The number of TCRVδ1+/Foxp3 + γδTregs is increased around both lesional and non-lesional hair follicles in AA
Preliminary pilot observations made during our earlier studies that had identified the pathogenic role of Vδ1 + γδT cells in human AA [27, 28] had raised the possibility that the number TCRVδ1+/Foxp3 + cells is increased. Therefore, we first asked whether and where γδTregs are detectable in healthy human scalp skin, compared to lesional and non-lesional scalp biopsies from AA patients.
Triple immunostaining revealed that a few, scattered γδT cells+/Foxp3 + cells can be visualized around and within the epithelial stem cell-rich, keratin 15 + bulge area of HFs in healthy human scalp skin (Fig. 1A), while only extremely few γδT cells /Foxp3 cells could be detected around the proximal hair bulb of healthy anagen VI scalp HFs(Fig. 1B), i.e. the HF compartment that is primarily attacked by an inflammatory cell infiltrate in AA [12]. Surprisingly, the number of these cells was significantly increased around the hair bulb of lesional HFs (Fig. 1B, p < 0.05). Importantly, a significant increase of peribulbar γδT cells/Foxp3 cells was already noticeable around non-lesional HFs of AA patients compared to healthy control HFs (Fig. 1B, p < 0.05), even though this increase was much more pronounced in lesional compared to non-lesional AA HFs (Fig. 1B, p < 0.05). Mirroring the previously reported increase of Vδ1 + T cells in AA [31], the overall number of TCRVδ1+/Foxp3 compared to TCRVδ2/Foxp3 was strikingly increased around both lesional and non-lesional AA HFs (Fig. 1C, D p < 0.01) (we found no significant difference in the number perifollicular TCRVδ2/Foxp3 between any of the three groups) (Fig. 1E).
These clinical data support, but do not prove, the working hypothesis that TCRVδ1+/Foxp3 get involved in some manner in the early stages of human AA pathogenesis, long before hair loss lesions become clinically visible.
Autologous human γδTregs can readily be generated in vitro from peripheral blood
We next sought to isolate and enrich autologous peripheral γδTregs (TCRVδ2+/Foxp3+) from the same donors who provided scalp HFs for organ culture or scalp skin for xenotransplantation onto immunocompromised mice. The choice of TCRVδ2+/Foxp3 + was dictated by our inability to isolate a sufficient number of autologous TCRVδ1+/Foxp3 + cells from the skin of these donors (the latter is extremely challenging, since AA patients generally are quite hesitant to permit biopsy-taking, and at best consent to very small biopsies being taken). Though we recently managed to isolate TCRVδ1 + cells from the scalp skin of AA patients for γδT cell-HF co-culture [27], the quantity was insufficient for further purification and expansion of TCRVδ1+/Foxp3. However, peripheral blood TCRVδ1/Foxp3 and TCRVδ2/Foxp3 cells both exhibit immunosuppressive and regulatory effects [57, 61, 62, 88, 94]. These cells are thus suitable for proof-of-principle analyses to functionally explore the regulatory properties of γδTregs. Moreover, in clinical practice, only autologous, easily isolated, peripheral blood-derived γδTregs would be suitable as cell-based AA therapeutics.
In the initial step, we isolated autologous γδT cells from the PBMCs of healthy volunteers who also provided scalp skin samples for ex vivo and in vivo experiments. During this process, PBMCs were stimulated with zoledronate, which selectively activates and expands the γδT cell population [88, 89].Subsequently, these cells were cultured for 12 days in a medium enriched with IL-2, IL-15, and TGF-β1, which facilitates the development of γδTreg from T cells, although, as anticipated from existing literature, the purity of these cultures varied [88, 89] (Fig. S1). Thus, while two of the agents used (zoledronate and IL-2) are common to both γδTreg and γδT cell generation, we attempted to specifically expand γδTreg cells through the addition of IL-15 and TGF-β1.
