Gridded climate data
Table S2 presents a comprehensive list of the gridded datasets used in this work. We used the second version of the Climate Hazards Group Infrared Precipitation with Station Data (CHIRPSv2.0; 45) daily precipitation dataset. This gridded product spans from 1981 to the present, with a native horizontal resolution of 0.05° (~ 6 km). It integrates satellite imagery data with in-situ weather station data covering 50°S to 50°N. CHIRPS is updated monthly for drought monitoring purposes (45). The number of stations used by CHIRPS to calibrate satellite precipitation estimates in our study area is currently ~ 1000, although this number was higher about a decade ago. While there are other gridded precipitation products available, we selected CHIRPS over these data sets for three reasons: (a) CHIRPS provide daily precipitation data at high spatial resolution, (b) CHIRPS is updated regularly, which is critical to assess TCs and drought conditions, (c) compared to weather stations, CHIRPS outperform other high-resolution gridded precipitation products in the Caribbean (46) and Mesoamerica (25, 30).
We also use daily precipitation data from the Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation version 2 (MSWEPv2; 47) as complement to our analysis with CHIRPS. MSWEPv2 merges satellite, ERA5 reanalysis, and ground station data to obtain a global precipitation product with temporal resolutions ranging from 3-hourly to monthly time scales, and a native horizontal resolution of 0.1° (~ 11 km) (47). While this product spans from 1979 to present, we use the 1985–2023 period.
We used monthly potential evapotranspiration (PET) data from the Climatic Research Unit (CRUv4.08). CRU is a widely used gridded product with a native resolution of 0.5°, covering the global land surface except Antarctica (48). The current CRU version spans from January 1901 to December 2023 and is updated annually (48). It is derived by interpolating monthly climate anomalies from extensive networks of weather station observations. CRU uses the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reference evapotranspiration (49) to calculate PET, a variant of the Penman-Monteith Eq. (50, 51) that requires fewer climate fields for its computation (49). The concept behind this approach stands from modeling an idealized grass surface with 0.12-m height, a constant water supply, soil resistance of 70 s m− 1, and a surface albedo of 0.23 (49):
where PET is the crop reference evapotranspiration (mm day− 1), Rn is the net radiation (MJ m− 2 day− 1), G is the soil heat flux density (MJ m− 2 day− 1), T is the average temperature at 2-m height (°C), U2 is the wind speed at 2-m height (m s− 1; estimated from the wind speed measured at 10-m height) es − ea is the vapor pressure deficit for measurement at 2-m height (kPa), Δ is the slope of the vapor pressure curve (kPa °C− 1), γ is the psychrometric constant (kPa °C− 1), 900 is the coefficient for the reference crop (kJ− 1 kg K day− 1), and 0.34 is the wind coefficient for the reference crop (s m− 1) (49). We bilinearly interpolated the original PET data from CRU to CHIRPS’ spatial resolution of ~ 6 km.
The gridded available water capacity (AWC) data needed to calculate the scPDSI were obtained from the Global Gridded Surfaces of Selected Soil Characteristics of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program Data and Information Services (IGBP-DIS) through the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL; This database uses a statistical bootstrapping method to generate these surfaces from the FAO-United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Digital Soil Map of the World (Global Soil Data Task Group 2000). While the native resolution of this product is 5 arcmin, we have pre-processed using a bilinear interpolation routine to interpolate the AWC data to a spatial resolution of ~ 6 km.
We used the second version of the Hurricane Database (HURDAT2; 52) to determine the tracks and intensities of TCs in the HRA between January 1985 and December 2023. HURDAT2 is frequently updated and covers the North Atlantic and eastern Pacific basins from 1851 to the present (52). While the accuracy of the pre-satellite era (i.e., prior 1980) dataset is limited (3, 53), our study period spans 1985–2023.
Methods and procedures
Study area
We define the Hurricane Region of the Americas (HRA) as the area between 5–40°N and 30–130°W, including the Caribbean, Mesoamerica, Mexico, the southern U.S., and the northern part of South America, spanning an area of about 7.8 million km2 (as estimated from the average number of CHIRPS and MSWEP grid cells affected by TC at least once between 1985 and 2023) (Fig. 1a). This area is affected by TCs that form in the North Atlantic and eastern Pacific basins between May and November each year (Fig. 1a).
Estimating TC contributions to precipitation
In Fig. S6, we summarize the procedure we followed for estimating TC contributions to precipitation in the HRA. We estimated the contributions of TC to precipitation in the HRA using daily precipitation data from CHIRPSv2 (45) and MSWEPv2 (47) between 1985 and 2023. We divided the analysis into 20-year periods, 1985–2005 and 2005–2023, to analyze changes and trends in TC contributions to precipitation. While the use of weather station data is often preferred over remotely sensed rainfall estimates (e.g., 13), the lack of long-term and high-quality data prevented us from relying solely on weather stations for this analysis over the entire study area. To assess the performance of CHIRPSv2 and MSWEPv2 in estimating TC-associated precipitation, we compared the TC contributions from these products with quality-assured weather stations from Mexico and Central America for 1997–2013 (e.g., 11). We further compared CHIRPSv2 with MSWEPv2 since both use remotely sensed estimates of precipitation and ground stations to calibrate these estimates (45, 47).
