HPLC analysis- Characterization of chlorogenic acids, caffeine and trigonelline
This part aims to separate, identify and quantify important for coffee extracts substances, especially two groups. The first are polyphenolic acids, namely, chlorogenic acids such as 3-CQA, 4-CQA, 5-CQA and alkaloids of which caffeine and trigonelline are the key components. The level of identified compounds is shown in Table 1. Content of these ingredients differ in GC and RC beans and depends on the number of factors, such as e.g. post-harvest techniques, storage temperature and type of bags [28, 29] separation, identification and quantification of mentioned compounds were carried out using high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD). For confirmation, UV-VIS absorption spectrum for each compound in coffee samples was compared with corresponding standard spectrum (Fig. 1). Identification of individual compounds was made by comparing individual retention times of each compound peak obtained during the chromatographic analyze of the coffee samples with retention time of the corresponding standards. The content of the compounds was calculated based on five points calibration curve. Each point was injected in duplicate. Identification and quantification of studied compounds were perform using the validated methodology confirmed its selective, linear, precise, and accurate character. Validation parameters and chromatographic data are shown in Table 2.
CQA profiles were significantly different among all experiment variants of temperature, type of packaging and grain processing. For GC samples after 12 months storage, 4-CQA (RDS 16%) and 5-CQA (RDS 15%) presented the highest diversity while in RC samples all compounds maintained at a similar level of diversity (RDS about 10%). 3-CQA was the predominant analyzed compound in GC samples corresponding to approximately 55–60%. Trigonelline and caffeine were 17 and 15% respectively while 4-CQA and 5-CQA constituted only 7 and 5% of analyzed ingredients. In RC samples, 3-CQA level lowered and corresponded to about 30% among the analyzed compounds and also was predominant. Trigonelline and caffeine remained the same level of 21%, while 4-CQA and 5-CQA constituted 13 and 10% respectively. Figure 2 shows the difference in analyzed compounds in GC and RC samples after 12 months storage. The highest level of caffeine and trigonelline for GC and RC, was found in JN samples stored in 10oC (about 1150 and 1300 mg/100g respectively), and the lowest in GW and JW in -10oC (about 840 and 960 mg/100g respectively). There were no significant differences between these compounds in all experiments of GC and RC extracts (p < 0.05). Despite the fact that in the JN bags in uncontrolled conditions and GN 18oC, content of the caffeine and trigonelline in roasted coffee was equally high (about 1200 and 1300 mg/100g respectively), a much lower content of these compounds in GC samples was noted (about 950 and 1100 mg/100g respectively) and thus, there was more variation between GC and RC samples.
Roasting of GC caused loss of the water inside coffee beans and then volatile compounds and carbon dioxide are formed. In general extracting of caffeine and trigonelline from RC is easier than from GC thus, higher level of these compounds were found in RC samples what is in accordance with [30, 31, 32].
CQAs content slowly decreased in GCs among different variants of temperature, type of packaging and grain processing. After 12 months storage, the smallest differences in the content of CQAs were noted in the chambers 10oC for J both, N (1% of difference from initial concentration-DFIC) and W (2% DFIC). While the greatest decrease was recorded in the chamber 5oC for both J bags, N (49% DFIC) and W (59% DFIC) as well. A similar relationship was observed for caffeine and trigonelline content.
For RC prepared from GC after 12 months storage, the smallest content variation for CQAs was observed in chamber 10oC for JW (1% DFIC), 18oC for both natural, GrainPro (4% DFIC) and jute (5% DFIC). This time the biggest difference from initial concentration was noted in the chamber − 10oC for JW (42% DFIC) and in 20oC for JN (48% DFIC). One more time, the same was recorded for the quantity of caffeine and trigonelline.
At the end of 12 months of storage, the sum of CQAs, caffeine and trigonelline contents of GC in washed samples were noted to be lower than in the GC samples prepared in natural process, while for RC prepared from GC after mentioned time of storage the situation was quite the opposite for CQAs (except stored in 18oC) and for caffeine (except stored in -10oC, 18oC and uncontrolled conditions). These trends in trigonelline content in RC brews were the same as in GC samples.