As confirmed by FACS analysis, this method led to the generation of a viable cell population comprising 46.7 ± 3% of γδTCR cells after PBMCs in vitro pre-treatment. Moreover, a subset of 34.5 ± 12% of γδTCR cells expressed Foxp3, indicating regulatory T cell activities (Fig. 2A) [45, 71, 95–97]. For the in vivo and ex vivo experiments, these cells were then sorted using anti-CD3 and anti-γδTCR antibodies (Fig. S2). Some of the sorted cells were assessed by FACS using surface expressionTCRVδ1 or 2 and for intracellular immunostaining of Foxp3 to determine the amount of γδTreg (Fig. S2). FACS analysis on PBMCs in vitro pre-treated with zoledronate, IL-2, IL-15, and TGF-β1, revealed that 89 ± 5% of the sorted CD3 + γδTCR cells expressing Foxp3 were TCRVδ2+/Foxp3+, while only 0.5% of cells were TCRVδ1+/Foxp3+ (Fig. 2B). In the control group, i.e. PBMCs that had not been exposed to IL-2, IL-15, and TGF-β1, a mere 3.1 ± 1% of sorted CD3 + γδT cells were Foxp3+. This confirms that the CD3 + γδT cells sorted from PBMCs cultured with zoledronate, IL-2, IL-15, and TGF-β1, and used in our in vivo and ex vivo models, predominantly consisted of regulatory γδT cells, with a small proportion of non-regulatory γδT cells (see supplementary information detailing the in vitro pre-treatment, sorting strategy, and the subsequent purity FACS analysis for Foxp3: Fig. S2, Tables S1-3).
In line with the published literature, these data confirm the predominance of Vδ2 + T cells among γδTCs in human PBMCs, ranging between 50 and 95% [69, 98, 99]. We show the combination of IL-2, IL-15, and TGF-β1 stimulation to be effective and sufficient for augmenting the expression of Foxp3 markers on γδTCs as a pragmatic, translationally relevant method for amplifying regulatory TCRVδ2+/Foxp3 + in vitro prior to potential applications in cell-based clinical immunotherapy.
γδTregs promote hair regrowth and restore hair follicle immune privilege in experimentally induced human AA lesions in vivo
Next, we functionally probed our working hypothesis that autologous Vδ2 + γδTregs, generated in the manner described above, may be useful as AA therapeutics. For this, three groups of SCID/beige mice were xenotransplanted with healthy human scalp skin as previously described [24–26, 84] and injected intradermally with autologous immune cells as follows: a negative control group was treated with PBMCs that had been pretreated with Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) alone, which induces broad, non-specific activation of T and B cells (25,26,100); the positive control xenotransplants were injected with CD8+/NKG2D + cells to induce AA lesions; and the test group received both CD8+/NKG2D + cells and thereafter also γδTreg cells, injected 45 days later (Fig. S1). As expected, AA hair loss lesions developed in the xenotransplants within 6 weeks after CD8+/NKG2D + injection in all positive control and test animals, but in none of the negative control mice (Fig. 2C and D).
Fifty days after γδTregs injection in vivo, impressive hair regrowth was observed in all treated human xenotransplants. H&E staining confirmed these macroscopic observations and a normalization of the lesions, as evidenced by improvements in tissue structure and reduction in mononuclear cell infiltrates (Fig. 2E), i.e., a return to the physiological histology seen in healthy anagen VI hair follicles.
Moreover, compared to xenotransplants injected with CD8+/NKG2D + cells, the perifollicular infiltrate was significantly reduced, as indicated by a lower number of CD4+ (p < 0.03) (Fig. 3A), CD8+ (p < 0.03) (Fig. 3B), or IFNγ + immune cells (p < 0.03) (Fig. 3C).
Quantitative (immuno-)histomorphometry (qIHM) showed the expected prominent increase in the number of TCRVδ2+/Foxp3 + cells in test xenotransplants, compared to the negative and positive control groups (Fig. S3A-C). Given that only a small percentage of the injected γδTregs had been TCRVδ1+/Foxp3 + cells, in contrast to what one can see in lesional and non-lesional HFs of AA patients (Fig. 1B-D), the xenotransplants obviously showed much more TCRVδ2+/Foxp3 + than TCRVδ1+/Foxp3 + cells (Fig. S3A-C).
