Inland waters have been increasingly recognized as hotspots for global carbon cycling, moving away from being viewed as passive transporters and reservoirs, to being accepted as interwoven conveyers and reactors1-4. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a major component of freshwater carbon dynamics and represents a complex mixture of molecules from various terrestrial and aquatic sources with many ecosystem functions, ultimately serving as one of the most important intermediaries in the global carbon cycle2. The reactivity or persistence of DOM is related to both the local environmental conditions and its intrinsic chemical composition5-9. Ultra-high-resolution Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) has been adopted in recent years as the most comprehensive technique for characterizing DOM composition as well as linking this to lability, revealing potential sources and degradation processes within heterogenous mixtures9-13. Many of these compositional differences are driven by in situ processing during riverine transport5,10,14, which is responsible for both producing new compounds and mineralizing DOM to CO2, and linking terrestrial carbon to the atmospheric and marine reservoirs2,4,15-16. Riverine export of DOC is approximately 250 Tg C annually, and provides the largest flux of reduced carbon from terrestrial to marine environments15, with the Amazon River responsible for over 10% of the land-ocean DOC flux17-19.
The Amazon is the largest river on Earth by discharge and drainage area, contributing almost 20% of the global riverine discharge to the ocean and draining a massive basin of over 6x106 km2 19. The Amazon River transports inorganic solutes, which are diluted with increasing discharge, and biogenic solutes, which are enriched with discharge; the so-called “rhythm” of the Amazon17,20-21. Among the biogenic solutes, DOM is transported from the high Andes, grasslands, forests, and floodplains, and continually processed on the journey to the Atlantic Ocean22-25. Though the fate of the DOM varies, the majority is thought to be directly exported into the Amazon River coastal plume downstream26-27, whereas the more photo- and biolabile compounds are thought to be mineralized instream6,24,28. Given that the Amazon River outgasses 0.47-1.4 Pg C year-1 as CO2 to the atmosphere29-30, the high DOC concentrations of its tributaries18 and the microbial preference to respire biolabile DOM31-32, it’s likely that a portion of Amazon riverine DOM contributes to CO2 fluxes24,33.
Changes in climate and land use are expected to alter the feedback between atmospheric and aquatic carbon export from the Amazon Basin16. Periodic anomalies in Pacific sea surface temperatures and air pressures result in events known as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), where warmer temperatures are termed El Niño years and colder periods are La Niña years. Historical trends suggest that La Niña events contribute to colder and wetter conditions in the Amazon Basin, while El Niño events lead to warmer and drier conditions34-35; both expected to increase in severity and frequency from climate change36-37. These variations in precipitation have resulted in regional flooding and droughts across the Amazon Basin38-39, which influence the annual discharge of the mainstem34-35,40. While multi-year Amazon River DOC fluxes have been assessed17-18, DOM compositions have been limited to discrete sampling campaigns with incomplete seasonal coverage12,25-27 and have been hypothesized not to vary with discharge41. Furthermore, the effects of ENSO on inter-annual variability in riverine DOM have not been examined. Thus, this is the first study to investigate DOM compositions from the Amazon River spanning an ENSO event. Specifically, we compare DOC fluxes and DOM properties between a La Niña and non-ENSO period (normal period).
ENSO-driven changes in Amazon hydrology and export
Monthly Amazon River sampling began during the onset of the 2011-2012 La Niña whose impacts could be seen at the furthest downstream gauging station and our sampling site in Óbidos, Brazil (Figure 1A). La Niña events were characterized by Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) values below -0.5, which has been utilized by NOAA to predict the severity of ENSO using temperature anomalies in the east-central Equatorial Pacific (Figure 1A). The ONI in this study also closely follows the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) (Figure S1A,B), which is used as an indicator for ENSO developments calculated by sea-level atmospheric pressure differences between Darwin, Australia and Tahiti, French Polynesia. The La Niña event resulted in early and widespread precipitation across the Northern and Western Amazon Basin starting in late 2011 with record flooding occurring in the tributaries feeding into the Amazon mainstem, while other regions received normal or even less rainfall38-39. La Niña peak discharge at Óbidos in mid-May (~270,000 m3s-1) was higher and nearly two weeks earlier than in the previous and following years. Following the wet season, precipitation and discharge patterns returned to normal (defined as non-ENSO, -0.5<ONI<0.5) until the end of 2013 (Figure 1A). Thus, two distinct hydrological regimes spanned the course of the study; the anomalous wet period influenced by the La Niña event (La Niña year) and the following period (normal year). The La Niña year started from August 2011 to July 2012 with a discharge flux of 5,849 km2yr-1 (Figure 1, green region) and the following normal year was from August 2012 to July 2013 with a discharge flux of 5,578 km2yr-1 (Figure 1, blue region). This division was chosen for two reasons. First, samples from mid 2011 to late 2013 were separated into two equivalent hydrologic years, starting and ending on the falling limb of the hydrograph such that any differences between the years would be attributed to inter-annual variations and not seasonal variations. Second, correlations between discharge and ENSO indices are not instantaneous and are detected in Óbidos after a 6-month lag from the SOI34,40 (Figure S1A) as well as the ONI (Figure S1B). By February 2012, ONI values had increased (>-0.5), signifying the end of a moderate La Niña period in the Pacific, but the effects on discharge at Óbidos would still occur for about 6 months. Therefore, the discharge period after July 2012 would no longer have been influenced by the La Niña event and was denoted as the start of the normal year.
