Temperature anomalies
The depth-resolved physical parameters shown in Fig. 1 were obtained from an Argo-based gridded product42. We selected data from Ocean Station Papa (50°N, 145°W) to analyze temporal variability over the past decade. Temperature anomalies at each depth were calculated as deviations from the climatological mean during the period 2004–2022, corresponding to the period matching BGC-Argo float and shipboard data. The mixed layer depth (MLD) was defined as the depth where the temperature is 0.2°C lower than that at 10 meters43, which generally corresponds well with the depth at which the maximum Brunt-Väisälä frequency occurs. The gridded product enabled Brunt-Väisälä estimates between 2010 and 2021.
BGC-Argo float data analysis: POC and chlorophyll estimates
Data from the three floats used in this study were freely acquired from the Argo Global Data Assembly Center (USGODAE; usgodae.org/ftp/outgoing/argo/). Only quality-controlled files (Sprof) and data flagged as “good” were considered. Variables used in this study include temperature, salinity, nitrate and bio-optics (i.e., fluorescence chlorophyll and backscatter). We focused the analysis in the upper ocean between the surface and 400 m, with data every 5 to 10 days and acquired between June 2010 and October 2022, with a gap between February 2016 and August 2018. The study region was constrained between 47˚-52.5˚N and 137.5–146˚W (Fig. 2a). Details on quality control and sensor performances have been published44,45. As previously described15, float-estimated chlorophyll a in our study region is biased when compared to nearby discrete chlorophyll a measurement from repeat Line P cruises, requiring additional post-correction. We applied a correction factor to the adjusted chlorophyll a data for each float, estimated by taking the median of the ratio of float-adjusted chlorophyll a data to the Line P corrected float data14 in the upper 15 m. The following correction factors were divided by our adjusted chlorophyll data to obtain corrected values extending to 2022.
Backscatter (bbp) data was separated into small and large particles46,47 (smaller or bigger than 100 µm, respectively), but only small particles were used in this study since large particles were a minor fraction of total bbp and showed no temporal variability (Figs. S1-S3). To estimate POC stocks (Fig. 2) at the different ocean layers, we first estimated the euphotic zone depth (Ez) assuming it comprises the primary production zone6,47 as:
Ez (m) = Z of 0.1* Chl_Max below Z chl_Max (1)
Where Chl_Max is the depth of maxima chlorophyll for each float profile. Mean euphotic zone depth was 98 ± 20 m for the entire time series, so we assumed Ez = 100 m for the subsequent calculations. We then estimated mean monthly particle stocks between surface-Ez and Ez-300 m for each year and converted bbp into total POC44.
POC (mg/m 3 ) = 31,200 × bbp + 3.04 (2)
Chl:C ratios were estimated using mean monthly integrated POC and chlorophyll concentrations within the upper 100 m of depth.
POC anomalies (Fig. 3) derived from BGC-Argo floats were estimated by subtracting POC time series from each MHW year (2014, 2015, 2019 and 2020) from mean monthly anomalies during non-MHW years in a multi-step process. Since POC background signals were significatively different after the first MHW, we compiled non-MHW years into two datasets: the first was composed of float profiles from complete calendar years prior to 2013, and the second was composed of profiles from the years of 2018, 2021 and 2022. For each non-MHW dataset, we computed mean monthly [POC] and then linearly smoothed the data every 20m (floats profiled approximately every 5m for the top 100m of depth, and every 10-20m between 100–400 m). MHW time series were then created for each year by linearly interpolating the data every 20m. Anomalies for each year were computed by subtracting their POC time series from non-MHW datasets (bsxfun function, Matlab®) and daily-interpolated for display. The first non-MHW dataset was used to estimate 2014 and 2015 anomalies, while the second was used to estimate the 2019 and 2020 anomalies.
To estimate the mixed layer rate of change, we first calculated mixed layer depths (MLDs)43, and then ∆MLD (m month− 1) for each year as:
∆MLD (m month − 1 ) = MLD_month – MLD_month-1 (3)
Where MLD_month is the mean monthly MLD, and MLD_month-1 is the mean monthly MLD of the previous month.
