The different organo-mineral amendments (formulations) showed suitable acidity (7.24 < pH < 7.75), for their use as amendments in agricultural soils while the raw dry sludges were too acidic (pH = 4.58). This improvement of the acidity of the formulations compared to raw faecal sludges, can be explained by the nature of the local substrates added to the raw faecal sludges, particularly the slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) and natural phosphates rock powder. In fact, the slaked lime releases calcium oxide (CaO) which react with the carbonic acid (H2CO3) of the faecal sludges and gradually neutralizes the H+ ions. These reactions lead to a decrease of the acidity in the formulations that can be recorded by the increase in pH values. Furthermore, the addition of two substrates (phosphate rock powder and slaked lime) as well as that of montmorillonitic clay would have enriched the raw dry faecal sludges in calcium ions (Ca2+) leading to a reduction of the acidity in the final substrates (formulations). These results are in line with the ones reported by Strande et al. (2014), who reported the effectiveness of slaked lime in reducing acidity of raw faecal sludge. The different formulations showed fairly high levels of organic carbon. However, for the purpose of being used in agricultural soil amendment, they were more suitable compared to the raw dry faecal sludge. Furthermore, compared to previous studies conducted on dry faecal sludges-based compost combined to solid urban waste by Soré et al. (2021), the formulations of our study had higher nutrient contents.
The C/N trophic balance ratio of the different formulations was found to be higher compared to that of raw sludges. This ratio expresses the mineralization kinetic of organic matter contained in the amendments; in the range of C/N ≤ 10, organic matter contained in the amendments are quickly mineralized and may be lost through lixiviation. All the formulations had a C/N ratio of less than 15, which shows that these formulations are likely to release excess nitrogen for the benefit of the plants, due to the action of the micro-organisms. In fact, we observed fairly high rates of mineralization of organic matter in the various formulations, which indicates their high biodegradability under the action of microorganisms using the nitrogen from these formulations as a source of energy. This could indicate a good synchronization between the N demand for microorganisms’ activities and formulations decomposition (Mareike et al. 2024). Factors such as the diversity of raw materials used for the substrates (formulations), climatic conditions, would have influenced the degradation and humification process in the different formulations tested (Héma et al., 2023).
Trace metal element (TME) contents in the different formulations were lower than those in the raw dry faecal sludges and in the range of the standards for agricultural soil amendment. The complexation of heavy metals by organic matter contained in the raw dry faecal sludge or of humic substances resulting from the mineralization of organic matter may explain why a reduction in the ETM concentration was observed in the different formulations compared to the raw dry sludges. Indeed, the high organic matter contents of raw faecal sludges would have adsorbed heavy metals via humic substances, thus inducing their immobilization by complexation with metal ions (Degbé et al., 2013; Déblon, 2018). Our results are in line with those of Oualid et al. (2022), who reported that the organic fraction of a substrate or fertilizer has a high affinity for metal cations due to the presence of binding agents or functional groups (carboxyls, phenols, alcohols and carbonyls). These functional groups can form complexes with metals. The complexation process of heavy metals is strongly related to substrate acidity. In the study reported herein, the addition of slaked lime to the different formulations led to a reduction of their acidity, favorable to the complexation of metallic trace elements. Indeed, the stability of the complexes formed between cations and ligands increases with the reduction of the acidity and vice versa in the case of anions (Sigg et al., 2000). Christopher et al. (2016), showed that when the environment is basic, the overall charge of the exchangeable site is negative and allows the adsorption of TMEs on the complex. Also, in acidic environments, the overall charge on the solid components surface is positive and adsorption is not possible (Oualid et al., 2022). In addition to its action on reducing the acidity, slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) gives precipitation reactions with heavy metals giving metal hydroxides (Adeline, 2006), leading to reduction of TMEs concentration. Furthermore, the different formulations that received montmorillonite clay had a low content of trace metal elements which highlights the action of this local substrate on TMEs. According to Sorgho et al. (2011), montmorillonitic clays allow the immobilization of Pb2+ and Cr3+ ions due to their high specific surface area and complex porous structure. Despite the high organic matter contents of raw dry faecal sludges, their trace metal element contents are higher than those of the different formulations. This confirms that organic matter content is not the only parameter affecting the dynamics of trace metal elements in these organo-mineral amendments.