The distinction between the years was confirmed using geochemical measurements from the Amazon mainstem at Óbidos. Major dissolved inorganic ions (Cl-, SO4-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) sourced primarily from the Andes21 displayed predictable seasonal variability with higher concentrations in the dry period and lower concentrations in the wet period due to dilution20-21(Figure 1B; Supplemental methods). However, monthly concentrations during the low discharge period were attenuated during the La Niña year (Figure 1B) indicating greater dilution from the widespread precipitation that occurred in the Northern and Western sub-basins at that time38. Average SiO2 concentrations were also significantly higher during the normal year (9.94±1.96 vs 8.02±0.23 mgL-1, p=0.006; Figure 1C) reflecting the greater proportion of Andean water passing through Óbidos during the La Niña and diluting locally weathered Si from lower Amazon reaches20-21. While the inorganic solute concentrations are controlled by dilution, biogenic solute concentrations typically correlate positively with discharge in terrestrial riverine systems8,42. Indeed, DOC concentrations increased with discharge at Óbidos (Figure 1D), likely driven by greater overland flow and input of terrestrial DOM from surface litter and organic soil horizons19,42. Average DOC concentrations between the years did not differ significantly, which is typical of the stable DOC concentrations in the mainstem17,25. However, the flux of DOC from the Amazon was ~10% higher in the La Niña year (26.86 Tg C) than in the normal year (24.09 Tg C) by 2.77 Tg C yr-1, amounting to additional DOC export greater than from the Mississippi River each year8.
Seasonal trends in Amazonian DOM composition
Wet season DOM contained compounds that were of higher molecular weight (MW), more oxidized, and aromatic than in the dry season which were lower MW, reduced, and more aliphatic (Figure 2A,B,C). These compositional differences can be interpreted in the context of bioavailability for heterotrophs because smaller, reduced, and aliphatic compounds are typically more biolabile, whereas larger, aromatic, and oxygenated compounds are usually more stable on the timescales considered here13,43. These trends are consistent with previous Amazonian DOM compositions from Óbidos25 as well as from other major tropical44 and arctic45-46 rivers, with their diverse compositions suggesting heterogeneous sources. Riverine aromatic and oxygenated compounds typically originate from organic soil horizons and fresh plant litterfall that are mobilized during periods of increased hydrological connectivity, whereas microbial DOM is leached from deeper subsurface soil and groundwater under baseflow47-48. Consequently, DOM during seasonal high-discharge events is exported to the ocean with a greater relative contribution from the molecular “island of stability” (IOS) that has been suggested to persist for tens of thousands of years in marine DOM11(Figure 2D). Although IOS compounds were more abundant during high discharge events (Figure 2D), they were still relatively minor compared to the IOS content of marine DOM, and DOM from a variety of global rivers9. Given that IOS content has shown to be inversely proportional to Δ14C 9, this supports the dominance of modern and fresh DOC exported by the Amazon33. During low flow periods, the IOS fraction decreases, at which time more biolabile compounds from groundwater and algal inputs have been suggested to support microbial respiration within the Amazon River17,22,24. However, the increase in biolability is likely small given the overall stable nature of Amazon DOM, which has undergone upstream processing28. Thus, predictable variations in seasonal hydrology offer a reasonable justification for the yearly DOM compositions at Óbidos, which had not been expected to vary with discharge41.
Interannual variability in Amazonian DOM composition
Despite the supposed annual stability of Amazon River DOM, the difference in discharge between the years (271 km2yr-1) was accompanied by shifts in the downstream molecular DOM properties. In the La Niña year, DOM was significantly (p<0.05) larger, more aromatic, oxygenated, and had less S and P-containing compounds than in the normal year (Figure 2, Table S1). Additionally, the average proportion of IOS compounds was significantly higher in the La Niña year (6.0%) than in the normal year (4.8%), but average N/C ratios remained unchanged (Figure 2, Table S1). These changes suggest that the La Niña event mobilized DOM of more terrestrial character into the Amazon River, and subsequently exported to the Atlantic Ocean, than during the normal year. A Jaccard dissimilarity matrix of all the samples indicated that during the normal year, DOM from the dry and wet seasons were distinct, each clustering separately (Figure 3A) as is expected by the mobilization of heterogeneous sources44-47. In contrast, DOM compositions across the entire La Niña year (2011 to July 2012) were homogenous and did not follow this normal year trend, instead resembling wet season DOM from the normal year (Figure 3A). Additionally, the La Niña-driven DOM contained many compounds that were absent from the following year, as illustrated by its high dissimilarity to the group of common molecules found in all the Amazon samples (Figure 3B). Generally, this percent dissimilarity is analogous to chemodiversity, determined from molecular richness, and follows the normal year hydrograph (Figure 3B). However, it remained constant during the La Niña year (Figure 3B), effectively skipping a natural seasonal beat (i.e. arrhythmia) in Amazonian DOM export.
