In the present analysis, degradation of wood pulp waste biomass during storage was assessed directly as dry matter loss and indirectly via CO2 emission rate and heat formation, i.e., microbial respiration and heat release. All these measures indicated that biological decomposition activity was higher in the mixed bark-sludge biomasses (B75S25 and B50S50) than in the pure bark material (B100). Increasing the proportion of sludge in the mixture from 25–50% (fresh weight) increased heat release and cumulative CO2 emissions. However, the biological activity in B50S50 seemed to be higher mainly in the early part of the storage period, whereas that in B75S25 exhibited higher activity towards the end. It can be assumed that the increased degradation activity in the mixed biomass not only reflected the higher degradation potential of the sludge (caused by higher N and moisture content and smaller particle size in comparison with bark), but also led to enhanced decomposition of the bark material.
Mean dry mass losses per month were similar in the laboratory and outdoor experiments, although the rates were slightly lower in the laboratory. Lower than optimal moisture content for microbial activity in the drying surface layer of the biomasses stored indoors may have contributed to this difference. The accuracy of dry mass loss determination was challenged in general by the inherent non-homogeneity of the material, namely in relation to moisture distribution, and consequently the differences between treatments were not statistically significant in the outdoor experiment. Previous studies on degradation of bark are scarce. Ernstson et al. [20] incubated spruce bark at different temperatures and atmospheres, and found that dry mass loss rates calculated from oxygen consumption ranged from 1.5% to nearly 20% per month. Studies on variously stored logging residues have reported monthly dry mass loss rates varying mainly from below 1–3% [21, 22, 23].
As the ambient temperature and CO2 profiles revealed, the degradation activity was not linear in time. Rather, an initial activity peak, likely caused by consumption of the most easily digestible materials, was followed by ambient temperature-dependent fluctuations. Wood waste piles are known to self-heat, even to the point of spontaneous ignition [24, 25], but in small piles there is usually no marked temperature rise [26]. Conditions in the small piles stored at temperatures below 30°C throughout the present study can be taken to represent those in the outer layers of the large waste stacks at pulp mills, which do not exhibit the thermo-chemical oxidative reactions occurring at higher temperatures [6]. For biological decomposition, however, moderate temperature levels (25–40°C) are favorable [20, 27, 28]. Below the optimum temperature, biological decomposition progressively decreases [29, 30]. In the present study, differences in heat release between treatments decreased with decreasing ambient air temperature, but the increase in biological activity caused by the higher sludge inclusion (B50S50) was discernible already at an ambient temperature of 3°C. In the climate at high latitudes, sludge addition to bark may thus extend the period of active decomposition compared with that of pure bark.
In addition to temperature, biological decomposition rate depends on moisture. At very low water potential (around − 40 MPa) degradation will cease, whereas with increasing moisture the decomposition activity tends to increase until the rate of oxygen diffusion becomes limiting [29, 30]. There was no correlation between CO2 emissions and rainfall during outdoor storage in the present study, indicating minor moisture-related limitations. However, as stated earlier, in the laboratory incubation with no external water input, a moisture gradient developed from the bottom of the container to the surface, and degradation in upper layers may have been retarded by low moisture content.
The contrasting trends in biomass moisture status from start to end of the experiment between the laboratory (moisture decrease) and outdoor study (moisture increase) governed the final effective heating value of the biomasses. The increase in moisture in materials stored outdoors decreased the heating value, due to energy consumption for water evaporation. For most biomasses, self-sustaining combustion ceases at around 65% moisture content on a wet weight basis [7]. Therefore, in management of fuelwood efforts are made to decrease the moisture content through natural drying during storage [22, 23]. Both wetting and drying effects were emphasized in the outdoor conditions in the present study, as the small piles were entirely exposed to percolating rain water, whereas in the laboratory small sample volumes were exposed to the low humidity of the indoor air. The roughly equal, but opposite, relative change of 55% from the initial effective heating value due to wetting and drying demonstrated the magnitude of possible energetic losses and gains related to moisture control.