Net community production (carbon export) computed from BGC-Argo floats:
The carbon export at the base of the euphotic zone was computed using float-measured nitrate minus a set of abiotic processes acting on the upper-layer nitrate budget, following the method outlined in Huang et al., (2022)19:
where subscripts of Bio, Obs, DIF,Adv, EP, and BG represent the biological activity, float measurements, diapycnal diffusion, wind-induced Ekman pumping, evaporation and precipitation, and background nitrate gradient change alongside the float trajectory, respectively. The biological term solved from the tracer budget represents the amount of photosynthetically-produced carbon exceeding the respiration consumption, and can serve as a metric of carbon export under the assumption of steady-state when integrating over seasonal or annual scales48. The parameterizations of abiotic terms and associated uncertainty estimates are detailed in Huang et al., (2022)19. The nitrate-based biological term estimate was further converted to carbon unit via the Redfield ratio of 6.6. Due to limited knowledge of the seasonality of diapycnal diffusion coefficients, which may exponentially increase by several orders of magnitude in the fall and winter49, and considering that most biological production occurs in the spring and summer19, our analysis is limited to the relatively stratified spring and summer seasons to minimize error in the biological term estimate.
Phytoplankton composition from pigment concentrations
Phytoplankton pigment concentrations (chlorophylls and carotenoids) were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) following the method detailed in Nemcek and Peña (2014)50 and analyzed to estimate the phytoplankton composition using CHEMTAX51, following the procedures detailed in Peña et al. (2019)16. Pigment samples have been routinely collected since 2011 on the Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Line P Hydrographic Surveys (waterproperties.ca/linep) which operate three times a year (generally February, June and August) since 1981 from the coast of British Columbia to station P26 (50°N, 145W) 913 km offshore in the Northeast Subarctic Pacific. For this study, we focus on stations P20 to P26 (Ocean Station Papa), as they span the locations of the BGC-Argo floats (Fig. 2a). Pigment concentration data are from 5 m or mixed layer average when there was more than one depth sampled within the mixed layer. Post-CHEMTAX statistical analyses and data visualization were performed using R Statistical Software (v4.3.2)52. The observed patterns in phytoplankton pigment groups were generally consistent across these outermost stations of the Line P transect, with no significant difference by station (PerMANOVA p-value = 0.981, although phytoplankton community composition at P26 was somewhat distinct (Fig. S6). Therefore, average concentrations of major phytoplankton functional groups from hydrographic stations P20-P26 were used to examine trends in phytoplankton over the time series.
DNA-derived Community Composition
2-L seawater samples were collected and filtered onto 0.22-µm Sterivex filters for biomolecular analysis from Stations P20 and P26 during the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Line P seasonal occupation program from 2010 through 2019. While samples were collected throughout the entire water column at each station15, only samples from 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, and 300 m were used in this study. Briefly, DNA was obtained using enzymatic lysis, followed by phenol:chloroform extraction, and purification and concentration using Amicon Ultra-4 Centrifugal Filter Units (described in greater detail Traving et al., 2021). The V4-V5 region of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified from samples collected for the entirety of the biomolecular time series (2010–2019) using the primers 515F-Y(5′-GTGYCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA-3′) and 926R (5′-CCGYCAATTYMTTTRAGTTT-3′), while the V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene was amplified from 2015–2019 samples using the primers V4F (5’-CCAGCASCYGCGGTAATTCC-3’)53 and V4RB (5’-ACTTTCGTTCTTGATYRR-3’)54. For 2010-Winter 2016 samples, 16S V4-V5 amplicon libraries were prepared by the Joint Genome Institute (California, USA) following the JGI iTag Library Preparation SOP (jgi.doe.gov/user-programs/pmo-overview/protocols-sample-preparation-information/), and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq using a 600 cycle V3 kit. 16S V4-V5 libraries prepared for Spring 2016–2019 samples were prepared at the Hakai Institute (BC, Canada). Samples were amplified in duplicate using fusion primers (containing Nextera indices and Illumina adapters in addition to the primers; described in detail here dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.3byl4bq1jvo5/v1), PCR replicates pooled, cleaned individually using SPRI beads at ratio of 0.8x, quantified using the Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA Assay (Invitrogen), and then all samples successfully amplified were pooled in equal amounts before sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq using a 600 cycle V3 kit (dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.3byl49842go5/v1). The 16S-V4V5 library generated at the Hakai Institute was sequenced twice and data pooled to obtain a read depth similar to those libraries sequenced at the Joint Genome Institute. The 18S-V4 amplicon library was also prepared and sequenced at the Hakai Institute, using methods described in detail here dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.rm7vzjjjxlx1/v1 and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq using a 600 cycle V3 kit.