Although the 6-month lag period is strongly supported by the discharge, DOC flux, and inorganic ion data (Figure 1), we further investigated various lag periods on the DOM composition at Óbidos to confirm the separation between the years. Relative intensities of all molecular formulae from the Amazon River were regressed against ONI values ranging from a 0 to 12-month lag period, where a 0-month lag period was just the ONI values measured the same month that DOM was sampled and a 12-month lag period included ONI values measured 12 months prior to DOM sampling. The number of significantly correlated (p<0.05) molecular formulae was lowest at 0 months (233) and peaked (3,537) at a 6-month lag period before decreasing through 12 months (850) (Figure 4A). A similar pattern was observed by correlating formula intensities using the SOI-lagged values, which also peaked at 6 months (Figure S2A); illustrating the utility of both indices to predict changes in Amazon River DOM composition. DOM correlations with 6-month lagged ONI values followed compositional patterns driven by hydrology (Figure 4B). Compounds that correlated positively with the ONI (red points, Figure 4B) were more abundant during normal (non-ENSO) conditions and were more saturated and oxygen-deficient than La Niña DOM, suggesting greater biolability13,43. In contrast, formulae correlated negatively with the ONI (blue points, Figure 4B), meaning they were more abundant during La Niña, were highly aromatic and oxygenated reflecting their presumed terrestrial origins13,43 and suggestive of greater photolability and hydrophilicity10,13. An analogous trend was observed with 6-month lagged SOI correlations, though the correlations were inverted since La Niña events are indicated by positive SOI values (Figure S2B).
Implications of future ENSO events on Amazonian DOM export and carbon cycling
The composition of Amazon DOM is highly dependent on how La Niña, and other ENSO events, influence each region within the basin and subsequently, the DOM exported from each tributary. For instance, heavy precipitation during the La Niña was focused mostly in the Northern and Western sub-catchments, as has typically occurred in past La Niña events38-39. The Northern regions drain into the mainstem via the blackwater Rio Negro and the western regions feed the whitewater Rio Solimões. These tributaries join upstream of Óbidos, together contributing the majority of DOC in the Amazon River18. The Rio Negro exports predominantly aromatic and polyphenolic compounds into the mainstem, while whitewater tributaries adsorb this material to their sediment load upon mixing and contribute relatively more aliphatic compounds12. However, different precipitation patterns could alter the proportion and composition of DOM exported from each tributary. For example, greater precipitation in the Rio Negro Basin and Northeast alone would have leached more aromatic DOM into the tributary from organic-rich soils, possibly overwhelming the adsorptive capacity of fine suspended sediment from the Solimões12,49, resulting in even more aromatic and IOS compounds exported to the mainstem. In contrast, had the La Niña caused more precipitation in the south than the north, fine suspended sediment from the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes might have adsorbed more aromatic DOM from the Rio Negro as the tributaries mixed, lowering the aromaticity and nitrogen content of the DOM in the Amazon River7,23,49. Thus, the extent and location of precipitation anomalies within the Basin determine the sources and quality of DOM exported from the tributaries into the mainstem, which could subsequently impact the rate of mineralization in the Amazon and its fate in the Atlantic Ocean.
The Amazon River emits vast amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere29-30 with annual fluxes potentially susceptible to changes in climate and land use16. We propose that DOM compositions exported from the Amazon River will vary with future ENSO cycles, which are expected to increase in frequency and intensity this century from anthropogenic climate change36-37. More frequent La Niña events will likely result in greater riverine discharge at Óbidos34-35, exporting more terrestrial aromatic DOM into the Atlantic Ocean with a lower potential for microbial mineralization during transport and in the river plume. However, this may also lead to greater photooxidation of DOM, which is typically only a minor source of CO2 in the Amazon Basin6,50, but is an important degradation process for organic-rich waters particularly in coastal ecosystems and in the Amazon plume10,26-27. In contrast, more frequent El Niño events may export less terrestrial DOM into the Amazon River as a result of less regional rainfall and reduced hydrologic connectivity34-35, with its own unique arrhythmia and opposite molecular trends of what was observed during the La Niña year (Figure 1). Given that past ENSO-related revents have been linked to predictable changes in the Amazon carbon balance34, it is likely that future events may also influence regional carbon cycling. Overall, we hypothesize that ENSO-related events will increase arrhythmic variations in exported DOM compositions and will impact future CO2 fluxes from the Amazon River, possibly increasing pCO2 from respiration of mobilized DOM compounds31-32.
Though the long term effects of ENSO on Amazonian carbon balance currently remains speculative, the differences in DOC fluxes and DOM composition observed between a La Niña and a normal year along with the projected increase in ENSO events suggest that discharge, DOC, and CO2 fluxes must be continually reevaluated in long-term datasets to better understand their contributions to the global carbon cycle. This includes considerations as to where studies will be conducted within the basin since tributaries export DOM from various sources and may not all be equally mobilized by ENSO events.