Let (g, [−, −], ω) be a finite-dimensional complex ω-Lie superalgebra. In this paper, we introduce the notions of derivation superalgebra Der(g) and the automorphism group Aut(g) of (g, [−, −], ω). We study Derω (g) and Autω (g), which are superalgebra of Der(g) and subgroup of Aut(g), respectively. For any 3-dimensional or 4-dimensional complex ω-Lie superalgebra g, we explicitly calculate Der(g) and Aut(g), and obtain Jordan standard forms of elements in the two sets. We also study representation theory of ω-Lie superalgebras and give a conclusion that all nontrivial non-ω-Lie 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional ω-Lie superalgebras are multiplicative, as well as we show that any irreducible respresentation of the 4-dimensional ω-Lie superalgebra P2,k(k 6= 0, −1) is 1-dimensional.