2.1 Conceptualizing contact network
The agent-based model (ABM) is a micro-scale model that simulates the synchronous interactions of agents based on pre-defined rules [15]. The ABM has been integrated into network science to enhance our understanding of human behaviors [16]. In a network-based ABM, each agent can be represented as a node, which interacts with other agents under predefined behavioral assumptions in an abstracted interaction network [17]. Recently, the network-based ABM has received elevated attention in near real-time genome sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 virus [18]. Its applications to the COVID-19 transmission in communities (e.g., schools) are relatively lacking.
The transmission process of the SARS-CoV-2 virus can be regarded as the transition of an individual's health status via interactions with infectious agents [19]. This process can be illustrated by Fig. 1, where an agent’s health status could change if the agent’s contact network entails an infectious agent. Additionally, the internal transmission process inside a school can be influenced by the community spread beyond the school environment [20]. We thus incorporate the community risk as an external node into the contact network, meaning that each agent can become infectious at a given probability even without contacting other internal agents (Fig. 1).
To construct the contact network, all agents’ daily activity patterns, including their movement trajectories, locations of stay in an activity environment (e.g., dining hall, residential building), and periods of stay, must be acquired. Deriving these activity patterns for all agents is a prerequisite for building the contact network at each time point. This process in our case study is detailed in the Appendix.
2.2 Infection phases
Based on the classical SEIR model, an agent’s health status in an infection cycle can be divided into four statuses: susceptible (S), exposed (E), infectious (I), and recovered (R). The transition of the health status, reflecting the disease progression, is key to simulating the spread of an epidemic. Based on the study of modeling school reopening [21] and the successive vaccination stage [22], we introduce six heath statuses to illustrate a complete infection cycle, including susceptible (S), exposed (E), pre-symptomatic (Ip), infected (I), recovered/removed (R), and vaccinated (V). These six health statuses constitute five infection phases, as shown in Fig. 2.
The transition of an agent’s health status at each infection phase is articulated below.
Phase 1 (S → E): the probability of an agent transitioning from S to E in an activity environment j at time t is Pt,j. It is dependent on both the internal infection probability Φt,j and the external (community) infection probability Ψ, as shown in Eq. (1). An agent’s internal infection probability Φt,j in activity environment j at time t is shown in Eq. (2). An agent’s external infection Ψ is a ratio of the community infection rate pc to the agent’s health level H, as shown in Eq. (3)
H: agent’s health level;
K: decay coefficient for the infection rate of an Ip-status agent;
mt: number of Ip-status neighbors in an agent’s contact network at time t;
nt: number of I-status neighbors in an agent’s contact network at time t;
pc: community infection rate;
pj: infection rate in activity environment j;
Pt,j: probability of an agent transitioning from S to E in activity environment j at time t;
Φt,j: internal infection probability;
Ψ: external infection probability.
Phase 2 (E → Ip): an E-status agent transitions to the Ip-status after a latent period (ε−1). During this phase (t through t + ε−1), the agent is not infectious.
Phase 3 (Ip → I): an Ip-status agent transitions to the I status after the prodromal period (µp−1); and the duration from E to I is the incubation period σ−1. During this phase (t + ε−1 through t + σ−1), an Ip-status agent infects all S-status neighbors at an infection rate Kpj if they are within the same contact network.
Phase 4 (I → R): an I-status agent transitions to R-status after the infection period (γ−1). During this phase (t + σ−1 through t + ε−1 + γ−1), the I-status agent infects S-status neighbors in its contact network at the infection rate pj.
Phase 5 (S → V): an S-status agent transitions to V-status, if it is vaccinated. A V-status agent is not infectious and cannot be infected. The number of S-status agents is determined by the initial number of S-status agents S0 and the immunized agents αvS0, where v is the vaccination rate and α is the vaccine efficacy [23], as is shown in Eq. (4).
The parameters in Fig. 2 and Equations (1) through (4) are derived from existing epidemiological parameters, as shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Epidemiological parameters used in the simulation model.
Incubation period
σ−1 ~ lognormal (1.6, 0.5)∩σ−1∈[2, 14] days
Prodromal period
2 days
Latent period
σ−1 - µp−1
Infection period
γ−1 ~ lognormal (2.05, 0.25)
Decay coefficient for the infection rate of an Ip-status agent
Internal infection rate in an activity environment j
Dining hall: 3.03e− 4/min;
residential building: 1.74e− 4/min; lecture hall (including library): 3.30e− 5/min
Community infection rate
9.5e− 8/min
Agent’s health level
1/H ~ normal(1, 0.1)
Vaccine efficacy
The workflow for the ABM simulation is given in Fig. 3. We call this proposed model the contact network agent-based model (CN-ABM).