Crucially, compared to xenotransplants treated only with CD8+/NKG2D + cells, the IP of lesional HFs that had also received a γδTreg injection was at least partially restored, as indicated by upregulation of the potent HF-IP guardians, αMSH and TGF-β1 [27, 35, 82] (p < 0.05 and p < 0.05, respectively) (Fig. 3D and E), and downregulation of HLA-ABC, (p < 0.02) (Fig. 3F) and HLA-DR protein expression in vivo (p < 0.03) (Fig. 3G) to level that was comparable to that of healthy human HFs in negative control xenotransplants. Taken together, this provides the first evidence that autologous human peripheral γδTregs are therapeutic in a model human autoimmune disorder in vivo, namely in the humanized AA mouse model where peripheral γδTregs stimulated hair regrowth and restored HF-IP.
Peripheral γδTregs also protect from AA development by secreting immune privilege guardians
That the number of γδTregs was found to be increased around both lesional and non-lesional HFs in AA patients (Fig. 1C-E) raised the possibility that this might reflect an attempt to protect the HF-IP from collapse early during AA pathogenesis, similar to what has been proposed for the function of Tregs in murine AA [101] and in murine bulge IP [41]. Therefore, we next asked whether peripheral - γδTregs can also prevent or retard the onset of AA and, if yes, if they do so by releasing TGF-β1 and/or IL-10, i.e. recognized potent IP guardians [22, 82, 102]. For this purpose, xenotransplanted SCID/beige mice were treated either with CD8+/NKG2D + cells and γδTreg cells, and simultaneously with TGF-β1- or IL-10-neutralizing antibodies; only with CD8+/NKG2D + cells; or with both CD8+/NKG2D + cells and peripheral γδTreg cells, along with an isotype control (fig. S1).
Fifty days after CD8+/NKG2D + cell injection, the xenotransplants treated only with these cells showed the expected AA-like hair loss. In contrast, co-administration of γδTreg cells effectively prevented the development of hair loss lesions.This preventive effect was abrogated in the presence of TGF-β1 or IL-10 antibodies (Fig. 4A and B). This provides the first demonstration that adequately pre-stimulated peripheral blood γδTreg cells can effectively suppress the development of experimentally induced AA lesions in previously healthy human skin in vivo. Moreover, this shows that this AA-preventive effect is primarily mediated by TGF-β1 and IL-10 secretion by these γδTregs in the vicinity of HFs that are under attack by pathogenic CD8 + T cells.
Immunohistological analysis showed that the xenotransplants treated with CD8+/NKG2D + cells alone or with CD8 + T cells + γδTregs + TGF-β1 or IL-10 neutralizing antibodies displayed characteristic AA features (Fig. 4C), namely the expected peribulbar mononuclear cell infiltrates (Fig. 4C) typically seen in AA (“swarm of bees”) [12, 13]. specifically an increase in CD4+, CD8+, and IFN-γ + cells, along with increased and ectopic HF expression HLA-DR and HLA-ABC, and a decline in the intrafollicular protein expression of the IP guardians, αMSH and TGF-β1 - all indicating HF-IP collapse [27, 35, 82] (Fig. 5A-G). In striking contrast, qIHM revealed that xenotransplants which had been treated with CD8+/NKG2D + γδTreg cells + isotype control retained intact HF structures, showed diminished inflammatory HF infiltrates (Fig. 4C), and maintained normal low-level MHC class Ia expression as well as prominent αMSH and TGF-β1 protein expression (Fig. 5D and F and G). This demonstrates that autologous peripheral Vδ2 + γδTregs also protect from AA development in vivo by secreting IP guardians and underscores the pivotal role of TGF-β1 and IL-10 secretion in these AA-protective effects.
