The current descriptive – analytical study was carried out in Royan infertility center and healthcare center affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences from December 2015 to December 2017. This study approved by the Ethics Committee of Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, Iran. After acquiring the necessary permissions from authorities, people were included into the study based on the inclusion criteria.
Royan Institute is a referral infertility clinic located in Tehran, Capital of Iran, which has patients from all around the country. Iran has a health care network which covers women and children. In these centers baby monitoring, family planning, vaccination and women health care is offered. This network has numerous health care centers in each town and village including Tehran.
The study population consisted of infertile women under consideration for oocyte donation and fertile women. It is worth noting that infertile women included those who had been considered for this treatment based on their physicians’ recommendations and had started the treatment and fertile women participating in this study included women with at least one child that visited the healthcare center for growth monitoring or vaccination of their children. Informed consent will be obtained from the participants in the research.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria:
The common factors among both groups included age of 18 to 49, not using sedative and anti-anxiety medicines, lack of priori records of known mental conditions, lack of addition and drug abuse and no history of cancer. These factors were determined by questioning each individual. The inclusion criteria for fertile women was lack of previous history of infertility and having at least one child. The exclusion criteria for this group was not filling all parts of the questionnaire. Written and informed consent of all participants was acquired and all participants were assured about the confidentiality of their information.
Data collection tools:
We used two questionnaires. First, a demographic questionnaire including age, education, spouse’s education(university education and other types of education), marital status, socioeconomic level (self-perception), job was used (housewife, working) and place of residence (urban or rural). Second self-concept questionnaire introduced by Carl Rogers in 1961 (Rogers 2012) and its Persian version was validated by Nourbakhsh et al in 2004 (Nourbakhsh 2004). It has two same questionnaires (A, B) both forms contain 25 pairs of opposite adjectives. In first form, self determination is asked and in the second one their ideal personality was required.
The time necessary for this test is 20 minutes. The scoring scale of the questionnaire is a seven-point score for personality traits with the participants selecting one of the numbers for these traits with no question remaining unanswered. Participants are asked to selected one of the numbers between 1 to 7 for each trait, selecting the number based on how close or far they are form a personality trait. Participants score their real characteristics in form (a) and their ideal characteristics in form (b). Finally, the difference between the score of form (a) (real traits) and score of form (b) (ideal traits) is the self-concept score of the individual. If this score is between zero to 6, then self-concept is natural and normal while scores higher than 7 show weak and negative self-concept. In other words, high self-concept score means noncompliance between a person’s real and ideal self. In the study by Taghi Zadeh the reliability of questionnaire was determined using Cronbach’s Alpha to be 0.69 for form (a) and 0.63 for form (b) (11).
Ethical considerations:
Cases were free to participate in the study and they were assured that participating is not related to their treatment or care procedure. Cases were told that no personal data would be published and the results would be presented statistically. At the end, their permission to publish the results was gotten. Completing the questionnaire with the above explanation was considered as their consent.
Sample size and sampling:
Based on the results of pilot study and using confidence limit of 95% and test power of 80%, the optimum number of samples in each group was calculated to be 48\(\cong 47\)3/. After considering the abscission percentage, 53 samples were selected for each group for a total of 106 individuals. Participants were selected using convenient sampling method.
Data analysis:
The statistical analysis of the questionnaires was performed using SPSS (Version 20). All demographic parameters were summarized in descriptive statistics. The chi-square test and independent t-test was used for testing categorical data between groups. P-values less than or equal to 0.05 were considered statistically significant.