The results show, that for both, N and W coffee samples, G bag can preserve CQAs, caffeine and trigonelline in GC beans better than J bag during storage time. The exception is chamber 10oC where in the samples from J bag higher contents of all analyzed compounds have been reported. It was also noted that quantity of trigonelline and caffeine were also higher in jute bag than in G bag when samples were stored in the uncontrolled conditions. The same behavior of compounds was noticed in the RC samples.
Sensory analysis
One of the most important factors influencing consumer approval of a product are sensory features. The cupping form provides recording important flavour attributes for coffee: aroma, flavour, aftertaste, acidity, body, balance, uniformity, clean cup, sweetness and overall which are rated on a 16-point scale representing levels of quality in quarter point increments between numeric values from 6 to 9, when 6.00-6.75 is good, 7.00-7.75 is very good, 8.00-8.75 is excellent and 9.00-9.75 is outstanding. The final score is calculated by summing the individual scores given for each attributes and additionally for clean cup, uniformity and sweetness. This score allows the coffee to qualify as specialty quality when is above 80 points [3].
After delivering coffee to Poland, the first sensory evaluation, so-called calibration, took place the day before the coffee samples were put into temperature chambers. Then all the attributes for the natural coffee brews: El Oregano (86.0 points of total score) and washed coffee brews: Finca La Maravilla (86.8 points of total score) were determined. The results confirmed the specialty quality of both coffees and were in accordance with Coradi, Borem, Saath, & Marques [21] who noticed that washed coffee presents better quality when compared to the product in its natural form.
The first sensory evaluation of the coffees stored in the chambers was done after 3 months after placing both types of coffees at the indicated temperatures. After 12 months in chambers, the highest total score was achieved for RC samples from -10oC GN (81.1 points), 10oC for both GN and JN bags (79.5 points), as also for 18oC and UC for GN (79.2 and 78.8 points respectively) (Table 3). While the lowest scores was recorded for the samples stored in UC in both jute bags: natural (76.5 points) and washed (76.8 points) as also for chamber 18oC for GW (76.7 points) and 20oC for JN (76.9 points) and GW (76.7 points). The highest diversity among the evaluated attributes occurred for acidity, where the difference between the best and worst results for all samples after 12 months storage was 0.94 points, followed closely by balance and overall, 0.87 points for both. The smallest differences were found within aroma- 0.56 points. However for all attributes fluctuations were at a similar level ranged from 2.3 to 3.0%. After 12 months of coffee samples storage, a decrease ranged from 12.8% to 17.3% in the attributes of sensory analysis was noted in relation to calibration values. The largest difference between the attributes after 12 months compared to the fresh coffee occurred in aroma and was 17.3% of decline in relation to initial values (DRIV), followed closely by acidity (16.0 % DRIV) and also in body and overall (15.8 and 15.9% DRIV respectively). The smallest decrease in sensory values was noted for the aftertaste (12.8% DRIV) among all assessed attributes. Despite the highest total score for the RCs stored 12 months in chamber -10oC GN, large fluctuations were recorded for the remaining types of packaging in this chamber (RSD=3.7%). Based on the results of the sensory analysis, it was found that the most flavour stable results were in chamber 10oC (RSD=2.1%) and the highest values of assessed attributes were found in JN bag. Therefore, only the 10oC chambers and JN bags were considered in the further description. The lowest results were noticed for 20oC and UC.
The results of the sensory evaluation regarding the taste characteristics are graphically presented by means of radar charts (Fig. 3). They illustrate the changes that took place in RC from beginning of sensory evaluation in chambers (Fig. 3A) to 12 months (Fig. 3C) of storage in 10oC chamber taking into account the type of bag and way of coffee bean processing. It is easy to notice a decrease in the taste values of RC in all analyzed variants. The shape of the radar charts for all bags within chamber 10oC at the beginning of sensory evaluation in chambers were similar to the shape of the charts after the 12 month storage time. In both cases, all attributes remain on a similar level, ranged 7.3-7.8 points on beginning of sensory evaluation in chambers and 6.7-7.2 points after 12 months of storage. At the beginning of sensory evaluation in chambers, the highest attributes were felt for JW coffees and the body was characterized by the highest value, while after 12 months in JN the most taste values were felt.