Illumina sequence data were processed in QIIME2 v. 2022.855. Briefly, primer sequences were removed from amplicon libraries using cutadapt (cutadapt trim-paired) and reads were denoised, amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) determined and chimeras removed using dada2 (dada2 denoise-paired, using the following settings for the 16S-V4V5 rRNA libraries run the Hakai Institute trunc-len-f 240, trunc-len-r 190, max-ee-f 4, max-ee-r 6; trunc-len-f 267, trunc-len-r 220, max-ee-f 3, max-ee-r 5 for the 16S-V4V5 libraries run at the Joint Genome Institute; trunc-len-f 220, trunc-len-r 200, max-ee-f 4, max-ee-r 6 for the 18S-V4 library). As multiple 16S-V4V5 libraries were sequenced, each MiSeq run was denoised separately, ASVs within a fixed length window were retained (rescript filter-seqs-length; global-min 300 and global-max 417), rare ASVs removed (feature-table filter-features; present a frequency of at least 0.001% of the average read depth for that run and in at least 2 samples), and then runs were merged at the ASV level (feature-table merge). Rare ASVs were similarly removed from the 18S-V4 library. ASVs were then classified using the QIIME2 Naive Bayes classifier trained to the SILVA database v.138.156 for the 16S rRNA genes. 18S rRNA ASVs were annotated with both the Protist Ribosomal References database (PR2 v5) and the MetaZooGene database (v2023-m07-15)57,58. MetaZooGene annotations were used for metazoan sequences while PR2 annotations were used for all other eukaryotes. A total of 3058 ASVs were retained and an average read depth of 119,853 sequences per sample were obtained across the five 16S-V4V5 MiSeq libraries. There was a large difference in the library richness between the sample libraries run at the Joint Genome Institute compared to that run at the Hakai Institute. Rarefying the dataset did not improve this richness difference. Therefore, for the 16S-V4V5 dataset we chose to filter the dataset to retain the top 80% of the ASVs using the function filterfun_sample(topf(0.8)) in the R package phyloseq, leaving 858 16S-V4V5 ASVs. For the 18S-V4 dataset, a total of 3068 ASVs were retained with an average read depth of 56,518 sequences per sample. Raw sequence data have been deposited in the NCBI SRA under the BioProjects PRJNA639229 and PRJNA640752.
All data visualization and statistical analysis of the resulting 16S and 18S rRNA ASV tables were performed using R Statistical Software (v4.3.2). Briefly, depth-based and interannual variation in prokaryotic, Opisthokonta (animal), and non-Opisthokonta (predominantly protistan) community composition was quantified using euclidean distance of CLR-transformed ASV counts agglomerated at the genus level. Principal components analysis (microViz R package)59 was used to display the variation in this data. PERMANOVA (adonis2 in the vegan R package)60 and pairwise PERMANOVAs (pairwiseAdonis R package, using the Benjamini-Hochberg correction)61 were used to determine the significance of any observed compositional differences between heatwave years within in the surface and upper mesopelagic waters. A Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test (correcting for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini-Hochberg test) as implemented in the metarr R package62 was used to determine significant differences in the Spring and Summer prokaryotic and eukaryotic genera (and all higher taxonomic levels) between MHW years in both the surface mixed layer and upper mesopelagic waters. A genus was required to be present in at least 2% of the samples and have a mean relative abundance of 0.0005 to be included in the analysis. Results were visualized using a heat tree, where the log2 of ratio of the median of proportions for each significantly different sample group is displayed by the color of the nodes and edges while the node size is scaled to the average relative abundance of that taxon in the associated depth range.