In this study, we identified strong relationships between egg size and minimum time to competency in a number of broadcast spawning corals. These relationships suggest that a substantial proportion of the interspecific variation in larval competency dynamics, and how this is affected by warming, is predictable from readily measurable characteristics of the eggs. Specifically, the minimum time to competency increases with egg diameter, making the larvae of species with larger eggs slower to develop. Additionally, species with larger eggs also experienced more substantial reductions of the minimum time to competency with increasing temperatures. As a result, broadcasting spawning coral species with larger eggs are expected to endure greater changes to their dispersal patterns than species with smaller eggs. The estimated trait-based relationships provided by this study, including the distribution of the warming-induced increase in mortality, the relationship between egg diameter and minimum time to competency, and the relationship between egg diameter and warming-induced changes to the minimum time to competency, can therefore facilitate projections of metacommunity scale responses to environmental change.
The diameter of the eggs of broadcast spawning corals is a good predictor of their minimum time to competency at current temperature conditions (Fig. 2) likely because larger eggs have lower respiratory exchange and thus longer larval development times. From marine to aquatic environments, within closely related animals which inhabit the same temperature regime, species with larger eggs typically take longer to complete larval development (Staver and Strathmann 2002). Egg size has been found to be a good proxy for larval development time in multiple groups, including amphipods (Steele and Steele 1973), ascidians (Berril 1935; Staver and Strathmann 2002), bivalves (Staver and Strathmann 2002), butterflies (Garcia-Barros 2000), copepods (McLaren 1966), decapods (Wear 1974), fish (Duarte and Alcaraz 1989), frogs (McLaren and Cooley 1972), gastropods (Staver and Strathmann 2002), hydromedusas (Staver and Strathmann 2002), nudibranchs (Wray and Hadfield 1987) and seastars (Strathmann and Staver 2002). This relationship between egg size and larval development time is explained by the ratio of the surface-area to the volume of the egg, as this determines the rate of respiratory exchange and thus control development rate (Berril 1935). However, it is not oxygen diffusion that limits larval development as during early stages development does not require much oxygen, and oxygen consumption increases relatively slowly with increasing egg mass (Berril 1935; Einum et al. 2002). Interestingly, it appear to be driven by carbon dioxide, which can be very toxic and thus needs to be removed from the egg. As egg size (and ratio of the surface-area to the volume) increases, the elimination of CO2 from the egg and embryo surfaces is progressively harder, requiring a reduction in the pace of larval development so that CO2 generation does not outpace its elimination (Berril 1935).
The minimum time to competency of the larvae of broadcast spawning coral species decreases as temperatures warm (Table 1, Fig. 1) because the latter accelerates metabolic rates and consequently larval development. Temperature is of greatest influence upon the duration of larval development (Thorson 1950). Within the species’ tolerance range, low temperatures lengthen the pelagic life, while high temperatures shorten it (provided food availability or maternal reserves are high enough to support the increased metabolic rate at these high temperatures) (Berril 1935; O’Connor et al. 2007). This trend has been reported in multiple marine and freshwater animals, such as amphipods (Steele and Steele 1973), ascidians (Berril 1935), brine shrimp (Figueiredo et al. 2009), copepods (McLaren 1966), decapods (Wear 1974; Kumlu et al. 2000, Figueiredo and Narciso 2006), fish (Duarte and Alcaraz 1989), frogs (McLaren and Cooley 1972), sea cucumber (Asha and Muthiah 2005), and other corals (Nozawa and Harrison 2007; Randall and Szmant 2009a,b; Heyward and Negri 2010), and is commonly exploited by aquaculture facilities to accelerate production (Rothlisberg 1998; Morais et al. 2014). Warmer temperature increases the activity of enzymes, accelerating fundamental biochemical processes and consequently metabolic rates (Clarke and Fraser 2004) and larval development. Together with previous observations, the additional warm-induced larval dynamics provided in this study confirm that the hastening of larval development under warmer conditions likely extends to all broadcasting spawning coral species. The results of this study suggest that estimates of the change in minimum time to competency with increased temperature can be randomly generated from a normal distribution (mean=-5.6 and SD = 3.6). The ability to produce estimates of the minimum time coral larvae remain in the water column before being able to settle without information on the reproductive ecology of the species in a community can improve estimates of demographic connectivity of coral populations. However, these estimates can be even further improved if the egg size of the coral species present in a community are known.