Compared to other chamber temperatures, changes after 12 months in relation to calibration values to individual attributes were the smallest in 10oC (below 14.2% DRIV) except for JW (17.2-18.1% DRIV). We can also notice that the differences of sensory analysis for JN maintain the highest values for all attributes (9.3-11.6% DRIV) except the slightly lower values for aroma (14.2% DRIV) and body (12.4% DRIV). The second pair of radar chart illustrates the changes within the jute natural bags on the beginning of sensory evaluation in chambers (Fig. 3B) and after 12 months storage (Fig. 3D), showing all tested temperatures. Comparing the shapes of the radar charts in all JN bags, we can observe that they differ significantly from each other. At the beginning of sensory evaluation in chambers, all attributes remained at a similar level (7.0-7.7 points) and the flavour was the most noticeable in chambers -10, 5 and 10oC, aroma in 18oC, acidity in 20oC and UC. The highest total score of quality classification was achieved for 10oC chamber (82.4 points) while the lowest for 18oC (79.9 points). While after 12 months of storage, acidity and overall play the main role in the assessment of taste and attributes ranged from 6.6 to 7.2 points. The highest total score of quality classification was achieved for 10oC chamber (79.5 points) while the lowest for UC (76.5 points). Here, the greatest decrease in relation to initial is noticeable for chambers: 20oC (13.7-17.8% DRIV), UC (13.7-18.5% DRIV) and -10oC (13.7-16.7% DRIV). While the results for RC samples stored in the JN bag at 10oC showed the smallest decrease among all assessed attributes (9.3-14.2% DRIV).
Statistical analysis
Correlation matrix was used to find significant correlations between considered variables (Table 4). This compilation allowed to observe that the increase in storage temperature causes a loss of flavour and aroma of coffee brews at the same time causing a growth of the 4-CQA content. In addition, jute bag affected the body attribute. Washed post-harvest process showed the relationship with the content of CQAs while natural process with the other parameters, furthermore trigonelline more strongly. All CQAs strongly positively correlate with each other, weaker with caffeine and 4-CQA further contributes to the aroma. The caffeine content corresponded strongly to the trigonelline and also affected on aftertaste, acidity and overall, while trigonelline correlates with all attributes except body.
Differentiation of green and roasted coffee brews after 12 months of storage, taking into account chemical discriminants
To illustrate the relationship between the concentration of the compounds in the GCs and RCs and different storage conditions, the chemometric analysis such as: PCA, CA was applied. On the basis of the presented tree diagram (Fig. 4A.), it can be concluded that taking into account the Sneath criterion, among the analyzed samples of GCs and RCs, two groups showing mutual similarity can be clearly distinguished. The first group includes RC (purple and blue marking), while the second GC brews (green marking). Inside the RC group the distinction between washed (purple) and natural (blue) coffees is also observed. The cluster analysis technique proved to be helpful in the identification of coffee samples in terms of both the type of grain (CG, RC) and the method of its post-harvest treatment (N.W).
Next, a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to explain the differences between the GC and RC coffees in terms of storage conditions. These results are shown in the system of the two first principal components: PC1 and PC2. The analysis of factor loadings matrix of variables in the factor space shows that the first component consists of highly correlated (>0.96) variables such as positively correlated CQAs and negatively caffeine and trigonelline (Table 5A). Two main factors with eigenvalues higher than one explain over 98.5% of the data variance while the first distinguished factor (PC1) explains nearly 96.5% of the data variance, and its eigenvalue of 4.8 indicates that it contains information originally explained by nearly 5 variables used to describe the research object (Fig. 4B).
The factorial arrangement of coffee sample objects allowed for the identification of 3 groups: a. blue: RCs in GN and JN bags, b. purple: RCs in GW and JW bags, c. black GCs in JN and GN bags and also and green: GCs in JW and GW bags. The location of the group of GC extracts from all types of bags (ellipse c) indicates a greater importance of the discriminants related to the presence of CQAs, in relation to the both RC extract groups a and b. While the position of the group of RC extracts from JN and GN bags (ellipse a) shows a greater importance of caffeine and trigonelline - related factors compare to the rest groups. In the case of both RC and GC samples, the determined components have values at a similar level of differentiation along the first principal component. PCA analysis showed that in the chemical perception of GC and RC all the tested compounds have different significance. The high content of CQAs in coffee beverages is more important in the case of GC brews of all bag types and allow to visualize them as a group along positive PC1 values. In turn, high levels of caffeine and trigonelline group RC brews along negative values.
