In a population-based representative sample of US Hispanic/Latino adults, we confirmed that TMAO, a diet-derived, gut microbial related metabolite, was associated with a higher prevalence of CVD. Since 2011, it has been reported that heightened circulating TMAO was associated with an increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (including myocardial infarction, stroke, or death)[1, 2, 5]. The relationship between TMAO and CVD was examined in subsequent studies of different populations and confirmed in a meta-analysis of 19 cohorts which mainly included Caucasian and black participants[3]. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report a positive association between TMAO and prevalent CVD in US Hispanic/Latino adults of diverse backgrounds, though further studies with prospective data in this population are needed.
Our analyses demonstrated both GMB-dependent (e.g., red meat) and GMB-independent diet (e.g., fish) sources of circulating TMAO in human populations. GMB-dependent TMAO, meaning the fraction that is produced by gut bacteria metabolism, was mainly from dietary choline and carnitine, both of which are abundant in eggs, yolks, liver, and a variety of meat[9, 32, 33]. However, TMAO is also naturally existing in seafood in a preformed state[34, 35]. A recent randomized controlled trial confirmed that eggs had the highest content of choline, beef had the highest level of carnitine, while fish had 650 times more TMAO compared to eggs and beef[6]. Along with another dietary intervention study, these reports found that circulating TMAO increased over a short time after consumption of fish[6, 36]. A few observational studies conducted in general populations have examined the associations of food groups with TMAO and yielded various results[8–11, 37]. For example, fish and red meat intakes were positively correlated with circulating TMAO in studies from Germany and Italy[10, 11], while another study from Germany found that consumption of dairy, but not meat, eggs, or fish was positively associated with plasma TMAO[8]. In addition, a study from China found that consumption of fish but not red meat was associated with elevated urinary TMAO[9]. Our current study found that consumption of fish, red meat, and eggs were three major dietary determinants of serum TMAO in US Hispanics/Latinos; and red meat and egg intake, but not fish intake, were positively associated with serum levels of TMAO precursors. Our findings provide strong supports for two suggested major pathways of TMAO in human circulation[6, 36].
Previous studies in mice and humans have indicated that circulating TMAO from choline or carnitine was GMB dependent[1, 5]. However, the specific taxa which might be associated with TMAO production have not been fully understood. Recently, several studies have explored the relationship between gut bacterial taxa and circulating levels of TMAO in humans [5, 12, 13, 38, 39]. For example, three intervention studies including 20 to 60 participants found that several genera (e.g., Clostridium clusters XIVa) belonging Clostridiales order were associated with elevated TMAO[5, 38, 39]. Strains from Clostridium XIVa have been confirmed to possess a choline TMA-lyase (cutC)[40]. Another two recent studies in general populations also found that genera belonging to the Clostridiales, Bacteroidales, or Desulfovibrionales order were positively associated with circulating TMAO[12, 13]. Partially consistent with previous results, the four gut microbial species which were positively associated with serum TMAO in our study all belong to the Clostridiales order. More specifically, two microbial species (i.e., Oscillibacter sp. ER4 and Oscillibacter sp. 1–3) identified in our study, belong to Oscillibacter, a genus which was previously reported to be associated with circulating TMAO levels[39, 41]and cerebrovascular disease[42]. Moreover, our bacterial gene alignment analysis indicated that three of these four gut microbial species (Oscillibacter sp. 1–3, Pseudoflavonifractor capillosus, and Intestinimonas butyriciproducens) possess homologous genes encoding carnitine monooxygenase (cntA/B), an enzyme which converts carnitine to TMA/TMAO (Supplementary Table 4). This suggests that these species may have the potential to produce TMO, though further analytical and experimental studies are needed to demonstrate the TMA-producing capability of these species.
The identified gut microbial species and their potential capability to produce TMA/TMAO from carnitine/red meat were further supported by a significant microbial modification on the red meat-TMAO association observed in this study. This finding suggests that the positive association between red meat and circulating TMAO is dependent on these gut taxa which might contribute to the processing of carnitine from dietary red meatto TMA/TMAO[10, 43]. As expected, we did not find such microbial modification on the association between fish intake and serum TMAO, further supporting fish as a GMB-independent diet source of circulating TMAO[6, 36]. We also did not find such microbial modification on the association between egg intake, a major dietary source of choline[10], and serum TMAO, which is line with our bacterial gene alignment results that these gut microbial species may contain carnitine monooxygenase (cntA/B), but not choline TMA-lyase (cutC) (Supplementary Table 4). Consistently, a recent dietary intervention study also suggested that higher intake of dietary red meat may increase systemic TMAO levels through microbial TMA/TMAO production from dietary carnitine, but not choline[43]. Nevertheless, since the does-response relationship between egg consumption and circulating TMAO has been demonstrated in this and previous studies[2, 44], future studies are needed to clarify the gut microbial pathway linking dietary egg/choline consumption and microbial TMA/TMAO production in humans.
This study also identified a number of gut microbial species inversely associated with serum TMAO. Among them, it is noteworthy that Bifidobacterium saguini (FDR < 0.05) and several others (i.e., B. longum, B. breve, B. gallinarum, and B. bifidum with a raw P < 0.05 but did not pass FDR), belongs to Bifidobacterium, a genus which has been widely reported to be inversely associated with circulating TMAO levels in humans[12, 45] and mice[46]. In support of these findings, some members of Bifidobacterium and other gut microbiota, such as the Streptococcaceae family (Streptococcus mitis inversely associated with serum TMAO in the current study belongs to this family), have been found to convert TMAO to TMA in mice and pure culture[47], although the converting rate was relatively low.
Several limitations of our study need to be acknowledged. First, follow up of incident CVD outcomes in HCHS/SOL is still ongoing, and at present, we are unable to examine the prospective association between serum TMAO levels and risk of CVD. Second, we used an untargeted metabolomic profiling method, which did not allow us to obtain the absolute concentrations of serum metabolites, but this would not influence association results for TMAO and other metabolites with CVD, dietary factors or GMB features. Third, ascertainment of dietary intake and serum metabolites preceded sampling of GMB by ~ 6 years, although human GMB has been found to be notably stable over a long period.[48] However, this time lag may bias associations towards null, and we would expect even stronger associations with concurrent data. Moreover, given the utilization of shallow shotgun sequencing method, we did not analyze the microbial functional profiles in this study. Finally, the present study included US Hispanics/Latinos, who have a distinctive dietary pattern and GMB composition[16], and tri-admixed genetic backgrounds; hence, it should take caution to generalize our findings.