Study participants: From a sample of 1165 individuals aged between 40 and 70 years who had been recruited in general medical practices, job agencies, or via a health insurance company between June 2012 and December 2013, 95% gave written consent to be contacted again. Of those, a total of 401 persons were offered participation in a randomized-controlled study that aimed to assess the feasibility of a brief tailored letter intervention to increase PA and to reduce SB in leisure time. The design and participant flow were described in detail elsewhere.18
SB, LPA, and MVPA were measured with accelerometry at baseline (n = 175) and after 12 months (n = 165, 94%). Two participants at each measurement period were excluded due to missing accelerometer data (excluded, n = 4). In addition, we analyzed data only among those who have worn the accelerometer ≥ 10 hours per day (h/day) on ≥ 5 days including at least one weekend day (excluded, n = 25). The final sample size comprised 136 participants.
Procedure: At baseline and after 12 months, all participants underwent the following procedure: (1) cardiovascular health program including blood sample taking and standardized measurement of blood pressure, waist circumference, body weight, and height at the cardiovascular examination center of the University Medicine Greifswald; (2) self-administered assessments of socio-demographics, SB, and PA; (3) wearing an accelerometer for seven consecutive days; and (4) protocolling daily working hours over the monitoring period.
Study participants were instructed to wear the accelerometer on their right hip with an elastic band, to start the day after the cardiovascular health program in the morning after getting dressed, and to take it off during night’s sleep and water activities. All participants were informed that PA would be recorded for seven days.
After baseline assessments, participants were randomized into an assessment-only group (n = 85) or an intervention group (n = 90). Additionally, for all participants, self-administered assessments of SB and PA were conducted at month 1, 3, 4, and 6 after baseline. Only individuals of the intervention group received up to three letters tailored to their self-reported SB and PA at month 1, 3, and 4. The study was conducted between February 2015 and August 2016 and was approved by the clinical ethical committee of the University Medicine Greifswald (protocol number BB 002/15a).
Measures: Accelerometer-based data were assessed using a tri-axial ActiGraph Model GT3X+ accelerometer (Pensacola, FL). The accelerometers were initialized at a sampling rate of 100 Hertz and raw data were integrated into 10-second epochs. Data from the vertical axis were used. For statistical analysis, data from the accelerometers were downloaded and processed using ActiLife software (Version 6.13.3; ActiGraph).
Time spent in SB, LPA, MVPA, and wearing the accelerometer was determined by minutes per day (min/day). Non‐wear time was calculated by the Troiano algorithm, defined as at least 60 consecutive minutes of zero activity intensity counts, with allowance for ≤ 2 minutes of counts (counts/min) between 0 and 100. To identify the time spent in different intensities of PA, we used cut points according to different intensity threshold criteria.19 Values < 100 counts/min were determined as SB, values between 100 and 2019 counts/min as LPA, and values ≥ 2020 counts/min as MVPA. Different intensity activities (LPA and MVPA) or SB were accumulated in bouts of ≥10-minutes, respectively.
Sex, age, and years of school education (< 10 years/ 10 to 11 years/ ≥ 12 years) were obtained by a self‐administrative questionnaire. In addition, study group (assessment-only group/ intervention group), time (baseline/ after 12 months), recruitment site (general practice/ job center/ health insurance), first day of measurement (weekday/ weekend day),20 season of data collection (winter/ spring/ summer),21 and the average number of working hours4 on each day the accelerometer was worn were included as covariates.
Statistical analyses: We decided to include data from both study groups as all participants received almost the same assessment procedure, the feasibility study was not powered to detect differences between assessment-only group and intervention group, and previously published data revealed that there were no differences in self-reported PA and SB between groups after 12 months.18
SB, LPA, and accelerometer wear time were approximately normally distributed, thus untransformed values were used for analyses. To account for their right‐skewed distributions, MVPA data were square root transformed. For all analyses, p-values below 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Latent growth models were used to investigate AMR for both measurement periods.22 In line with Baumann et al.,15 time spent in SB, LPA, MVPA, and wearing the accelerometer on each of the seven days of measurement was represented by seven observed indicators of these continuous latent variables (growth factors). The indicators were regressed on latent growth factors representing trajectories of outcomes over a week.22 A maximum likelihood estimator with robust standard errors was used. The shape of the growth curves was determined by time scores defined in the measurement model of the growth factors and matched with the observed day number of the measurement week. To specify nonlinear growth curves, an overall change function (e.g., linear, quadratic, cubic) was fitted to the sample by adding quadratic and cubic slopes of time scores to the models. Rescaled Likelihood Ratio Tests were used to test whether higher order functions of time scores and free growth factor variances were required.23 Working hours as a time‐varying covariate that was specified to predict outcomes at the corresponding day of measurement has been taken into account for all models. Additionally, accelerometer wear time as a time‐varying covariate was used in modelling SB and activity outcome variables (LPA and MVPA). Non-zero time trends in the outcomes over the days of measurement would imply reactivity. In the models, the slope factor was freely estimated if appropriate and treated as a reactivity indicator reflecting the individual average change in outcome over time. Therefore, the factor scores of outcomes were saved and included as a reactivity indicator in further analysis. Statistical analyses were performed using Mplus version 7.316.23
For each outcome, the average of the 7 days of measurement was calculated. Two-level (individual and time) mixed-effects linear regression analyses were performed to assess changes in accelerometer-based outcomes from baseline to 12 months apart, including a random intercept for subjects. All regression models were adjusted for sex, age, education, study group, time, recruitment site, first day of measurement, and season of data collection. In addition, we added the individual average value of accelerometer wear time, the reactivity indicator of the respective SB and PA outcome, and a combination of these factors as potential covariates step-by-step.
We used intraclass correlation (ICC) coefficients to decide which model for each outcome was most appropriate. The ICC is a measure of reproducibility of replicate measures from the same subject.24 The ICC coefficient is classified as follows: less than 0.4 indicates poor, between 0.4 and 0.75 fair to good, and 0.75 or more excellent reproducibility.24 To illustrate the agreement between both measurement periods and to estimate the limits of agreement interval (95% Confidence Interval, CI), Bland Altman plots were applied. Statistical analyses were performed using Stata/ SE version 14.2.25