Differentiation of roasted coffee brews after 12 months of storage, taking into account chemical and sensory discriminants.
The analysis of factor loadings matrix of variables in the fac tor space shows that the first component consists of highly negative correlated (>0.94) all sensory attributes as also a little weaker trigonelline while 4-CQA was positively correlated. The second principal component was caffeine (in plus) and 3-CQA (in minus) (Table 5B). Figure 5 represents the CA and PCA of chemical and sensorial characteristics of RC grains after 12 months of storage in different conditions. The presented dendrogram (Fig. 5A) graphically shows the partition of the analyzed RC in terms of its post-harvest treatment method into two groups: coming from natural and washed process (Sneath criterion).
A similar tendency was repeated in the PCA (Fig. 5B) taking into consideration data obtained for CQAs, caffeine, trigonelline and sensory characteristics. PCA analysis allowed to visually divide the analyzed coffee samples into two sectors: natural- with negative PC1 and positive PC2 values as also washed- with positive PC1 and negative PC2 values. The factorial arrangement of coffee sample objects allowed for the identification of 4 groups: a. light green: RC derived from natural process and stored in G and J in 5 and 10oC chamber, b. dark green: RC derived from natural process and stored in G and J in -10, 18, 20oC and UC chamber, c. dark blue: RC derived from washed process and stored in G and J in -10, 18, 20oC and UC chamber, d. light blue: RC derived from washed process and stored in G and J in 5 and 10oC chamber. Two main factors with eigenvalues higher than one explain over 94.7% of the data variance.
The first distinguished factor (PC1) explains nearly 71.9% of the data variance, and its eigenvalue of 8.6 indicates that it contains information originally explained by nearly 9 variables used to describe the research object. The second distinguished factor (PC2) explains nearly 22.8% and translates the information of the other three variables. The location of the RC extracts group from JN and GN in 5 and 10oC (ellipse a) indicates a greater importance of the discriminants related to the high presence of trigonelline and all sensory attributes which translates into a high total score value. In contrast to light blue group (ellipse d) where presence of 4-CQA is more important while the caffeine and 3-CQA content within both groups fluctuate at similar levels. In the case of both washed and natural RCs from b and c ellipse, the determined components have values at a similar level of differentiation along the first principal component. While in b group infusions with high caffeine importance and lower 3-CQA can be distinguished in opposite to c group.
In this work it has been shown that there is a huge effect of packaging materials, temperature and time of storage on CQAs, caffeine and trigonelline as well. The results show, that for both, natural and washed coffee samples, GrainPro bag can preserve CQAs, caffeine and trigonelline in GC beans better than jute bag during storage time. The exception is chamber 10oC where in the samples from jute bag higher contents of all analyzed compounds have been reported. In sensory analysis, the highest grade in terms of general quality was the coffee stored in the -10oC chamber in GN bag. However, large fluctuations for the remaining types of packaging in this chamber and lower profitability of keeping such a low temperature in warehouses influenced the selection 10oC chamber and JN bags where quality was comparably high. In this case, the decrease in taste values in relation to fresh coffee (calibration value) was only 7.6% and the most noticeable taste was acidity as also overall and the total result in the quality classification was 79.5 points. While the lowest results were noticed for 20oC and UC. A score >79 can be defined to be almost a specialty level. Certainly, these are Premium quality coffees, which constitute a relatively low percentage of the total coffee production in the world.
The PCA analysis showed that in the perception of the chemical and sensory properties of RCs, all tested compounds have different meanings, however, it allows them to be grouped. In order to optimize GC storage conditions, it would be advisable to continue the research in the future by narrowing the temperature range to 7, 10 and 13oC, as well as checking the vacuum packaging.