In this work, we characterized the occurrences and propagation speeds of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) east of the Rocky Mountains, using 15 years of radar data. The central United States has a complex topography. The region also has atmospheric environments that initiate and maintain MCSs at multiple scales. The diurnal and regional variability of MCSs based on their longevities was obtained using high-resolution observation data (Stage IV) and an object tracking algorithm MODE-Time Domain (MTD). MTD-determined MCSs in spring and summer were divided into daytime (initiated from 12 to 23 UTC, MCS12) and nighttime MCSs (formed between 00 and 11 UTC, MCS00) and into short lived (less than the 75th percentile) and long lived MCSs (greater or equal to the 75th percentile). Propagation speeds of MCSs were calculated using distances between MCSs’ centroids at each time step. We suggest a novel way to obtain a Hovmoller diagram to indicate average propagation speeds. There were two key results: 1) Spatial and temporal features of propagation speeds vary at each location and time and, 2.) heavy rainfall (rain rates ≥ 5.0 mmhr-1 ) contributed more than lighter rainfall to overall precipitation. In the east during spring, long-lived MCSs occurred more frequently in the spring than in summer. Short-lived daytime MCSs in spring and summer exhibited similar spatial distributions. In summer alone, short-lived nighttime MCSs occurred more frequently that they did in spring. To the east, the average propagation speeds of short-lived MCSs increased in spring and summer, whereas long-lived MCSs indicated decreasing trends.