γδTregs suppress CD8+/NKG2D+-induced cytotoxic hair follicle damage ex vivo
We had previously shown that microdissected human anagen scalp HFs temporarily display tissue distress indicators and a considerably weakened HF-IP immediately immediately after the set-up of organ culture and that, in this ‘stressed’, MICA/B-overexpressing state, are vigorously attacked by co-cultured autologous NKG2D + γδT cells and CD8 + T cells in a manner that reproduces all key features of AA-like HF damage ex vivo: HF-IP collapse, premature catagen induction, and HF dystrophy [14]. Therefore, we used this co-culture assay to mechanistically interrogate the HF interactions of CD8+/NKG2D + T cells in the presence or absence of γδTregs under highly controlled ex vivo conditions in serum-free medium, focusing on immunosuppressive activities γδTregs ex vivo.
Cell division analysis revealed a significantly suppressed proliferation of CFSE-labeled CD8+/NKG2D + cells when these were co-cultured with γδTreg cells (p < 0.05) (Fig. 6A), highlighting the potent immunoinhibitory activity of the latter. We refined our ex vivo immunocyte-HF co-culture model (27) to incorporate varying numbers of γδTregs in co-culture with HFs and CD8+/NKG2D + T cells. This enabled us to determine the optimal amount of γδTregs necessary to effectively inhibit the induction of AA hallmark features ex vivo and showed that co-culturing HFs and CD8 + T cells with 500 γδTregs per well was most effective in suppressing the transition of anagen HFs into catagen (Fig. 6B). When γδTregs alone were co-cultured with HFs, as expected, there was no induction of the AA-associated "danger" signals, CD1d and MICA/B (Fig. 7A-D) [27], and the expression levels of αMSH and TGF-β1 (Fig. 7F-G), and hair matrix proliferation and apoptosis were unaltered (Fig. 7E) compared to control HFs.
When HFs were co-cultured with both γδTregs and CD8 + T cells, the typically observed premature catagen induction by CD8+/NKG2D + cells [27] was significantly suppressed (Fig. 6B). In addition, γδTregs effectively countered the CD8 + T cell-induced HF-IP collapse, as gauged by the low level of HLA-ABC and HLA-DR protein expression in the HF epithelium of anagen HFs (Fig. 7A and B) [27, 82, 83]. Moreover, co-culture with autologous γδTregs also significantly reduced the AA-associated HF overexpression of “danger” signals like CD1d and MICA/B (Fig. 7C and D). Furthermore, there was a marked increase in the proliferation and reduced apoptosis of hair matrix keratinocytes (Fig. 7E) as well as enhanced expression of the HF IP guardians, α-MSH and TGF-β1 in the outer root sheath (Fig. 7F and G).
These HF co-culture data functionally confirm the potency of γδTregs in suppressing AA-like HF damage caused by CD8+/NKG2D + even under reductionist ex vivo conditions.
γδTregs prevent catagen induction in "stressed" HFs by secreting IL-10 and TGF-β1
Finally, we explored by FACS analysis in this co-culture model whether γδTregs exert the above HF-protective effects primarily by the secretion of immunoinhibitory mediators. Analysis of cells derived from the co-culture of γδTregs with "stressed" HFs showed a significant elevation in intracellular IL-10 and TGF-β1 levels after 6 days of HF co-culture with Vδ2 + γδTregs, compared to CD8+/NKG2D + and γδT cells (Fig. 8A). When HFs were co-cultured with CD8+/NKG2D + alone, the percentage of premature catagen HFs was significantly reduced when IL-10, TGF-β1, or both were added to the culture medium (Fig. 8B).
This is in line with the concept that, if γδTregs secrete IL-10 and/or TGF-β1, as expected from previous work [99, 103, 104], this is likely to exert HF-protective effects. Indeed, ELISA analysis showed a significant increase in TGF-β1 (Fig. 8C) and IL-10 levels (Fig. 8D) in the supernatant of HFs co-cultured with γδTregs and CD8+/NKG2D + T cells compared to controls.
Conversely, there was a significant reduction in the supernatant level of IFNγ the key pathogenic cytokine in AA (105) in HFs that had been co-cultured with both γδTregs and CD8+/NKG2D + T cells (Fig. 8E).