We included only tropical storms and hurricanes as TCs (i.e., maximum sustained winds of at least 39 mph). The rationale for not including tropical depressions (i.e., unnamed TCs) is that they are less likely to have a broad rainfall field based on TC-associated circulation (13). Based on this selection criterion, we did not include subtropical and extratropical storms in this work, which partially avoid collecting extratropical precipitation (3). To determine the tracks of the selected TCs, we used the HURDAT2 dataset for the North Atlantic and eastern Pacific basins. The TCs selected were those whose center was at most 500 km from land. This radial distance has been shown to be appropriate for analyzing TC contributions to local precipitation over the Americas, as topography also plays an important role in producing rainfall, since it is the average radius of TC-associated circulation and rainbands (13). While previous studies have used time-evolving TC radii (54), selecting TCs as tropical storms and hurricanes rather than tropical depressions partially reduces the changes of integrating non-tropical precipitation into our estimates. However, we acknowledge that our approach may under- or overestimate TC-associated precipitation, especially over the US. In addition, since the HURDAT2 data is available every 6 h, we averaged the location of the storm center each day with more than one time step. We used the Python package Tropycalv1.3 to extract and analyze HURDAT2 data.
Finally, we evaluated the contribution of TC to precipitation as the fraction of TC-derived precipitation to total precipitation from monthly, seasonal, and annual contributions. While a monthly CHIRPS dataset is available, we resampled the daily CHIRPS dataset to obtain monthly totals of precipitation for consistency.
Assessing drought
For assessing meteorological drought, we used (a) the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI; 39), (b) the Standardized Precipitation minus Evaporation Index (SPEI; 40), and (c) the self-calibrated Palmer Drought Severity Index (scPDSI; 38, 41). SPEI and scPDSI employ precipitation and PET to calculate the water balance, thereby enabling the subsequent determination of drought conditions. In contrast, SPI employs precipitation as the sole variable. SPI and SPEI are multiscalar indices, which make them useful for assessing drought at different timescales (e.g., from monthly to annual time scales) (40). In contrast, scPDSI, an improved version of the original PDSI (38), exhibits a strong autocorrelation due to its incorporation of the effect of soil's AWC (38). While these metrics have their respective advantages and limitations, we employed them to obtain more reliable and consistent results. A more comprehensive description of each metric can be found in Ref. (40) for SPEI; Ref. (39) for SPI; and Ref. (41) for scPDSI.
We calculated SPEI and SPI at one-, three-, six-, and 12-month scales to assess the effects of TCs on short-term (one or three month long) to longer term droughts (at least 12 months). We used scPDSI due to its unique ability to account for the influence of soil characteristics on drought variability, which is essential for making comparisons with other studies on drought in the region (e.g., 10, 25). A drought was defined as occurring when the three metrics fell below − 0.99, which is considered to be a moderate drought. All the indices were calculated twice, using CHIRPS before (CHIRPSO) and after the removal of TC-rainfall (CHIRPSTC). Because CHIRPS has a resolution of ~ 6 km, we bilinearly interpolated CRU PET data to fit CHIRPS. As with CHIRPS, subscripts O and TC are used to represent the index calculated before (CHIRPSO) and after (CHIRPSTC) removing TC-associated rainfall.
Assessing TC-drought interactions
We focused our analysis using SPEI and SPI scaled on a monthly timescale, as these metrics exhibit lower autocorrelation. However, to evaluate the longer-term effects of TCs on drought variability, we employed SPEI scaled at three-, six-, and twelve-month intervals and scPDSI.
As SPI, SPEI, and scPDSI derive their calibration period (e.g., the reference period for establishing normal conditions) from the input data, the impact of TC-rainfall on drought is reduced. This means that, while the removal of TC rainfall undoubtedly results in a decrease in total annual precipitation in the HRA, such a reduction is incorporated into the calibration of the drought indices, thereby overshadowing the observed effect. To circumvent this limitation, we calculated a modified Z-score after removing TC rainfall from CHIRPS (i.e., CHIRPSTC) as:
where ZTC is the modified Z-score calculated using CHIRPS after removing TC-rainfall (CHIRPSTC). The terms 𝜇o and so are the mean and standard deviation of CHIRPS without removing TC rainfall (CHIRPSO), respectively. In this manner, we preserve the initial variability of
CHIRPSTC while underscoring the actual effects of TCs in drought variability within the HRA. With all the drought metrics we used (including the modified Z-score), we exclusively evaluated the grid cells affected by TCs between 1985 and 2023. To isolate the grid cells that were directly affected by TCs at a given month during this period, we masked those that were not affected. We then estimated the differences in drought conditions between the areas affected by TCs before and after removing TC-associated rainfall.
Data availability
All the resulting data from this work are publicly available at []. The coding used to extract, process, and analyze the data is available at []. Additional data and coding related to this work can be requested from the authors.