2.1 Study Population and Participants
The study protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of XX Non-Interventional Clinical Research Ethics Committee on October 10, 2023, with decision number 2023/01, and was conducted in accordance with the principles set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki. The study was registered at www.ClinicalTrials.gov (identifier: XX).
2.2 Eligibility Criteria for Participants
Inclusion criteria: Being between the ages of 18 and 25, and having participated in regular football training for at least 3 years. Exclusion criteria:A history of fractures or surgeries involving the lower extremities, A diagnosed ankle or lower extremity condition, Presence of pain in the ankle or lower extremities ,A systemic condition such as deep vein thrombosis or embolism, Experiencing pain during any measurement.
2.3 Sample Size and Trial Design
A power analysis determined that with the inclusion of at least 72 participants (at least 36 per group), a statistical power of 85% could be achieved at a 95% confidence level [8].Our study was conducted with the participation of 36 professional football players from Antalya Spor Football Club between September to December 2023 . The study design employed a within-subject, serial group design, in which all players took part in both groups. This approach minimizes the impact of individual differences, allowing for more controlled comparisons, as each participant serves as their own control. Furthermore, the serial design was chosen to eliminate variations stemming from different coaching methods.
2.4 Interventions
Study Group: The study commenced with the application of the floss bands to the football players. The football players who had been evaluated prior to the application of the floss bands were evaluated once more following the application of the floss bands, to measure the effectiveness of the band. This group was designated the "Study Group (SG)." Floss bands are made of natural rubber (Sanctband COMPRE Floss 5.1 cm × 3.5 m; Sanct Japan Co., Ltd.) was applied with a tension of 50% at a point 5 cm below the ankle joint line, approximately 2 cm above the insertion of the Achilles tendon. The tension of the band was then increased to 70-75% to achieve the desired level of compression [6, 8].
Control Group: Following the designated rest period, the football players were evaluated prior to the application of the foam sponge bandage. After 72 hours, the foam sponge bandage was applied, and subsequent evaluations were conducted using tape to assess the efficacy of the application. This group was designated as the "Control Group (CG)"[10] [9]. The Cramer Tape Underwrap (7 cm x 27 m) brand foam bandage was wrapped in a manner that began 5 cm below the ankle joint line without tension. The control group underwent the same exercise protocol as the SG [11].
Exercise protocol: The individuals in both groups performed ankle dorsiflexion (toe raises), squats and lunges in 3 sets of 8 repetitions each with their ankles wrapped. A five-minute stationary cycling session was performed to facilitate warm-up before starting the practice [12]. The range of motion of the ankle in dorsiflexion was evaluated using the weight transfer lunge test, static balance was assessed with a smartphone application, dynamic balance was evaluated with the Y balance test, and proprioception was assessed with the joint position sense test. Additionally, a jump test was employed to assess jump performance.
2.5 Outcome Measures Tests
Weight Bearing Lunge Test: The range of motion for ankle dorsi-flexion was evaluated. For this test, markings were made on the edge of the wall with tape. The football players were instructed to stand at the marked point with their thumbs 10 cm away from the wall and attempt to touch the wall with their knees without lifting their heels off the ground. The feet of football players who were unable to touch the knee to the wall were retracted by 1 cm each time, ensuring that the heel remained in contact with the ground. In the event that the knee did not make contact with the wall in the initial position, the test was repeated by moving the foot 1 cm forward. The pelvic bone was stabilized to demonstrate the superior aspect of the iliac crest, and the hands were positioned at this point to prevent trunk movement. The distance at which the football players could reach the knee was recorded. Three trials were conducted for each participant, and the highest value was documented [13].
Static Balance Assessment: In this study, the static balance of football players was assessed using an application called "Accelerometer," developed using an Apple iPhone 14 and the Dream Arc App Inventor platform. The football players were instructed to stand upright on a flat surface with the test foot positioned on the line dividing the heel and second toe, while the other foot was lifted off the ground. The smartphone was positioned on the midpoint of the tibia bone to directly assess ankle balance, rather than the center of body mass. The mobile phone was secured to the mid-shin with an exercise armband, with the screen oriented in a forward direction. The football players were instructed to maintain a single-leg stance for a period of 30 seconds. Three trials were conducted, and the highest value was recorded. The application recorded acceleration data in three axes (x, y, z) with a sampling rate of 20 Hz for 30 seconds. Higher acceleration values indicated a lower level of balance [14].
Dynamic Balance Test: The Y balance test is a dynamic test with good reliability that requires strength, flexibility, and proprioception. It is widely used among athletes. For the test, three equal-length bands are placed on the floor and a Y-shape is formed between these bands at 90°, 135°, and 135° angles. The test foot is positioned at the junction of the bands and instructed to reach three distinct directions (anterior, posterolateral, and posteromedial) while maintaining balance with the other foot. Football players attempted to reach the maximum distance for these three directions, and these distances were recorded. The test was repeated until three successful reaches were performed for each direction. The highest value of the three successful test scores obtained was normalized to the leg length [15].
Proprioception Assessment: In evaluating the subject's joint position sense, the athlete was seated on a chair with the sole of the foot in contact with the floor and the eyes closed. Range of motion for the right and left ankles was assessed using a smartphone goniometer application. The tested ankle was passively dorsiflexed 10 degrees and then returned to its original position. The football player was then instructed to actively move the foot to the same position, and the degree of deviation from the targeted 10 degrees was recorded. This procedure was repeated three times, and the mean deviation was calculated [16].
Triple Hop Test: The test is a commonly utilized method for the functional assessment of ankle and knee joints. The test is designed to assess the participant's balance, performance, and joint stability. A 6-meter scale was prepared, and the footballer was instructed to stand on the designated foot and assume the starting position with arms by the trunk and knees bent at 45 degrees. The footballer was then asked to leap forward three times to the maximum distance, maintaining the same line and foot as the initial jump. The distance between the footballer's heel and the starting point was measured, and the longest of the two trials was recorded [17].
2.6 Statistical Analysis
The data were analyzed with the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 software package (Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.). Continuous variables are expressed as mean ± standard deviation, median (25th-75th percentiles), minimum-maximum values, and categorical variables as number and percentage. The conformity of the data to a normal distribution was examined with the Shapiro-Wilk test. In dependent group examinations, when parametric test assumptions were met, the dependent groups t-test was employed; when parametric test assumptions were not met, the Wilcoxon paired two-sample test was utilized. Additionally, Cohen's d effect size coefficient was utilized to examine the effect sizes obtained from the changes. In all examinations, p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.