The extent of the reduction of minimum time to competency under warmer temperatures is directly related to egg size, with species with larger eggs experiencing greater reductions. Coral species with larger eggs experience a greater reduction in (absolute) time to competency likely as a result from having a longer larval development, and thus any acceleration in development shortens considerably more the time required for their larvae to become competent. The results of this study suggest that the decrease in the minimum time to competency of coral larvae, Δtc (h), with temperature increase, ΔT (°C), increases with the mean egg diameter of the species (µm), and can be described by the following (Fig. 3):
Δtc/ΔT (h/°C) = 5.385–2.38×10− 2 × Egg Diameter (µm)
For each degree (°C) temperature increases, species with larger eggs (> 450µm) will become ready to settle 5-10h earlier, while species with smaller eggs (< 300µm) will only develop 1-2h faster. The greater the increase in temperature, the more striking these differences become. For example, a 4°C increase leads to a hastening of development of 0-8h for species with small eggs vs. 20-40h for species with large eggs. This magnitude of shortening of larval development (1 day or more) can cause a substantial change in coral larval dispersal patterns and connectivity, namely an increase in local retention, self-recruitment and weakening of connectivity (Figueiredo et al. 2022), with important consequences for the persistence and recovery of populations following disturbances (Figueiredo et al. 2022), as well as genetic diversity and adaptation processes. Since the experiments used to estimate this relationship did not expose the adult coral colonies to warmer conditions, the proposed equation presumes that their egg diameter will not be altered by warming. Exposure to warming conditions has been found to decrease the egg size in several ectotherms (Atkinson et al. 2001; Robertson and Collin 2015; Ly and Collin 2021), however there are many exceptions to this trend (Chambers 1997; Fox and Czesak 2000: Atkinson et al. 2001). The effect of temperature on the egg size of broadcasting spawning corals remains poorly studied. Existing studies suggest that egg size may vary with some environmental conditions, but temperature stress seems to have a minor effect on egg size. Corals associated with the more thermally tolerant algal Durisdinium symbionts produced eggs with a lower lipid content and smaller size than the ones associated with the thermally-sensitive Cladocopium; however, while exposure of adult corals to warming also reduced the number and lipid content of the eggs produced, it did not affect the size of their eggs (Jones and Berkelmans 2011). Temperature differences between seasons have also been found not alter the egg size nor fecundity of four biannually spawning coral species (Foster and Gilmour 2020). This evidence is still insufficient to determine if and to which extent the egg size of coral species will be altered by warming. However, if the egg size of corals does shrink under warmer temperatures, since egg size is directly related to the minimum time to competency, the reduction of time to competency under warm conditions described above would be even more pronounced than predicted here.
For most species studied, larval mortality increased with temperature, regardless of egg size. Increased mortality during embryogenesis and larval development at higher (than normal/optimal) temperatures has been reported, to a greater or lower extent, in most ectotherms (e.g. echinoderms [Byrne et al. 2013], fish [Madeira et al. 2016], and crustaceans [Quinn 2017]). This trend is often explained by an acceleration of enzyme activity under warmer temperatures that accelerates cell division, and in the process potentially increases the chances of malformation due to lack of synchronicity among tissues. While the larvae of most coral species suffer higher mortality under higher temperatures (Nozawa and Harrison 2007; Randall and Szmant 2009a,b; Heyward and Negri 2010; Figueiredo et al. 2014; Putnam andGates 2015; Graham et al. 2017; Matsuda et al. 2021; Figueiredo et al. 2022, this study), we did not find a relationship between mortality and egg size. It is likely that even if egg size partially explains the differential mortality among coral species, its effect will be much smaller than the effects of parental genotype, history of stress exposure, food quantity and quality, and/or symbiont community (Jones and Berkelmans 2011; Baums et al. 2013; Padilla-Gamiño et al. 2013; Kirk et al. 2018).