On a dry matter basis, the effective heating value of all biomasses studied decreased by roughly 5% during storage, although the effect was not statistically significant in the outdoor study. This decrease can be attributed to the degradation-induced increase in the ash content of the biomasses [31]. Overall, the effective heating values (dry) determined were in agreement with the typical ranges reported for logging residues, fuelwood, and bark [6, 7, 26, 32]. Variations in values are caused by e.g., wood species, age of the tree (density and wood:bark-ratio), and growing site [32]. Mixing sludge with the bark resulted in roughly a 2–7% decrease in effective heating value per unit dry mass in comparison with pure bark, which reflects the inherently lower heating value of the sludge. In the true moisture state (‘as received’ values), this decrease was somewhat higher (8–35%), as the sludge-containing treatments maintained slightly higher moisture content than pure bark.
The results obtained for total energy content in this study indicate that the pulping industry should seek other utilization methods for pulp and paper mill sludge, rather than incineration, and should consider use of measures to prevent the biomass being wetted during storage.
In an industrial context, effective heat values in biomasses used as fuel are typically not measured regularly. For example, in the Imatra mill where the raw material for this study was collected, only the dry matter of the fuel being conveyed to the biomass boiler is measured, using a single sample on a daily basis. The control system of the biomass boiler calculates the effective heat value, using the amount of steam produced as the basis for the calculation. However, there are many uncertainties that can affect the calculated heat value, and in real life this is used only as an indicative measure of fuel quality. From the perspective of the pulp and paper industry, this study provides evidence of how much of the energy value is lost during storage of bark and sludge.
In terms of environmental impact, decomposition of wood material is accompanied by emissions of greenhouse gases, namely CO2 and CH4 [10, 33]. Since the non-fossil C in pulp mill wood waste is eventually converted to CO2 during combustion, the negative effect of pre-incineration CO2 release is mainly associated with loss of energy, as discussed above. However, the environmental impact of CH4 is many times that of CO2, so CH4 generation in possible anaerobic pockets within the waste piles should be avoided. Cumulative CH4 emissions during the present study were low overall, but inclusion of sludge increased the CH4 emissions over the level in pure bark. It can be assumed that in larger stacks at commercial mills, gas exchange is less efficient and CH4 production is thus more probable. In a life cycle assessment of coppice willow for energy, Whittaker et al.[34] concluded that the greenhouse gas emissions results are highly sensitive to CH4 emissions from the storage phase. However, existing estimates on CH4 evolution during wood degradation are uncertain and further research on the topic is required [34, 35]. Emissions of N-containing gases (N2O and NH3) were found to be negligible in the present study, which was explained by the high C:N ratio of the materials studied (initial C:N ratio ranged roughly between 60 in B50S50 and 130 in B100). In N-limited degradation, there is no release of free ammoniacal-N for NH3 emissions or nitrate conversion [36]. Consequently, practically no inorganic N was leached with percolating water in the present study.
The characteristics of wood waste leachate are known to depend on the tree species, its state of degradation and volume, and the degree of contact between the percolating water and wood. In general, the main environmental concerns related to the leachate are high loads of organic substances, causing oxygen depletion and toxicity, and the P content, which contributes to eutrophication of surface waters [12, 37]. In bark extract, the water-soluble COD is comprised mainly of tannins, simple carbohydrates, and phenol monomers [38]. Previously reported COD values for waste waters from bark and wood handling range from below 100 to nearly 15000 mg L− 1 [12, 38], so the values obtained here (380–4700 mg L− 1) for bark and bark-sludge mixes are rather typical. The cumulative COD over the entire study period was clearly higher for the pure bark than for the bark-sludge mixes. Higher microbial decomposition activity in the mixed biomasses may in part have reduced the availability of labile organic compounds, but their inherent content in the sludge fraction may also have been lower than in the bark.
In contrast to the organic load, higher amounts of inorganic elements tended to be released into percolating water from the sludge-containing materials than from pure bark, probably due both to initially higher concentrations and higher mobility of the elements in the sludge. However, apart from P, K, Na, and S, the inorganic elements analyzed proved to be rather non-mobile in all biomasses studied. Interestingly, mixing sludge with bark reduced leaching of P. A probable mechanism is sorption or precipitation of inorganic phosphate-P with Fe, and especially Al, introduced within the sludge, but biological immobilization of P may also have occurred [39]. Aluminum-based chemicals are used in the effluent treatment process at the mill where the study materials were collected, which likely explains the Al content in the sludge.