Regarding the pathogenic loads of the different formulations, they are all suitable for agricultural uses. For the same pathogenic agent, strong variability depending on the formulations were observed while meeting the standards for being us for agricultural soil amendment. The origin and processing methods of dry faecal sludges may explain the low concentration these pathogenic agents. Indeed, according to Héma et al. (2022), the origin of the sludges, their processing and storage conditions after removing it from in the drying beds, reduce their pathogenic loads. They also reported a significant reduction of the concentration of coliforms and streptococci and helminth eggs in dry faecal sludge depending on their storage times. Weather conditions such as temperature, sunshine, and humidity also influence the survival time of these pathogens. Indeed, Schwartzbrod (2003) reported a survival time of one year for Enteroviruses in dehydrated sludge stored at outside temperature compared to 2 years of survival for salmonella from lagoon sludges. Furthermore, the low pathogenic loads in the different formulations could be explained by the intrinsic characteristics of dry sludges, in particular dryness, acidity, the presence of nutrients promoting growth, and biological composition, characteristics which are likely to induce inactivation of pathogens during storage (ADEME, 2007). The influence of the biological composition of the faecal sludges on the dynamics of pathogens is explained by the competition between pathogens and saprophytic organisms of faecal sludges (ADEME, 2007). Overall, viable helminth eggs can normally survive in sludge stored for more than 4 months. Beyond 6 months storage period, there is a reduction in the number of viable eggs (ADEME, 2007). In the current investigation, the dry sludges used were stored for more than six (6) months which may have been the reason for the low concentrations of pathogens, particularly helminth eggs, observed. In hydrated faecal sludge from the Abidjan district, Soro et al. (2020), found 21 ± 18.74 CFU/100mL of helminth eggs which was much higher than those in our study.
As for biochemical properties, the biodegradability ratios of the different formulations were less than 3; indeed, they ranged from 2.24 to 2.79 showing high content of the different formulations in biodegradable and non-biodegraded organic matter. This organic matter can also be regarded as nutrient pool because their progressive mineralization will improve the nutrient reserve for plants and improve soil structure and its structural stability as well. The biodegradability ratio in the raw faecal sludges, on the other hand, ranged between 3.00 and 5.00, contrary to the different formulations, indicating that the raw dry sludges were mineralized sufficiently. Therefore, they can be used as fertilizer because of their nutrient contents but not for soil amendment due to their poor capacity for promoting soil structure and stability.
The investigations conducted by N’Diaye et al. (2018) on the pollutant load of faecal sludges in some sub-Saharan African countries, outlined the key role of the COD/BOD5 ratio on the biodegradability of faecal sludge. According to these authors, a COD/BOD5 ratio less than 2 means the presence of a large proportion of biodegradable substrate and indicates the possibility of biological treatment of sludge. On the other hand, when the biodegradability ratio is above 3, a large part of the organic matter in the sludges is not biodegraded and thus requires a physicochemical purification process for the sludges. Similar results were obtained by Héma et al. (2024) on dry faecal sludge from the drying beds of the Dogona, Kossodo, Sourgoubila and Zagtouli stations in Burkina Faso. They outlined that the dry faecal sludge of the different stations was mineralized enough for farther biological treatment such us composting unless other reasons such us sanitation issues are raised. Compared to the raw dry sludge used as a control, the mineralization of organic matter was less in the different formulations regardless to the soil type. Also, the mineralization rate was lower as the clay content was higher. The addition of montmorillonitic as a binder therefore allowed the stabilization of the organic matter contained in the formulations. Indeed, according to Duchaufour et al. (2018), montmorillonitic clay with 2:1 sheet structure, unlike kaolinite (1:1 type clay), allows building of stable aggregates when associated with organic matter, in the presence of cations such as Ca2+ ions. Also, the liming of the dry faecal sludges, in addition to its action on reducing acidity of the different formulations, provides Ca2+ ions contributing to calcium bridges formation and stable clay-humic complexes. Regardless of the formulation, a higher mineralization rate was recorded in the Endopetric Lixisoil compared to the chromic Lixisoil. Weather conditions and intrinsic characteristic of these two soils may explain this difference observed. Indeed, important biophysical factors such as soil texture, soil mineralogy, soil structure topography, depth to water table, local climate, and plant diversity can regulate agroecosystem nutrient cycling and influence the dynamics of microbial activities and therefore the mineralization of organic matter (Kate and Rebecca, 2017). CO2 fluxes depend on soil water content; for optimal water contents, soil pores are approximately half filled with water and air, with water in the micropores and the air in the macropores (Luo and Zhou, 2006). When soil pores are fully filled by water, oxygen diffusion to the microorganisms is no longer optimum (Pauline and Marc, 2010). As for soil textural constitution, it plays an important role of microorganisms´ accessibility to the organic substrates for mineralization (Pauline and Marc, 2010). In particular, clay particles, by binding to organic matter, protect it from enzymatic attacks which reduces its mineralization (Baldock et al. 2000; Huang et al. 2005).