Coral species with larger eggs are expected to disperse further but, as oceans warm, experience greater reductions in dispersal distance and connectivity. Since coral larvae are mostly passive dispersers (Hata et al. 2017), the direct relationship between egg size and time to competency, and of the latter with dispersal potential (Figueiredo et al. 2013, 2014, 2022), means species with larger eggs have a greater potential to disperse away from their parental habitat. Furthermore, as the reduction of the minimum time to competency with warming is greater in species with larger eggs, we project that as oceans warm, these species will experience greater reductions in dispersal distance and connectivity. Reducing the time larvae spend in the plankton (pre-competency time) will also increase the probability larvae will settle before being flushed from their natal reef, thus experiencing a greater relative increase in local retention and self-recruitment. The broadcast spawning corals with the largest eggs are from the genera Lobophyllia and Acropora. Acropora is the most diverse and abundant genus of reef-building corals (Veron 2000); their branching morphology provides habitat to a multitude of reef fish species. An increase in local retention and self-recruitment, and reduction in connectivity of these species is expected to reduce the inter-reef genetic exchange, increasing isolation and reducing gene flow and recruitment subsidies following disturbance. Considering Acropora are also some of the most susceptible species to bleaching (Marshall and Baird 2000), these changes are likely to considerably reshape meta-communities in the Indo-Pacific.
Measuring demographic parameters to predict assemblage-level responses to environmental change in highly diverse communities is extremely challenging, but readily measurable life history traits, like egg size, may at least in some cases be used to characterize interspecific differences, and thus facilitate modeling and analysis and predictions. Existent projections of how demographic parameters, and consequently species abundance and distribution, will be affected by environmental change use empirically-calibrated models or the ecological niche of the species based on time-series distributions over large spatial scales (e.g. O’Connor et al. 2007 [marine fish and invertebrates]; Buckley et al. 2011 [butterflies]; Bowler et al. 2017 [many groups]; Sanchez-Salguero et al. 2017 [trees]; Simon-Nutbrown et al. 2020 [coralline algae]; Benedetti et al. 2021 [plankton]). For corals, projections of warm-induced changes to larval dispersal patterns and connectivity have been based on “generic” larval dynamics (Wood et al. 2016), thus not reflecting the inter-specific variability, or focused on a single species (Figueiredo et al. 2022; Holstein et al. 2022); projections for entire coral communities are inexistent. Experimentally assessing how demographic parameters of a species will change with warming often requires access to a temperature-controlled laboratory, is time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive; for larval development dynamics, data collection is often restricted to one annual reproductive event. Doing experimental calibrations for all species of a diverse taxonomic group, such as corals, is virtually impossible. The relationships between readily-measurable life history traits and effects of environmental change on demographic parameters, such as the one described here for corals, allow us to bypass that, facilitating estimations of future abundance and ability to recover from disturbances for unstudied species and, more importantly, entire meta-communities. For corals, projections of future dispersal using the relationship between egg size and warm-driven changes in larval development time would greatly benefit the design of networks of marine protected areas and siting of reef restoration efforts that aim to counteract the negative effects of climate change. The relationship between egg size and warming-effects on larval development has not been studied in other taxonomic groups, thus it is not clear if the species with larger eggs within other taxonomic groups are also expected to experience greater declines in dispersal. However, considering (within taxonomic group and habitat) relationships between egg size and larval development time (Berrill 1935 [tunicates]; McLaren 1966 [copepods]; McLaren and Cooley 1972 [frogs]; Steele and Steele 1973 [amphipods]; Steele and Streele 1975 [crustaceans]; Wray and Hadfield 1987 [opisthobranchs (Nudibranchia)]; Duarte and Alcaraz 1989 [marine and freswater fish]; Garcia-Barros 2000 [butterflies]), and the known relationship between temperature and larval developmental rates (Hoegh-Guldberg and Pearse 1995 [asteroids]; O’Connor et al. 2007 [marine fish and invertebrates]), it is quite possible that that is the case. Further studies have the potential greatly expand our ability to predict the dispersal, and consequently the persistence, of large multi-taxon communities.