligned .bam files under accession: PRJNA1163914.
Bioinformatic analysis
Barcode binned raw reads that met initial quality filters were subsequently filtered at higher stringency to reduce spurious barcode misassignments. The sequencing summary file for each run was filtered using command line tools to require a barcode match of > 97% and more than 37 bases in length at each end of the amplicon. A maximum of 4k reads meeting these requirements were selected for each barcode using seqtk52 and then subsequently mapped to the M. domestica VGSC using Minimap253. The resulting pileups were examined using IGV54 to determine the presence of SNPs for the 1014, 918, 929 and 600 kdr mutations.
Statistics and Reproducibility
Frequency of kdr genotypes was ordinated alone or as an aggregate representation of the trapping sites from which they were collected using non metric multidimensional scaling in the ‘vegan’ package55 in R version 4.3.256. Centroids (i.e., means) of genotype frequencies were summarized at state and regional levels as 95% confidence interval ellipses. Regions were defined according to the US Census Bureau as “Midwest” (Minnesota, Kansas, Wisconsin), “South” (Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Georgia), and “West” (California). The Jaccard dissimilarity index method was used with NMDS done in three dimensions (i.e., k = 3), which produced the lowest stress. Stress is an important indicator of ordination fit in the assigned number of dimensions, with values < 0.2 being acceptable representation, < 0.1 being good representation, and < 0.05 being excellent representation57. Stress plots were visually inspected and both non-metric and linear fit R2 values are reported. Then, a permutational type II ANOVA was done using the ‘adonis.II’ function in the ‘RVAideMemoire’ package58. Posthoc comparisons of F statistics were done using the ‘pairwiseAdonis’ package59, with a Holm-Sidak P-value correction to account for familywise error rate. Due to the number of pairwise comparisons among states, relatively low sample size, and the associated P-value adjustment, we only report the global permutational type II ANOVA for the state comparisons. For all statistical comparisons, α = 0.05. Samples sizes from each of the 22 locations ranged from 32–89 individuals tested from each location. Individual samples that did not produce a clear genotype by rhPCR were excluded from further testing.